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English result elementary TB

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^$t"t*? tt d ts T, : gtlsgG :t 'braf' www.tienganhedu.com $uE3t Contents Introduction Student'sBook contents Teacher'snotes Unit I Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 10 Unit 11 Unit 12 >>p.iii >>p.2 >>p.6 >>P.l6 >>P-26 >>P36 >>p-46 >>P56 >>P-66 >>P:T6 >>P86 >>P.96 >>p.106 >>p.116 SBPairwork SBGrammarBank SBIrregular verbs SBPronunciation SBAudio scripts >>p.126 GrammarBank key >>p.160 Unit tests Testskey >>p.762 >>p.136 >>p.148 >>p.149 >>p.150 >>p.186 www.tienganhedu.com How to say hello l: ie n t a t i o n I - : :::xt - -. ; lesson,students will learn basic greetings ': o1shows peoplegreeting each other - Point to the phrases in Say hello! and sav them, miming a typical action to help students understand, e.g.Sorry?cup your hand to your ears,Mce to meet you shak:ng hands My name's point to yourself and say your name ,-.1 Satomi shows Jim (a language teacher) meeting a Japanese -=:.t called Satomi Organize students into pairs SayHow are ycul and polnt to picture to demonstrate Use gesture to shc*'t:1at st'jdents continue in pairs Monitor and help by porntng i: c-iies rn the pictures Try not to give the answers as students re ;: n o to listen and check -.eua8e :-:riew -?.nmar ::>p.rso to check again Students can aiso check their spelling Have the conversations with the class,saying Jlrr.s lines and the class saying Satomi's Changerolesand repeat 13 Before students practise the conversation, remind them to use Sorry? iflhey didnt hear or understand Encourage students to read Jim and Satomi again if they are struggling Ask for volunteers to read out their conversations Give positive feedback for all attempts I Sc::','l i= :- ,' ctl la te r \- : e: : : ' - = = : ^- - = - - ,, ): a : a:: - 1.1 h^r ni nd a:ternoon - ::.::.-.:; La: ' t ; a g e r : : r r'rrong greeting He hasn't noticed it's ' r , , r dday )whjc , h is t he t im e m o r n i n g Satomi puts extra stresson afternoonlo : This ls an example of contrastive stress Ii.-'+ - ? rL :-:.i : :'.:rd more help, play the conversationsa couple of :.rcour&g€them to speak along with it They needn't ,.ri tl'rey can just mouth it to themselves if they prefer - Divide the class into pairs As students have the conversation, monitor and give plenty of positive feedback for a first try at having a conversation in English 14 As students have conversations, remind those relying completely on the book to look up briefly and make eye contact with their partner You could join in too Students say the conversation with another partner Listen and check that they sound interested in meeting each other and remind them to say their names clearly Student performance Students should be able to say hello and give their name to others Pronunciation does not need to be perfect, but you should find it easy to understand what your students say Pronunciation rhythm and stress In this section, students will practise saying a verse using rhythm and stress, which is also highlighted in audio script 1A.3>> p.15o Teaching tip Here are some technicuestr; help studentsmemorrzethe conversatl0ns: S t u d e n t sJ a yo b l e c t so v e r t h e p a g e ,e g p e n s o r str r p so f p a p e r to partially obscurethe text After each readit'o rherr nlere another object over the text Studentsread their conversation,looking up and saying the line from memory Copy a conversation onto the board or OHP and this as a whole class.Ask pairs of volunteersto read the conversation C r a d u a i l y e r a s e r d r a g o n a ll i n e t h r o u g h i t ( o r p l a cea str i p o f paper over the OHP) Ask another pair of volunteersto read it out Contrnueuntll the conversatronhas been completelv erased 1A.3Go through the first dialogue as a class and model for students to repeat it to a regular beat As students continue, wave the beat with your hand and repeat the flrst line Explain that the stressed syllables are in bold and that students must Iisten and decide which name they hear To show male/female names, draw two stick f,gures on the board Wrlte Wayne/Lou under one a\d lane/Sue under the other Plav the audio Check answers quickly 10 Play the audio again for students to listen and repeat Help them keep rhythm by clapping or tapping on the desk 11 In pairs, students practise having the conversations They can choose to be Wayne or Jane and Lou or Sue 12 Divide the class into two to have the conversations to the backing rhythm on the audio They should start after/our Teaching tip Suggestionslor dividing the class:Indicate an imaginary hne down the centre ofthe class.Students on one side are A, students on the other are B If there is a gender balance in your class,all the females are A and all the males are B Extra help Practiseexercrses9-rz again if students need more help Extra plus Studentscontinue in parrs,using their own names.They chang e pa rtne rsa nd r epeat You can use this checklist to monitor and give feedback or to assess students' performance Content Dostudentshavedifferentconversations? exercise Communication Dostudents useSorry? if theydon'tunderstand? exercise strategy Pronunciation Dostudents attemptto userhythm? exercise rz I can say hello I can ask people'snames It's important for studentsto realizethat this is self-assessment, what they, rather than you, think of their ability Draw a thought bubbleon the board and write You.Now draw a line on the board and use smiley facesfor different points on the bar (one= a lot of help,two = with somehelp,three = on my own, four = ver! easi\ Choosea phrasefrom exercise9 and demonstrateby miming that, for this lesson,wifh a lot of help = readingword for word; with somehelp = lesld^t at the pageoccasionally;on mf own = not looking at the book but with occasionalhesitation;very easily = without hesitation and maintaining rhythm Studentscould repeatexercise14beforeself-assessing Go round the classto get an impressionof how studentsare doing.Help them use the Cando bar and tell them what they can to help them think positively Early finishers StudentsreadaudroscriptlA.2 and underLrne the phrasesfrom Say hello!on >>p.6 Additionalmaterial for extrapracticematerial www.oup.com/elt/englishresult for extrateacherresources www.oup.com/elt/teacher/result T7 1A www.tienganhedu.com How to say phone numbers& email addresses l:ie n t a t i o n I - : ::ext - :. ; lesson,students will practise asking for and giving personal - ::: details Gothrough the exampleas a class.Studentswork in pairs Tell studentsto look alNumbers1-2oon >>p.8 to checktheir answers.Go overthe answersas a classif necessary ::.zuage two 4four eight six one three nine seven five -rJs grammar possessives: my,your,his,her 18.1Playthe audio for studentsto listen and repeatthe numbersas a class.Monitor and help with pronunciationas necessary.If studentsfnd it difficult, play the audio a second time and model the numbersagain '18.2Write the symbol @on the board and say ct Ask when we use it and point to email on the board.Write the number o Point to and saydot, and / and say slash.Playthe audio for studentsto listen and repeat 18.3Go through the exampleas a class.Giveone or two more examplesfrom the audio script to checkstudentsunderstand Playthe audio,pausingif necessaryto give studentsmore thinking time Make a note of any pronunciationproblemsand give extra practice present What's ?lt's simple thirdperson: g3fnmar :r.rs words letters,numbersandsymbols: @,.,l, thealphabet, F2o,at, dot,slash personal information: address, email,website :rrs phrases personal Howdoyou spellit?, informationquestions: What'svourname?,eIc !:runciation Vocabulary letters and numbers Ask studentsto write the numbers1-2oon a pieceof paper and tick the onesthey know the word for in English.In pairs, studentsexchangeideas.Put pairs togetherto make small groupsto exchangeideasfurther Elicit the numbersr-zo from the class.Do not worry about pronunciation - ::e screenof the mobile phone, personal contact information ' (name, telephone number, mobile phone number, ':>p.rqo Divide studentsinto A/B pairs.Gothrough the exampleas a classreferring studentsto the mobile phoneon >>p.8.Make sure studentsunderstandthat ifthey are A they are calling out letters from the mobile phonepad and that Bs are Iookingfor the next letter Studentscontinuein pairs.Monitor and check and go over any problemsat the end lB.4 Studentslook at Numbers1-2oon >>p.8.Remindthem to Iook up, listen and repeatwhile they the activity Playthe audio and monitor for the pronunciationof teenin numbers r3-r9 Giveextra pronunciationpracticeas necessary Do the first item together as a class.If it is helpful, point to the numbers on the board and use your flnger to indicatethat studentsaddthe next numberin the sequence after eight.If necessary, directstudentsto Numbersfor helpwhile they the exercise Checkanswersas a class ,'-:eparation - :: names of famous people from different countries on cards so , ave two for each student, or collect some magazine pictures -.:nal) Thesecan be used for extra activities (exercises ro, r4) - ::her lessonsin the future - rarizeyourself with the organization of Names and numbers : rz8 and >>p.r32,which students will use for exercise16.You - : orepare a facsimile addressbook page for your students to ' : :nformation about other students in the class on (exerciser7) '==.:ze your classroom or think about how your students could , ::J: to flve other students to complete the activity "iatmer - Extraplus ::;e one or two studentswhose names are easyto remember -: 'sk the class.What's his/her name? lf you have a mobile phone, ' ','.'rt to the classto set the scene and ask What's his/her phone -' :zr? ' ' :Iow to say phone numbers and email addresseson the board S : , a 'l ': l,: '- r : : t - a: ' : l - : : t h g n U m b e f Sf a th e f th a n '- l - r q ' ' - r , : - r - ': - : : - ': : : : : : ', : - : 'a s s a c t i v i t y a n d S tU d e n tS -, ::- :: ! :::- :- 1.- : - : :a,l i aI Si i al qIOU pS Pronunciation letters and numbers 18.5Draw the dot, slashor at symbol and write ? on the board Gothrough the exampleas a class,playing and pausingthe audio.Make sure studentsunderstandthat when they hear the letter on the audio they must decidewhich symbol in the table it refersto www.tienganhedu.com T8 Extra help If students need extra practrcewlth his/her,point to a male stucier,tard ask What's his name? and elicit His name's Repeatfor a female student.Studentscan continue rn rairs r', small groups using names of famous people l0 Divide the class into A/B pairs Go through the example As choose a letter or number from the table in exercise and Bs call out the correct symbol Monitor and help with pronunciation as necessary.After a few minutes make sure students swap roles Language note of many nationalitiesconfuseA, E and I in English StLrdents W rrte the ph on emi c s peilingson t he boar d:- r , t i, E i : , c r t Extra help SpeLlyour name and ask for a volunteer to spell it correctlv Studentsspell their narr.eand then nominate another stltner''until everybodyhas had a turn Ccntrnr-re Extra plus Put studentsinto teams Give four cardsn'tt:r l :r - or picturesto eachteam Teamsadd two n-rrr .: tear s tog etire rto c hoos eJ r Tlilr f ' r Lr , , : ' r :: G Listen for phone numbets and email addresses In this section,studentspractiselistening for specificinformation and identifying the type of information they hear 11 18.6Direct studentsto the mobile phonescreenand encourage the classto readout the information After they have readthe number.write 66 and d.oubleon the board.Write a few more doublenumbersas examples Explainthat studentswill hear a personaskingJackyquestions about the information on the screen.Studentswrite down the information they hear.PIaythe audio.Studentscompare but not answersin pairs.PIaythe audio again if necessary, give the answersat this point 12 Studentsturn to >>p.r5oto checktheir answers.WrlteGemma and Colleenon the board (thesenameswill be usedlater in exercise16).Spellthem to show doubleis usedfor letters too Telephoneo8zgz58o49 Mobile 6o7 4837752 Email smitj@coolmail.com 13 18.7Point to the mobile phone and askWhat?Sayat dot.com and elicit email,saywww and elicit website.Explainthat they will hear one of thesethings and they must decideif it is a phonenumber,an email addressor a website.PIaythe audio Studentscompletethe activity Checkanswers website phonenumber phonenumber website email email phonenumber Extra help to gi ve e m e i l a n dw e b s i tea d d re s ses l rrv c ntphoner r um b e rs studentsmorepractrcebeforeyou play the audio Extra plus Students inventcontactdetailsand continuethe activity possessives my, your, his, her f) Grammar 14 SayMy name's and point to yourself,Yourname's and point to a student as you saytheir name.Direct studentsto the example,showing the connectionbetweenyour in the question and my in the answer Ask What'syour name?and modelMy name's In pairs, studentscompletethe exercise Checkanswers,making surestudentsare clearabout why each pronoun is used possessive Her His vour 15 Divide the class into A/B pairs Students can invent their personal information if they want Drill the sentences flrst to highlight linking and weak forms Elicit the answer forms or refer back to exercise Monitor for correct use of the possessivesyour/my and give positive feedback Remind students to use Sorry? Extra plus i.k parrsto volunteerto give the information from exercrsc : :: the resi of the class.They can either act out their or report them to the classusing hrslher :-'.'e:>aticr.s l5 Nominate a student and ask What's your name?,How you spell it2 If necessary start spelling the student's name Repeatthe conversation and nominate pairs to ask each other Put students into A/B pairs to say the example conversationas a class Direct As and Bs to the relevant page and mime to show them to keep the information secret.Draw six numbered boxes on the board Show students that they have different information Monitor for correct use of personal pronouns and possessives and correct pronunciation ofletters for speliing Check answers Students complete the grid on the board or compare their completed tables ABCD Put it all together fl Write telephone,mobile,email,websiteon the board.Gothrough the exampledialogueand explain that studentswill collect this information Tell them to include a short greeting before askingfor personaldetails.Monitor and collectinformation about two students(onemale, one female)to use later 18 Usea student'scontactinformation to demonstratethe activity, using his and her.Nominate a student to askyou the questions.Studentscontinue in pairs Studentswrite up contact information to display Student performance Studentsshouldbe ableto write the correctnames,phonenumbers and email addressesof at leasttwo people.They should ask how to spell words if they are not sure Youcan use this checklistto monitor and give feedbackor to assess students'performance askforspelling iftheyneedto?exercise r6 Communication Canstudents strategy pronounce numbers t-zoclearly Pronunciation Dostudents enough to givephone numbers? exercise pronounce letters Dostudents clearly enough to spell to names? exercise I can say phone numbers and email addresses Studentstick on my own if they havefound the correctcontact information of three other studentswithout looking at their books.They tick with somehelp if they have readthe questionsbut written correctcontactinformation Earlyfinishers fromthe lesso:r StudentA chooses wordstheywant to remember rnd trrne< thpm (frrdent ^rl R rrrelches q.rp\.c\ rnd *ncllr Additionalmaterial for extrapracticemateria www.oup.com/elt/englishresult for extrateacherresourccs www.oup.com/elt/teacher/result T9 18 www.tienganhedu.com lhc r', How to give your name and address Srientation l:ntext - :his lesson,students will talk about where thev live and where -::y're from -:.: zo small pictures in Addresspuzzle, representfive surnames, names and towns of people from five different countries -:eet -.e flrst names of the people are all equivalents of the English :ne John and the surnames all mean blacksmith.The addresses = :all equivalents of Market Street and all of the speakers live at -:mber 23.The towns are all equivalents of Newtown l'rlture note : surname Smith is very common acrosscultures,since in the -: a blacksmlth was a prestigiousjob There are many variatrons - : e name John in English:iack, Jock,Jacqueline,Jan,Jane, -:.na,Janet,Jessie, Jean,Ian, Euan,Sean.Thesemay also occur in rr.ames:Jackson,Johnson,McEwan, lvanovic,J6nsson .rme languages,the surname comesbeforethe flrst name, e.g ' :re name Mao Ze Dong, Mao is the surname or peoplehave two r::ames,one from the mother and one from the father, e.g.in Portuguesename Maria GomesSoares,Gomesand Soaresare :1ames lrguage presentof be:am, is,are personal pronouns: l,you,he,she,it, we,they possessive adjectives: my,your,his,her,our,their singular/plural nouns:country- countries, name- names numbers 20+:twenty-two, onehundred ondone,eic parts of namesandaddresses: country, f rstname.street surname.town asking information: andanswering aboutpersonal Uvhat t your surname?, Whereareyoufrom?,I'mfrom , eIc countrynames:France, Mexico,Poland,Spain,eIc numbers 20+:'1C.2 yourfirst name?1C.3 stressin questions: What's lnd product : Put it aII together, students work in pairs or groups of three to :rswer questions about names and addressesfrom Smith and lones >>p.rz6 Preparation :ave the famous people cards or names of famous people your ;:udents mentioned in the last lesson.to use after exercisero :rtional) Vocabulary parts ofan address; numbers 20+ Ask studentsfor an exampleof sumames,street names,towns Youcould use your name and the addressof the schoolto help Point to the label at the bottom of >>p.8 and ask Whichpicture numberis Smith?Whichpicture numberis Market StreetTetc.to familiarize studentswith the picture page.Studentsscanthe picturesto find the information qacky\ sumame: picture 'mith, t6, street:picture t4, town:picture D, country:pidure l,) In pairs, studentsfind the other picture numbers.Youcould set a time limit When studentshave finished,saythe words countn'es, streetnamesand townsand gesturefor them to call out the picture numbers.Monitor for pronunciation countries:3, 5,8, I1,,20 streetnames:2,9,73,14,18 towns:4,7,70,72,15 Showhow the picturesrelating to Jackyare connectedby a line by tracing it with your finger Studentslook at the table and point to the namesof the columns.Studentswork individually or in pairs to follow the lines linking the picturesbeforethey completethe table.Monitor for capital letters and correct spelling,and rememberto give plenty of positivefeedback.Do not checkanswersat this stage 1C.1 Studentswill hearfour conversations of the peoplein exercise2 giving their namesand addresses PIaythe audiofor studentsto checkanswers.Letthem readthe audioscripton >>p.15oagainif the listeningand checkingseemeddiff,cult JanKorvalskl Po-ar.c 23 ;^t:a Rv:.ek.NorveMiasto IvanKuznetsov Russ:a23; tsaRvnck.Ncvgcroc JuanrtaHerrero, Mexrco.23Ca-]eCell"{ercado V:i-aNueva Jeannette LaForge, Beigrum 23RueFotre.Neuvri,e Languagenote AII the partsof the namesanciaddresses on this pageare translatableequivalents(seeCulturenote).Seeif your students noticethis for themselves afterdoingexercise Gothrough the example.Forthe next one,suggestthat studentseither write the number from memory or use Numbers20 + o >>p,ro to help them Studentscompareand checkspelling in pairs 1C.2Playthe audio while studentslisten and repeatthe numbersin exercise4 Encouragethem to look up from the pageas they repeatso they concentratemore on listening Monitor and help with pronunciationby playing the audio again or model any numbers studentsfind problematic E:ctraactivity Students a pair or smallgroupdictationcr :.;:-:::s ' ;:.-:i arei mportantforthem(e.g housenumber::.(:: r;: : : : : : \ ' : J explain,very simply,why ::r exercise15,look at Smith and Joneson >>p.rz6 so you know : cw the information is repeated Warmer labelon >>p.roontothe boardor write your own -cpy the address =.->k What'sher/myfirst name?What'sher/mysurname? What's ':r/my address? Where'sshefrom? Wheream I from? pointing to the -:.formation ',','rite Howto giveyour nameand address on the board www.tienganhedu.com T10 ! Pronunciation stressin questions 1C.3Go through the examplewith the classfirst, encouraging studentsto repeatafter you Thereare three more questions and studentswill practisesaying thesebeforeseeingthem written down Playthe audio and beat the rhythm as students say the questions.Givepositivefeedbackand play the audio again as necessary Show studentshow the answershelp them to decidewhat the questionis Write Whereareyou from? and Waleson the board and elicit which is the questionand which is the answer.In pairs, studentswrite the next three questionsfrom memory Monitor and provide somewords to help if necessary.Do not give answersat this stage Studentsreadaudio script 1C.1on >>p.r5oto checktheir answers.Explain that the questionsin exercise7 are in a different orderto the audio script A What'syour address?A What'syour f,rst name? A What'syour surname? Divide studentsinto A/B pairs For monolingual classes, studentscould use the name of their city/town rather than country.Monitor for rhythm and tap the deskto remind studentsto use it After a few minutes, studentsswap roles 1O Put studentsinto groupsoffour Drill the questionsas a class beforethey start the activity Put the words name,surname, country on the board and encouragestudentsto from, address, work without their books.Monitor and checkthey are asking and answering correctly,making a note of any repeatederrors to go through as a classafter the activity [xr r.r i tr S , - : : - - - - J s : r : ;e a fa m o u s p e r so n , in ve n t co n ta ct detai l s el-; - : - - , :-\elcise 10 Grammar prono-u_ns and possessives; C present simple of be E 11 Givestudentsexamplesto show the differencein meaning between pronounsand possessive adjectives,e.g.I'm, My name is , You're , Yourname is Go through the exampleas a class,making sure studentsunderstandwhy my is the correct answer.Write the sentenceson the board and draw a line to show the connectionbetweenI'm andMy Start a sentence with both and get the classto finish them, to checkthey understandthe difference Ask TrueorJalse?We usepronouns with verbs T heir 3I 4S he, H e r y o u y o u r We H e ,H i s gOur 10They 12 Studentslook at the grammar box and work individually to completethe sentences.Remindthem to refer backto their answersin exerciseu if necessary.Go round the classand help Studentscompareanswersin pairs or groups I'm You're/ They're/ We're She's/ He's/ is la.nguagenote TelistuCentsto usethe contractedform 'safter pronounsand the ',vcrCnameand surname.Theyusethe full form is after vrcrdslike address, which endsin s.Usethe examplesin the gran.r.narbox to showthis Studentswill seeanotherexampie cf this :l the next exercise, with is usedafter the word class n] lC 13 Studentsreadthrough the text quickly.Remindthem to ignorethe gaps.Checkany vocabularyproblems.Go through the exampleas a class,making surethey understandwhy 'm is the correctanswer.Go through the secondgap if necessary, reminding studentsto look at the subjectof the verb before they choosewhich part ofthe verb to use.Studentscomplete the text with the appropriateparts of the verb be.They can compareanswersin pairs beforea whole classcheck 2' m 3' m 4are 5' r/arc 6i s 7' s 8' s 's 10's 14 Encouragestudentsto use the text in exercise13as a model and give as much information as possibleabout their own class.Listencarefully when studentsreadthe text to their partner Make a note of any pronunciationproblemsand drill dificult sounds,e.g.they're,ou4 etc trtra activity a coupl eof ti mes.If yout hinkr r -.' :-:: ::.a:.8:pa:tr,ers :":-r=:: ::.::g:r thev couldreadout their paragraph ' -: : : ai: :., s:ilents who arelisteningto write ti.,', - ' ' " -" ' :' ani to rul ati ckw hent heyhc, ,','r-aa:.1.^, - '\,- '.-."a ABC Put it all together 15 Studentslook at Smithand lones on >>p.rz6.Demonstrate the activity by saying Who am I? Write address? on the board and elicit What'syour address? Ask How many peoplelive at Market Street?to show that four people share the same addressso they must ask for more information to guess who In pairs or small groupsof three, studentscontinue the activity Encouragethem to look up from the pageto ask the questionsfrom memory.Tapthe deskto remind them of rhythm as they askthe questions Studentperformance Studentsshouldbe ableto find the identity of one or two studentsby asking questions.Their questionsdo not have to soundperfect,but an attempt at using sentencerhythm should be evident You can use this checklistto monitor and give feedbackor to assessstudents'performance Fluemy Dostudents askquestions withouta lotof hesitation? exercise ro Vocabulary Dostudents askquestions usingdifferent partsof an address? exercise to pronounce Pronunciation Dostudents numbers zo+ clearly? exercise I can give my name and addtess Studentstick on my own if they have found the identity of both students.They tick with somehelp if they lookedat the questions on >>p.u, exercise15 Early finishers Studentsrepeatexercis:rc frorn mem'oryas a mingling activit' Additionalmaterial forextrapractice material www.oup.com/elt/englishresult forextrateacher resources www.oup.com/elt/teacher/result www.tienganhedu.com How to start a conversation fl Listen for information lrientation - -:-s -esson,students will practise starting a conversation in -E:ext ::- - and informal situations : ::rures show two people meeting for the first time On the :* ::.cws two students exchanging information about their : i:->p.r2.Askabout the people,e.g.Do they know eachother?Are theyfriends?Go through the instructions and items 1-3.Checkstudentshave coveredthe text beforeyou play the audio.StudentscomPare answersin pairs and listen a secondtime if necessary Givestudentstime to readthe conversationand checkanswers lAustralia 2Belgian3 ateacher Gothrough the instructions.Readthe first item and stressthe word isn't Checkstudentsunderstandthe vocabularyin items z-6, and tell them to look quickly through the conversationto find the answers.Elicit answersaround the class,and ask Who startsthe conversation,Natalia or Eddy?(Natalia.) nguage note - -: used by females and is the neutral equivalent of Mr, and -, ea,n d a c '.r t o L r tt r d r r u L h e ur a i r t o g u c s st h e s i t u a t o n Additionalmaterial for extrapracticenrateria I www.oup.com/elt/englishresult for extrateacherresources www.oup.com/elt/teacher/result Excuseme Thank you Please4 Sorry L2 I D.3Go through the instructions and play the audio,pausing after eachphrasefor studentsto repeat.Monitor and give extra practiceas necessary.Givepositive feedback(or smile),when studentssoundfriendly T13 lD asktwoorthreequestions to keepthe Dostudents going? exercise conversation me? andexcuse Dostudentsuseplease,thankyou, 11 exercise formscorrectly? ro Dostudents useaddress exercise www.tienganhedu.com Readingand Writing Moment poems Readthe poem.Write true orfalse Happy moments It'stenotlockinthemorning l'mgoing totheshops l'mlooking fora newhat thisafternoon It'smybestfriend's wedding l'mfeeling happy! Nowit'sthreeo'clock I'matLaura's wedding l'msittingwithmyfriends They're wearing andhatsandsuitsandties skirts AndLaura iswearing a longwhitedress It'seighto'clock intheevening fun We're dancing andhaving ismarried Laura nowl Hernewhusband islooking ather Andthey're smiling Example At ten o'clockthe writer is going to the park False The writer is looking for a new dress.2 The writer's best friend is getting married The wedding is in the afternoon.4 The writer is sitting alone at three otlock Laurais wearing a blue skirt At eight o'clockthe writer and her friends are having dinner Laurashusbandis looking at her Lauraisn't happy Checkgrammar In this poem,the Write in six more words It^5 one otlock in the morning Peoplesleeping,the street dark We at home, but I not sleeping I thinking about my friend Laura Shestarting a new lifel E Answer the questions for you At the moment What time is it? Where are you? What are you doing? Who are you with? What's happening? What are you thinking about? fE Write another poem about a moment Chooseone of the titles Write 3o-4o words A sad moment A funny moment A noisy moment A secretmoment E zoo8 Photocopiable @Oxford University Presswww.tienganhedu.com 177 Unit Test Places,transport, and travel Date: Vocabulary Grammar I Was,were,wasn't,weren'tCompletethe sentences with was,were,wasn't,or weren't Transport Underlinethe correctword Example A Excuseme, is there a stationltrain/taxi from hereto Glasgow? B No,but there'sa bus A B A B A B Example Where wereyolulast week? at work - I was on holidayl Iin Thailand Jackand I fantastic - very clean and The hotel comfortable The beacheswere very quiet They crowded really happy.He wanted to stay lack there! E WasI werequestionsWrite questionswith wasor were Example the weather good Wasthe weathergood? the people friendly A B A B Excuseme Where I take the train for London? It leavesfrom station/platform/ departuregate z How can I get to BakerStreet? It's three stopson the plane/taxi/underground Excuseme, where'sthe library? Takethe number4 bus/ platform/stop.lt's oppositethe station How can I get to the plane/ taxi / station? lbrn left at the corner.It's oppositethe museum Is there a train station atthe airportldeparture gate/platform? Yes,it's at terminal4 tE AdjectivesCompletethe text with theseadjectives clean expensive noisy uncomfortable unfriendly wet Lastyearwehadatenibleholiday Thehotelwasvery noisy because it hada bigdisco Ourroomwasn'tvery andthebedswere2- Thefood intherestaurant wasvery andthewaiters werequite4Andtheweather wasterrible 5- it was allweek! r the pool crowded Pronunciation the hotel nice -ed endings Think about the sound of thesewords Write the words in the correctcolumn ended ffi moved started waited walked the rooms big onesyllable the nightlife exciting two syllables looked fE Pastsimple Completethe text with the past simple form of theseverbs arrive knock open stop visit walk fE yi$ted Transylvania.Wel_at Lastyearwe theairportat midnight, andtravelled to thehotelbytaxi 2onthedoor,andanoldman3We 4intothehall,andsuddenly we it We 5- Theoldmandisappeared! E 't78 www.tienganhedu.com Photocopiable @Oxford University Presszoo8 Reading and Writing A postcard t1i6eorye, 6reeh ngr{ rom EAinbu rgh.0 ott a nAl are on h olidayhere \tle're vitiling,nyavrt onAoacle.They live aearlhe beach, bul we area't *ayi agat their house.Th$ w gotth ree al abig chilArenaadl*eir houteisveryrmall.We'restaying ollhofel aearthecity cenfre.It's greal- it's nearolll?''e bart andrcttauranlt Lookat the notesand complete postcard George's George'sholiday Where? Hotel Grand,France with? Sarah Weather? good Food? excellent Today George- visiting the Louvre Sarah- shopping Yesterday George- went to the market Sarah - visited the PicassoMuseum casfleand lhe muteum.The Y estedaywev*ited EAinburgh weather here it OK.It rain*dp rleil ay bvt il warn't colA Atthe momenlI'm rilting in aliltle ea{6andwitingmy {or hish nily.l' n *en isbuyingsomepreseab Tostcards meetinghimal oneo'clockforlvqlhina Scottirhpub.' holidayin france Hoyeyov're enjoyingyovr goon! Seeyou Tania Read Tania s postcard Correct one mistake in each sentence Example Tania and Ben are on holiday in Glasgow Edinburgh Tanias aunt and uncle live near the castle Tanias aunt and uncle have got four children Tania and Ben are staying near the beach Tania is writing letters at the moment At the moment, Ben is buying somepostcardsfor his familv It snowedin Edinburghyesterday fliTa*ia, llopeyou're e isoyingyour holiAoyin EAioburgh Sarah aqdl areoa holiAayiar-.We'rc ll' s greal! staying at l*e 2-Atlhe nomerrtltrn Y erteiloyl s , 'f he w eather b -, 5eeyou fooo, oadSarahisa- and Sarah 6- a aA.rhe{ ooAir 8==.-.-f 6earge tE Imagine you are on holiday.Write a postcardto a friend Write 5o-6o words lli , [E Write true orfalse Example Tania and Ben are on holiday in Edinburgh True They'restaying with Tanias aunt and uncle Their hotel is near the bars and restaurants Yesterdaythey visited the museum It is very cold in Edinburgh At the moment Tania is having lunch Georgeis on holiday in Italy E 2oo8 Photocopiable @Oxford University Presswww.tienganhedu.com 179 Unit 10Test Personalhistories Vocabulary Grammar Pastsimple [ rut the words in (brackets)in the correctposition in the questions Example Did you

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