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­ PEARSON Longman TeSt' (Total 80 marks) (UNITS 1-2J Grammar ~ ~ ~ Josh Sandy Tina like jazz X / X live in a flat X / / play the guitar X / X 1) Look at the information Write positive and negative sentences (Sandy/jazz) ~g!J.rfy''!!'~.~?jg?l: (Josh and Tina/jazz) !.9.~/J g!nt r!!!!! rf.9.'J.1!!M;jg~?· (Josh/live in a flat) (Tina/a flat) (Sandy and Tina/a flat) (Sandy/the guitar) ' (Josh and Tina/the guitar) (5 marks) 2) Look at the information Write questions and short answers 'rina/jazzj p c!.t;.~.nr.g.!!A~jg~??l:!!!!.?h~.~!!.~?f!:t: (Sandy/jazz) (Sandy and Tina/a flat) (Josh/a flat) (Josh and Tina/the guitar) (Sandy/the guitar) (10 marks) Test • 3) Circle the correct answer EXAMINATION RULES • No dictionaries • No hot drinks or food • Cans/Bottles of cold drinks are OK • Remember your pen You !!!.L!.~tl.@ take any food to the examination You must/mustn't take a dictionary to the examination You can/mustn't have a cup of coffee in the examination You must/can have a cold drink in the examination You must/can take your pen to the examination You can/can't eat anything in the examination (5 marks) 4) Complete the sentences using there is(n't) / there are(n't), some and any Are there !!!!Y posters on the wall? There are books in the bookcase any children in the classroom a key in the door? Th'rp aren't houses near the sea some flats in the town centre (5 marks) Pronunciation 5) Mark the stressed words or syllables in these sentences There are two stresses in each sentence 11's on the bookcase 1t's under the bed 11's in front of the door 11's next to the window 11's above the desk It's behind the box (5 marks: half a mark each) • Test Vocabulary 6) Complete this table of countries and nationalities Country Nationality Spain Spanish the USA Argentinian Britain Canadian German Greece ltaly Polish Portugal Turkish 10 (5 marks: half a mark each) 7) Complete the sentences with family words My father's wife is my !!!9.~f:1.~L My mother and my father are my My father's son is my My father's daughter is my 1\ Iv father is my mother's My mother is my father's (5 marks) 8) Circle the odd word out jazz ~ soul tloor tlat door house yellow bed beige window city checked bedroom plain rap curtains hostel striped wardrobe purple spotted armchair pink (5 marks) Test • 9) look at the picture Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions • in front of • in the corner • on the right • opposite • next to • on the left ~. ,~j };~\J Irtf ~I \~ ~ < ~ , There's a desk Q!?,th~.!~r.t of the door and an armchair ( 1) of the door My bed is (2) the armchair There's a window (3) the door and (4) the window there's a small table There's a wardrobe (5) of the room (5 marks) Communication 10) Complete the conversations using these words or expressions • What's your name • Welcome • Where are you from • you mustn't play loud music after ten o'clock • I'm from • Can we play CDs in our room • everyone calls me • all right • I'm late • to meet you • This is my Camp leader: Hello, everyone Nice ~9 m~~t.y.f?y: (1) to London My name's Michael but (2) Mick Now who's who? (3) ? Julie: I'm Julie and (4) New York (5) friend, Eiko Camp leader: Hello, Eiko (6) ? Eiko: I'm from Tokyo Camp leader: Oh, right Now, has anyone got any questions? Julie Yes, I have (7) ? Camp leader: Yes, you can if you like, but (8) Now, who's this? Tom: l'm Tom Sorry (9) Camp leader: That's (10) (10 marks) • Test Reading 11) Read the information about Dave • Work newsleHer THE MANCHESTER PROJECT Summer holiday club for 12-16 year aIds Volunteer: Dave Carter Age: 18 Hi! I'm Dave Carter This summer I'm here in Manchester as a volunteer with the Manchester Project The project organises a summer holiday club for teenagers I don't get any pay but I get free food and accommodation Manchester is an exciting city It is situated in the north-west of England on the River IrwelL It has a population of around 444,000 people and of course it is famous for its two football clubs I don't come from Manchester I come from Bath I live with my parents in a nat in the centre of the city Bath is a very old city situated in the south-west of England on the River Avon It has a population of around 85,000 people It is famous for its beautiful buildings and its Roman baths There are also some interesting museums in Bath I like the Museum of Costume where there are clothes from the sixteenth century to the twentieth century The Manchester Project is hard work but I like it Our rooms are a bit basic There's one thing I don't like we can't put any posters up in our rooms! I've got a lot of posters on my bedroom wall at home - they're all of my favourite team - Manchester United a) Answer the questions Where does Dave come from? Where is Dave now? (2 marks] Test • b) Complete the table of information of Eng/and (4 marks) c) Answer T (true) or F (false) Dave does not get any pay for his work in Manchester The Museum of Costume is a big clothes shop L_ Dave has got a lot of posters of Manchester United football team i Dave can put some posters on the walls of his room in Manchester (4 marks) 12) In your notebook write about where you live You can use some of these ideas • your city/town/village There are / is , (There aren't / isn't , like /1 don't like J • your house/tlat (in the town centre / suburbs / country, number of rooms) • "JUr room (furniture, colours, posters) Begin like this: Hi! I'm / come from (10 marks) • Test TeSt' (UNITS 3-5) (Total 80 marks) Grammar 1) Reorder the words to make correct sentences her /sister/visits/ once/month/a/she/ ~b.~.X!?!t? ~.~! !?/.~.~~! !?!?f~.~.!!!g.lJ.tb: school/they/late/ are/for/always/ eats/cheese/he/never/ a/a/go/to/disco/we/week/twice/ four/my/friend/a/phone/week/l/times/ always/children/holiday/the/they/have/a/are/excited/when/ (5 marks) 2) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple or the present continuous We A!?!?:t.p.!!?Y (not/play) American football at our school My father (work) at the hospital He's a nurse Listen! My brother (sing) in the shower! John (do) his homework now? \ily friend usually (not/phone) me on Sundays They (study) at university now What time you [get up) on Saturdays? l'm tired (go) to bed now What you (do) at the moment? I'm ltalian (live) in Milan 10 They're asleep now They (not/watch) television (10 marks) Test • 3) Look at the picture of Sue's lunchbox Write sentences with have got and some and any (bananas) ~!!.e;.!!g.~!J.t.~.9.~t.l!.Q.y'.g!?rf!!Jg.~: (oran ge juice) t!g.~ ?I.!.~ 9.9 t .q.rJ.Y 9.Cf!!J9.t;.1I.!.~~.e;? Xc: ?! ~!!.e;.fJf!.~: (apples) (chocolate) ? , she (biscuits) (sandwiches) (yoghurt) ? , she (5 marks) 4) Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to and the verb in brackets Tina: What f!r.~.y.g.t!.9.9.[:!9.)9 !!!? (you/do) this evening, Paul? (1) (you/stay) at home? Paul: No, (2) (try) the new disco in town Mike (3) (meet) me there (4) (you/come) with us? Tina: No, thanks (5) (have) a pizza at home with some friends (5 marks) 10·Test2 Pronunciation 5) Find these sounds in the sentences There are two examples of one of the sounds in each sentence • Ipsl • Itsl • Iksl • ItJI (ch) • Id3/ OJ He pain12 cats The sound is / t~ Would you like a cheese sandwich? The sound is / / / I'd like an orange juice, please The sound is / / He often visits his aunts The sound is / / She works in a music shop and likes her job The sound is / He hopes they've got chips for dinner I The sound is / / (5 marks: half a mark each) Vocabulary 6> Write the times in words (5 marks) 7) Which words are countable (C) and which are uncountable (U)? sugar cheese potato sandwich pasta salt (5 marks) Test2-11 l Communication 9) Complete the conversation using these words or expressions • believe it • too • shall • Thank you • Let's • feel like • See you • it's so hot • got into her • don't we • Sorry Tony: What ~t!f!!! we this afternoon? (I) going for a walk Jan: Me (2) Why (3) go to the park? Sue: But (4) Jan Well, think you need some exercise, Sue Sue: (5) very much Tony: Come on, you two (6) go out and get some fresh air Sue: hate fresh air! Tony: What's (7) ? Jan: I don't know Perhaps she's got boyfriend problems! Sue: don't (8) ! Alll want is a quiet afternoon with a good book Will you two go to the park and leave me with my book! Tony: (9) , Sue We're going now Bye! Jan: Bye! (10) (10 marks) Test • 49 Reading 10) Read the information Photography Club's trip to the Lake District Ten members of the Photography Club and two teachers went to Cumbria for four days in May The group travelled by train and took their bikes and tents with them They camped near Lake Windermere which is the largest lake in the Lake District It is 16 km long and 1.6 km wide There were a lot of different things to The students were in four groups Some of them sailed on the lake They took photographs of the water sports on the lake and the views from the boat Guess who fell in while he was taking a photo? - No, it wasn't Sam, it was Mr Cooper! The second group went climbing and walking in the beautiful, quiet countryside There were some magnificent views from the hills The third group visited some pretty villages and small towns near Lake Windermere They took some interesting photographs of the old houses and lovely gardens (This group enjoyed their visit to Kendal where they bought - and ate - a lot of the local sweet, Kendal mint cake!) The rest of the group went by bus to Morecambe which is a busy holiday resort on the coast This group took some excellent photos of people sunbathing on the beach, swimming in the sea and enjoying the exciting rides in the amusement park There is a display in the school hall of the photographs which the group took on their trip (If you look carefully, you'll see Fiona's photo of a very wet Mr Cooper - and he isn't saying 'Cheese'!!) sc a) Answer the questions about the trip to the Lake District How many people went? How did they travel to the Lake District? Where did they stay? How long did they stay? (4 marks) 50 • Test b) Match the photographs with the places Which photographs did the students take on Lake Windermere? in villages and small towns? E in the countryside and hills? in Morecambe? (6 marks) Writing 11) In your notebook, write about a school trip (or another trip you went on with a group of friends) Answer some of these questions • Who did you go with? • When did you go? • How did you travel? • Where did you stay? • How long did you go for? • What did you there? Begin like this: In April/1997, I went with to (10 marks) Test • 51 T~ (UNITS 18-20) (Total 80 marks) Grammar , 1) C omplete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple passive The classrooms at my school (clean) c!!.~ t;!.~g.r!.~.(L every day The school has got a very big garden and three gardeners (employ) to look after it Every year, a prize (give) to the best student in the school In the summer, the younger pupils (take) to the country for a picnic At the end of each term, reports (write) by the teachers for all the pupils Every month, a school newsletter (produce) by the older pupils (5 marks) 2) W rite questions and answers using the past simple passive Ann: We went to a musical in London last week at that new theatre Deb: Ann: Deb: Ann: · h •••••••.•• was onened whIC ~ (open ) by th e P'M' nme IYIlster Oh, how interesting! Was the music good? Yes One of the songs (1) (compose) by a French musician and it (2) (sing) in French, but a lot of the music (3) itake) from old Beatles' songs Really! 50 when (4) (those songs/write)? Most of them (5) (write) in the 1960s In the show we saw, the music (6) (play) by an orchestra and the songs (7) (sing) by a group of six singers Their clothes were beautiful They (8) (design) in Italy, the material (9) (produce) in France and the clothes (10) (make) in Ireland (10 marks) 52 • Test f r re~ x m 3) Circle the correct answer We usually have@much homework We didn't have a lot of/much homework last night Were there many/much mistakes in your homework? There weren't a lot of/many people there There are a lot of/many apples on the tree There isn't many/much milk in the fridge There aren't many/much tomatoes - only one or two Are there a lot of/many tickets left for the concert? There's quite many/a lot of hotels in our town Hurry up! We haven't got much/many time 10 rve got a lot of/many American friends (10 marks) Pronunciation 4) Mark the sound I~I (schwa) There is one example of the sound in each expression He's my brother They were late 1t was closed go to school fish and chips at half past ten (5 marks) Vocabulary 5) What are the jobs? An g.r:;.~g,~ acts in tilms A does the make-up for actors A writes the stories for films and television plays A is another word for a newspaper reporter A films the actors when they are making the film A tells the actors what to (5 marks) Test • 53 6) Reorder the letters to make types of films cartoon '" "' TOCARON ~" ~ EERNWTS MECOYD USMALCI LEVO TOSRY 51LLERHTR (5 marks) 7) Match the words to make food and drink vocabulary soft drink [fl " orange " a) beef b) salad diet mineral c) black d) cream vegetable coffee e) drink I f)juice roast g) coke green h) pie ice i) fish 10 apple soup j) cakes LJ k) water (10 marks) 54 • Test Communication B) Complete the conversations using these words or expressions • Don't wony • Can I have • That's fine • l'm fine • forget to • Remember to • to start • to follow • 1'11 • are you doing • Would you like Waiter: Customer: Waiter: Customer: Waiter: Customer: What would you like t.Q.?~f!!.L with? (1) an orange juice, please? Certainly And (2) ? (3) have a chicken salad, please (4) a s\fIJeet? No, thank you (5) Uncle Ted: Hi, there, Sam! How (6) ? (7) , Uncle Ted Sam: 1'm getting ready for my camping holiday Uncle Ted: (8) take your mobile phone with you and phone your Mum when you arrive Yes (9) ,1 will Sam: Uncle Ted: And don't (10) send me a postcard! (10 marks) Test • 55 Reading 9) Read the letter 10~d~f1;d UI~ fi138RP 16J'"fet,Jt'I" [Jf!I1I"l1t11f1 J'~atdtftde Pete, TIaJ ffla lIVff' ~ tfot

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2023, 17:57