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English file 4th edition elementary Workbook Audioscript

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English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript English File 4e Elementary Workbook Audioscript

Workbook Audioscript 1.4 1B Pronunciation d File 1 shower /ʃ/: Polish Egyptian Swiss chess /tʃ/: Czech English French 1A shower /ʃ/: Turkish Russian Chinese 1.1 1A Pronunciation b jazz /dʒ/: Spanish Japanese Argentinian fish /ɪ/: six, in tree /iː/: meet, three cat /æ/: man, thanks egg /e/: ten, well train /eɪ/: eight, day bike /aɪ/: fine, nice 1.2 1A Pronunciation d sand|wich te|nnis eigh|teen thir|teen bas|ket|ball 1C 1.5 1C Pronunciation b phone /əʊ/: know don’t North boot /uː/: two South you car /ɑː/: Asia France answer phone /əʊ/: go close 1.6 1C Pronunciation d train /eɪ/: H J G tree /iː/: C P S boot /uː/: Q U O egg /e/: F A M bike /aɪ/: E I Y File 2A good|bye e|mail in|ter|net com|pu|ter 10 ho|tel 2.1 2A Pronunciation coins wallets purses classes files scissors photos watches headphones tissues pens sandwiches magazines glasses newspapers 1B 1.3 1B Pronunciation b A|fri|ca Chi|na Ger|ma|ny Ire|land Eu|rope Po|land I|ta|ly Ja|pan English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of Workbook Audioscript 2B 3B 2.2 2B Pronunciation 3.2 3B Pronunciation fish /ɪ/: a big city bird /ɜː/ dirty Germany nurse Thursday tree /iː/: green jeans cat /æ/: a black cat car /ɑː/: a fast charger clock /ɒ/: hot dogs horse /ɔː/: a short story bull /ʊ/: a good book boot /uː/: new shoes university work computer /ə/ actor cleaner doctor footballer manager understand 3C 3.3 3C Pronunciation b 2C why my which rich 2.3 2C Pronunciation Look at the board Turn off the TV Let’s ask the teacher Don’t open the window who you what hot how now when ten where there Let’s eat at home Don’t sit on the table 3.4 3C Pronunciation d What you do? File Where you live? What car you drive? 3A What kind of films you like? 3.1 3A Pronunciation Who’s your favourite singer? likes works dances lives drinks watches drives finishes plays File 4 uses takes speaks 4A does listens closes 4.1 4A Pronunciation b changes gives wears brother hungry son nurse husband uncle cousin English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of Workbook Audioscript model FILE one 5A couple 5.1 5A Pronunciation young Can you speak German? mother journalist Yes, I can I can’t find the keys She can sing Monday ugly Where can I buy a newspaper? Can you cook? No, I can’t 4.2 4A Pronunciation d He can’t swim Those mobile phones are old Who are you? Their son comes every Monday Tom’s doctor is Scottish 5B 5.2 5B Pronunciation a singer /ŋ/: arguing barking crying having playing 4B shouting studying talking 4.3 4B Pronunciation We get up early on Saturday I have a shower at eight He starts work at eleven He has a shave after breakfast They speak on the phone every evening I write a lot of emails 5.3 5B Pronunciation c sing dance pink brown long lunch aunt uncle drink find France Hungary young engineer 4C think want 4.4 4C Pronunciation Her husband is from Hungary 5C My headphones are at home His mother is in hospital Lunch is half an hour Helen is a hairdresser The children are healthy and happy 5.4 5C Pronunciation Bu|cking|ham Pa|lace West|min|ster Ab|bey Co|vent Gar|den St Paul’s Ca|the|dral Pi|cca|dil|ly Cir|cus Leices|ter Square the Hou|ses of Par|lia|ment Tra|fal|gar Square Wembley Sta|di|um English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of Workbook Audioscript 10 the Tow|er of Lon|don the fourth of September the 14th of September FILE the 13th of December the thirtieth of December 6A the twenty-first of May 6.1 6A Pronunciation a Call me tonight Can you help us? Don’t listen to her See you later the 23rd of May the fifth of February the 15th of February the 20th of October the thirtieth of October I don’t like them Don’t think about it 6C Give it to him 6.5 6C Pronunciation b 6.2 6A Pronunciation b yacht /j/ fish /ɪ/: him live nice use beautiful umbrella tree /iː/: she this meet young journalist yellow bike /aɪ/: me I my nurse new music fish /ɪ/: these his ring musician lunch usually tree /iː/: we leave it January student summer bike /aɪ/: smile niece buy 6.6 6C Pronunciation c I like them They’re great 6B I really like it It’s fantastic 6.3 6B Pronunciation a the 3rd of April I don’t like him He’s awful I don’t like her She’s terrible the 12th of July the 2nd of January FILE the 14th of September the 13th of December the 23rd of May the 15th of February the 20th of October 7A 7.1 7A Pronunciation a A Who was Andy Warhol? B He was an artist 6.4 6B Pronunciation b A Was he English? the first of April B No, he wasn’t He was American the 3rd of April the 12th of July the 20th of July the 2nd of January A When was he born? B He was born in 1928 A Were his parents American? B No, they weren’t the seventh of January English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of Workbook Audioscript 7.2 7A Pronunciation b 8B I’m at work I was at work She’s Swiss She was Swiss 8.2 8B Pronunciation He isn’t rich He wasn’t rich chair /eə/: they’re They aren’t expensive They weren’t expensive ear /ɪə/: beer Where are you? Where were you? chair /eə/: where wear we’re Is she a vet? Was she a vet? ear /ɪə/: here hair hear He’s wrong He was wrong there stairs dear near 8C 7B 8.3 8C Pronunciation 7.3 7B Pronunciation ghost booked checked wanted walked cupboard painted arrived finished travelled white asked waited looked stopped know called played posted listened autumn missed watched cooked started walk followed decided lived relaxed builder wrong 7C FILE 7.4 7C Pronunciation What did you last night? Who did you go with? What did you wear? Where did you have dinner? What time did you get home? Did you have a good time? FILE 9A 9.1 9A Pronunciation tree /iː/ meat breakfast tea egg /e/ bread healthy ice cream train /eɪ/ eat great steak 9B 9.2 9B Pronunciation a 8A a box of chocolates 8.1 8A Pronunciation a carton of juice came made a packet of biscuits left said a bottle of water got lost a can of drink ran had a jar of jam saw bought a tin of tomatoes spoke drove took could heard learned English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of Workbook Audioscript 9.3 9B Pronunciation c 10B snake /s/ sugar salad cereal 10.2 10B Pronunciation shower /ʃ/ sure fresh salt How are you going to get there? snake /s/ rice shopping science Where are you going to stay? shower /ʃ/ short information centre We’re going to stay for a week I’m going to see the sights 9.4 9B Pronunciation d She saw Susan standing outside the cinema We aren’t going to go by car I’m not going to stay in a hotel Sharon said sorry for singing in the shower Steve puts six spoons of sugar on his cereal 10C Sylvia spends Saturdays in the shopping centre 10.3 10C Pronunciation 9C argue question believe fortune 9.5 9C Pronunciation A pencil is cheaper than a pen June is shorter than July The kitchen is dirtier than the living room Apples are healthier than biscuits Switzerland is colder than France boyfriend travel surprise famous married today money future question idea problem worry Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro FILE 11 10A 10.1 10A Pronunciation 11A It’s the cheapest place to live 11.1 11A Pronunciation It’s the highest mountain in the world I did it quickly He’s the healthiest person in the family I went to bed at eight in the morning It’s the prettiest village in the country We often eat outside in the open air It’s the most difficult language to learn Wow! Look at the sky It’s the most polluted city in the area It’s cold and raining They’re the most attractive couple I know He studies eight hours a day She’s the most intelligent person in the class She gave us our tickets I love early mornings English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of Workbook Audioscript 12B 11B 12.3 12B Pronunciation 11.2 11B Pronunciation fish /ɪ/: given written seen driven They’re planning to drive to Paris horse /ɔː/: found thought caught worn I hope to see you again egg /e/: left heard said sent She wants to know the answer up /ʌ/: come done drunk got You promised to be here at 8.00 train /eɪ/: taken made read paid I forgot to turn off the TV phone /əʊ/: broken known lost spoken Did you remember to buy some milk? 12C 11C 12.4 12C Pronunciation b 11.3 11C Pronunciation fish /ɪ/: rich dirty big the song the video tree /iː/: bread peas tea the letter the email cat /æ/: safe black fat the message the tweet car /ɑː/: dark day far the art gallery the museum clock /ɒ/: money watch doctor the app the internet horse /ɔː/: found short bought the milk the orange juice bull /ʊ/: cook food good the architect the engineer boot /uː/: who go the keys the umbrella bird /ɜː/: tired thirsty nurse FILE 12 10 egg /e/: eat healthy breakfast 11 train /eɪ/: paid steak said 12 bike /aɪ/: buy nice ring 12A 12.1 12A Pronunciation a 12.5 12C Pronunciation d I’ve read the book twice hos|pi|tal We haven’t watched that TV series ex|pen|sive They’ve never travelled abroad ma|ga|zine Has he finished his homework? head|phones Have you decided what to do? ad|min|is|tra|tor Paul hasn’t passed the exam en|gi|neer I|tal|i|an 12.2 12A Pronunciation b Au|gust A Have you read The Hunger Games books? di|ffi|cult B No, I haven’t 10 mu|si|cian A Have you seen the films? 11 ga|rage B Yes, I have I’ve seen all of them 12 ba|na|nas English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of ... 4C Pronunciation Her husband is from Hungary 5C My headphones are at home His mother is in hospital Lunch is half an hour Helen is a hairdresser The children are healthy and happy 5.4 5C Pronunciation... 4A does listens closes 4.1 4A Pronunciation b changes gives wears brother hungry son nurse husband uncle cousin English File fourth editionPhotocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019 Page of... boot /uː/: new shoes university work computer /ə/ actor cleaner doctor footballer manager understand 3C 3.3 3C Pronunciation b 2C why my which rich 2.3 2C Pronunciation Look at the board Turn off

Ngày đăng: 18/07/2022, 16:55

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