Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Signs and Notices from the IPA 1 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.9 Translate the signs and notices below from the International Phonetic Alphabet. (See next page for answers.) 1. LDẹfẹKớỏ=ộ]Dởẫồớ=ỗẹL ________________________________________ 2. L~f=ùắồ=ệẫớ=ùắồ=ẹờỏWL ________________________________________ 3. Lõọ]rũầL ________________________________________ 4. LầfDởẫfKọầL ________________________________________ 5. Lẹ~f]=DẫõKởfớ/ ________________________________________ 6. LD]rKộ]ồL ________________________________________ 7. LõỏWộ=~rớL ________________________________________ 8. LDẫõKởfớL ________________________________________ 9. LDớlfKọ]ớởL ________________________________________ 10. Lồ]r=ầệKũ]Dọ~rầ=ẫõDởẫộớ=ệ~f=ầệũL ________________________________ 11. Lồ]r=Dộ^WKõfẽL= ________________________________________ 12. L~rớ=]ợ=DlWKầ]L ________________________________________ 13. LộrpL= ________________________________________ 14. LDộẫfK]ồ=ầfởDộọẫfL ________________________________________ 15. LộọỏWũ=ộẫf=ĩf]L ________________________________________ 16. Lồ]r=Dởó]rKõfẽL======= ________________________________________ 17. LDộ^WKõfẽ=ộờ]rDĩfKfớKầL= ________________________________________ 18. LõỡW=ĩf]L ________________________________________ 19. /ở~fọL ________________________________________ 20. Lởớ^Wẹ=D]rồKọỏL= = ________________________________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Signs and Notices into the IPA 1 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary © English 19.10 Translate the signs and notices below into the International Phonetic Alphabet. (See previous page for answers.) 1. 50% off ________________________________________ 2. buy one get one free ________________________________________ 3. closed ________________________________________ 4. disabled ________________________________________ 5. fire exit ________________________________________ 6. open ________________________________________ 7. keep out ________________________________________ 8. exit ________________________________________ 9. toilets ________________________________________ 10. no dogs allowed ________________________________________ except guide dogs 11. no parking ________________________________________ 12. out of order ________________________________________ 13. push ________________________________________ 14. pay and display ________________________________________ 15. please pay here ________________________________________ 16. no smoking ________________________________________ 17. parking prohibited ________________________________________ 18. queue here ________________________________________ 19. sale ________________________________________ 20. staff only ________________________________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Signs and Notices from the IPA 2 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.11 Translate the signs and notices below from the International Phonetic Alphabet. (See next page for answers.) 1. LóẫồL ________________________________________ 2. LDọẫfKầỏWũL ________________________________________ 3. LfồDệẫfầwầL ________________________________________ 4. LộrọL ________________________________________ 5. Lùẫf=fồ/ ________________________________________ 6. LDớfõKfớởL ________________________________________ 7. LfDóWKầw]ồKởỏ=DẫõKởfớL ________________________________________ 8. LDợẫfKõ]ồKởỏWũL ________________________________________ 9. Lùẫf=~rớL ________________________________________ 10. LDầẫfồKầw]L ________________________________________ 11. Lồ]r=DẹfpKfẽL= ________________________________________ 12. LDõờẫầKfớ=õ^Wầũ=ụõDởẫộKớầ=ĩf]L _____________________________________ 13. LõỏWộ=ỗẹ=a]=ệờ^WởL= ________________________________________ 14. LộọỏWũ=ùẫfớL ________________________________________ 15. Lờfẽ=ẫọ=ẹ]Kờ]DớẫồKpồL ________________________________________ 16. Lồ]r=lWọ=ệẫfóũL====== ________________________________________ 17. LầỡW=ồ\=ầfDởớWL= ________________________________________ 18. LDợẫfKõ]ồớL ________________________________________ 19. /Dộờ~fKợ]ớL ________________________________________ 20. LởỏWKởỏWKớỏWDợỏW=fồ=ộK]ờDẫfKpồL ______________________________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Signs and Notices into the IPA 2 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary © English 19.12 Translate the signs and notices below into the International Phonetic Alphabet. (See previous page for answers.) 1. men ________________________________________ 2. ladies ________________________________________ 3. engaged ________________________________________ 4. pull ________________________________________ 5. way in ________________________________________ 6. tickets ________________________________________ 7. emergency exit ________________________________________ 8. vacancies ________________________________________ 9. way out ________________________________________ 10. danger ________________________________________ 11. no fishing ________________________________________ 12. credit cards accepted here ____________________________________ 13. keep off the grass ________________________________________ 14. please wait ________________________________________ 15. ring bell for attention ________________________________________ 16. no ball games ________________________________________ 17. do not disturb ________________________________________ 18. vacant ________________________________________ 19. private ________________________________________ 20. CCTV in operation ________________________________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Slang Phrases (Adjectives) into the IPA For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary © English 19.13 Write a definition for each slang phrase below, then translate the slang phrases into the International Phonetic Alphabet. (See next page for answers.) Slang Phrase Definition IPA Translation He is / She is / He was / She was… etc. 1. made up ____________________ ____________________ 2. pig-headed ____________________ ____________________ 3. sarky ____________________ ____________________ 4. long-winded ____________________ ____________________ 5. savvy ____________________ ____________________ 6. minging ____________________ ____________________ It is / It was… etc. 7. wicked ____________________ ____________________ 8. ginormous ____________________ ____________________ 9. corny ____________________ ____________________ 10. easy-peasy ____________________ ____________________ 11. iffy ____________________ ____________________ 12. sad ____________________ ____________________ I feel / He feels / She feels… etc. 13. peckish ____________________ ____________________ 14. icky ____________________ ____________________ 15. miffed ____________________ ____________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Slang Phrases (Adjectives) into the IPA For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.14 Answers: Slang Phrase Definition IPA Translation He is / She is / He was / She was etc. 1. made up pleased LóẫfDầắộL= 2. pig-headed stubborn Lộfệ=DĩẫầK]ầL= 3. sarky sarcastic LDở^WKõỏL= 4. long-winded talking for too long Lọẽ=DùfồKầ]ầL= 5. savvy well informed LDở~ợKỏL= 6. minging horrible LDófẽKfẽL= It is / It was etc. 7. wicked brilliant LDùfõKfầL= 8. ginormous very large Lầw~fDồlWKó]ởL= 9. corny clichộd LDõlWKồỏL= 10. easy-peasy very easy LDỏWKũỏ=DộỏWKũỏL= 11. iffy uncertain LDfẹKỏL= 12. sad not very good LởụầL= I feel / He feels / She feels etc. 13. peckish quite hungry LDộẫõKfpL= 14. icky sick LDfõKỏL= 15. miffed a little upset LófẹầL= Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Slang Phrases (Nouns) into the IPA For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary © English 19.15 Write a definition for each slang phrase below, then translate the slang phrases into the International Phonetic Alphabet. (See next page for answers.) Slang Phrase Definition IPA Translation A person who is… 1. diamond geezer ____________________ ____________________ 2. skiver ____________________ ____________________ 3. party pooper ____________________ ____________________ 4. boy racer ____________________ ____________________ 5. yobbo ____________________ ____________________ 6. skinflint ____________________ ____________________ 7. smoothie ____________________ ____________________ It’s a… / It was a… etc. 8. rust bucket ____________________ ____________________ 9. fiver ____________________ ____________________ 10. howler ____________________ ____________________ 11. thick ear ____________________ ____________________ 12. back hander ____________________ ____________________ 13. tenner ____________________ ____________________ 14. ear bashing ____________________ ____________________ 15. nightmare ____________________ ____________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) Translate Slang Phrases (Nouns) into the IPA For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.16 Answers: Slang Phrase Definition IPA Translation A person who is 1. diamond geezer very genuine and kind LDầ~f]Kó]ồầ=DệỏWKũ]L= 2. skiver very lazy LDởõ~fKợ]L= 3. party pooper no fun at all LDộ^WKớỏ=DộỡWKộ]L= 4. boy racer a fast and reckless driver Llf=DờẫfKở]L= 5. yobbo a hooligan LDK]rL= 6. skinflint mean with money LDởõfồKẹọfồớL= 7. smoothie a flatterer, but doesnt mean it LDởóỡWKaỏL= Its a / It was a etc. 8. rust bucket rusty old car Lờắởớ=DắõKfớL= 9. fiver five pound note LDẹ~fKợ]L= 10. howler obvious mistake LDĩ~rKọ]L= 11. thick ear slap on the side of the head Lqfõ=f]L= 12. back hander bribe Lụõ=DĩụồKầ]L= 13. tenner ten pound note LDớẫồK]L= 14. ear bashing telling off Lf]=DụpKfẽL= 15. nightmare terrible situation LDồ~f\Kóẫ]L= Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA Test 1 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary © English 19.17 1. Write your first name using the IPA: ___________________________________________ 2. Write two words in English that contain the same vowel sound: a) LfL _____________________________________________________________ b) LôL _____________________________________________________________ 3. Write two words in English that contain the same diphthong: a) LÉfL _____________________________________________________________ b) LÉ]L _____________________________________________________________ 4. Write two words in English that contain the same consonant sound: a) LqL _____________________________________________________________ b) LípL _____________________________________________________________ 5. Translate the following sentences into English: a) Lå]DíôpK]=DǾòK]å=ïflå=DíÉåKá=DëflëKfÇwK]òL= b) L~f=åáWÇ=]=Dâ¾éKä=]î=åóìW=p‰WíëL= 6. Write the following sentences using the IPA (include stress marks): a) Can I have a drink, please? __________________________________________ b) My brother’s name is Phil. __________________________________________ c) He wants me to go to the theatre. __________________________________________ d) There isn’t any coffee. __________________________________________ 7. Write these words in your first language, then translate the results into the IPA: a) bread _____________________________________________________________ b) newspaper _____________________________________________________________ c) friend _____________________________________________________________ d) shoulder _____________________________________________________________ Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA Test 1 For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.18 Answers: 1. Answers will vary. 2. Answers will vary, for example: a) LfL fish, hill b) LụL cat, flat 3. Answers will vary, for example: a) LẫfL train, pain b) Lẫ]L care, there 4. Answers will vary, for example: a) LqL thumb, think b) LớpL chair, itch 5. a) Natasha doesnt want any sausages.= b) I need a couple of new shirts.= 6. a) Can I have a drink, please? Lõụồ=~f=ĩụợ=]=ầờfẽõ=ộọỏWũL b) My brothers name is Phil. Ló~f=DờắaK]ũ=ồẫfó=fũ=ẹfọL c) He wants me to go to the theatre. LĩỏW=ùồở=óỏW=ớ]=ệ]ỡ=ớ]=a]=Dqf]Kớ]L d) There isnt any coffee. Laẫ]=DfũK]ồ=DớẫồKỏ=DõẹKỏL 7. Answers will vary. [...]... worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 0 Talk a Lot is a brand new spoken English course from English The course objectives are very simple: Every student talking in English Every student listening to English Every student thinking in English, and Every student taking part in class Talk a Lot Elementary is suitable for students... me a lot. Rotkappe Also available from all good bookshops: Talk a Lot Spoken English Course Elementary Book 1 ISBN-13: 978-0955701511 Talk a Lot Spoken English Course Elementary Book 2 ISBN-13: 978-0955701528 English Banana.coms Big Grammar Book ISBN-13: 978-0954698508 English Banana.coms Big Activity Book ISBN-13: 978-0954698522 English Banana.coms Big Resource Book ISBN-13: 978-0954698553 Check It... quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19 .20 Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA Test 3 1 Write your favourite colour using the IPA: _ 2 Write two words in English that contain the same vowel sound: a) LỏWL b) LắL _ _ 3 Write two words in English that contain... For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 0 Talk a Lot Elementary Handbook Notes ... quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.22 Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA Test 4 1 Write the name of your country using the IPA: _ 2 Write two words in English that contain the same vowel sound: a) LWL b) L^WL _ _ 3 Write two words in English that contain... Assessment: Elementary Pre-Intermediate to A2 to B1 KET PET About the Author: Matt Purland is a lecturer in English Language He has a BA Honours degree in Drama from the University of Wales and a Postgraduate Certificate in Further Education from the University of Derby He has written more than 1,000 photocopiable worksheets for learning English This is his ninth book In 200 2 he launched English,... Lẹờẫp=ởộờfẽ=DùlWKớ]=fũ=ộr]L d) The toys were made in China La]=ớlfũ=ùW=óẫfầ=fồ=Dớp~fKồ]L 7 Answers will vary For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.24 Talk a Lot Elementary Handbook Notes ... now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.21 Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA Test 3 Answers: 1 Answers will vary 2 Answers will vary, for example: a) LỏWL b) LắL tree, eat up, done 3 Answers will vary, for example: a) L~fL b) L~rL shine, sign cow, foul 4 Answers will vary, for example: a) LầwL b) LẽL jam, gem sing, think 5 a) Learning English. .. Banana.coms Big Resource Book ISBN-13: 978-0954698553 Check It Again! (Book One) ISBN-13: 978-0954698584 ELT Resource Bank Version 3.0 (CD-ROM) ISBN-13: 978-0954698591 Talk a Lot Elementary Handbook English ISBN-13: 978-0955701535 ... _ _ _ _ For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary â English 19.19 Talk a Lot Learn the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) IPA Test 2 Answers: 1 Answers will vary 2 Answers will vary, for example: a) LrL b) L]L book, . Lot Spoken English Course – Elementary Book 1 ISBN-13: 978-0955701511 Talk a Lot Spoken English Course – Elementary Book 2 ISBN-13: 978-0955701528 English. Talk a Lot Elementary Handbook Notes For more fun worksheets, games and quizzes log onto now! Talk a Lot Elementary © English