This is a useful guide for practice full problems of english, you can easy to learn and understand all of issues of related english full problems. The more you study, the more you like it for sure because if its values.
polski z indeksem polsko-angielskim: * zawWierajacy slownic†wo wystepujace w
wiekszosci podrecznikow jezyka angiel- skiego dostepnych na rynku polskim | l9 09900199 0v 00:23 Ì bledĩw najcze$ciej popelnianych przez | polskich studentĩw
b » 3000 najwazniejszych slĩw, ktĩrych | warto nauczyé sie najpierw
* objasnienia zagadnien gramatycznych sprawiajacych trudnoéci¡ polskim 'W sprzeda¿y jesienia 1999! PT Men | | | | | Nowy kieszonkowy slownik angielsko- | ⁄ | | ALUN PENGUIN READERS Polecamy do.czytania z serii seo Readers:
* Leonardo DiCaprio (poziom 1, 300 SD) * Men in Black (poziom 2, 600 stow) * Washington Square (poziom 2, 600 slĩw) + Babe - The Sheep Pig (poziom 2, 600 slĩw)
Prawdziwy jezyk w prawdziwym swiecie
Tematyka kursu Snapshot odzwierciedla $wiat wspĩlczesnych nastolatkow poprzez wiarygodne postacie, prawdziwy jezyk uzywany przez mlodych ludzi oraz zainteresowania popularne W$rĩd tej grupy wiekowej
Rĩ¿norodny ¡ ekscytujacy
Snapshot urozmaica nauke jezyka angielskiegÐ.p0pIzeZ gy,
roznorodne éwiczenia i zadania, phofoslory w odcinkach oraz teksty Mix XvA przebojĨw
Dodatkowy TT See Sh
Language Booster jast jednym z komponenfĩw kursu Sg zawierajacym objasnienia gramatyczne oraz éwiczenia utrwalajace
nowo Wprowadzony material w Students’ Book:
wiczenia o rĩ¿nym poziomie zaawansowania | wiczenia w Language Booster sa zrĩ¿nicwane pod wzgledẻrri poziomu trudnosci, co daje uczniom i nauczycielom mozliwosé dopasowania ich do stopnia zaawansowania jezykowego klậy, Kurs Snapshot mozna rozpocza¢ od podrecznika Starter lub Elementary Starter przeznaczony jest dla tych, ktorzy.nie znajq jezyka angielskiego lub.znaja jedynie jego podstawy, Podrecznik
UNIT | Page | Grammar Vocabulary Communication Grammar Page
® 4_ | Subject pronouns: Common objects and Greet people and Subject pronouns: 85
⁄ I, you, he, she, it furniture exchange names I, you, he, she, it Verb to be singular Numbers 1-20 introduce people Verb to be singular Question words: What?, Ask someone's age Indefinite articles: a, an
Who?, How(old)? Demonstrative pronouns: Verb to be questions this, that
Questions with What?,
Who?, How old?
STUDY CORNER Possessive adjectives: my, your
Capital letters (1) Numbers 1-20
ờ 8 |Vem ro be singular Common adjectives: Greet people Verb to be singular 89
Genitive apostrophe s (‘s} right, wrong, small, formally and Questions with Where?,
Possessive adjectives: hot, cold, hungry, informally What's?
my, your, his, her thirsty, tired Prepositions: in, on, at Prepositions: in, on, at Possessive adjectives:
Question words: Where?, “Oreetin a eople my, your, his, her, its
What? Who? g Peop Genitive apostrophe s (‘s}
12 x Starlight Runner (1): Sarah arrives in London
® 13 | Plurals of nouns Countries and Introduce yourself Questions and answers with 93 “ Verb to be plural nationalities and say where you Where from?
Question words: Who/, are from Subject pronouns: we, you, they Where?, What? Verb to be plural
STUDY CORNER Plurals of nouns Identifying mistakes
® 17 | Verb can (request) Greetings through Ask for and give Preposition on with days 97 ° Prepositions in and on the day telephone numbers of the week
Mixed questions Days of the week Ask for and give Questions with When? STUDY CORNER Numbers 20-100 names and addresses Modal verb can (request)
Capital letters (2) The alphabet
21 + Starlight Runner (2): Sarah meets Ryan
® 22 Skills development: Snapshot of Hawali
@ 24 |Verb have got Family members Talk about people's Genitive apostrophe s 100
Some and any appearance Possessive adjectives: our,
Genitive apostrophe s: your, their singular and plural Verb have got
Subject pronouns and CULTURE SNAPSHOT Some and any with plural nouns
possessive adjectives Family names
® 28 | Present simple Types of music Talk about likes and Present simple 104
° Object pronouns dislikes Adverb of degree: a /ot, Present simple questions CULTURE SNAPSHOT very much, at all Adverbs of degree Reggae music Object pronouns 32 + Starlight Runner (3): We call her the “Starlight Runner"
® 33 | Present simple with fixed Clock times Ask for permission Present simple with fixed times | 108 z times Fast food and drinks Preposition of time: at
Question word: English money Preposition: on
UNIT | Page | Grammar Vocabulary Communication Grammar Page
@ 37 | Prepositions of place Places in towns Ask and talk about Prepositions of place: 11 , There is and There are Shops leisure activities in, on, near, next to,
Verb want + infinitive Make suggestions with Let's opposite, behind, between, in front of, in the centre of, on the corner of
Shop names with genitive apostrophe s
There is and There are Indefinite pronoun: one Vero want + infinitive
Make suggestions with Let's 41 + Starlight Runner (4): Leaving for New York
è 42 — Skills development: Two boys Two lives `
$ 44 | Present simple Means of transport Ask and talk about Present simple for routines 115 ⁄ Adverbs of frequency Daily activities daily activites Adverbs of frequency: always,
Linkers: first, then, STUDY CORNER CULTURE SNAPSHOT often, sometimes, never, usually
after that Stress on longer words UK school routines Linkers: first, then, after
® 48 |Verb cơn (ability) Sports and activities Ask and talk about Questions with How often? 118
“ Gerund (-ing form) after Months and seasons things you can do Adverbial phrases of frequency like, love, hate of the year Modal verb can (ability) Adverbs of frequency Ordinal numbers with like, love, hate + gerund (-ing)
with How often? dates CULTURE SNAPSHOT Prepositions in and on with Sport in British schools dates
52 x Starlight Runner (5): A message for Sarah
® 53 | Present continuous Rooms and parts of the Give orders Present continuous 122 “ Present simple and house Describe what's Imperatives: positive and
present continuous happening now negative
oO 57 {Verb going to future Clothes Comment on clothes Verb going to for future 126 ⁄ Demonstrative adjectives: Colours with too + adjective plans and intentions
this/these/that/those Talk about plans too + adjective
Demonstrative adjectives:
these/those 61 + Starlight Runner (6): The pasta party
® 62 Skills development: Spending power
8 64 | Verb to be past simple Drinks Offer, accept and Verb to be past simple 130 Past time adverbials refuse with would like Would like for offers and
last night, etc STUDY CORNER requests
Guessing meaning Past time adverbials
® 68 | Past simple of Adjectives of quality Talk about the past Past simple regular verbs 134 Z regular verbs Express opinions Questions with did
72 + Starlight Runner (7): Marathon day
o 73 | Past simple of Weather words Talk about past events Asking about the weather 138 irregular verbs Special phrase: with What like?
STUDY CORNER What's the weather like? Past simple of irregular verbs Past simple/Infinitives
® 77 |Comparative and School subjects Make comparisons: Comparatives and superlatives | 141 superlative of adjectives clothes and styles; Questions with Which?, Who?
Extending your English Facts about the UK 81 + Starlight Runner (8): The finish line
ay 82 Skills development: A strange experience at Versailles
Trang 5It's great to be here! Grammar @) Stay cool Subject pronouns
1> Complete each conversation with the
correct subject pronoun: /, you, he, she, or it Hello, are you Daniel? Charlie 's my brother Is that your camera? Verb to be singular 2> Complete the grammar tables 3 > Write the long form of — the verb fo be Positive statements : (Short forms) j | ~ TT 1 ?m_ Luke TT | men you Daniel? Pm PT 2 222cc — ; Ì YOUT
You Darel He Charlie | Short answers 2 BÊ he’ sec
She Emily YeS, Ì < “+ Ắ-
Tt — a car No, L ccccccceceseceseceseee 4 TH SG G4644 2 1 094432211kkxkkszsssse
Trang 6Question words , » Go for it
4> Complete the questions with the correct
question words: How?, What?, or Who?
7 > Read the penfriend advertisement and
complete the chart below Then in your notebook
Who your teacher? write questions for an interview with Baz
mm old are you?
3 Hee 'S your name? BAZ BLAKE ca ’s your favourite film star?
¬- s that in English?
5 vesseseeseseeeeees 's your favourite sports star? :
6 viec old is your little brother? Hello My name’s Baz I’m from London Pm 15, My favourite
5 Move on
film is Sister Act I 1 tike
(Move on) |
Whoopi Goldberg but my
Verb to be questions favourite female film star is
Michelle Pfeiffer She’s great
Who's your favourite female film [3 k / 5> Complete the questions and the answers
Are you Daniel? uo star?
Yes, lam Write to: Baz Blake Box 534 : 1 Who you? an : i "— Emily 2 How old he? Name Baz Blake mm 15 Age ca Sally Freeman your mother? Where from Yes,
4 What that? Favourite film star
¬ a video camera All-time favourite film 5 6e Luke? c Box number No, T 6> Answer the questions about yourself , 2 “ r
1 WhatS your name Q What wrong?
` 8> Correct the mistake in each sentence
CỤ TT TỐ AreỆou)Daniel? Areuow Daniel? —¬ -
3 Are you English? 1 Ï(S a Came€fra
L.H 121210011 18141314411111 09111011110 1011711014401 1 7100110110111 612 2 Who old are you? 4 How old are you? 3 Where ïs you from? _ -. -<-¿ CHỀ111411111 11H11 T011 4 TH TT TT 1n T00 01k crờ 4 My name am EmiÏy
5 Are you in a rock band? 5 HOW iS YOUr NAME? oases essescesesecececeseceeeseseesceeteenees
6 Her ïs In the car
Trang 79> Complete the name of each object 12> Do this number crossword Across 'F i | VIE | 1 2+3 2 5+11 L—| Se Ft} dt tt 4246 7 4+5 Down — 1242 | | 2 6+1 3 1+1 —— P 5 7+3 „ 6 0+† P| | ft |
13 > Complete the word puzzle using the pictures
and find word number 11 3 x N! Lẻ =e 5 1 2 10 > Write the words in Exercise 9 in the correct 3 box: a or an 4 Ỹ on te 5 : + ị 6 tu Vu se 7 ằ DI NHANH KH gu : 8 tk kH 2 111181108 5 ĩc 481416161616 kg gxgvv : 9 ¬ | 10 11 > Write the numbers for these words 14> How many English words beginning with
@ight cen Bence e) TWENVE ~ these letters can you remember? Write them in
A) four f) fourteen your notebook — b} seven g) twenfy_ A B C H |
cì fve h) nỉneteen and | boy
Trang 8Communication | = : 17 > Complete Daniel's conversation with a teacher @Stay cool ) 15> Write the words in the correct order to make a conversation Luke: My/Luke/name’s/Freeman/ your/name/What’s/? Daniel: Daniel/name’s/My/Cresson/ Luke: — this/my/And/sister/is/ Emily: Emily/name’s/./My/Hello/ Luke: My name's Luke Freeman
16 > Complete the introductions Hello, 'm Daniel -qQ This is Luke He’s fifteen -Emily 14 Susan, 13 Daniel, 15 Luke, 15 4 Charlie, 6 -3 yes, ¡ am
Daniel: Excuse me Are you Mr Stone? Mr Stone: Yes, 1 am Is your name Cresson? Daniel: " Ơ Mr Stone: Ah, hello, Daniel Welcome to Brighton High School Daniel: —— Ơ Mr Stone: How old are you, Daniel? Daniel: — Mr Stone: Right, let’s go and meet your classmates 18 > In your notebook, write a conversation
between you and Mr Stone
Capital letters 0 We use capital letters for:
® names of people and places: Daniel, London the first letter in a sentence: b He's six “ @ the pronoun I: {'m fifteen
19 > Write the capital letters in these sentences
Hello ’'m Daniel Cresson hello i'm daniel cresson
1 my name’s luke
_ 2 are you emily freemari? -<«+
dĨ So So > ĐI G9 9-6.0.0/6/0.0.400 2.0 0.000 0.6 0.0.9 0.9
Trang 9`" i) @ Move on / Go for it ) 2> Write sentences for each picture It’s hungry ty @® Stay cool ` Verb to be singular 3> Complete the grammar tables
Negative statements Questions Short answers (Short forms) Positive Negative | mnọt cold Pn | hot? Ye5, you No, you
You arent English, | you hungry? Yes,l No,l
He tired 7 [| s««ee=se he thirsty? Yes,he_ No,he
She tred | | «eeee.=e« she right? Yes, she No, she
Íf Verynice | | it small? Yes,I No,It ˆ
Trang 10
Genitive apostrophe s (‘s)
4> Identify the objects
Possessive adjectives my, your, his, her
Trang 11Verb to be singular with prepositions jn, on, at desesssceaeccssscensacececcsessennsceees Greta? school ¬ Ơ the dictionary? 191191 9 ng ng ngàng vợ the table
6> Ask and say where the people and things are -
_Wrể ii the video camera? 3
: assessessevseneese the chair
TT 11x LH HH HH Hy nu re, Mrs Freeman? 4 KH TH tt nh như the car
DQ cessseesssessensssesssesseectceneasenens the car? 5
HH H11 1111 6 gen nen the car park
> Go for it
Verb to be singular with question words and prepositions
7> Complete the conversations with What?, Who/,
Where?, the correct form of the verb to be, and a
Trang 12Communication @ Stay cool 8> Complete the conversations with the sentences:
* How do you do, Mr Baker * Nice to meet you, James
* Nice to meet you, too, Mrs Baker Hi, Sara Mum, this is James How do you do, James QD Go for it
10> You arrive at Stansted Airport, near London
In your notebook, write a conversation between
9> Write your conversation with Sara
Sara: Hi! My name’s Sara What’s your name? Sara, Mrs Baker, and you
You: A namề,
Sara: Nice to meet you y Culture snapshot
i Greeting people
- Sara: I’m 14 How old are you? 9 pcop
In Britain, when you meet older people for the first time, it's polite to say Hello or How do you do and shake hands Peopfe who know each other well sometimes kiss when they meet
= Sara: Are you at school?
4 Sara: 1’m in Class 9 at my school
What class are you in?
How do you greet people in your country? YOU! Sara: And what’s your teacher’s sumame? Ì"".~ Sara: 1s that Mr, Mrs, or Miss? , — Sara: 1s your teacher English?
YOU; — sesecesssecssccssccccecssecccstensssecceesceeesesetsessscssecsescseeases Sara: Well, | must go now Bye!
Trang 13
1 Sarah arrives ỉn London
“Taxi! Taxi!" ‘Where to, Miss?’
‘The Good Health Club in Bedford Park, please
It’s in west London.’
Sarah gives the taxi driver an address card
Lonpon W 4 3FB
‘Is this your first visit to London, Miss?’
‘Yes, it is It's very exciting.’ ‘Are you at school?’
‘No, I’m at college ’m nineteen I’m in England for a year What's that building over there?’
‘It's the V @ AV ‘What's the V & A?’
‘The Victoria and Albert Museum.’
‘It’s a beautiful building.’
The taxi arrives at the Good Health Club Sarah
goes into the club
‘Hello, ’m Sarah Hilliard ’'m the new fitness instructor.’
‘Hello, Sarah! Nice to meet you I’m Melanie Welcome
to the Good Health Club.’ ‘Thanks.’
‘Let’s go and meet Tony Castle He’s the club manager.’ The two girls go into the manager’s office
‘Tony, this is Sarah She’s the new instructor from New Zealand.’
‘How do you do, Mr Castle.’
‘Please call me Tony Are you jet-lagged?’
Tm a bit tired! It’s a long flight from Wellington.’
‘Yes, | know I’m from Australia Anyway, relax Welcome to the Good Health Club.’
‘Thank you It’s great to be here!’ In your notebook, answer the questions ] Where is the Good Health Club?
2 What is the V & A? 3 What’s Sarah’s job at the
4 Who is Tony Castle? 5 Where's he from?
Trang 14P.11 144,,,1,1111,)11 lm French | - Canadlian Vocabular
@) Stay cool ee,
1> Put the words into -EHle Bi Heload _ =
the correct computer file ountry ationality
Canada Argentina) Japan American Japanese English the USA Brazilian Germany German Spanish British France Canadian
Argentinian the UK Brazil French Portuguese >> Move on 2> Complete the introductions Go for it
3> In your notebook, write introductions for three other people from Montreal,
Trang 15è
® Stay cool
Plurals of nouns
4> Complete the table with the plural of these words
Singular car address student city child woman Piural cars 1" nh ốc Verb to be plural 5> Complete the grammar tables
Positive statements Negative statements
(Short forms) (Short forms)
We re Canadian, We arent American
You Canadian You American They Canadian They American Questions Short answers
Positive Negative
fire we Canadian? Yes, you are, == No,you aren't
_— you Canadian? YES, WE sence NO, WO .i,
_— they Canadian? Yes, they No, they 6> Write complete sentences using the prompts 4
My name/Emily Freeman
you and your friends/Canadian? 5
Trang 16hee Verb to be plural
7> Complete the conversations using the prompts Spanish? Yes
Where/from? = Where are you from?
Madrid TƠ ƠƠ We’re from Madrid 1 Australian? No/British Wherej/fron? _ -cceseeeeeessses Manchester H6 9 060 4.00 0.0006.000 6.0.0 Á 0 c G PC GƠG 4 HH Ị HÀ In Ki hi 0406 „›ïà x71 No/Mexican Wherejfrorm? _ .sccseesecss Acapulco AOR ahaa ee eee eee eer eee sees e eee e ness eeM een eer een eeeee PARIS 3 French? YES | | cunsssccnsssssssssssssccescceescccssssseseeeseseseegs WherejẨrom? -.-c<c-sesesse<eesee PaTiS ẢẢ—
8> Now write about the people in the pictures
ĐĨ Ể Go ic E BI Go Đi ĐC ĐĨ Đ 0 9 0 4.00 0.00 0040.606 C dc 4 4 9 4 lu hi Đo Đ ĐĨ ĐI HÀ ĐH G9 090008 00
ÁP ĐI 9 4 2 9 0.600 0.600.006) 0.610.460 0.019 0 000 0:44 4.0.0 0 4040180 0.0/00 0.400 0.0/30 0.0.0 000 0 0 000 039 0 i6 06
Question words Who?, Where?, What?
9> Complete the questions
WETS your name?
TT KH HH1 HH HH KH HH 1 rry the girls in the café? Â G1 HH HH HH nung ung your teacher’s name? 3 cnovsssersesecscneensssesestnssssscesseesessssesnesacenessssetes the car? Ác HH1 ky ng you and your friend from? ` the boy over there with Emily? “ your telephone number? mm they from? ĐT co HH HH HH Hy ren that man over there?
10> Complete the sentences about the people, places and objects
Robert de Niro is an American ƠƠƠƠƯƠƯƠƯỊƠƠƠÐƠ actor
1 Cẻline Dion 1S 4 sec pop singer
2 Munich and Berlin are cities 3 FÏamenco ïS a . -<sccs<s=<<e dance
Trang 17© | 11> Introduce yourself About you: II (name) ;» (nationality) BVM POM eee (town and country) Name Silvia Paretti Le — (language) Age 16 Nationality ttalian BVM cicccccccscccsscsscssssscssccssesssssccssssssecsessesssrssseseees (age) Home town Brescia
About your school: Football fan Yes — AC Milan
6 lm a student at .«.«ecxesreeersrsrerree Favourite band Bon Jovi Ïm ïm ClASS coe esssseseeseseseeessesseesesesneeseeesscseseeeeeeseenee Favourite singer Bjork
My teacher'S riam€ ÏS cv =
About your interests:
13> Look at the factfile above In your notebook,
write an interview with Silvia STUDY CORNER 7 ]m a fan of (favourite sports team) ĩ‡Ị,900 0 c4 09400 00600040000000®802000009 0000000000009 160 ldentifying mistakes Some teachers use symbols to indicate mistakes:
12> Match each question with the correct
eeaeeee CA PP ĐEĐĐ] CƠ tee eee se teen
answer p =punctuation = w.o = word order | |
1h 2 3 đc sp = spelling A = there is a word missing ?
5 6 7 gr = grammar _ V =Vocabulary 2 @) Where are your a) Brad Pitt
2 What’s your home b) I’m in Class 10
14> Look at the mistakes and correct them town?
3 What’s your c) Yes, | like Manchester I'mortuguese) nationality? United I'm Portuguese
/ẺẺ Ố án
4 How old are you? d) It’s Manchester 5 Are you a football e) Yes, 1 am 1 like
fan? Dasebal, 1888 ax HẬH ,
6 What class are f) 1’m fifteen 21m Gorteen)
you in?
7 Who’s your g) I’m British
favourite film star? ĩ9 5 << > e een e ease eee eee ees eee E DOO eee eE ODE OS EE EO OSE EE Eee OOOO eenaHE e6
8 Are you in the They re at home school baseball
Trang 18Can you spell that, please? Vocabular | @) Stay cool 1> Write the correct greeting for each picture everybody Good morning,
essaeeesessececacsteeneeeeneeensesensos ladies and gentlemen
2> What are the days of the week?
raydif 3 yansud
Trang 19`
/ >>> Move on 4 Which letters rhyme? Circle them i ? Ci
Trang 20@sizy cool )
Verb can (request)
7> Write the requests in the conversation
¢ Can you spell that, please? ¢ Can you repeat that?
® Can you say that again, please?
¢ Can | borrow your pen?
Receptionist: Good morning Are you a member? Julie: No, I’m not Can ! have a day pass, Thỏ ố 6 vẻ Receptionist: Certainly What’s your surname? Julie: Phillips TT 1 Receptionist: Sorry Julie: Phillips 2 Receptionisf:
Julie: Yes, it’s P-H-I-double L-1-P-S
Receptionist: Thank you And what’s your
telephone number here in Brighton? Julie: It’s 01273 112570 3 Receptionisf: - Julie: 01273 112570, that’s double 1, 2570 Receptionist: Right Can you sign your name here, please? 4 ¡0 1 — Receptionist: Sure Here you are Julie: Thanks Prepositions jn and on
8> Write in or on in each sentence
Brighton is on the south coast of England 1 Acapulco is a town Mexico
2 ‘When’s the test?’
TS c Friday afternoon:
3 Tlúwe a small town Scotland 4 The pencils are the box the desk 5 Our English class is Monday
Trang 21Communication ˆ |
10> Circle the correct response 12> You phone a music club to join a class In your notebook, write your conversation with the receptionist = #6 Good moming a) That’s OK b) Come on , c) Good morning,
1 I'm Luke Freeman 13> Look at the mistakes and correct them
a) Nice to meet you b) Thank you
y y The classes are()Saturday morning c) m fine, thanks ví ƠĨ 6ố , 2 What’s your telephone number? ; , 1 Ếou)welcome a} Here is 345 6789 b) It’s 345 6789 - .——Ặ———— - —.- -ẲẲ-aoẻ ? 3 How do you do 2 (ou camrepeat that, please?
Aenea eee eee R HH AI 49/0/0600 000 00 062.0000080 0 000 0000600000000000000000/00 9 000600066 0v
a) I don't know b) Hello Nice to meet you
©) What? 3 What’s your @dressy
ĐĨ ĐĨ 9 0 80 900 09 0-0 6 4.6.5 B05 600 0.6 0 0.008.000 900044000060 Đi 00/0000 0 000094000 009000060006
4 Sorry! Can you repeat that, please? 2 a) Thats OK b}lsee c) Certainly 4 Qhatdyour telephone number:
CS 4 8 9 906 c6 606060 0080.0.60 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 6 6,0 0.0 0:09 0 0.0.0 06 0.0 00.0000 4000.0000029 2400400 0000.004 b9 00898
5 Thanks very much
a) Please b) You're welcome c) Fme, thanks
“ Capital letters (2)
L We use capital letters for:
11> Write the questions in the conversation _ © the pronoun I:1
« @-the start of sentences: Hello ~ My name's Luke
© names and titles: Emily, Mr Freeman
° places: Brighton Station ¢ streets and roads: Oxford Street
® postcodes: Brighton TW1 3EX @ nationalities and languages: Chinese
A: Can Ì help you?
B: Yes, ] want to join the computer club, please ẤT du HH HH HH Hà HC TH TH nh gu nh rư Ẫ TQ HQ HT Họ ng vớ # ° days of the week: Monday B: V-A-U-G-H-A-N er 3
1 14> Rewrite the sentences with capital letters
B David daniel cresson is a french-canadian student A: —————— Daniel Cresson is a French-Canadian student Sĩc
B: 33 Talbot Road, Cambridge, CB4 2AP
A: 5 1 spanish is on wednesday afternoon
B: Three seven one, six three double-four, TP nmreneeeneerreteeereereennernreroeorrreen A: 6 2 mr hugh potter
Trang 22ye tee
Sarah meets Ryan
It is Sarah’s first day at work at the Good Health Club (gi F
A good-looking young man speaks to her
‘Hello Are you new here?’
‘Yes, | am.’
‘Tm Ryan Jones Are you a member of the club?’
‘No, I’m an instructor here.’
‘Do you take the jazz dance classes?’
‘No I take aerobics and circuit training.’ ‘Oh, really? When are your classes?’
‘They're on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday
Look The class timetable is here, on the noticeboard.’
The next day Sarah meets her class for the first time
‘Good morning, everyone! My name’s Sarah.’
Ryan is in the front row Sarah is surprised
‘Oh, hello! Are you in my class?’
‘Yes am now
After the class, Ryan speaks to Sarah
Thanks for a good class.’ ‘You're welcome.’
{ like your style Are you a fitness instructor back
in New Zealand?’
‘No, I'm not I’m a student at a sports college in
Wellington Look, I ’
‘What about dinner this evening?’ ‘Sorry, ’m busy.’ ‘Well, maybe tomorrow What’s your telephone number?’ ‘Look, Ryan .’ ‘Where do you live? What's your address?’ ‘Sorry, Ryan.’ ‘Hey! Wait a moment, Sarah! Here’s my card Give me a call.’
{’m sorry I must go It’s time for my next class.’
‘See you around.’ ‘Maybe.’
In your notebook, write if the sentences are T (true) or F (false)
1 Ryan Jones is a member of the club
2 Sarah’s classes are on every day of the week
Trang 23Skills development
Hawaii, a state of the United States, consists mainly of the Hawaiian islands The six main islands in order of size are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauali, Molokai, and Lanai
The island of Hawaii is called
the Big Island, the Orchid
Island, or the Volcano Island
Dear frached, a
My name ts Liana Tate Tin th years ota and Im from
the ithand of Hawatk, one of 142 Hawaiian tabands in the Pacific Ocean The Capitar of the Hauniian UWlands,
Honotuku, i on Oahu Inland
The Hawaiian lands are now one of the slates of tha
| USA, AoTm American, Mot tourists in Haweik are :
| mainland USA They love Hawa hecauce ut L4 very l 7 n
| beautiful, Ts a trope island, 40 if alarys hot hare,
_ We're 3700 kitemetres west of San Francisco One of `
| my ambitions ta to go to the USA @ Stay cool |
_ ] Auê£ Hilo, a toun on he Cast Const of the itland of 1> Complete the information
Hawai I speak English and Volynesian, hut many about Liana
people in Hawaii are of Japantse descent and also Liana T,
Apeam Japanese Tin a student at Hilo High Schaot Name: tana fate
Ita avery nce schon with abot 500 student Ũ ÄUET reo
T Wwe at home with Wy father and mother and three Nationality:
brothers My father vs an exporter of pineapples and City/Town: |
| 44,2 Pincapypled, sugar and, of COUNSEL, tyuriam are : TEY/ ÏOWTE 2-1161
24L Aw22rf2E Mm t4 economy | | lsland:
| Please write and tz(L me about you and your country, i School:
| Best wishes, i Languages:
dane â AMBITIONS .ô
Trang 24islands
A | © Stay cool / Move on )
The Hawaiian islands |
6> You are in Hilo and meet Liana at a party
Write your part of the conversation Country _ USA ———— Location EE Main islands —————————” _ Capital —_———————————” Climate Languages —————————————” ———— Economy — EEE ae CC » Move on / Go for it )
3> Complete the sentences
The state of Hawaii consists of six main islands r
1 The capital of the state of Hawaii is `
2 The state of Hawaii is a part of Cee ccesvcanensssseseseseenene
3 Most tourists in Hawaii are from
4 HaWalÏ ÌS - <e<eee.eses of San Francisco
5 People in Hawaii speak - 7> Continue the conversation with Liana
Liana: I’m a student at Hilo High School
LG 1.11141030401401 114 grow in Hawaii Tell me about your school 1
Liana: — What school subjects do you like?
® Stay cool / Move on ÝOU: ì cc.SKSeSSeeeeeces
43 In your notebook, write a factfile for an a ¬_ — island or a country which you know Liana: = Who’s your favourite band?
Y0u: - 6) Go for it : Liana: = What nationality are they?
,''— 3 Use your factfile to write a paragraph about Liana: 1 like American pop music Well, 1 must the island or country go Bye!
You Án <4 Đ 6 0 0.0 0000.000.060 6).00000.0-6000 0/0200 0.0 0.0.00 0.0000 0/4000 009.0000000 2440 00
Trang 25I've got
@) Stay cool
1> Circle eight family members in the puzzle :
2> Match the descriptions
C) grandmother and
grandfather a) children b) an only child 2 mother and father
3 son and daughter ¢) grandchildren 4 wife and husband
5 a child with no d) parents
brothers or sisters ) grandparents 6 grandson and granddaughter f) a married couple 24 two sisters > Go for it
3> Complete the sentences My cousin’s mother is my aunt
1 My aunt’s husband is my 2 My father’s mother iS tmy 3 My mother’s father IS TW ve, 4 My grandmother and grandfather are my 5 My father is my grandmother'S 6 My mothers new husband 1s my 4> Complete the paragraph about The Addams Family with one of these words:
e daughter e uncle e children
e grandmother e wife son Gomez and Morticia Addams are husband and 1
" They’ve got two mm Their 2 Hee ;s name is Pugesley and their
Trang 26
Verb have got
55 Complete the grammar tables Positive statements | ve got a motorbike You two brothers He _ straight hair She curly hair Ws forty classrooms Wằ a computer
You two cousins in Canada They blonde hair
Have | got brown eyes?
you got a motorbike?
he got any brothers and sisters? it got a computer room? we got any old photos?
you got any cousins in Canada? they got short brown hair?
Some and any
6> Write either some or any in each sentence Have you got any brothers or sisters?
I My sister has got old Elvis cassettes
2 ] haven't got heavy metal magazines 3 TheyXe got new students in their class 4 Has your family got «« pets?
Negative statements
| haven't got a car
You: any sisters He curly hair She straight hair I ,,ƠỎ a computer room We_ a CD player
YOU any cousins in the USA They brown hair Short answers Positive Negative Yes, you | have No, you haven't | Yes,| No, Yes he No,he YesIE _ No, Yes, yoU _ No, you: Yes,we No,we Yes, they No, they Genitive apostrophe s: singular and plural
7> Put the apostrophe in the correct place
Lưke sfom)son - Tom’s
She’s a teacher at a@in)school rẻ girls’
1 Is that your parents car?
2 Lukes brother ïs called Charlie
3 What’s your sisters name? 4 Where are Emilys CDs?
5 This is Daniels video camera _
Trang 27® Move on
Subject pronouns and possessive adjectives
8> Circle the correct word in each sentence
GheyHer loves New York 1 They’re/Their from Manchester
2 Is Emily you/your sister? 3 His/Him father’s name is Simon 4 Our/We English classes start at 8.30
5 That man is he/his uncle
Verb have got with some/any
9> Write the questions and answers
Goto it —
10> Use the information in the factfile to
complete the penfriend advertisement
Name Sonia Kisler TT ——— ~~ —————————— ` Nationality Polish Lives in Cracow, Poland Age 15 a TT
Family — two brothers, one sister
_ Description long blonde hair, blue eyes ——— _Lânguages Polish, English
Favourite film star Leonardo DiCaprio Favourite football jteam Don’ t - know Wants penfriends in Britain, Germany SONIA KISLER with my parents l” Polish and a little
— Ơ hair and blue _— My favourite band is The Smashing
Pumpkins | really like new album! My
sister and | ” some big posters of Leonardo DiCaprio in mm room We think he’s great | like sport, but | mm a favourite football team
} want penfriends in Britain or Germany
My address is Ui Jana Kazimierza 53, 01-66 Cracow, Poland
Trang 28
4 ⁄ Communication WAY Me Dp J9 TC f= BLN ie ‘Ht uA) Kar ; Ne et LN eer AY aa > YR TARO RUAN fi ⁄ >> Move on -
12> Rearrange the sentences to make a
conversation and write it in your notebook
11> Look at the portraits and write the questions
for each answer
1f Pm in love! hair h ot, Oliver?
ce ei ee ot, Ol ĐÃ seo 2 b_ 0h es? Whats her name?
" light brown hair
We got light OF a) Yes, she has Very big beautiful brown eyes
= ỊƠ 2Á @)0h yes? What’s her name?
c) Has she got brown eyes?
d) Then I know who you mean Susan Pollard
2 soem ky kex OT, <<<<<< me She's my gitlfriend, actually
I's straight It's not curly e) 1 know three girls called Susan What colour
TT CHỊ ng 0 nọ 0á 90900 hair has she got?
Yes, they’re brown I’m in love!
H3 g) She's got dark hair and it’s quite long and wavy
h) Susan Do you know her?
5 red, S) Goforidt ~
Ấ, G cu HH HE HH1 1111111141411 111 1H H001 1x xay 13> In your notebook, write a conversation with
No, they aren’t blue They’te green a friend about your new boyfriend/girlfriend
Culture snapshot
Family names
British children usually call their parents Mummy and Daddy when they are young and Mum and Dad when they are older Grandparents are called Granny and Granddad, or Grandma and Grandpa In the USA children usually call their parents
Mom and Pop or Ma and Pa
Trang 29Do you like heavy metal? (@ Stay cool | Present simple 1> Complete the grammar table
Positive statements Negative statements
bn like | rock music Lasesnnetensnatssinestseessesattnssna classical music
You heavy metal YoU rock music He rap He reggae SHE reggae 6 rap We folk music We _ jazz You jazz ŸOU folk music They soul TROY — heavy metal | Short answers | Questions Positive Negative
_Do | you like rap? Yes,| No,
he like ice cream? Yeshe No,he
_ you like reggae? YES, WE No,W€ _ they like Canada? Yes, they No, they_
Object pronouns
2> Replace the words underlined with an object pronoun
1 don’t know Cara’s new boyfriend 4 Why does she hate you and your brother?
" { don t hnow ĐẾN 41114114112411421.Kpg =| ~sunnnensnunnnuannsnsnsaeetaneeunesenasaneeusseaneeneesaneanesnees
1 Do you like Emily Freeman? 5 Does your teacher know your mother? 2 My sister doesn’t like The Beatles 6 | like the new exchange students very much
3 My father gives my brother and me pocket 7 She doesn’t like me and my family at all
money Renee een nee e eee eran eee eee eee nese OOS EOE DR EEO E OREM RE ORE E 000.00 0/0/0100 600 6 0.0 0012000606 ĩ9 >> 9 9 9Ĩ GIĨ G9 00 9 SP 0 0 4 2 0000:0060 9:0 0.6.0: 000 0.0040 2-4-9 0° n0 0 0m C990 00/400 0n 1e chớ
Trang 30
Present simple questions
3) Write questions and answers using the information in the box Robert Judy
Tina Turner Alanis Morissette x 1Elton John wo 2 ABBA v
3 Oasis x 4George Michael v đc ẤT Học o0 n6 9 0 6 9 9 D4 AC: SH 9i 9.019 40.0 0 0406.00.60 10.00 6.00000099909086 No he doesn’t — He doesn’t like her CDs at all H hy 3g 9 TH 0000050 00 0006064 ¬ She’s got all his CDs — x- He likes them a lot 2B ssccsesssesssessssccsessscenesseasessssossceeeecssceeccssessssesensessssesensees — ` She thinks they re boring TA .Ố 4> Complete the sentences with do, does, don't or doesn't
‘Does Chilli live in Brighton?’ ‘Yes, he does? Am you like ice cream?’ °Yes, Ì 2 đe Emily like Daniel?’ “Yes, she :
3 My parents like my new boyfriend
4 She live at home now She lives in the city with her aunt
¬ you and your sister like your new school?’ “Yes, we ,
6 Su xeeeeeee you know this word in English?’ *No, Ì :
Go for it -
Present simple: object pronouns and adverbs of degree
5> Answer the questions using the prompts Do you like Daniel? _(like/a lot)
Yes, | like him a lot
1 Do you and your sister like rap? (hate)
2 Does Emily lke Spike? (not like/very much) 5 Do her parents lke her boyfiend? hate) 4 Does Tom lke you and Mark? (ikea lo)
5 Do you like my new jeans? (not like/very much)
Trang 316> Rearrange the letters to spell different types of music 9 @Move on / Go for it > 7> Complete the crossword Across 1 6 A form of transport (3) seeesesceseesees and western music is popular in America (7)
10 This music rhymes with joke (4)
12 Beethoven and Brahms are composers of "— music (9)
16 Preposition (2)
17 Metallicd is a heavy group (5)
18 Tina Turmer's ex-husband (3)
19_Liwe and Lef is the name of a
8 This music rhymes with cap (3)
James Bond Film (3) ;
9 Aretha Franklin is the queen of Down music (4)
2 2 /DC is a famous rock band (2) 11 Girl’s name, short for Margarita (4) 3 Elvis Presley is called the king of 12 Short for compact disc (2)
‘i’ Roll (4) 13 Not he (3)
4 ‘Do you like reggae?’ ‘Yes, 1 love ” (2) 14 The opposite of hot (4) 5 Possessive adjective (2) 7 This word is the opposite of Yes (2) 15 17 Do you Oasis?’ ‘Yes, | do? (4) Culture snapshot Reggae music
Reggae is a type of popular music from the Caribbean with a strong, regular beat It developed in Jamaica in the 1960s where the most famous reggae singer was Bob Mariey Reggae music is still popular in Britain and reggae songs often have a political message ls reggae popular in your country?
Trang 32
©) stay cool / Move on ) -
8> Write Steve's part of the conversation using the sentences
¢ Well, what do you think of them? * No, they aren’t They’re amazing
Where’s your CD player? ® Do you like rap? ¢ Do you want to hear it?
* Because I've got the new Cool Brothers CD Steve: Hi, Jubiel Am Julie: Steve: Julie: Steve: Julie: It’s over there on the shelf Steve! — Julie: Sure TH ƠƠỂ,ƠỂƠƯởỂƯẳởƯỂỞởĨỞỞ.Ơ.,.;ƠỐƠƠƠƠƠ/ẼẼ ỐỐỐ
B: | haven’t got a favourite band, but 1 like Crash Test Dummies a lot % ` ‘eh \ th NHÀ ii iy
STEVE! cic cccscsessssccsscssssssesecsesscssesssesssscssesnrensees
Julie: 1 still think they’re rubbish
: Let me think Er Annie Lennox is very good
Oem eee meee rete een a Hee E RHEE EES ESO SST O 0i 96:6 0.600 4 0 0 060 0.000 0 0 0 0-0 0 09 0000.060.960 :6 666 “` .—c 9 ĐH n4 ĐO GP HH 9 4 G9 9 6 9.60 4060 6.4 0.40 49 0 0.0.0 0 4000 0.4.4 0:4 3Á n4 C00000 006 090000000008
Trang 3332 cĩ x See 3 Wecall her the “Starlight Runner”
Sarah goes into the dance studio and greets her class
‘OK, everyone Are you ready? Then let’s begin!’
She turns the CD player on The music is fast, loud, and
energetic Everyone is happy — except Ryan He stops
‘What's the matter, Ryan? What's your problem?’ ‘It’s the music I don’t like it I's awful Have you got
any other tapes, you know, something up-to-date?’
Sarah stops the tape lle «c
‘Sorry about this, everyone, but Ryan doesn’t like the music What about the rest of you? Do you like it?’ The others all like the music Sarah looks at Ryan
‘Tm sorry you don’t like the music You can change
classes if you want
‘No, I like this class and I like the teacher a lot!’
After the class, Ryan talks to Sarah ‘What about dinner tonight, Sarah?’
‘Sorry, Ryan I’m busy all this week.’
‘You're always busy, Sarah Have you got a boyfriend?
Oh, never mind, it’s not important See you!’
That evening, Tony, the manager of the health club, meets Ryan at the club entrance
‘Hi, Ryan! How do you like our new fitness instructor?’ ‘Sarah? I like her a lot But why is she always busy in the evenin, ‘She runs She’s a marathon runner She's very good
In fact, she’s got a place in the New York Marathon.’ ‘The New York Marathon? That's interesting.’
‘Look, here she comes now.’
Tony calls out to Sarah In your notebook, answer the
‘How many miles this evening?’ questions
‘Fifteen.’ What does Ryan think about:
Ryan looks at Sarah t the music?
; 2 the class?
‘But it’s late It’s dark outside!’
‹ 1 know I like running under the stars , ; 3 Sarah?
What does Sarah think about:
Tony laughs and says, 4 running?
‘That's why we call her the “Starlight Runner”.’ 5 Ryan?
Trang 35
3> Look at the requests and the price list How
much change from £5 does each customer get? Change from £5 A hot dog and an ice cream, please se £1.85 \ 1 cisccccecccceesssceveves
An ice cream and
2 Pee ecerenesreereennseneeee a coke, please
Ậ .ccceccee A iicscscecccesnsnssseees
A coke, a coffee, and
a hot dog, please 4> Look at the sweet counter and complete the conversations You: How much is , You: OK Here’s two pounds Assistant:
1 You: is the coke? ASSISTANE: oo a
You: OK Here’s a pound ASSIStANHE - ng ng CC VN NA 2 You: are the sweets? CTC Cl TH sec You; OK Here’s a pound 1ư mm
3 You: is the ice cream? ASSISTANT! ooo eet sceescessossscessecsssessssscssssscenceeeees ila! u | 34 _ (FocoLares = yl KT EG Two hamburgers, ice cream £1.75 please hamburger £1.50 coffee £0.80 coke £0.70 A box of popcorn
and a coke, please a |
Trang 36
Present simple with fixed times
5 › Circle the correct form of the verb
What time does the film startsKtard?
1 The film end/ends at 10.30
2 Do the shops opens/open at 3 p.m.? } What time do/does the concert end?
4 Hurry up! The film start/starts in half an hour! 5 Our summer holidays ends/end on Sunday
6) Write the conversations for each journey =« Flights from London to Manchester Depart Arrive gy, Paris 06.50 London 05.45 _ s9 Q.0 0 m mo ho tìm Bo Đ 0.0 0/0 0 00 009.00 0500 0000006000 0000004000000 06000 00 gen 0990906 Trains from London to Edinburgh Depart Arrive London 12.59 _ Edinburgh 18.23 EET] Buses from London to Brighton Depart Arrive London 08.40 Brighton 11.00 cả_ - 'YRF NT DANN ; LC LONDON’S OWN
¢ What's Gary got?
© Where is the concert on? ® When do the gates open?
® When does the concert start? © Where do the buses leave from?
e When can they meet?
Trang 37ị Communication '
© Stay cool / Move on )
9> Rearrange the sentences and write the
conversation in your notebook 5
* listen * look * borrow ¢ come in ¢ see 1 f The new Jim Carrey film is on at the Odeon Do
you like Jim Carrey? a) They’te £4.60
b) It starts at 6.30
c) Oh dear, 1 haven’t got any money Can |
borrow £5?
d) OK What about this evening? e) Yes, of course Here you are
() The new Jim Carrey film is on at the Odeon
8> Complete the conversation using the verbs
David: Can} tate to you, Mandy? Do you like Jim Carrey?
g) Great! What time does it start?
Mandy: Yes, OY COUT SE a 1511106 170236 you can h}) How much are the tickets?
David: at your biology i) Thanks very much Let’s go!
lesson notes, please? j) Yes, 1 do He’s very funny Let’s go and see it Mandy: Yes, «co you can
©@ What's wrong?
10> Correct these sentences Can my brotherGorrowS)your bike?
ete 6 60 TP Gì ho 0 0 6 0 000 0400.660 0.08 kh H BẾ G 4 0.66 0.000 0.6.0 6-0 2.4-0 Đi 0 ĐC 0Ĩ GP 0 6100096946
David: _ to your
personal stereo? - 2 When the football start?
Mandy: Yes, Leveccecevctuccacececccvucacccescovcccecccccscececcecccecceececs — ÏẶÏ ““ÝỶ ELE CeCe Ce eee eeE EEO eee TEER TC LeT EES ,
David: » sseussssssanssspasssssasssenssesssnuensssee your bike 3 Do you want come with us?
forten minutes? ng g th HH TH ng HH TH KH TH 0n E0 0 6 vu gkn
Mandy: No, Im afraid . -.<cccceeeeres 4 The train arrive at 5 o’clock
G0089 0.6.0 In Đo 9 Đ 600 0.60) 90/000 0.0.0 040)0 9.0019 9049.0.40/00060060 4 0.66600000006000 0000091199000 00866
-_ Sforing vocabulary
» How many family words and
= types of music can you remember? 4 David: Mandy: Yes, ặ - T†}> In your notebook, make lists ẫ (Later) ệ ị
David: ` Family members Types of music
Mandy: No, steetrtertttrrerrrerrrr CC HHướm mOtAer cĩ Hee classical
Trang 38Welcome to Brighton W Vocabular @) Stay cool 1) Look at the pictures and say what the places are oi IAA OS a 4 4 aR ~
2» Rearrange the words to name the places 3 > Write where can you find the following:
| ports centre “sports pool trains ¬ a railway station
cĩ cĩ DO ĐỈÌN Quy rerrree
"— os ark
| " ee Pas 2 letters and stamps
ị p
| 7D sesesssscesessvessssessseseeses department gallery: 3 MONEY aasasssssestsssssssvssesssscacesceessvene 4 coffee and tea
3 Quy tre ren „ga station.» ,
Trang 39Grammar
® Stay cool ) There is and There are
Prepositions of place 5 > Complete the grammar tables
4> Look at the pictures and circle the correct Questions 1
preposition Mi
sects there a theatre in your town? ef
re any cinemas in your pn town?
{ |
Short answers — Positive Negative 1
Yes, iS No, there Yes, are No, there Positive statements | There ’s a video shop in our street There some nice parks in London 9 in front of/opposite Negative statements There a cinema in our town | There any theatres In our town
There is and There are
6 > Complete the sentences with there’s, there
isn't, there are, there aren't, is there? or are there?
weet Ner eS a essssseee a nice park in this street
three of us in our family DQ cesseseeeesetetseececenseceeeeee a good video shop near here? ƠỎ some good stories in this book ¬ a lot of food shops round
here, butf «-«- any clothes shops
` a bath in the bathroom but next tofbetween etn ree | a shower ` two German dictionaries in that
Trang 40Tourist Information Newsagent’s Video | She Court Road Supermarket Department oO p | œ 2+ 1 ® ‘1 D 1 2 ° | oO There is and There are with prepositions of place
7) Respond to the requests and say where the places are with a street name and a preposition
| want to buy some stamps {on the corner of)
Park Road and Court Road essence
1 | want to buy some aspirin (next to)
phere can leave my cá (opposite
; TỶ ¬ : Ni
{want to get some US dollar (next to) 5 want to buy some magazines between)
ĩ9 9 6.019 6 60 0.009 00 Ác 6 0 6 6 0 6 94010 0 4 9 0.0.0 Áo H00 6 0-4-6: 4 Đ lo ĐI Đo Đ Đo Đ ĐĨ 0 ĐĨ 0 6 tiê eê 006 4> 9 9 i64 409 Ác 9400 ©4006), 0.406) 0.40 8-0-0 00.40:0 0.0.0 0.410 0.0000 00.000 0.00.400.00 06006 11:0 8 ĩc 9 9 4 0 0 9 6 >6 0 00.40.4000 0.00 045 0.4 6.0.46 2 Án ĩ ĐI 4 Đề 4496 4104 0 6 2: 69 0.010-:0-0 0:04 :° 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
8> Look at the list of symbols on the page of the hotel guide Then complete the conversation ITN 1 The Prince Regent Hotel
pou bedroom shower
: television gp restaurant TP café
ị car park $29 tennis coun sa swimming pool
Woman: This sounds like a good hotel: The Prince Regent Hotel It’s quite big
Man: Oh yes? How many bedrooms '
Woman: ?
Man: That ïs quite bịg ° à.ee<eeeesxes
" or a bath in each room? Woman: ? Pee e meee cece cena meee eee n ena sa see ee eee Em eee Ree DE ODE OOOO E SS OEE EH OED
Man: Good What about television? ° 4111455189551 se, televisions in the bedrooms?
uc Hà Man: That’s great 7 a restaurant?
Woman: Ÿ - 5555555 <s<5 two, and a breakfast café Man: What about sports facilities? WOMAN! ooo AN OUY .- s55 c<cseseseseserseerre Man: Four! Great! 1 hope '^ cccccssseeesee a car park
Woman: Yes, ' Quy ng Man: Good Let’s book it!