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củng cố kiến thức cho học sinh giỏi chuyên 9, luyện thi vào 10, và giúp học sinh đạt kết quả cao trong các kì thi rất hay, củng cố kiến thức cho học sinh giỏi chuyên 9, luyện thi vào 10, và THPTQG giúp học sinh đạt kết quả cao trong các kì thi. Gồm 100 câu ngữ pháp phổ biến các em hay gặp, học sinh giỏi 9 cấp tỉnh, thi chuyên vào 10, có đáp án và giải thích chi tiết mời các em tham khảo

SỞ GD&ĐT QUẢNG BÌNH ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC SBD: ………… KỲ THI TUYỂN SINH VÀO LỚP 10 THPT NĂM HỌC 2023-2024 Khóa ngày 07/6/2023 Mơn: TIẾNG ANH (CHUN) Thời gian làm bài: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Đề có 05 trang gồm 100 câu Lưu ý: Thí sinh làm tờ giấy thi ghi theo thứ tự câu từ đến 100 SECTION ONE: LISTENING * Bài nghe gồm phần, phần ghi âm lần Giữa phần lần ghi âm phần có khoảng thời gian chờ Mở đầu kết thúc nghe có tín hiệu nhạc Part 1: : Listen to the conversation and complete the note bellow Write ONLY ONE WORD and/or NUMBER for each answer (8 pts) FAMILY EXCURSIONS Cruise on a lake  Can take pictures of the (1)……… that surround the lake Farm visit  Children can help feed the sheep  Visit can include a 40-minute trek round the farm on a (2)…………  Visitors can enjoy some beautiful (3)………… along the side of the lake  Visitors can get (4)…………… there Cycling trip  Cyclists explore the Back Road  A map is provided  Only suitable for cyclists who have got a bit more (5)……………  Visitors can rent bikes from a place called (6)…………… (near the Cruise ship Terminal)  Cyclists need: - to pick up a repair kit - to take along a (7)………… and some water - a helmet (can be hired)  There are no shops or accommodation in the area Cost  Total cost for whole family of cruise and farm visit: (8) $ Part 2: Listen to the conversation and decide whether the statements are True (T) or False (F) (6 pts) ………9 The delivery hasn't arrived yet …… 10 Andrea is having some cash flow problems and needs a payment terms extension …… 11 Andrea usually asks for an extension of the payment terms …… 12 Andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one …… 13 Junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days …… 14 Junko will send Andrea an email confirmation of the payment terms extension Part 3: Listen to the recording and choose the best option (A, B or C) for the following questions Each question will be played twice (6 pts) 15 You hear a young man talking about his hobby of rock climbing How does he feel about it? A satisfied with his level of expertise Page 1/6 B concerned about doing a dangerous sport C proud when he finishes a particularly demanding climb 16 You hear a public announcement at a family theme park What does the announcement contain? A a change to a timetable B details of a new attraction C instructions about a location 17 You hear two people talking about a course they have attended What was the topic of the course? A publishing B money C journalism 18 You hear two people talking about a film they have both seen What they agree about? A The story wasn't very original B Reviews of the film weren't accurate C The message wasn't very positive 19 You hear a man being interviewed about a new project he has set up in his home town What is the purpose of the project? A to reduce the amount of litter on a town's streets B to increase the inhabitants' awareness of recycling C to make shopkeepers use paper bags instead of plastic ones 20 You hear a man talking on the radio about salespeople What does he say about them? A They take pride in forming good relationships with buyers B They keep one objective in mind at all times C They prefer people they think are easy to sell to SECTION TWO: PHONETICS Part 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others (2 pts) 21 A success B sugar C suprise D subject 22 A parachute B spacesuit C occasion D relation Part Choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the others in each group (2 pts) 19 A department B attraction C museum D argument 20 A message B purchase C humane D balance SECTION THREE: LEXICO – GRAMMAR (30 pts) Part Choose the word or pharse (A, B, C or D) which best completes each sentences.(10 pts) 25 Tom and Linda are talking about jobs they would like to choose - Tom: "I think working as a doctor is a challenging job." - Linda: "…………” A It’s a good idea C Not at all B I’m sorry, but I aggre with you D That exactly what I think 26 John doesn't like cigarettes and does his brother A too B either C so D neither 27 Many of the items such as rings, key chains, or souvenirs are made of unusual shell or unique stones Illegally…… from the protected areas A which is removed B removing C which is removing D removed 28 According to the rule of this game, no player except the goalie, can touch ball with both hands A the B a C an D x (no article) 29 The jury her compliments on her excellent knowledge of the subject A paid B gave C made D said 30 Let's take the situation before we make a final decision A up with B up on C stock of D out of 31 Few people can say that they have a clear of their future A emotion B vision C smell D role 32 It was so hot that most people stayed indoors ; the streets were empty A practically B mightily C directly D surely Page 2/6 33 Whistling or clapping hands to get someone's attention is considered and even rude in some circumstances A suitable B unnecessary C impolite D appropriate 34 John's report was thorough and insightful He deserves a real A slap on the wrist B pat on the back C peck on the check D pain in the neck Part 2: Put the verbs given in brackets into the appropriate tenses or forms (6 pts) 35 I am on the half of decorating our room By the time you come home, I (finish) 36 She dedicated her life to (work) for peace 37 If she had taken her father's advice, she (not be) bored with her work now 38 She took a risk investing money with them I'd rather she (not do) it 39 No decision will be made about any future appointment until all suitable candidates (interview) 40 It was your fault to keep Tom waiting for you so long You (not come)……… Part 3: Complete each sentence with appropriate form of the word in block capitals (5 pts) 41 We're going to change our suppliers as they have become very .for a year RELY 42 His father's death left him with a great in his heart EMPTY 43 Christmas is celebrated in many countries JOY 44 Too much of the food we eat nowadays is full of chemicals and other……… ADD 45 You paid $25 for a simple breakfast? They have certainly you! You CHARGE should go back and complain Part 4: Complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal verbs in the box Use each one once only There are TWO extra ones that you not need to use (5 pts) show up drop out show off put off wash away catch on call on 46 Part of the path had been by the sea 47 We all know how wonderful you are There's no need to 48 John sometimes his grandparents in the countryside 49 She ran in a marathon last week but after ten kilometers Otto Channel 50 Jane's children are very intelligent When you explain something to them, they seem to very quickly Part 5: Each of the following sentences contains ONE mistake FIND and CORRECT it (5 pts) 51 The earth is the only planet with a large amount of oxygen in their atmosphere 52 To attract someone's attention, we can use either verbal and non-verbal forms of communication 53 Hardly had he entered the office when he realized that he has forgotten his wallet 54 John, together with his friends, pay a visit to my family twice a year 55 Students are not allowed to handle these chemicals unless they are on the supervision of a teacher SECTION FOUR: READING COMPREHENSION Part 1: Choose the word that best fits each of the blanks in the following passage Choose A, B, C or D to indicate your answer (10 pts) The Secret of a long life Growing older is a natural process that we cannot avoid However, some people manage to keep their looks for longer than others, and live to a ripe old age So, what exactly is their secret? Age is (56) by many to be a mental attitude As our minds and bodies are not (57)……… from each other If you feel content, you are more likely to be healthy and therefore to live a long life Others stress the (58)………… of having an interesting occupation Having a deep interest in (59) you leads to a more fulfilled and active life! Many also recommend yoga or other types of physical exercise Everybody, young or old, can (60) from regular exercise and spending time with others Some, on the other hand, (61) old age without taking special care of their health But research has Page 3/6 shown that people who (62) to a low-calorie diet have a greater chance of living longer Of course, having access to good medical care (63) a difference too Recent studies suggest that people with more highpowered jobs are healthier, as are people who have (64) a good education But scientific opinion keeps changing Maybe longevity just depends on genes or perhaps it's (65) down to good luck 56 A valued B considered C suggested D mentioned 57 A similar B individual C separate D divided 58 A strength B greatness C power D importance 59 A whatever B however C whoever D whenever 60 A take B advance C win D benefitx 61 A lead B reach C touch D grab 62 A stick B stay C hold D remain 63 A.shows B has C makes D owned 64 A received B made C done D is 65 A usually B hardly C simply D possibly Part 2: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap Use only ONE word in each gap(10 pts) Much has been heard recently about possible health hazards, including memory loss and brain throughout the world, in Britain today, one person in four owns one, (67) is worrying enough, even if, so far, no concrete evidence (68) come to light One study by Dr Alan Preece and his team at Bristol University has shown, however, in a report in the International Journal of Radiation Biology, that tests on volunteers demonstrated no effect on (69) short-term memory or attention span Subjects (70) exposed to microwave radiation for up to thirty minutes, but the one noticeable effect was positive (71) than negative; the subject reacted more rapidly in one test to a visual choice One explanation of this is that following the transmissions, a warming (72) the blood led to increased blood flow For the experiment, places were chosen where the signal was good and the microwave dose light, and then where the signal was poor and the dose much higher The subjects were tested for recall and mental alertness after exposure (73) microwaves characteristic of analogue phones, digital phones or no phones at all, without knowing (74) they were exposed to It is, of course, early days yet and the sample may not be large (75) … to generalise from More research needs to be done Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the correct answer (A, B, C, or D) to each of the questions (5 pts) Today we take electricity for granted and perhaps we not realize just how useful this discovery has been Steam was the first invention that replaced wind power It was used to drive engines and was passed through pipes and radiators to warm rooms Petrol mixed with air was the next invention that provided power Exploded in a cylinder, it drove a motor engine Beyond these simple and direct uses, those forms have not much adaptability On the other hand, we make use of electricity in thousands of ways From the powerful voltages that drive our electric trains to the tiny current needed to work a simple calculator, and from the huge electric magnet in steel works that can lift 10 tons to the tiny electric magnet in a doorbell, all are powered by electricity An electric current can be made with equal ease to heat a huge mass of molten metal in a furnace, or to boil a jug for a cup of coffee Other than atomic energy, which has not as yet been harnessed to the full, electricity is the greatest power in the world It is flexible, and so adaptable for any task for which it is wanted It travels so easily and with incredible speed along wires or conductors that it can be supplied instantly over vast distances To generate electricity, huge turbines or generators must be turned In Australia they use coal or water to drive this machinery When dams are built, falling water is used to drive the turbines without polluting the atmosphere with smoke from coal Atomic power is used in several countries but there is always the fear of an accident A tragedy once occurred at Chernobyl, in Ukraine, at an atomic power plant used to make electricity The reactor leaked, which caused many deaths through radiation Now scientists are examining new ways of creating electricity without harmful effects to the environment They may harness the tides as they flow in and out of bays Most importantly, they hope to trap sunlight more efficiently We use solar heaters for swimming pools but as yet improvement in the capacity of the solar Page 4/6 cells to create more current is necessary When this happens, electric cars will be viable and the world will rid itself of the toxic gases given off by trucks and cars that burn fossil fuels 76 The author mentions the sources of energy such as wind, steam, petrol in the first paragraph to A suggest that electricity should be alternated with safer sources of energy B show the usefulness and adaptability of electricity C imply that electricity is not the only useful source of energy D discuss which source of energy can be a suitable alternative to electricity 77 What does the author mean by saying that electricity is flexible? A It is cheap and easy to use B It is used to drive motor engines C It can be adapted to various uses D It can be made with ease 78 What we call machines that make electricity? A Voltages B Electric magnets C Generators or turbines D Pipes and radiators 79 The word "they" in the last paragraph refers to scientists A harmful B effects C the tides D new ways 80 The best title for this passage could be A "Types of Power Plants" C "How to Produce Electricity" B "Electricity: Harmful Effects on Our Life" D "Why Electricity Is So Remarkable" SECTION FIVE: WRITING Part 1: Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it (10 pts) 81 He is short-sighted Therefore, he has to wear the glasses →If he……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 82 Someone has suggested raising the parking fees in the city →It has been suggested that………………………………………………………………………………… 83 They can shorten trousers for you at the cleaners →You can have your…………………………………………………………………………………… … 84 He speaks more persuasively than his brother →He is a more …………………………………………………………………………………………… 85 She can't ask intelligent questions She can't profit from listening to her colleagues →She can neither ………………………………………………………………………………………… 86 You should not only balance your diet but also sports → In addition……………………………………………………………………………………………… 87 He never felt so emotional when he looked at a picture →At no time……………………………………………………………………………………………… 88 "Hand over the bag or I'll shoot you!" said the robber to the security guard →The robber threatened…………………………………………………………………………………… 89 It was easy for us to get tickets for the concert →We have no ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 90 The only thing I forgot to put in the picnic basket was the scissors → I remembered to put…………………………………………………………………………………….… Part 2: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN You mustn't use MORE THAN FOUR WORDS, including the word given (5 pts) 91 My grandmother was sixty when she learnt to drive (AGE) →My grandmother learnt to drive…………………… sixty 92 The manager should think about experience when hiring new staff (CONSIDERATION) →The manager should …………………………when hiring new staff 93 They chose not to drive because they thought there would be too much snow (FEAR) →They chose not to drive ……………………………………… too much snow 94 How our sales compare with those of other firms? (RELATION) Page 5/6 →How our sales stand………………….those of other flims? 95 Money is of little value on a desert island (COUNTS) → Money .on a desert island Part 3: Use the words/phrases given to make meaningful sentences (5 pts) 96 You should/ turn off/ lights/ before/go/ out/ save energy →…………………………………………………………………………………… 97 Last month,/he/ intend/buy/ that house/ but/he/ not have/ enough money →…………………………………………………………………………………… 98 Every student/ have to/ write/ essay/topic/ lifelong learning →…………………………………………………………………………………… 99 If/I/be/younger/I/ take part/many social activities/ instead/ stay/ home →…………………………………………………………………………………… 100 There/be/quite/ large reduction/ number/ poor families/ countryside/ so far →…………………………………………………………………………………… -THE END- Page 6/6

Ngày đăng: 16/06/2023, 23:00

