english result elementary workbook

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english result elementary workbook

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english result elementary workbook tài liệu, giáo án, bài giảng , luận văn, luận án, đồ án, bài tập lớn về tất cả các lĩ...

Joe McKenna OXjORD LINIYERSITY PRESS A How ło śay hello >>p4 B How to śay Phone nuńbers & email ad4tesśes >> p.5 C How to give yout name and addtess )>p6 I' How to stań a convetsation >> p:7 Skills Ptactice >>pP8 9 self check I )> pt6 A How to uŚe English in the classtooń )> p.1o B How to inttoduce Yout family )> p-11 c lłow to describe peoPle >>p12 D How to talk about the time >> p.13 Skills Practice >> pP.r4 r5 Selfcheck 2 >> p.77 A How to aśk fol infotmation >>p16 B How to talk about countdes >> p 7'7 C How to say whete you are in town >> Pl8 D Howto talk about language skills >>p19 skills Practice )> p-2o 21 selfcheck 3 )) pt8 A Howto tespond to news >>p22 B How to śay dateŚ >>p23 C Howto desc be habits >> p24 fl How to describe a tyPical day >)P25 Skills Ptactice )> pp 26-27 self Ćheck 4 >> p79 A How to inttoduce PeoPle )> p.28 B How to desctibe peoPle and objects >>p29 C How to ask fot thinBs in shoPs >) P30 D How to ask about People's inteteśts >) p.31 skills PBctice )> pp.32 33 selfcheck 5 )>p80 A How to ask about pticeś >>p34 B How to oldet food in a cafć >> P35 C How to talk about food >) p.36 D How to offet things >> p37 Skills Practice >) pp38-39 SeLfcheck 6 >) p.81 I :ffi I I 10 A How ło talk about free-time activitieś >>p40 B How to talk about the weathet )>p41 C How to describe abilities )) p.42 D How to talk about likes and dislikes >)p43 Skills Practice >> pp 44 4s Selfcheck 7 >>p82 A How to invite and reply >>p46 B How to say what to weai >>p47 C How to say what's happening >>p48 D Howto des.ribe actions >> p.49 Skills Practice >> pp 5o-5r Self check I >>p83 A How to ask fol ttansPott infotmałion >>p52 B How to give an.l follow directionś >) p.53 C Howto ask about and descdbe a holiday >) p.54 D How to tell a słoly >> p55 Skills Ptactice >> pp-56 57 Self check 9 )>p84 A How to continue a Ćonvetsation >> P58 B How to talk about a career )> p.59 C How to talk about what happened )>p60 D How to talk about life stodes >>p61 Skills Practice >) pp 62-63 self Ćheck 1o >> p'85 A How to make suggestions >>P64 B How to say whatb wrong >)p65 c How to comPate thingś >>p66 It How to undetstand opinions >> P.6l Skills Practice >> pp 68-69 Self check u >>p.86 A Howto make a appointment >>p70 B How to say how you feel >>P7r c How to talk abouł futute aEangementś >> p.72 D How to talk about intentions >> p13 Skills PEctice )> p.74J5 Selfcheck t2 )>p 87 11 T2 Itregular verbs >> p.95 Self checks key >) pp 88-90 Audio ŚcriPts >> pp.91 94 Contents How to say hello v 8leetingphiases ! Ihythmandstl€ss J& Vocabulary greetinB phrases r Match the p]ctllres and phrases 1 Good aftemoonl 2 cood eveningl Complete the conversatlons What,s your nam€ aga]n oops What s |H'€ And you My name,s Day 1 3 Put the conversation in order tr oopsl He]lo, ]ennif€I HoW are yorL? Ll Hello, Bobr My name's Jennferl I Im fne too ! ],m ńne thanks And you? E t.łetlo agan, lulral A H€ lo' good momng What3yoL| name] B !pLo'€ood mor g |Vly.J-e5 A Nic€to rneetyou| Myname'ś ] A l'm Alan How are yoLrT How welt can you say heuo and ask people's names now? Go back to th€ and tick '/ the hne again 3 Good mornin8l B Ptonunciation rhythm and stress 4 lA.1' List€n and tick / the name, you h€al B Hellol , A My nam€s Bob B Sonyi I A Bob My nam€'s lob N]ce to meet youl Day 2 B Hello a8arn.lim A H€llo, ]ennifel 4 Bob I Hello Bob How are youTB! A Im fne, thanks 6 B T,m ńne ! rtaine ! D rane ! ! cermaine ! 5 listen a8ain Wlite th€ names Drew Hugh Stu And you? compl€te th€ conversation How to say phone numbers & email addresses : .: ssvesmy,you|'hb, hPl v ]ett€rs and A Ptonunciation letters and numbers ( Grammar possessives my, yout,his,her sten and correĆt the mistakes .].: numb€Is & ] Jc,27BtLlinRd '.'' 3\4óó52 , r. PA,3stfatfordP 0997411 , : .RS,glBrsbaneAve . . .4065589 ::.::t'Lą144l'4]Lclre||D|' '''' ' '22L3074 :-,arl addresses Patty iou20@buzby net Tomas okchen@fanz ne 4 Complete the conversations wlth these words my h€r hiś your I A Hellol What's 19!1r name? B I'm Craig And youi A name',s B Nic€ to meet you| 2 B Mml What's nameł B And what's ll VocabularV letters and numbers 3 A Mm | \,Ą/hat,s www qgetwell,co,u k phone number? A Its 17 3374 B Serge B I dont know '-, 1 ,= .= 3 :.5 :-1 5-1ą U. 11 |ł-t x= 2+ 2.26 1 ',ie 13'25 1+'1.13.5 q'ń t 5 2+ My is Ret .:-:s the message? :''5.ą 13'15'18 1+.q.1ą.7] ': 13 118-5 25'15-21? :.: rour own message in numbers How well c: What s your nameT What,s your phon€ numb€I? And what's your email addresr? How to give your name and address c pronouns and possesslve sj ple sent simple of b€ E v parts of an addless; numbels 20+ p stiess in questions A vocabulary numbers zo+ 1 Wllte the answ€rs in numbers l thilt€en + nine = 22 2 forty -three = 3 twenty seven + seventeen = 4 eighty ńv€ - frfteen = 5 a hundred and rix + twelve = 6 a hundl€d and thilty sixty.ńv€ = 7 e]€ven + foity two = 8 ninety nine ten = 9 a hundred four = 10 slxty sev€n + th[ty.foul = 2 Complet€ the closswold Across 282 516 731 850 944 Down 149 322 433 694 Grammar ptonouns and possessives; present simple of be + 3 Match the pronouns with dm, is, or are I I am=fm 2he 3 sh€ 4 complete the sentenc€s wlth youl ans\^rels fiom exercrse 3 and these rords hrs her rny our their 7 I'm flom G€Imany. name's Helga frcm China names are lee and TinB fTom canada. names aI€ MaIc arld C1aile How w€]t can you glve your name and addless now7 co backto the and tick / the line again from Poland flom Russia' name,s s€rgei C Ptonunciation stress iR questions 6 7 Match the questions and answ€rs 1 E What,s youJ first nam€7 a 2 ! urhat's your sumame? b 3 D How do you spe[ that? c a ! \^rhele aI€ you ftom? d 5 ! what's your ad&ess? e lc.l> list€n and check rist€n a8ain and copy the stless PAIMER 42 Ashford Strcet, Toronto Canada And you? Ą1'^.| .h"q 'o1' I o^lF'P. ''e FIow to start a conversation ' -=ć:1i simp]e of }€ EEtr Ą vocabutary Polite Wolds and phlases :, -r .te the conversatrons wlth these words .::. ihanks rorry thankyou excuse me -:- iow are you, lames? ': .:n ńne' And you7 -:- le]]o, Miss lones ; :-i Ms lonesl I'm latel i iat s OK, sit down what s your name again? ;5a1ly. -:, ii, Sa]]y. I'm lake B ctammat present simple of be [ilt- il L: r:rhne the cotrect words ou "- (oldpla),. w-"e vourp 4or rrgla'ld 'jfa Robelts is/ar€ Amelican He,s/shet sin8]e j ^ y r;tF' |Fan o.ao lm He'5 roi Ąrre j1 :. /He! Irench! -'J M 'UlFgo" '1o.1s.otdrd H.''||ŚJ.ou.i*y . iurope Is/Are he singlef Yes, thatk right I'm/He's ]'!.t Gibson and Robyn Glbson is/are smg]€ SorI]. .at,s not ń8ht We,relThey,le matied ::jn€ Dion am/ls canadian she isnt/alen't slng]e, 3 Match 1 6 with a-t t @ łre you 3 ! ],Ą/hatk ą ! where are s ! Is your mum 4 MJtch .he ąr\V pl\ Wi.]. .] . qJ.5.io| 5 ' F'"'c 5. ] a L| 1\0, tm srngle c ! o77oo 9oo443 d ! No, my namek ]an e ! Yes, she is f ! I'm from rondon € old aI€ you? f youI phone numb€r? You lxcuse me, B Y€s, ] am And you? You I m frcm B My names Uldch What,s your nam€? :B Nice to meet youlAre you ma ied? B No, t'm not Im single B YeŚ, please Unit 1 Skills Practice Brian J. Wilson . 17, Queen St/ Tofo,rto, Canada . Te 09 09 8790981 ' Eńai: bj\łisoi@pqoi net Enrique Delgado I Sa.s Represeftatve . |,]Jifan.rć. ó 4 A''8c 7 ladrd. sPa. |' 09.l'Ec99ó ' eĆe!J] q5F.nF Yyonne Chąnut Ą Read for detail otL UNIVERSITY OF LENINCRAD Ivana Kuznetsov Dep tnent ofotganic Chemistr! Lrlltsa RylokfZ No\.8orod, RuŚsia lEL:6671321 rvlrL kuznesov@len ac ru !t listen for key wotds and phrases 1 Read the busln€ss calds and comPlet€ the tab]e 3 ls.t) listen and comP]€te these foIms E Fn\LiamE /\ĄąrŃaL age Hone address /!4!rLe/4j\!!j131, TelePhoĄe śz3 571z]L PO Eni'l lDŃ NED31ą|"zH E,,",,"^,. ,!! !!! !!4 tlL 3LbdPeŚafąhąś ^.ł e. t!rr", Tel al6jŻ,6a0lfa '"l/ 'Ydnn(.!sl1]ing ń arelohd Nołv wńte your oMrn business cald' Use your dictionaly to check your job in English H.me addreJś +, cothedral s+, ccł^k TelephÓne )o) 13oa rnail sĆor{er@x|vńet jrnH*|l::rąFl]:''arł:rl 'jl|:\:!5!l listen again Match the phrases with the conversauons 1 ! sorry7 2 ! Can you just repeat that? . E How do you spel. your surnamel 4 ! Could you spell that for me7 5 E Two mol€ questions 6 ! four more questions, please Check the audio scripi on >> p91 Name Country 01632 960 oi2o Reail and check information :. home is in Pretoria r.: has no email address - :r / the true sentences and correct the false sentences l':rvan is 45. He's J5 : :-:- s irom Utrecht, in Holland ,/ : -]:! phone numb€I is 632 579,10 = :: ,ian is manied r::n, frIst name is Collins ri passpoll number is 2o2 73oo Ąnńber i 077aa 1a0 781, Lf y,]La. Ńą|L, tr .ąLL ThŁre ąre cafuPLfeB błLth ,he IĄżer|&t IL thŁ hÓt.t, My ŁfuąlL add.eŚ i[ !iLwh@!dŁ,LrwŃ ,,Lef, 5ąy heLLa tr Tafu ąwd EnLiąĄ Gillian is in England Yves and Sandn are maded Johann is from BelBium Gillian is in class There is a telephone in her rcom Sandras mob e number is o77oo 9oo 887 There are computels in the cafó wdte an address 1 z 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 Put this address in order ! Ireland ! 4, cathedral st E Mr s collins u Wnte a friend's name and address ! ltrite personal information - ' . :: the form wiih your personal details .:: does it say on forms in your language? Are any ::1i the same or similar? Read for aletail 9 Read th€ ]€ttel and co[ect s€ntences 1-8 15' cąrLtL. Faą.{ Deą. He!ŁL, 24 1al HelLa! HN are yoa? ThiJ ł d PhÓtó3rąPL,. rf fue iLs.ltLaLd.Th.Ł Óther PerPLe i|L thŁ Pi.tare ąreyves, 'ąLdrą ąĄdJrhąM They're ńy frten* fve.r tł a stdet ]aere, ą^,ł h.j fró Bebtafu, 'ąĄdrą d|'dJahąM drŁ akÓ lt4deLt! T'.y'rL ąrded, ąAd lhŁY,rŁ f fu E*hą|Ly, We ąre it ą .ąfć hąviĄ! ]nLh I fu.et ĄŁ|') PŁÓPIe evŁry dąy ttj lreąt! Therej Ąr t.LLPhóĄŁ i|' fuy .ÓóM, bnt fuy ńÓb|LL Now try the setf check on >> pt6 How to use English in the classroom Ą vo".bol.rg English in the classloom B Grammar imperatives 1PqnĆ11 R€ad the conversations A Excuse mel Xnglish 1 What'Ś this in Englis A Sorry? please that B B B 1 Complete the words with a, e, i, o, ar u 3 4 on the board the windovv 5 to the cD 2 p ct r 3 mbr 11 6 at the clock / the exercise 3 comp]ete the instructions łvith the best word read write listen opelr c ose look ask 1 open the umbrella 2 a question 4 Say the words aloud and write them in the corect box $re5+ien Monday afternoon underline Wednesday Umbre|la answer evening Eng|9h We€kend Thursday Saturday C Pronunciation countingsyllables 5 6 2A.1) listen and check Listen again and repeat 7d sk 8ch 9t ch r 10b rd Put ihe questions in order in whatk this B A picture A spell you do how ihat P.I.C.T U R !, Thank youl op-"n the window, pleasel s]o\^Ily that can say p]eas€ you Open the window Thank you that wdte please you can Anil you? wrlte the rnstructions in your listen and check Match the rarords and the pictures Work !/ith a partner Underline the corect word 10 A Yes rook at ihe board [...]... v/rlte / not very \,vell you undertand Inglish? I undeFtand a little 3 undertand / very well you Iead lng]iŚh) 4 speak/alrtile : you write Inglish? 5 plonounce/ not very W€ l L Iw te alittle you like EnglishT Vocabulary phrases describing -::iguage ability ( Pronunciation sue s or shoe I 4 Is th€ under]inedsound/s/oI {/7say theseWolds a]oud and writ€ them inth€ collect box Russian France fu 5outhAfrican . .ÓóM, bnt fuy ńÓb|LL Now try the setf check on >> pt6 How to use English in the classroom Ą vo".bol.rg English in the classloom B Grammar imperatives 1PqnĆ11 R€ad the conversations A. ń arelohd Nołv wńte your oMrn business cald' Use your dictionaly to check your job in English H.me addreJś +, cothedral s+, ccł^k TelephÓne )o) 13oa rnail sĆor{er@x|vńet jrnH*|l::rąFl]:''arł:rl. convetsation >> p:7 Skills Ptactice >>pP8 9 self check I )> pt6 A How to uŚe English in the classtooń )> p.1o B How to inttoduce Yout family )> p-11 c lłow to

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