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Đề thi thử vào lớp 10 môn tiếng anh tỉnh Bac ninh 2023

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Đề thi thử vào 10 tỉnh Bắc Ninh 2023, giúp các em học sinh lớp 9 học theo chương trình thí điểm tỉnh bắc ninh có tài liệu để luyện thi sát với đề thi, sát nội dung trong chương trình lớp 9 và đặc biệt là đúng cấu trúc ma trận đề thi năm 2023.

Ms Diep LTT Họ tên: _ ĐỀ THI THỬ THÁNG SỐ Mark the letter A, B, c, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions a country b enough c tourist d touchdown a explored b relaxed c tanned d delayed Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions a particular b spectacular c.remarkable d picturesque a mushroom b.demand c.sandal d.tunnel Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions Ben a lot in his job but now, since his promotion, he doesn’t a.used travel b.used to travel c used to traveling d is used to traveling My chemistry professor, from _ I received a fantastic recommendation, has left the university a that b which c who d whom Some people seem to a second language with relative ease, while others have a much more difficult time a go for b break out c get by with d pick up When we were in New York City, we went on one-day sightseeing tour around city a the/ a/ the b Ø/ an/ the c Ø/ a/ the d the/ a/ Ø _ water does not flow in a zero-gravity environment, the astronauts cannot wash their hands under a faucet a Although b If c When d Since 10 Young women today have jobs, so they are no longer economically dependent their husbands a in b from c with d on 11 The video shows how to break a of cauliflower into individual pieces a bunch b stick c head d clove 12 I’m very careful about what I eat so it’s only _ I eat fast food a over the moon b once in a blue moon c out of this world d the sky’s the limit 13 The man sitting next to me on the plane _ very nervous because he _ before a was - never flew b had been - didn’t fly c had been - hadn’t flown d was - had never flown 14 These tourists can speak English, so it’s very difficult to communicate with them a some b little c a little d not any 15 I wish I find the time to more reading a.may b.will c.could d can Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions 16.The number of visitors to the exhibition dropped considerable in the second week A B C D 17.When too many firms enter competitive markets, their share of profits will fell A B C D 18 Key West, where I have visited several times, is one of the best places to take a summer vacation in Florida A B C D Ms Diep LTT Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges 19.- “Would you like to come to dinner next Friday?”- “ _” A Certainly not B Unfortunately not C I'm afraid, I can't D I hope not 20 - “Let me help you with the box.” - “ _” A Yes That's very kind of you B I'm sorry I'm busy now C What can I for you? D No You must not touch it Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 21 They need to cut back on eating a lot of salt and sugary foods They're not good for their health A reduce B begin C speed up D carry out 22 Young people are now getting more and more concerned about environmental problems A worried B nervous C hopeless D uneasy Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions 23 If we had taken his sage advice, we wouldn't be in so much trouble now A unwilling B clever C unwise D eager 24 When you put on clothing or make-up You place it on your body in order to wear it A take off B look after C wash up D get on Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions American foods began to affect the rest of the world American emphasis on convenient and rapid consumption is best represented in fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks By the 1960s and 1970s fast foods became one of America's strongest exports as franchises for Me Donald's and Burger King spread through Europe and other parts of the world, including Russia and China Traditional meals cooked at home and consumed at a leisurely pace gave way to quick lunches and dinners eaten on the run as other countries imitated American cultural patterns By the late 20lh century Americans had become more conscious of their diets, eating more poultry, fish and vegetables, and fewer eggs and less beef Cooks began to rediscover many world cuisines in forms closer to their original In California, chefs combined fresh fruits and vegetables available with ingredients and spices borrowed from immigrant kitchens to create an innovative cooking style that was lighter than traditional French, but more interesting and varied than typical American cuisine Along with the state's wines, California cuisine took its place among the acknowledged forms of fine dining 25 Fast foods such as hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks _ A are popular because of their nutritious values B are traditional meals of the US people C became more popular than meals cooked at home in China D became popular with other European and Asian countries 26 Which of the following is similar in meaning to the word “cuisine”? A cooking B cooker C cookery D cook 27 What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A America's cuisine used to have an influence on many countries B Fast foods became one of America's strongest exports C Me Donald’s and Burger King are American food suppliers successful in Europe Ms Diep LTT D Traditional meals cooked at home are not common in the US 28 Which of the following statements is true? A By the late 20th century, fast foods had lost their popularity in the US B Americans used to eat more poultry, fish, fruits and vegetables than they now C Cooking styles of other countries began to affect Americans by the late 20th century D Fewer eggs and less beef in American diet made them fitter 29 An innovative style of cooking was created in California _ A to attract more immigrants to the state B and made the state’s wines well-known C by borrowing recipes from immigrant kitchens D by combining the local specialties with immigrants spices Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to the original sentence in each of the following questions 30 Despite the fact that it was snowing, I didn’t feel cold A In spite of the snow, I felt quite cold B In spite of feeling warm, it was snowing C Although it was snowing, I didn’t feel cold D Although I didn’t feel cold, it was snowing 31 People say that prevention is better than cure A That prevention is said is better than cure B It is s id that prevention is better than cure C Prevention is better that cure is said by people D Prevention says to be better than cure 32 He said, “If I have a pen, I can write the answers” A He said if he had a pen, he could write the answers B He told me to give him a pen to write the answers C He could write the answers because he had my pen D I could write the answers if he gave me his pen 33 The woman was too weak to lift the suitcase A Although she was very weak, she could lift the suitcase B The woman shouldn’t lift the suitcase because she was so weak C The woman lifted the suitcase, so she wasn’t very weak D She was so weak that she couldn’t lift the suitcase Mark letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that combines the two sentences without changing their meanings 34 The water is very cold in January We go swimming anyway A When the water is very cold in January, we go swimming anyway B As the water is very cold in January, we go swimming anyway C The water is very cold in January if we go swimming anyway D Although the water is very cold in January, we go swimming anyway 35 The water was very rough The lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water A Since the water was very rough, the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water B The water was very rough so that the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water C The water was very rough because the lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave D The lifeguards made all of the swimmers leave the water though the water was very rough Read the passage and choose the correct answers to complete it Tokyo is Japan’s capital and largest city It’s also one of the largest cities in the world Founded in 1457, Tokyo has grown into a major part of a (36) region that also includes the cities of Yokohama and Kawasaki The metropolitan region, also known as Greater Tokyo, has over 30 million Ms Diep LTT residents, (37) makes it one of the largest metropolitan areas in the world Tokyo today is a very welcoming metropolis Tourists (38) about the street,taking in Japanese culture Hundreds of shrines and temples adorn the city Shinto and Buddhism are the major (39) of Japan Tourists can also experience Japanese cuisine There are thousands of restaurants in Tokyo You can choose from noodle shops, sushi bars, or even McDonald’s with special Japan inspired items found only in Japan If you ever have the chance to visit Japan, make sure you stop in Tokyo for (40) a few days 36 a metropolitan b influence c attractive d complex 37 a what b which c that d this 38 a run b show c drive d roam 39 a provinces b attractions c festivals d religions 40 a at time b at all c at least d at first Listen to the weather reporter and choose the best answer 41 The weather in the North is ………… A rainy and cold B windy and cold C rainy and windy D rainy and cloudy 42 The temperature is around…………… degree(s) centigrade A B 10 C -1 D -10 43 In the East, there may be a …………… in the afternoon A storm B thunder C thunderstorm D typhoon 44 The weather in the West is …………………… A dry B cloudy C dry but cloudy D rainy and cloudy 45 It’s ………………….most of the time in the South A rainy B sunny C windy D cloudy Listen to Dawn talking about her trip to California 46 Dawn booked the concert ticket A on the internet B over the phone C by post D on the newspaper 47 Dawn’s plane ticket cost _ A $230 B $300 C $250 D $280 48 Dawn stayed in A a student hotel B a family friend’s home C a campsite D her flat 49 Dawn thought the concert was A not very good B too short C too noisy D very good 50 Most of the time, Dawn was A on the beach B on a tour bus C in the shops D in her flat

Ngày đăng: 04/07/2023, 14:37


