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Este libro ayuda bastante a los estudiantes que desean aprender inglés como un idioma extranjero. Tiene diferentes temas en las distintas unidades que permite el desarrollo de las diferentes habilidades del idioma inglés.

Joe McKenna OXjORD LI NI YERSI TY P RE SS How łośayhello >>p4 How to śayPhone nuńbers & email A Howto tespondto news B How to śaydateŚ C How to give yout name and addtess ) >p6 C Howto desc be habits I' How to stań a convetsation p:7 >> fl How to describe a tyPical day A B ad4tesśes >>p.5 >>p23 >>p24 >)P25 Skills Ptactice )>pp 26-27 Skills Ptactice >>pP89 self check I )>pt6 p79 self Ćheck4 >> A How to uŚe English in the classtooń A How to inttoduce PeoPle B How to inttoduce Yout family B How to desctibe peoPle and objects c lłow to describe peoPle C How to ask fot thinBs in shoPs D How to talk about the time D How to ask about People's inteteśts )>p.1o )>p-11 > > p12 p.13 >> >>p29 >)P30 >)p.31 )>pp.32 33 skills PBctice p.77 Selfcheck >> selfcheck )>p80 How to aśkfol infotmation >>p16 A B How to talk about countdes >>p 7'7 B How to say whete you are in town >> Pl8 Howto talk about language skills >>p 19 skills Practice )>p-2o 21 C D )>p.28 pP.r4 r5 Skills Practice >> A C selfcheck )) pt8 :ffi >>p22 D How to ask about pticeś > > p3 How to oldet food in a cafć >> P35 How to talk about food >)p.36 How to offet things p37 >> Skills Practice >)pp38-39 SeLfcheck >)p.81 A How łotalk about free-time activitieś B 10 A How to continue a Ćonvetsation How to talk about the weathet B How to talk abouta career )>p.59 C How to describe abilities C How to talk about what happened D How to talk about likes and dislikes >)p43 D How to talk about life stodes >>p40 )>p41 )) p.42 Skills Practice >> pp 44 4s Selfcheck7 >>p82 A How to invite and reply B )>p60 > > p6 Skills Practice >)pp 62-63 self Ćheck1o >> p'85 11 A How to make suggestions How to say what to weai >>p47 B How to say whatb wrong >)p65 C How to say what's happening >>p48 c How to comPate thingś D Howto des.ribe actions p.49 >> It How to undetstand opinions >>p46 >>P64 >>p66 pp 5o-5r Skills Practice >> >> P.6l Skills Practice >> pp 68-69 SelfcheckI >>p83 Self check u >>p.86 I I >>P58 T2 A Howto make a appointment How to give an.l follow directionś >)p.53 B How to say how you feel >>P7r C Howto ask about and descdbe a holiday >)p.54 c How to talk abouł futute p.72 aEangementś >> D How to tell a słoly >> p55 D How to talk about intentions >> p13 A How to ask fol ttansPott infotmałion >>p B >>p70 Skills Ptactice >> pp-56 57 Skills PEctice Self check9 )>p84 Selfcheck t2 )>p87 Self checks key >)pp 88-90 Audio ŚcriPts >> pp.9194 )>p.74J5 Itregular verbs >> p.95 Contents How to say hello v 8leetingphiases J& r ! Ihythmandstl€ s s VocabularygreetinBphrases Match the p]ctllresand phrases Put the conversationin order tr oopsl He]lo,]ennif€ I HoW are yorL? Ll Hello,BobrMy name'sJennferl I Im fne too ! ],mńne thanks And you? agan, lulral E t.łetlo Ptonunciation rhythm and stress Good aftemoonl cood eveningl Good mornin8l B Completethe conversatlons What,syournam€ aga]n oops Whats |H'€ And you My name,s Day lA.1' List€ n and tick / the name, you h€ a l B Hellol , A My nam€ s Bob B Sonyi I A Bob My nam€ ' s lob N]ceto meet youl Day B H e l l o a8ar n l i m A H€ l lo, ]ennifel B! Bo b I Hello Bob How are youT A Im fne, thanks B T,mńne ! rtaine D rane ! cermaine ! Drew ! Hugh ! Stu listen a8ain Wliteth€ names A H € lo 'go o d mo mng B ! pLo '€ o o d mo r g A Nic€ t o W hat3yo L| nam e] |Vly.J -e5 r neetyo u| M yname'ś ] And you? compl€ t e th€ conversation A l'm Alan How are yoLrT How welt can you say heuo and ask people's names now? Go backto th€ and tick '/ the hne again How to say phone numbers & email addresses : : ssvesmy,you|'hb, hPl v ]ett€ r s and Ptonunciation letters and numbers A ( sten and correĆtthe mistakes ].: numb€ I s , , Completethe conversationswlth thesewords my h€ r hiś your & - 3\4óó52 ] Jc,27BtLlinRd '.'' r.PA,3stfatfordP I A Hellol What's name? 19!1r B I'm Craig And youi A name',s 0997411 : RS,glBrsbaneAve ::.::t'Lą144l'4]Lclre||D|' '''' Grammar possessives my, yout,his,her 4065589 ' '22L3074 B Nic€ to meet you| :-,arl addresses Patty iou20@buzby net Tomasokchen@fanz ne B Mml What's nameł B And what's www qgetwell,co,u k ll phone number? A Its 17 3374 VocabularVlettersand numbers ' -, , = A Mm | \,Ą/hat,s B Serge |ł-t x =2+ = :.5 5-1ą :-1 U 11 -',ie 13'25 My 1+'1.13.5 q'ń is :-:s the message? :''5.ą 13'15'18 1+.q.1ą.7] ': 13 2 B I dont know t 2+ Ret What s your nameT What,syour phon€ numb€ I ? And what'syour email addresr? 118-5 25'15-21? :.: rour own messagein numbers How well c: How to give your name and address c pronouns and possesslvesj ple sent simple of b€ E A v parts of an addless; numbels 20+ p stiess in questions vocabulary numberszo+ Wllte the answ€ r s in numbers l thilt€ e n + nine = 22 forty -three = twenty seven+ seventeen= eighty ńv€ - frfteen = a hundred and rix + twelve = a hundl€d and thilty sixty.ńv€ = e]€ven + foity two = ninety nine ten = a hundred four = 10 slxty sev€n + th[ty.foul = fiom completethe sentenc€ s wlth youl ans\^rels exercrse3 and these rords hrs her rny our their I'm flom G€Imany name's Helga Complet€ the closswold A cross 282 516 731 850 944 Down 149 322 433 694 from Poland flom Russia' name,ss€ r gei frcm China fTomcanada names are lee and TinB namesaI€ MaIc arld C1ail Ptonunciation stressiR questions C Match the questionsand answ€ r s E What,s youJ first nam€7 a PAIMER ! urhat's your sumame? b 42 Ashford Strcet,Toronto D How you spe[ that? c a ! \^rheleaI€ you ftom? d e Canada ! what's your ad&ess? Grammar ptonouns and possessives; present simple of be + Match the pronouns with dm, is, or are I I am= fm lc.l> list€ n and check rist€ n a8ain and copy the stless A nd yo u? Ą1'^.| h"q 'o 1' I o ^lF'P ' ' e he sh€ How w€ ] t can you glve your name and addless now7 and tick / the line again co backto the FIowto start a conversation simp]e of }€ EEtr ' -=ć:1i vocabutary Polite Wolds and phlases Ą Match with a-t t @ łre you :, te the conversatrons wlth thesewords -r ihanks rorry thankyou excuseme :: ! ą ! s ! -:-iow are you,lames? And you7 ': :n ńne' -:- le]]o,Miss lones ; :-i Ms lonesl ],Ą/hatk where are Is your mum € old aI€ you? f youI phone numb€r? M J tch he ąr \V pl\ W i.] .] qJ 5.io | ' F'"'c ] a L| 1\0,tm srngle c d e f ! ! ! ! o77oo 9oo443 No, my namek ]an Yes, she is I'm from rondon I'm latel i iat s OK, sit down what s your name again? ;5a1ly -:, ii, Sa]]y.I'm lake B L: ctammat presentsimple of be [ilt- il r:rhne the cotrectwords ou " - (ol dp l a ) ,.w- " e v o u r p o r rr g l a ' l d 'jfa Robelts is/ar€ Amelican He,s/shet sin8]e j ^ y r;tF' | F a n o a o l m H e ' 5ro i Ąr r e j : /He! Irench! -' J M 'U l F go" H ' ' ||Ś J o u i * y '1 o s o t d rd iurope Is/Are he singlef Yes, thatk right I'm/He's ]'!.t Gibson and Robyn Glbson is/are smg]€ SorI] .at,s not ń8ht We,relThey,le matied ::jn€ Dion am/ls canadian she isnt/alen't slng]e, You lxcuse me, B Y€ s , ] am And you? You I m frcm B My names Uldch What,syour nam€ ? :B Nice to meet youlAre you ma ied? B No, t'm not Im single B YeŚ,please Unit Skills Practice Read for detail Ą Readthe busln€ s s calds and comPlet€ the tab]e UNIVERSITY OF LENINCRAD listen for key wotdsand phrases !t ls.t) listen and comP]€ t e thesefoIms E Fn\LiamE Ivana Kuznetsov Dep tnentofotganicChemistr! age LrlltsaRylokfZ No\.8orod, RuŚsia l E L : 6671321 r v l r L k u z n e s o v @l e na c r u PO otL Hone address /!4!rLe/4j\!!j131, TelePhoĄe śz3 571z]L BrianJ Wilson Eni'l lDŃ NED31ą|"zH 17, QueenSt/Tofo,rto, Canada T e 90 9 ' Eń a i : b j \ł i s o i @p q oni e t E,,",,"^, ,!! !!! Enrique Delgado I Sa.s Represeftatve e Ć e ! J] !!4 tlL | , ]J i fan r ć.ó A ' ' c |' 09 l 'E c99ó ' /\ĄąrŃaL ladrd s Pa 3LbdPeŚafąhąś q F n F ^.ł e t!rr", Yyonne Chąnut T e l al 6j Ż, 6a0l fa ń 'Ydnn(.!sl1]ing '"l/ Name arelohd H.meaddreJś +, cothedral s+, ccł^k TelephÓne)o) 13oa rnail sĆor{er@x|vńet Country 01632 960 oi2o Nołv wńte your oMrnbusiness cald' Use your dictionaly to checkyour job in English jrnH*|l::rąFl]:''arł:rl 'jl|:\:!5!l listen again Match the phraseswith the conversauons ! sorry7 ! E ! E ! Can you just repeatthat? How you spel.your surnamel Couldyou spell that for me7 Two mol€ questions four more questions,please Checkthe audio scripi on >>p91 Reail and check information - :r / the true sentencesand correctthe false sentences l':rvan is 45 He'sJ5 : :-:-s irom Utrecht, in Holland ,/ : phonenumb€ I is 632579,10 -]:! = :: ,ian is manied : homeis in Pretoria r.: has no email address Read for aletail Read th€ ]€ t tel and co[ect s€ n tences 1-8 15' cąrLtL Faą.{ HelLa!HN are yoa? ThiJ ł d PhĨtó3rąPL, rf fue iLs.ltLaLd.Th.Ł Ĩther PerPLe i|L thŁ Pi.tare ąreyves, ąĄdJrhąM They're ńy tł stdet ]aere, a 'ąLdrą ą^,łh.j fró Bebtafu, frten* fve.r d|'dJahąM drŁ akĨ lt4deLt! T'.y'rL ąrded, ąAd lhŁY,rŁf fu E*hą|Ly, We ąre it ą ąfć hąviĄ! 'ąĄdrą ]nLh I fu.et ĄŁ|')PŁÓPIeevŁry dąy ttj lreąt! r::n, frIstname is Collins ri passpoll numberis 2o273oo ! - 24 1al Deą He!ŁL, ltrite personal information Therej Ąr t.LLPhóĄŁ i|' fuy ÓóM, bnt fuy ńÓb|LL Ąnńber i 077aa 1a0 781, Lf y,]La Ńą|L, tr ąLL ThŁre ąre cafuPLfeB błLth,he IĄżer|&t IL thŁ hÓt.t, My ŁfuąlL add.eŚ i[ !iLwh@!dŁ,LrwŃ,,Lef, ' :: the form wiih your personaldetails 5ąy heLLatr Tafu ąwd EnLiąĄ z :: doesit say on forms in your language?Are any ::1i the same or similar? Gillian is in England Yves and Sandn are maded Johannis from BelBium Gillian is in class Thereis a telephonein her rcom Sandrasmob e number is o77oo9oo 887 There are computels in the cafó wdte an address 10 Put this addressin order ! Ireland ! 4, cathedral st E Mr s collins u Wnte a friend'sname and address pt6 Now try the setf checkon >> Lisrening I want to the guitar Completethe sentenceswith these roros windy wet snowy icy dry cloudy The weath€ I ls vely hot and My flowels need watel' ]t'svery today- perfectfor sk ngl Be careftil ifyou go roller-skating The roads are very lt's very in England it lains a the time tt's not a goodday for Bolfbecauseit's very voL ca.'t 9eet}e Śur tooaybe(aucPlt s vely Pronunciation Undel]inethe stlessedsyllablem eaĆhwoId averaBe photoBraph director gard€ n ing typica] newsPaper Prano check your answe$ on >>p.89 What are you goinB to nowT a Nothing I m happy b Revisegnmmar/vocabulary/pronuncrationand rry again c Ask anoth€ I student/ my teachelfol help To r€ v ise Bo to ''' Student'sBook Revie\r >>p.75 crammar Bank >)p 142 l'orkbook )) pp 40 43 łvwwouP com/elt/rcsult 82 Selfchecks Do this writing exercise again Wotkbook )>p.45 exercise 10 How confident are you? ] can wńte ! with help ! on my 01m E with some mistakes ! with no mistakes What are you going to now? a Nothing I'm happy b Ask my teach€ I for he]p c Plactisemy reading/listening/ writing Student'sBook >>pp 66 74 Woikbook >>pp 44-45 MultiRom List€ n ing section Www'ouPcom/ettłesult Reading Readthes€ texts again Woikbook >>p 50 exelcis€ Workbook >>p 51exercise How conńdent are youl I can understand ! some \ rords ! vrith help Tl , ^rhP l rFra aorin E everything audro agam >)p50 audio script 8S,1> Vocabulary Match 1-5 łvith a.e E I'm łveaIingsanda]s, E We re going to a redding D At work I \,vear ! ] cou]dweal a dless E Tt'svery cold Wear a b c d e a suit and tie or a skirt a warm coat and a hat so don'tweal tlain€ r Ś not boots comPlet€ the sentenc€s with th€s€ words to on for to about JohJl'slistening the radio We need to think the grammar can you Śit that chail? 4l'mgoing a vralk Wete going the gym this afternoon Pronunciation Put thesewords in the corect box beałd bird shott shłt fu| Wa|k Wo|k four Writing Do this writing exerciseagain workbook >>p 51exelĆise11 How conńdent are you? I can łvdte ! with hetp ! on my own (^mp m, pp5o sl MultŃom List€ n ing sectton wwwoup com/ett/result Check youl answers on )) p.89 'lvhat are you goinB to nowl a Nothing I'm happy b Revisegrammar/vocabr ary/pronuncratronand try again c AsL anotherstudent/my teacherfor help To revise go to student,sBook Revl€ \ ĄI>>p 85 Glammar Bank > p 143 ,vorkbook>>pp46 49 www.oup.com/elt/result Selfchecks 83 ',ii nk)up butl (w, walkL Go out o Ę T ]r Fnń (| n t ' | I the road the door and into the strcet t Ą t r F Ę Ls e Lm Underline the correct łvolds A ]^tat was th€ weath€ I ]ike? B P€ I fect It \^'/as walm and 1sunny/cl€ a n A iNhere did you stayT A hotel? B Yeah, a sma1]hot€ t Nice and 2quiet/nolsil l^ritha beautifu] gad€ n 3love]y/boling view ofthe beaĆh and the countryside A Was the beach nic€ ? B Yeah, ade]icious/b€ a utifu], yeah And rt wasnl 5clowded/dry' Ptonunciation Put the words in the corect box a'|€ d c|osed ended ooked knocked started stopped waited Checkyour answers on >>p.89 What are you going to nowl a Nothing I m happy b R€ v ise glammal/vocabulary/pronunciationand try a8ain c Ask anotherstudent/my teacherfor help To revise go to Student'sBook Review >>p 95 Grammar Bank >>p 144 Woikbook >>pp 5r-55 wwwoup com/elt/result 84 selfchecks Writing and a Do thrs Wńting exelcise again l,/Vorkbook>>p 57 exercise 13 How conńdent are you? ] can Wńte ! with heip E on my own Tl u7'th (^h ! with no mistakes ńre|rl.Pc What are you going to now? a Nothing I'm happy b Ask my teacher for help c Practisemy reading/ltstening/ wntlng student'sBook >>pp 86-94 łvorkbook >>pp 56 57 MuttiRom listening section www'oup.com/ett/result Un Read these texts again : Did Workbook)>p.62exercise1 Wołkbook >>p'63 exeIcise l How conńdent ale you) ] can und€ I stand ! somewords E l\.ith help ! when read again ! everylhmg illlte past I and studiedcerman and went to university and had a Ćhild and wo*€ d in many countńes and got a job in a hospital 1800 1919 1984 2008 7999 zArf 1933 Pronunciation ' Do the undellined lettels make a /V oI a u / soundi \łńte the \,\,ordsin th€ 1i€ v € facts hi! p|a!ś studies was this quiz lzl :heck youl answerson >)p.89 Writing Do this rriting exercise again WoIkbook>>P 63 exercis€ 14 HoW conńdent ale you7 I cal1 write ,ith help ! ! ! r/vithsome mistakes tr v/ith no mistakes What a1eyou going to now? a Nothing t'm happy b Asł my teacherfor he1p c Practisemy r€ a ding/]istening/ \Ą'Iiting To pnctise Bo to student'sBook >>pp96 1o4 Workbook> pp6, 63 MultiRom listening s€ c tion wvrw.oup'com/eltłesult ,lhat are you going to now? a Nothing Im happy b Reviseglammar/vocabulary/pronunciationand try again c Ask anothel stud€ n t/my teachelfor helP lo revise go to :iudent'sBook Revi€ \ ^r)>p 1o5 Grammar Bank >>p 145 'volkbook )>pp'58 61 wł'w.oup'com/elt/Iesult Selfchecks 85 vocabulary M at ch15w i t ha- € D You stay for the night and oniy have bl€akfast E You have a flat and you cook and clean ! You sleepoutside !Acampsitelsaplace ! The ńve.stal hote]has h ] n : ś p l f : tF r ńo ln a rt m ph + c Whele peop]eput thef t€ n ts d a ba! pool,and restaurants e in a bed and breakfast comP]etethe s€ n tences u.ith thesewolds ift washbas n handmade antique shelf Ine e da Ther€ is a smal] in the bathlooln This tab]e i5 t\,vohundl€ d years o]d The chairc \'vere by my father He loved making things Y/e have to wa]k up the stairsbecauseth€ is broken Pronunciation Und€ r lin€ the stressed5y11abl€in eachword attractive fantastic fiiendly comfortable beautlful modem delicious uCly check youl ansłv€ I s on >>p 90 What are you going to nowT a Nothrng I'm happy b Rcvisegrammar/vocabulary/pronunciation and try again c Ask anoth€ l student/ my teachelfol help To revEe go to student'sBook R€ v jełv )>p1l5 GrammarBank >>p146 1/orkbook)>pp64 67 www oup.com/ett/result 86 selfchecks Writing Do this witing exerciseagain Workbook >>p 69 exercise 13 How conńdent ale you? I can \,vdte ! r'./ithh€lp ! on my 01,n ! with some mistakes ! With no mistak€ s What are you going to now? a Nothmg I m happy b Ask my teacher for help c Prachsemy reading/listening/ wriirnS student'sBook >>pp 106 114 Workbook)>pp 68-69 MuliiRom listening section www oup com/elt/result Reailing l Readthesetexts again workbook >>p74 ex€rclse Workbook>>p75 exercise6 How contrdent are youl I can understand 2I' 3 tr oy Ó,Ćiock playmg -! Voc I ł Unde ine the cofiect wolds I dont fee]good/1v€ 1 I think I'm/it'sflu Im going to phonein ill/srck He's goingto take/make a day off worl Mary's not in ihe officebecauseshes on sick teave/holiday ; !onunciation : Match th€ v/olds with the sounds' i E feel a /.e./ Dfill b /e/ I trfun c t.ol Dhat d /or/ lheań e /e/ lnot f /i.:l I ! note ghl lpain h/,{/ I lpen i tDl :::ck youl answ€$ on )) P.9o _: ! with help ! wh€ n Ieadagain u everFfing Listenint lEten to this audio again Workbook)>p74 audio scnpt 12S1> How conń.lent ale you? ] can und€ I stand ' ! som€ wolds E with help E when i listen again E everything Writing Do this wdting exerciseagain Workbook>>p75 exercise10 How conńdent are youl I can nrite ! \arithhelp ! on my own ! with som€ mistakes ! with no mistakes lĄ/hat are you 8oing to now? a Nothing I'm happy b Ask my teach€ l frl he]p c Plactisemy Ieadjng/iisteĘi.g'' wn1lng To pnctise go to student'sBook > ppr6 ua Wo*book >>pp74 75 MultiRom Llsteningsectron www'oup-com/elt/resutt -:i are you going io now? \othing l'm happy levise grammar/vocabutary/pronunciation and try again ask anothel student/my t€ a cher for he]p eYisego to ::]1it Book Revrew> p r25 crammar Bank >>p147 :lr.ook > ppto 73 wwwoup.com/ett/result Selfchecks 87 quarter l ]name ! + L W e ] L L y l H € d oes.'t wort a t weet en dq T'rn lis r M\ i Ś1Ś My numbers l1 lŚ1Ś mdnight vo! vo! II whats What's l th ir ty f2 !!ty llty srxteen : 49ly Do you worL in a bankt 3,/ '' , " 8- di- ,-d ""d b I - ' te€ t h H€ ńni9hes wo* at five Does she work at weekendi z: L a t 21at 2aL ? n t i".t, " ) your i- : - :: V ocąL J ihrF 3lusua lly J seventeen - '' nńeteen twelve Pronuncjation 1j;\ l Their His ] our yÓul her My Vocabulaiy 3lyoungs ' mallńd nch otd divorced sngle 88 self checksanswerkey j a Pronunciation 1i:/ leave,eat,flee, beach,see ł1' ]ive,sit'ńfth,ĆhiP'thing : '-:'':' ; :fi#i" U ni t 2 nL / L r : :'" :b: ,. śpear Vocabulary v,, Glammal I ńiten fiftv flve s Ćvi nt ys i x ' ńl I usually always ś;ł:.* " I speat Pońu8ueŚe lch and a Ljttl€ German n and r live n seo raulo t]ity Ófthe peoplefrom vian : aPital of Germany Pronuncratron to ets'!]atform' chĆmiŚts, taxiŚ' exit Pub'tlan 1cancel]ed oluel unit Grammar 'lr* * HBve havent have tke dÓeŚnt hasnt dÓeś Vocabulary d 2e a 4 she has Śma]l grey eyeŚ Eric has got abigblack cat He drives an old red car Do you know the taLtblonde womanl Frank has got long darkhajr !t unit GIammar t1 6 t had I did I left Unit Are there any potatoes in a Ru$ian ) ' Are there any dtotś? I wo!]d ]ike a cheeŚe sandwi.h We need appl.s and bananas Would you like a bisNit with your yo8!ń Pgtaro suSg! Unit doesnt unde$tand r My proŁ]emis I can'tŚwjm 2t What time you have lun.h? I enloy watching footbaLl on Tv she Ćan swim vely quickly' Tom can it easily ' 7/ I shall ] s Is the gi wearing blue Ieans? Aie the 8iil s friends wearinB Śkirts? Are the mu$cians wća.jngjackets? I,m not using a diĆtionary They aren't wearin8 their sandals Vocabulaiy 3le 2d 3a 5c aŚ].ed' dosed' ]ooked knocked, stopped endĆd' Śiańed, waLted ttnillr10 l go Did gor didnt l Whele was Pab]Ó Neiuda bom] What was his rcal name? Whele dld he 8Ó iÓ liveż When didhe write his f,6t poem? when dldhewmthe Nobel Prire foi Vocabulary I 1c b:/ boad, shoń' wa]|' fou /3' bird, Śhirt' ful, wo* 5d selfchecksanswerkey 89 21 Vocabutary le 2b 5d sher lift Ęę!dLy ccv 90 setf checksansweYkey 51f 2B 3h 6i 8e 9b Audio scripts Ił la.t A Hello, 8ood mo'njr8l E A B A What,Ś B HeUo, Bood monjngL My Giltian E!m, is that with a t or a G? wth a G Gl' douŁle L' |A'N G I, double t, lA N And your B oh no, no lm not l,m Śing1e A Trc mote queśtionś.what's A Nic to meet you! My nahe s B HeUo, Drewl Ni.e to meet youl B 976 )Ę 91a A 9.?.6,!.4 ]'9' L8 And yÓur paspolt numbei E My pasport number tust a moment Ah yes: sA 5ÓÓ255 A sA- double o, double Thank you very much tE.t 384 6652 499 7411 406 5339 2271015 A Now, MI colljns, fou moiś queśtions, !l€$€ l^Ihatt A colld you śP.ll that fol m6? B S.E.A-N A sE A No (Ęe ? ! can you jBt ĘPeąt that? A Your age How old are you? A Thirty onĆ And your młiia] lś.l what,s your ńlst namei clajre wnat's your rltame? Palme! Eow you sldl that? P-A-I-MER włEre ale you from? canada lMhat's your address? 42 Ashford A RrBht - mdrEd And quesijon number four what,s youl Passpoń B I dont r€ńeńber You hav€ A oh yes, youte right here it Ń!!!m' it's er R]22B168]RI, doub1€ ]{, 6.8 Thmk you tś.l A Good momrng, sr You A How you speu you rt B RA ,HA I.]O Al -A ,HA ! " JOTha nkyou ita.t ż{y]lab]ewords questDn' Monday wedneŚdaJi anŚwei' evenjng,lnglish, weekend, B No, thińy five A And whele ale you Ęom7 AH O, double 1, A N D Thank you And your emaiLi Do you have an email addrcssT B Yes,it's, er, mawara@ belanda net Thaib M A I, W A RA atB II, ANDA B YeŚ' thatt ń8ht Dot net A Dot net Ri8htlThMkyou, sn A Good eveningl Miss van de! A This is hotel le.eption speaking I'm sory, bui I can t rcad your Miting on the form could I just check A Thankyou Could you tell me z 3.syuablewords: aftemoon, under]ine,uhbr€lla' saturday 2C.t HiŚ girfriend iŚ an Eh8liŚh r1erpalents are designers TheshoPaŚistant is sjxt€ e nyean My boytiend is a good actor fD.l lt's twenty past four lt's about ńre otlocł, um, yes' ztt,f ]s jt on Tv1? No, it'Ś on Tv2 ts t on Monday morning? No, it'Ś on Monday evąing tu jt on Tresday molrug? No, fs on Monday mornjng No, itl at tw€tve Thes d€ friendg who live jn switzerlmd His name jŚ K]aus and he! name is Louise They den t mrie.l She's 22 year old and a unjveEity student He's about ]o, and het adÓĆtor oaoct No, it's at twenty paŚt eight 2ś.1 This is a rccorded message DoĆtor Watson s ofńce is closed at the moment The doctor is available on Tu€ s day.ńd Thursday ewnings, flom six o clo.L to nine oclock That's lresday and Thu.sday evenings Hello soEy, bui we are now jiom Tr€sday to lliday' in the mornings, between half past nn€ and haltpast two Thai's 'Itl€sd2y to fuday' ]o to ]o This js a recordedme ŚŚa8e Thant you for caltng PLease Ćall a8an i shoP oPenjn8 times The shop is open every day Monday to Saturday, hjne otlock to half past four in the aJternoon Thank you This ls BriŚtolsteet Pljmaly school sorly, but the ŚĆhoo1iŚ closed at the moment Please Ćal]1atel The schoo] is oPen every datr,Monday to ftiday, fiom 30 jn $e morning io 3Ó jn the aftemoon That's ]o to 43Ó Thank you fa.2 Hi hy name,s !ńc I,m fiom lranĆe 1ń ż' yeais old, md I'm singtr l live with ńy parents And my Iob? Well, lm This is my girlfirend, Maria No, mt my wife - my Bnrriend she s 4, she s from Italy, and Śhet a śhoPassistant ! These two are myfiEnds from university They'r€ a ffiie.t c@ple Their Mmes ar€ AnnE and Paul They have no Ćhjldren He's an en8me€I' a comPutel en8jneer' and Śheh a schoo] teacheĘ a ldhary This is lranlose She! 37 and divolced she has twÓ 'hebd!en: a young boy of six ch and a 8[] of sjxteen sh€ i.nl lich she,s an ofńce worker t 3A,1 Is t]xs tlre tlan to Mach€ste.f No' that tJań,Ś on platfo|h Exase me!Where are the Theyte owl tha€, ned tne enŁ whe.ds ue aJć' please? Itt uPgtats' neł tlre musjc shop E{use me, rŚ t}s fie c& Pat7 No, it isnt lt's ova tnue, ńefu fi€ Ixcuse me, wnere are the sh Theyte ned the boobhop tE.l rBvPt !gyptitu :tc.t gd ts.t Airls A Excuse m€ Is tłrel€ a bB stoP B A bus siop? Yes, madm Ii s just A can you show me on ńe maP? B Yes, of ĆÓuBe A'' that's it there l That,s ńght A Tha.rt youvery much B Yes? A I need some cash,and I can't ńnd any Ćash machn€s B oh WelL er' look' the ĆaŚh madlineŚ ale thele, erm, A4 A oh I see A4 Thanksl B Yesl A Icant see the map prcperlt and I don t have my Elases with m could you tell me where the to ets de? Audio scripts 9l B The toilets? Erm, thai s $em A lighty eight? B No, A 8' nea! the sup€Imarkei A oh' sory! A8 Thank yÓu vely A Excuse me! ],m lÓotrn8 fol the B oh yeŚ Thafs' er' 42' a1the other end of the shoppinB entre Near ihe totlets A Do you know if there s a B !rm, juŚt a moment Lett have a ]ook at the maP chemjŚt's oh yeŚ' h.re it is! A7 neń to the A Ę nei1 to tfu bookshoP Thaks| ł4.1 The football's on jn ńve mjnuteŚ but the Tv is out of order ohno I,m at the Śupermalket md evelything is hau.Pńce today' Monday ] drive to rłouand for a contańer' and I tal.e' take that A And how loh8 B the trip) About a day, I ŚuPPose' yeah' ' a d ay o r 5o A n y w ay s o l h l n Holland on Monday,then, e! I sLeepń Germany on Tuesday nj8hl you knÓq and then on Wednesday' er, I8o froń Germany to the nÓńh of ltaly, A So when you arirveln ttaly? I l fl m l u c l y , I g e t th e r e o n Wednesday night, but it alt depends, you tnoq the trafńĆ, A Yeah,right And afte!lia1y7 t Weil usually l BouptoAustna, you łnm' Thatt qute neaĘ so I can relax on Thubday, maybe 8o ror a run u the evenmg A An, so you have, er' like a br€a} t Yeal! usuatly Not always, you knowl SometjmesI have to go to anothe! countrv A And Fndays? What you J Well" on lridays the usuaL thing s to come back to FlanĆe and maybe a small local job A You mean you arrive n lrance My car! My can lt's noi in the ca we have a new Ćar! oh rea]]y? My siŚter has a new baby' That,s We get maried on Monday! My father's n bed Oh reallyl My cat isnt vely well I'm soryl schÓo] ts c]osedtoday,.].lrat,s lt's 3Ó and my exam's at ten otloct - Good Luckl /tl.t the seventh of April the frfteenih ofApljl ] th€ fouńh ofAu8ust the twentieth of Au8uŚt the third of oĆtober the ninth of october rc.t t Maybe on Satudays and Sundays, when I m at home in France But sometimes I'm away from home for two or three weełŚ, so I don'i Śee them A So you like driving you welll ]t'Ś not easy' The houls ' are long dd the money isnt so ! t I,v€ aot a lock but I wet ]Ve tot a Ćat but I,d lather have I ve got a flat but I wut she bruŚhes hel teeth He ńnishes work 5ś.1 a A Mr Patell llow are youl B Ine, thanks, MiLe And vou? A wete ńne' thank you' Dó you know my brothe! HenryT B No' ] don'i thirrł so A cońe and meet him HenĄ| thts is MJ Pate], out neiShbour Mr PateL Henrv my blother Audio scripts B E!m, sorry no,ldoni A oh Jennyl My namds Ricardol B fucar.lo JuŚt a moment - tue you Ricky Maruin) A Yes,that! ght!RiĆky Marin, from s.hool B oh yes, I remember you now Long blon.l hai! blue eyes Youve sot short haji how, B Oh, O( Heie you are A Yes Oh, and $js is my wife, B NiĆe to meet you' llena! A Who s that woman over A Anna!Its lovelyto see you I ltt goo.l to see you too, tolu A WÓuld you lrke a cuP of B Yes, please, l.l love one A Do you take hi1k7 A over th€Ie' next io the window The woman with long brown hat and gleen B Ah, ihats sheiLa We work together at the ofnce B Yes come and m€et hel she a, thŃ is my Wife' ste]la Stella, thrs is Sheila A&c Njce to m€et youl A sorry what s you name A There are some sandwjĆhes on the table lutter or jam B A A l Thank you, that s great są tell me your news Oh, hello Bob How are youl Fńe thmks' Jeff' !im' listen' have you 8ot any eg8Ś? A lggsT B Yean, my gjrlfriendk here for ]unĆtl and I havent Bot any A so you work at the ofnce wrth Bill? A E A B A 6A.t How much ale the !iŚPc? How mu.h is the wine? They're one euro tweaty, 6C.t My sigtĆr ]jłes an actoĘ Śo she buys hjh a flower she Śends him a letter but he nereI sends an ahŚwer How many you wani? Four would be Breau O( Anythtng elsel WeLl'e!m, Śu8ai How much Śu8ar you B A cup of sugar would be A o K , l wo nt be a se d E Than]ś vely muĆh! , tc.t somelread and butter and she Ćan undeBtand spanislr but she an t Ćook an}.thin8' she c l play football, Md Śhe aĘ t remembe my Wnat would you lilc? 7D,r 6S.r A IŚ th€ food a]]ri8ht, madam7 E Yes' thanl you lt'gńne A Wou]dyou lj].€ any wine? she hateŚ the housewo!].! to g€t He Ćhecl.sthe maj] she Boes for a run rl€ has fruit for breakfast she leaves the houŚe Normat week) I lont hav€ any ' noma] weełŚ| Yeah' we]]' l usuaUy work Monday to Friday, but, em' it! often re€ ł nds too I mean, fo example, I live in lrance, yÓt knoq and' e! on A oh real]y' W€1L' I,ve 8ot m apple, but I dont like apples E Sol A Welł I want some crisps Can I give you my apple, and you 8ive me th€ cńsPs? B How many you wantt A HÓw many? !rm' the bag of 6D.r lD.t I've got a bike but I haven t got He wakes up early 45.1 A so, Jack, you re a lony lriver Tell me about yoE nomal 92 A So your family - what about the familyT Do you see theh b A Eello renny! Do you to buy a I ve got a vrtfe but she iśn,tvery A Would you like a bottle o E oh er' a bottle pleaŚe A bottle Óf rcd wine A Thank you, madam A Hello, Jane !łaveyou 8ot any I need help with my homewortl t5.1 welcome to the Holdav Out c]ubj \r'/ea.e open six ńonths a yea! and offo activities for a1LdifferĆntaBe 8DuPs Idjust liLe to take a moment to explan th€ ńap of the lub fÓr you' Number one on your map is the main hotel building that s the hotel at numbe one And, erh, opposlte the hotel is the car park We have spaces for 2oo cars, you inowi So, nrber eleven is the @I Park NoW neń to that you cm see the, er, cinema at number twelve, and the disco at nmber ten lŁve you tot that? Thafs tne cinema at number trelve, 4d disco at humber ten Erm, now; let me see' ah yes' neń to the hÓtel re have the shopPing centre, that s, er, restaulants at number two, MdbarŚ ńeń door at number four - all lightl The bars at ńumber four' yes Thai means the shops are at number thlee' and the hairdreŚŚer's is at number f,ve OIO That brinBs us to number sjx, the gym, next to the Śhoppn8 cenile That,s ri8ht! TlDt,Ś the gym, wrth lots of activities,spolts, dd exercises for everyonel opposite the Blan is the parŁ En you se€ thatl That's numbe! eight, the pa* And then h€xt to the płk is the sw]hńin8 poo1 Yes' that's number nńe' the swimmin8 pool linaLly on the ight' you Ćan see the fuvel wyle Thai's number Śeven We use the nver fo! boating and alŚo for swi'mh8 Any qBtionś? No? w."ll, that s all, thmk you lł/e hope you enjoy you Śtay With uŚ ]f you have any quesiions, our Śtaff wi]1 be very haPPy to aD.t w€'re watchiĘ them,butthey she Lkes him, but he doeŚnt lil€ rle always phoneshs, but rlE we sometjmeŚinvite th€m' but Śhe ta1ts about fum' but he aś.1 A can you hearńe al1right7 D Yes I'm inthe Śtaiion DeŚcrilre A oK Hes about sixty yea6 old YeŚ' Śjxty Het a tau man, with greyhail śho 8]rcyhatr He's holding a magazine No, not a masazne,sorry a newsPaPer B O( What s he wearinE? A Um' he,swearing a Ćoat'a lon8 blact oat rie's noi wearjng a sutt' but he js weąIin8 a shiń Mdtie YeŚ'thatt lt8ht,a shiń and tje Maybe aua& Lie B ]s he caryTg ary'ihiĘ? A Yes,I thńk het calryin8 a B Is he wearingSlassesl l Hmm thB is difńcu]t Thele are 1oiŚ of hen that loo].the same What about hiŚ shÓeŚ? A oh] Eds weańn8 white shoeŚ' white shoes,n@ I remember! l ltt ten to foul now let,Ś eat A Wele going to the football B oh! I,d ]ove to 8o to th€ match| A wete going for a sandwich Would you ljLe one? B l'd ]ike two p]eas€ j one ham' 94.1 r lxcuse me, how.an I get to the lxcuse me' how Ćanl Bet to th€ I rxcuse me, how can I get to the A We,re goń8 fol a dink! Wou]d lxcuse me, how can I Eet to the B I.l love to Ćome,but t've 8ot two exams tomoEow - !n81iŚh rxcus€ ńe' how can ] 8et to the lxase me' how Ćan I 8et to the tE.t lxose me, how can I get to the We're gojng to work this Excugeme, how Ćant 8et to the Whatt that board on the tleel she liveŚ on the third floor Mum! Where are my football What time you stłt wor]dngl smith! lŚ this your bjrd? What's the fourth country on the ac.t somethjng- arything- nothng readng writing- speaking tB.t ]tt the ń$t left at the corner Ther€t a bank at the colner The poŚt ÓfEce s lust oPPosjie Go straight on and tun left at the ljghts The ma! sa}s thele'g an ań It,s ałos the b.idEe and on Turn riSht a8ain into Union Street I thint there s a touist information ofńĆe in the stahon tol.t she ńdes ]ike an adu]t We Ś€nt ho a aift fol her I{el lootńg at h.! but she isnt aa.t A we uŚually have a snac]

Ngày đăng: 25/04/2023, 12:42