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A study on the factors that influence attitude and knowledge of hiv

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越南胡志明市街童愛滋之認知與態度影響因素研究 A STUDY ON THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE ATTITUDE AND KNOWLEDGE OF HIV/AIDS OF STREET CHILDREN IN HO CHI MINH CITY, VIETNAM Graduate Students: Phan Thi Thu Nguyet Supervisors: Professor: Chen, Chi – Shung Meiho Institute of Technology Graduate Institute of Health care Thesis A thesis submitted to the Graduate Institute of Health Care of Meiho Institute of Technology In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Health care Neipu, Pingtung, Taiwan, Republic of China June, 2009 ABSTRACT HIV/AIDS incidence is increasing more quickly in the world; especially street children who are at high risk for HIV/AIDS because lack of social support, isolation, violence, and low levels of education These challenges create a complex burden of health risks and put street children at poor health outcomes and poor quality of life This study has focused on the factors that influence of knowledge of HIV/AIDS and attitude towards people infected HIV on street children in Ho Chi Minh City The main purposes of the study are: (1) to explore on the knowledge of HIV/AIDS disease, attitude towards people infected HIV and attitude of use the condom of street children; (2) to determine the factors that influence their knowledge and attitude of street children The survey design was used in the study Data were collected as part of Ho Chi Minh City where street children live Street children (N = 200) completed questionnaires and interviews The findings that the average score for HIV/AIDS knowledge was 5.31(SD = 2.31) in the 10 items; the average score for attitude toward HIV/AIDS was 16.80 (SD = 2.51, range from to 24) in the items; Attitude of the use condom was 8.60 (SD = 1.94, range from to 12) in the items When compared to the different demographic characteristics would result in significant differences of street children on HIV knowledge, attitude towards people, and attitude of use the condom However, the results in the age, education, where they live, family’s economic status, family’s conducts, parent status, and work groups were different significantly The age of 16 - 18 years old was better than the age of 11 - 15 years old on knowledge The secondary education and senior high education were better than basic literacy, illiteracy and primary education on the knowledge of HIV/AIDS The secondary education was better than basic literacy and primary education on the attitude toward HIV/AIDS The street children live in the shelter and with others were less than with family members and with friends on knowledge of HIV/AIDS and on attitude towards HIV/AIDS The street children in i poor family on knowledge HIV/AIDS were less than who lives with well – fixed family and well – fixed family children were better than rich family children Street children in Substance abuse groups, Dilly – dally groups and the others groups on the knowledge HIV/AIDS were better than Gambling groups Dilly – dally and the others groups were better than Gambling groups on attitude toward HIV/AIDS Among the attitude of street children’s use of the condom, the groups dilly – dally better than the others groups There was a significant difference between normal work of street children and the others’ work on attitude toward knowledge HIV/AIDS The results can assist the Vietnamese government policy to prevent HIV/AIDS infections, social workers to intervene, and providers to develop education for street children Furthermore, it is possible for research plans in the future Key words: street children, family factors, HIV/AIDS, knowledge and attitude toward people and attitude of use the condom ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study is the first-step research in my professional career The research not only provides directly me with new awareness but also teaches me good challenges and grateful life My special thanks go to my supervisor, Associate Professor Chi – Shung Chen, who is Director of Social Work Department, Meiho Institute of Technology –Taiwan, who are always an encouragement, patience and believe in me during the process of the research and the completion of this thesis Special thanks also go to the Director of Graduate Institute of Health Care, Professor Hsiu – Yueh Hsu who gave me bravery to face life when I came to Taiwan to study with her lovely voice, her kindness and enthusiasm I am also specially grateful to Associate Professor Mei – Yao Ho who guided me single - handedly in this researcher and who has always strengthen my mind with encouraging words, “Moon, you can it.” I would like to thank Associate Professor Song – Lin Huang and his warm wife, whose unobtrusive love gave me great help in difficult times I am deeply indebted to all of the professors whose gave me the possibility to complete all courses for years to study in Taiwan: Prof Hui-Man Huang, Prof Shan-Ming Cheng, Prof Kuo-Hung Tseng, … I also would like to thank Meiho Institute of Technology for offering me a scholarship and thank Professor Pi - Yun Chen, Former - Director of International Education and collaborations’ office who taught me not only how to study in the books but also to study in life In particular, I wish to thank all the staff : Meiyu, Matt and Mollie Special thanks to Professor Le Hai Thanh, Director of Social Work Department in University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, who is close to iii me in spite of the limitation in space and in time I am an overseas student in Taiwan and Ms Bui Thi Gam, his secretary, who believes in me that my dreams can come true My deep and heartiest thanks go to my wonderful parents, and my sisters and brothers Nguyen Thi Luong, Phan Hai, Phan Thi Le Hoa, Phan Thanh Ha, Phan Thi Kieu, Phan Hoang Chi, Phan Thi Lieu, Phan Thi Tu Anh I am especially dependent on my family in Vietnam for these two years in Taiwan, while I am getting Master Degree I wish to thank all my Vietnamese students who did not forget me even I go for study far away them: Nhu, Huyen, Binh, Ve, Hieu, Suong, Tu, Thu, Hien, Minh I wish to thank as well as my Taiwanese classmates and Vietnamese students for their advice and support me: Chi Fu, Wisdom, Phuong, Rose, Thang, Thai, Maichi I wish to thank all my good friends in two years I am living at Neipu - Taiwan: Rachel, Sandy, Michael whose are stimulating and valuable hints Special thanks also to all of street children in this study who are like my students and provided valuable experience and input for my research; without them this study would not have been possible Finally, as a social worker, and social work teacher I have spent my life catching up with poor people I am grateful to serve them I am so glad to be a student at Meiho Institute of Technology–Taiwan I found that Taiwanese people are very friendly; many things put in me during two years I have grown up professionally for all 潘氏秋月 Phan Thi Thu Nguyet, iv TABLE OF CONTEXT Pages Abstract…………………………………………………………………………… i Acknowledgements………………………………………………………………… iii List of Tables viii List of Figures ix CHAPTER INTRODUCTION……………………………………………… 1.1 Background and significance of the problem…………………………… 1.2 Statement of the problem……………………………………………… 1.3 Statement of the purpose……………………………………………… …… 1.4 Significance of the study………………………………………………………………………… CHAPTER LITERATURE REVIEW…………………………………………… 2.1 Theoretical orientation………………………………………………… 10 2.2 Definition of Theory………………………………………………………… 12 2.3 Related Literature in Vietnam and other countries from media…………… 13 2.4 Framework of the literature………………………………………………… 16 CHAPTER CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK OF THE STUDY……………… 18 3.1 The framework……………………………………………………………… 18 3.2 Definition of Terms…………………………………………………… 19 3.3 Research Hypotheses………………………………………………………… 20 3.4 Materials and Methods……………………………………………………… 21 3.4.1 Research design………………………………………………………… 22 3.4.2 Sampling and Setting…………………………………………………… 22 v 3.4.2 Research Instruments…………………………………………………… 23 Research 23 Questions……………………………………………………………………… 3.4.4 Research Progress………………………………………………… …… Training the 24 25 observers……………………………………………………………… …… Pilot study………………………………………………………………… 25 Validity and Reliability…………………………………………………… 26 Data collection…………………………………………………………… 28 Data analysis……………………………………………………………… 29 3.6 Ethical consideration……………………………………………………… 30 CHAPTER ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA……………… 32 4.1 Analysis of Questionnaires data………………………………………………… 32 4.1.1 Descriptive Profiles……………………………………………………… 32 4.1.2 Related data of Attitude and HIV/Knowledge to Demographic 41 Characteristics……………………………………………………………………… 4.2 Results of research hypotheses testing……………………………………… … 4.2.1 Tested the means difference between demographic characteristics and 49 49 Attitude, Knowledge on HIV/AIDS of street children……………………………… 4.3 Street children with the source of HIV/AIDS information………………… 60 4.4 Street children with the source of Receive medical care…………………… 61 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION……………………………………………………… 62 5.1 Summary of the findings………………………………………………………… 62 5.1.1 The study confirmed the finding on Street children’s HIV Knowledge, attitude 62 Towards HIV/AIDS infected people and attitude of use the condom 5.1.2 Street children’s and parent’s status in Ho Chi Minh City in this vi 63 study… …….……………… 5.1.3 Related of Empowerment theory Model in this 67 research ……………………………………………………………… 5.3 Implications……………………………………………………………………… 68 5.4 Limitations of the study……………………………………………………… … 69 References………………………………………………………………………… … 71 List of Acronyms…………………………………………………………………… 73 Survey Questionnaires ……………………………………………………………… 74 vii LIST OF TABLES Pages Table 1: Reliability Statistics: Cronbach’s Alpha 28 Table 2: The Data Analysis Plans of street children about Questionnaires 29 Table 3: Demographic Characteristics of Street children 34 Table 4: Responses to HIV/AIDS Knowledge 43 Table 5: Responses to Attitude towards HIV/AIDS people 45 Table 6: Scores for Attitude towards HIV/AIDS people 46 Table 7: Responses to Attitude of use the condom 47 Table 8: Scores for Attitude of use the condom 48 Table 9: Total Score for Knowledge, Attitude towards and Attitude of use the condom 48 Table 10: Independent t-test among gender groups on HIV knowledge, attitude towards 49 HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom Table 11: T-test Independent of the Age groups on HIV knowledge, attitude towards 50 HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom Table 12: Education groups affected on HIV knowledge, attitude towards HIV/AIDS 52 people and attitude of use the condom Table 13: Where they live of street children was using ANOVA test and Post hoc tests on 53 HIV knowledge, attitude towards HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom Table 14: Economic affected on HIV knowledge, attitude towards HIV/AIDS people and 55 attitude of use the condom Table 15: Conducts of their family affected on HIV knowledge, attitude towards 56 HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom Table 16: Parents of street children affected on HIV knowledge, attitude towards 57 HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom Table 17: The time of street children live on the streets effect on HIV knowledge, attitude 58 towards HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom viii Table 18: Independent t-test among work groups on HIV knowledge, attitude towards 59 HIV/AIDS people and attitude of use the condom LIST OF FIGURES Pages Figure 1: The theory Empowerment Approach to Social Work practice 18 Figure 2: Conceptual Framework of this study 19 Figure 3: Gender of street children 36 Figure 4: Age of street children 36 Figure 5: Education of street children 37 Figure 6: Where street children live 38 Figure 7: Economic of street children family 38 Figure 8: Conducts of street children family 39 Figure 9: Parents of street children 40 Figure 10: Time on the streets 40 Figure 11: Work of street children 41 Figure 12: Source of HIV/AIDS information of street children 60 Figure 13: Source of Receive Medical care for street children 61 ix street children by accepting street children regard to their lifestyle, avoid discrimination Because they are very easy to be hurt; then providing for the street children basic knowledge about HIV/AIDS and helping them to develop empathy towards people with AIDS and prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STDs as well as health care and support for those in need The findings of the study did have not show that the time on the streets is significant in increasing the HIV knowledge and attitude towards AIDS and attitude of use the condom However, social workers need to focus on the interventions for street children who are most likely to be exposed to HIV infection at that time For communities: One of the best ways to help street children to understand about their special life and attitude towards street children, respect of their situation, listen to their problem, accepting their difference, try to developing friendly and being able to communicate effectively Wish communities may be not say to street children like: “You are too dirty”, “you are rebellious”, “you are not fit in this society”, “you was born poor, you are likely to stay in poor” Street children will become what you saying to them So many factors can be hurtness and put them in narrow, just has a little with: “you are not difference, you are like us and we are belief you can have a beautiful life in the future, you can be come a doctor, a cooker and teacher” How great is, if communities can these things for street children For government policy: This study shows that street children needed more basic knowledge of the HIV/AIDS and condoms Providing information is one strategy for changing behaviour, so street children need counseling, receive basic literacy and health education Government policy which need to supply to the news media, including radio, television and screening of relevant educational films about HIV/AIDS for street children The results of this study suggest that government policy need to give information about HIV/AIDS on the place street children easily can look at it Like the answered from result that street children have received information about HIV/AIDS in others like from 67 poster, booklet 88% They also point to the need for new information context on HIV/AIDS For researcher: As a graduate student of Health care management, a teacher Social Work at University, this study is very important not only to fulfill the course requirement, but also to give the experiencing for researcher how to doing a human sciences research and help to the researcher have an opportunity to improve professional career Furthermore, it is possible for research plans in the future The researcher will conduct studies on different community programs and expertise in this field for next research The studies should be come knowledgeable and success for the programmars towards communities empowerment in the future 5.3 Limitations of the study Although the study is cross-sectional, it has several limitations which should be noted Firstly, the Demographic Characteristics of street children is strengths, which the researcher cannot be ignored and the results are complex pictures Secondly, because the study required a level of knowledge of HIV/AIDS from street children, these might be difficult for them answered the questions on this kind of knowledge In the future, the researchers might investigate the experience of street children in the lives of HIV/AIDS Lastly, the study was conducted in Vietnam, so the researcher had to collect the data in Vietnam and then translate the data into English During the translation, the essence of the study may not completely retain the exact meaning projected in the responses However, the researcher tried to maintain a high standard in translating the responses to English by consulting Vietnamese linguist/s who knew well both, English and Vietnamese 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(1) □ Male How old are you? (1) □ 11-15 years old What education/literacy level are you? (1) □ Basic literacy (2) □ Illiteracy Where are you living now? (1) □ In shelters (2) □ With family members (3) □ With strangers (4) □ With acquaintances (2) □ Female (2) □16-18 years old (3) □ (4) □ Primary education Secondary education (5) □ In rent houses (6) □ On the streets (7) □ Only myself (8) □ Other places: ………… What economic state of family you come from? (1) □ Poor family (2) □ well-fixed family (3) □ rich family Which conducts does your family have? (multiple choice) (1) □ Gambling (2) □ Substance abuse (3) □ Alcohol abuse (4) □ dilly-dally (5) Others:… What is the state about your parents’ connubiality? (1) □ Divorced Parents (2) □ Separated parents (3) □ Step father(mother) (4) □ single parent family (5) □ Normal family (6) □ An orphan How long have you been on the streets? (1) □ Under months (4) □ From year to years (2) □ From months to months (5) □ From year to years (3) □ From months to years (6) □ Over years What type of work are you doing? (1) □ Shoe-shining (2) □ Selling lottery tickets (3) □ Washing dishes in inns (4) □ Begging (5) □ Washing cars B HIV/AIDS KNOWLEDGE: 74 (6) □ Others: 10 What is your definition of HIV? It is … (1) □ a human immunodeficiency virus (2) □ The last stage of AIDS (3) □ an acquired immune deficiency syndrome (4) □ All of the above 11 What is AIDS? It is … (1) □ only infected to drug addicts and prostitutes (2) □ an acquired immune deficiency syndrome (3) □ a fatal disease (4) □ All of the above 12 People can get HIV … (1) □ Through blood transmission (2) □ From an infected mother to her child during pregnancy (3) □ Through sexual relationship (4) □ All of the above 13 Which can spread HIV? (1) □ being bitten by mosquitoes (2) □ kissing somebody (3) □ hugging a person (4) □ sharing the drug needle 14 Though which of the following behaviors can people be infected with HIV? (1) □ Sexual relationship without using a condom (2) □ Working with those who have HIV (3)□ Sharing food or water with those who have HIV (4) □ all of the above 15 How long can HIV exist in human body? (1) □ From 02 days to 07 days (2) □ From 06 months to 02 years (3) □ From 05 years to 10 years which the depends on each person’s immune system (4) □ The whole life 16 Which of the following behaviors can’t people be infected with HIV? (1) □ by having sexual relationship to a lot of people (2) □ by everyday contact, sharing swimming pools or public toilets (3) □ by sharing drug needles 17 Who can be infected with HIV/AIDS? (1) □ Children (2) □ Adults (3) □ The youth (4) □ Everyone 18 Who is not the risk group that can be infected with HIV/AIDS? (1) □ The prostitutes (2) □ The homosexuals (3) □ The drug addicts (4) □ The youth with healthy lifestyle 75 19 Can you know a person who has HIV by seeing his/her physical appearance? (1) □ He/She is usually very skinny and look sick (2) □ He/She has got a real inferiority complex (3) □ He/She doesn’t want to contact with people around (4) □ He/She can get from blood test 20 Where have you got information about HIV/AIDS? (multiple choice) (1) □ Watching television (5) □ Talking with members of family (2) □ Listening to the radio (6) □ Through health workers (3) □ Reading newspapers (7) □ Through social worker (4) □ Talking with friends (8) □ Through HIV infected people (9) □ Others:……… 21 Where you normally receive medical care? (multiple choice) From … (1) □ Family members (2) □ Social workers (3) □ Friends (4) □ Health worker (5) □ School /Hospital (6) □ I haven’t received any medical care (7) □ I don’t know what to 22 Do you know about “infected exposure”? (1).If yes, specify ……………………………………………………………………………… (2) No If you know a friend among a peer group who has been infected you do? I will… Strongly Agree Disagree Agree 23 reconsider his or her (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ conduct 24 avoid contacting with (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ him/her 25 study and work with (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ him/her as usual 26 sympathize, help him or (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ her wherever possible 27 tell this case to a social worker so that he/she can get (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ help 28 limit contacts with him/her to avoid his/her (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ inferiority complex 76 please with HIV, what will Strongly disagree (4) □ (4) □ (4) □ (4) □ (4) □ (4) □ Strongly Agree 29 I think the condom can protect (1) me from pregnancy 30 I think the condom can protect me from sexually – (1) transmitted infections? 31 I think the condom can protect (1) against HIV/AIDS? Agree Disagree Strongly disagree □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ Number of questionnaire: ………………………… ………… Date of completion of the questionnaire: ……… …………… I greatly appreciate your enthusiastic cooperation Thank you very much for your help 77 Trường Đại học Khoa học xã hội Nhân văn BẢN CÂU HỎI KHẢO SÁT VỀ KIỀN THỨC HIV CỦA TRẺ ĐƯỜNG PHỐ TẠI THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH Chào em, thu thập thông tin kiến thức HIV Tất thông tin em cung cấp thơng tin có giá trị cho chúng tơi việc phát triển chương trình giáo dục sức khỏe tốt cộng đồng người trẻ tuổi em Rất mong hợp tác em Hướng dẫn: - Em không cần viết tên vào câu hỏi - Em gạch chéo ô em cho Nếu em muốn đổi câu trả lời khác, việc tơ đen câu trả lời cũ THƠNG TIN CÁ NHÂN: Giới tính (1) □ Nam (2) □ Nữ Em tuổi? (1) □ 11 – 15 tuổi (2) □ 16 – 18 tuổi Em học tới lớp mấy? (1) □ Biết đọc, biết viết (3) □ Học tiểu học (2) □ Không biết đọc, viết (4) □ Học cấp Bây em sống đâu?(Nơi em thường xuyên nhất) (1) □ Trong Mái ấm, nhà mở (5) □ Ở nhà thuê (với bạn bè) (2) □ Ở nhà thuê (với gia đình) (6) □ Sống đường phố (3) □ Sống với người lạ (7) □ Sống (4) □ Sống với họ hàng (8) □ Nơi khác………… Tình trạng kinh tế gia đình em nào? (1) □ Gia đình nghèo (2) □ Gia đình trung bình (3) □ Gia đình giả Hồn cảnh gia đình em nào? (1) □ Gia đình cờ bạc (2) □ Gia đình sử dụng ma túy (3) □ Gia đình nghiện rượu (4) □ Gia đình khơng có cơng việc làm (5) □ Khác:…… Tình trạng nhân cha mẹ em nào? (1) □ Cha mẹ ly dị (4) □ Chỉ cha mẹ (2) □ Cha mẹ ly thân (5) □ Cha mẹ đẻ sống chung (3) □ Có cha/mẹ kế (6) □ Trẻ mồ cơi 78 Em sống đường phố rồi? (1) □ Dưới tháng (2) □ đến tháng (3) □ tháng đến năm (4) □ đến năm (5) □ đến năm (6) □ năm Cơng việc mà em làm gi? (1) □ Đánh giầy (4) □ Ăn xin (2) □ Bán vé số (5) □ Rửa xe (3) □ Làm mướn (6) □ Khác: ………… KIẾN THỨC VỀ HIV/AIDS 10 Theo em, HIV gì? (1) □ Là virus gây suy giảm miễn dịch mắc phải người (2) □ Là giai đoạn cuối AIDS (3) □ Là hội chứng suy giảm miễn dịch mắc phải người (4) □ Tất 11 Theo em, AIDS gì? (1) □ Là bệnh có người nghiện ma tuý người hành nghề mại dâm (1) □ Là hội chứng suy giảm miễn dịch mắc phải người (3) □ Là bệnh vô nguy hiểm, trường hợp nặng gây chết người (4) □ Tất 12 Theo em, HIV lây truyền qua đường nào? (1) □ Qua đường máu (2) □ Từ mẹ sang (3) □ Qua quan hệ tình dục (4) □ Tất 13 HIV lây truyền bởi: (1) □ Muỗi chích (3) □ Hơn người (2) □ Ơm người (4) □ Dùng chung bơm kim tiêm 14 HIV/AIDS lây truyền qua hành vi sau đây? (1) □ Quan hệ tình dục với người nhiễm HIV mà không dùng bao cao su (2) □ Làm việc với người nhiễm HIV (3) □ Ăn uống chung với người nhiễm HIV (4) □ Tất 15 HIV tồn thể người? (1) □ Từ đến ngày (2) □ Từ tháng đến năm (3) □ Từ năm đến 10 năm tuỳ sức khoẻ người (4) □ Suốt đời 16 HIV/AIDS không lây truyền qua hành vi sau đây? (1) □ Quan hệ tình dục với nhiều người 79 (2) □ Những giao tiếp thông thường như: chung nhà vệ sinh, tắm chung hồ bơi (3) □ Dùng chung ống kim tiêm 17 Ai bị lây nhiễm HIV/AIDS? (1) □ Trẻ em (2) □ Người trưởng thành (3) □ Thanh niên (4) □ Tất người 18 Ai không nhóm nguy bị nhiễm HIV? (1) □ Người hành nghề mại dâm (2) □ Người đồng tính luyến (3) □ Người tiêm chích ma túy (4) □ Thanh niên có lối sống lành mạnh 19 Nhìn bề ngồi, dàng nhận biết người nhiễm HIV khơng? (1) □ Rất dễ họ ốm yếu, xanh xao (2) □ Rất dễ họ thường hay mặc cảm (3) □ Khơng thích tiếp xúc với người (4) □ Chỉ có xét nghiệm máu phát có nhiễm HIV hay khơng mà 20 Em biết thông tin HIV/AIDS từ nguồn nào? (1) □ Tivi (2) □ Radio (3) □ Sách báo (4) □ Bạn bè (5) □ Giáo dục viên sức khoẻ (6) □ Nhân viên công tác xã hội (7) □ Thành viên gia đình (8) □ Người quen biết bị nhiễm HIV (9) □ Khác:……… 21 Em nhận dịch vụ chăm sóc sức khỏe từ đâu? (1) □ Thành viên gia đình (2) □ Nhân viên công tác xã hội (3) □ Bạn bè (4) □ Giáo dục viên sức khỏe (5) □ Trường/bệnh viện (6) □ Em khơng có nhận chăm sóc dịch vụ nào? (7) □ Em khơng biết làm gì? 22 Em có biết tình trạng “phơi nhiễm” khơng? (1) □ Có biết Đó là………………………………………… (2) □ Khơng 80 THÁI ĐỘ VỚI NGƯỜI NHIỄM HIV Nếu người bạn nhóm bị nhiễm HIV, em làm gì? 23 Cân nhắc lại phẩm chất đạo đức bạn 24 Không chơi với bạn 25 Học tập làm việc với bạn cách bình thường 26 Thơng cảm giúp đỡ bạn nơi 27 Báo với Nhân viên công tác xã hội để bạn có giúp đỡ 28 Hạn chế liên lạc với bạn để bạn khỏi mặc cảm, tự ti 29 Em nghĩ Bao cao su có khả ngừa thai 30 Em nghĩ bao cao su bảo vệ tránh khỏi bệnh lây truyền qua đường tình dục 31 Em nghĩ bao cao su bảo vệ khỏi HIV/AIDS Hoàn toàn đồng ý (1) □ Đồng ý Không đồng ý (2) □ (3) □ Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý (4) □ (1) (1) □ □ (2) □ (2) □ (3) □ (3) □ (4) □ (4) □ (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ Hoàn toàn đồng ý (1) □ Đồng ý (2) □ Không đồng ý (3) □ Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý (4) □ (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ (1) □ (2) □ (3) □ (4) □ Mã số phiếu: …………………………………………………………… Ngày vấn: ………………………………………………………… Xin chân thành cảm ơn hợp tác em 81

Ngày đăng: 02/07/2023, 23:02