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Topics Speaking tiếng anh 3 chuẩn Học viên hành chính quốc gia

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1. Describe the job you would like to have most. You should say: • what this job would be • where you would work • which qualifications you would need • and explain why you would like to have this job most. Well, I’m going to talk about a job I’d like to have. It is for sure “an air hostess”. Being a cabin crew member can be very exciting. You know they are the people who take care of customers who are traveling on planes. This type of job can be done by men or women, but to be a successful flight attendant, you must have the skills, personality and look to fit the description. For instance, you have to be at least 19 years old in most cases when you first apply and usually a certain height, not too small. Also, your weight needs to be in proportion to your height. They also prefer people who are younger. So not just anyone can do it. Regarding the skills, one of the most important thing you need is to have customer service skills. Your entire job is about ensuring that the customer is safe and happy. So, being courteous and positive are the key things because customers will expect the highest level of customer service. For qualifications, you have to have a good GSCE or college certificate. I think that is it. What I absolutely love about this job is because I love to see the rest of the world and I’d like to meet a lot of new people from different cultures and countries. It’s my dream job so hopefully one day it will come true.

1 Describe the job you would like to have most You should say:  what this job would be  where you would work  which qualifications you would need  and explain why you would like to have this job most Well, I’m going to talk about a job I’d like to have It is for sure “an air hostess” Being a cabin crew member can be very exciting You know they are the people who take care of customers who are traveling on planes This type of job can be done by men or women, but to be a successful flight attendant, you must have the skills, personality and look to fit the description For instance, you have to be at least 19 years old in most cases when you first apply and usually a certain height, not too small Also, your weight needs to be in proportion to your height They also prefer people who are younger So not just anyone can it Regarding the skills, one of the most important thing you need is to have customer service skills Your entire job is about ensuring that the customer is safe and happy So, being courteous and positive are the key things because customers will expect the highest level of customer service For qualifications, you have to have a good GSCE or college certificate I think that is it What I absolutely love about this job is because I love to see the rest of the world and I’d like to meet a lot of new people from different cultures and countries It’s my dream job so hopefully one day it will come true Describe a method to save money You should say:  what the method is  when you started to use it  how you knew it  and explain why it is helpful I use an "accounting software" on my smartphone for the purpose It is quite intuitive and easy to use and does not require someone to know the basics of accounting I have been using this mobile application for years ago I have found it a very handy application that enables me to enter my earnings, expenses, shows various comprehensive reports and possible areas where I can expense less and save money I am not sure if this application is widely used or not, but using some sort of personal accounting software, mobile applications or using a notebook to tally the earning and expenses is rather a common method I had my doubt initially whether I would be benefitted from this method But after a few months, I started realising that it was helping me immensely For instance, at the beginning of a month, the application shows me the birthdays or similar events that are going to take place this month.The reminder also shows me the possible amount I can spend on gifts without crossing my monthly budget I personally find it very handy as the shopping comparison is done by my application and saves both time and money for me Talk about a goal that you would like to achieve You should say:  what the goal is  how easy or difficult you think it will be to reach this goal  how you plan to achieve this goal  and explain why this is one of your goals Throughout my life, I have set myself numerous goals and most of whichl have fulfilled However, as it stands, there is one out- standing goal which I am yet to achieve and that is to travel to the place at the top of my bucket list England I will now tell you the reasons why it's always been a dream of mine Ever since I started learning English during my childhood, I had an insatiable desire to fully immerse myself into this unique culture England to me is an iconically powerful country in the world pup fascinated with the royal family, as well as the stunning scenery on offer Needless to say, London would be my first stop and I wouldn't hesitate to visit the most renowned landmarks such as: Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and the symbolic London Eye Additionally, I would love to explore the endless rails of clothing and other miscellaneous items available at the fancy Harrods store So, once I have ticked all of these off the list, there are few other major cities that I have my eye on such as Manchester, Birmingham and Bristol let's not forget about the picturesque and views in the Lake District up north To tell you the truth, in order to achieve this goal, I would need to work like an eager beaver because the whole trip would cost me an arm and a leg I believe that I am more than ready for the trip as I not have any issues with language Having said that, the thing that I am concerned most the barrier about is, the visa process It's supposed to would not be a walk in the park but fingers crossed, it would be a breeze Above all the reasons I have mentioned, the classy and elegant British accent is what really drives me to visit England one day to hopefully perfect my English Describe something special that you saved money to buy You should say: • what this thing was • why it was special to you • how much it cost you • and how you felt after you bought it I am going to talk about a clock necklace that I gave my best friend It was at the end of grade 10 that she left me to continue her study abroad For fear that I would be forgotten someday, I tried to think of a farewell gift that could make her think of me every time she saw it It was not an easy task to find the right present; maybe it was because I was being too picky She was more than a friend to me, she’s more like my sister, or my soul mate I didn’t want to give her something meaningful but useless, or something useful but emotionally empty I wanted something that was special, something that would make her say “wow” when she received it I wandered from shop to shop to look for something, but I didn’t know what One day, I came across something reminding me of her right away – a vintage necklace with a clock pendant It perfectly suited her style, so she could wear it with any of her clothes What I liked about the clock was that it was custom-made, I could design the number and write a message on it too The thing is, when giving her the necklace, I set the clock to the local time in Vietnam, so whenever she needed to tell the time she would feel annoyed because of the difference in time zones, and I hoped that she would think of me right at the moment The price wasn’t expensive at all, about $20, but to a high school student like me at that time it was a fortune I had to skip breakfast for an entire month to purchase it, but it was totally worth it She had no clue about how I bought it but she liked it anyway I felt exhilarated when I could buy my bestie something beautiful that she deserved, and I hoped that this chain would tie us forever Describe a website you have bought something from You should say: • what the website is • what you bought from this website • how satisfied you were with what you bought and explain what you liked and disliked about using this website I love wearing skirt, t - shirt So my go-to site for shopping is a company called airspace , I’ve bought a good portion of dress from them in the last years They have a little something for everyone from skirt, t-shirts, hoodies, tank tops, much more I particularly enjoy their products Furthermore, the company gives anyone a chance to make their designs become a profitable source of income, and see them worn by thousands of people while keeping the rights to their art I also enjoy their grab bag promotions, where you pay a certain amount, usually $5, and you receive a randomly selected t-shirt from their stock I’ve bought it several times in the past and haven’t been disappointed yet, it’s like a gamble that you can’t lose I also love the quality of their products, not only is the quality of the material superb, the printing is flawless and longlasting Finally the website is pretty user-friendly and intuitive They have a homepage which promotes sales, special discount codes or limited designs You can browse through the designs in a gallery like format and once you have selected your design, you can even see a mockup photograph using different color shirts or styles available for what you have chosen Describe your idea of making a good first impression in a job interview You should say:  why it is important  it is important to make a good last impression as well  what ways you it in your job interview  and explain how to make a good first impression in a job interview? I must admit that up until recently, I didn’t really care that much about making a good first impression at a job interview However, back in plus years, I don’t really think that interviews were so much intense, perhaps because there wasn’t that much competition then So, unlike now, people didn’t really have to worry about all the details about facing a Manager So, why it is important to make a good first impression anyway? Well, the answer to this question is so ridiculously simple like a good first impression can actually get my dream job which i have been trying to get ! Of course, when I say that a good first impression can get us our dream job, I don’t mean to say that our educational qualifications, diplomas and professional certifications, areas and the level of expertise, a specific set of skills and amount of work experiences don’t really matter In fact, they do, but without the good first impression and preparation for the interview, it is highly unlikely that the hiring manager would even go that far It might sound pretty strange but, then luckily, however, it doesn’t really take much of an effort to create a good first impression So, how to make a good first impression? I should mention that I also believe making a good last impression is also vital to secure a job Well, we should try to dress appropriately to impress our hiring manager, and the common consensus about dressing appropriately is that we don’t wear jeans, sneaker/sports shoes or t-shirts when going to a formal interview Having a nicelywritten Resume/CV handy, speaking up firmly and yet in a soft voice instead of mumbling, using standard professional terms and language and being confident and prepared to answer any kind of questions without pretending to answer some questions which we don’t have any clue about are some of the things we can to create a very good first impression Describe a shopping centre that you have visited or that you know about You should say:  where the shopping centre is  how people travel to the shopping centre  what kind of shops it has  how you feel about the shopping centre I went to visit Thailand last year and stayed at Bangkok for a couple of days The Siam shopping mall caught my eyes with its excellent design and next evening I went for shopping there with two of my friends This shopping mall had more than 100 shops and restaurants People reach this shopping mall using their private cars, local buses and many people who lived nearby went there on foot I was living nearby and that’s why I went to this shopping mall on foot There were many shops to visit and the store concept of the mall was very lofty It has different renowned brands with rich shopping items Among renowned brands, it had H&M, ELB, Brandy Melville, Urban Outfitters, Vans, Kayak etc After our 3-4 ours stay there, we bought few items including t-shirts, Jeans pant, coffee and a pair of shoes I liked the admirable design concept of the shops and I really enjoyed my shopping there The prices were moderate and the environment was very clean and it gave us a light open airy feeling I noticed security personnel quite often and that was assuring to have a good shopping experience there There was a grocery shop where I noticed a lot of people were shopping My experience in this shopping mall was quite pleasant and that’s why I would say that the Siam shopping mall would an excellent choice for shopping Describe a happy childhood memory You should say:  when and where the incident you remember happened  who you were with  what happened exactly  explain why it was a happy memory One of the sweetest memories of my childhood was the first time I learned to ride a bicycle and I was tremendously glad to have the experience My elder brother helped me ride a bicycle and he was very careful about it Honestly, without his help, I would not have learned it I would also like to thank you to let me the opportunity to talk about it I was about six or seven, I cannot exactly remember the age But it was not the age for a girl to learn to ride a bicycle I just crossed my elementary grades when I learned to ride a bicycle My older brother shared everything with me and I was his passenger on the newly received bicycle from his birthday He was a teen but rode on bicycles like an adult After riding for a couple of days behind my brother, I wanted to learn to ride it myself My brother did not hesitate to teach me the riding Initially, he explained how the bicycle worked and took me to take the rider seat I fell on the ground several times and he instructed me to keep the balance In the first phase, he used to control the bicycle from behind so that I not fall on the ground and gradually I improved in riding the bicycle Later, he allowed me to ride the bicycle alone It was a nice experience for me I know how to ride a bicycle and even I can drive a car now In fact, as an older brother, he cared for me too much and helped me greatly in learning the riding and driving So, I am grateful to him If he would not take the initiatives in my childhood, I would not have become a driver in a true sense Describe something you want to buy but can’t afford You should say:  what you would like to buy  how much it costs  why you can’t afford it  explain if there is any other way you could acquire it Every one of us has some dreams in our lives regarding materialistic things We always keep on adding something or the other to our wish list Sometimes we are limited by financial issues and have to wait to acquire them I have always had different things that have been added to my wish list One of those things is a solar panel setup for my home, which can power up the lights and heat the water supply It is a very good set up that is not only highly cost-effective but also environmentfriendly I went to a nearby shop to inquire about the details about the cost and the setup I was told that it would cost me one milion dong to get the set up installed on the roof of my house Actually, I cannot afford this much amount right now as I have spent all my savings to buy a smart phone two months ago Due to this reason, I would have to wait for some time and save more money to buy the solar panel setup Hence, I have decided to wait for some time and purchase it at a later point 10 Describe an unusual holiday or vacation that you have experienced You should say: • when and where you went on this holiday/ vacation • who you went with • what you did during this holiday/vacation and what caused this holiday/vacation to be unusual I tend to believe that all holidays are meant to be unusual because we, perhaps due to our curious nature, are always looking for something different than what normally happens in our everyday life But let me tell you about something that is probably different than what many would think of It was a camping trip This happened a couple of summers ago My family decided to visit a national park that has some camping grounds for people to pitch tents in We loaded up our tents and gear and drove off a few hours west of my hometown It’s location was in a well-protected wooded area that is a small hike from a nice blue water lake We did so many things there that we couldn’t in the city Before going there, I was a little bit intimidated by the thought of it I was thinking of biting insects spoiling my time in the great outdoors But my father, who has a lot of experience knew what to to protect us Ok Let me get back to what we did there At night, the most fun I had was building a camp fire, roasting some marshmallows and singing some campfire songs Oh, and in the day, there were a lot of hiking trails to explore on, but I enjoyed the beach the most It was so peaceful to sit and look out towards a nice crystal clear lake Of course, I occasionally jumped in to cool off from the warm summer weather I did get a bit of a tan, but I wasn’t burnt Thank goodness for sunscreen That trip was one wonderful experience that I’ll never forget, and I think of it as my most unusual holiday because I never did anything like that before Thank you That’s all I have to say 10

Ngày đăng: 23/06/2023, 15:32



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