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Question 1: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each numbered gap.. Write your answers in the box numbered below.[r]



Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others Write your answers in the box numbered below has been done for you as an example.

0 A car B hard C late D father

1 A tried B finished C watched D stopped

2 A meat B seat C head D repeat

3 A likes B songs C visit D music

4 A hat B Paris C humane D parents Write your answers here:

0 1 2 3 4



Question 1: Choose the best answer (marked A, B, C or D) to finish each of the following sentences Write your answers in the box numbered below (2pts)

1 Lan: “ What a lovely picture you’ve painted, Hoa!” Hoa: “ .”

A It’s nice of you to say so B Sure I know that

C Never mind D I don’t think so

2 She _ That’s why she looks hot.

A will run B was running

C has been running D ran

3 Tom is not used to _ up early He’s late for school very often.

A get B got C getting D having got

4 Tom: “Can I have your order, please?” Mary: “ _.”

A Two chickens, please B I'll it right away C Yes, sir D Just whatever you want to 5 The number of students who have got bad marks this term appalling.

A is B are C have been D were 6 His new CD will be _ sale in August.

A in B of C on D to 7 Could you please _ an eye on the kids for a minute?

A put B have C keep D take 8 I found it difficult to follow what because of the noise.

A was saying B was being said

C was telling D was being told

9 The women and flowers _ he paints look vivid.

A which B who C whom D that

10 If you exercised more, you _ better.

A would have felt B would feel

C felt D has felt

11 I’ll give you ten minutes to come _ with a better idea.

A out B in C through D up

12 We have decided to the money for the local secondary school.

A rise B beg C collect D raise


Ann: “ No, I haven’t seen of them.”

A either B both C neither D each

14 I’m studying Chemistry at _ university.

A the B an C a D Ø

15 We can’t just up at the party without an invitation.

A go B turn C arrive D reach

16 Are you aware _ the regulations concerning the use of guns?

A for B about C in D of

Write your answers here:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Question 2: Choose the underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting Write your answers in the box numbered below.(0.5pt)

1 There is a hostel at the bottom of the canyon where we can stay there A B C D

2 I’m afraid Petra is on the phone Do you want to come in and waiting? A B C D

3 Professor William’s classes are more interesting than Professor Alex A B C D

4 In the end of the party, Jane found herself doing the washing-up again, as usual. A B C D Write your answers here:

1 2 3 4

Question 3: Read this film review and fill the gaps by forming a word from the word given in capitals at the end of each line Write your answers in the box numbered below has been done for you as an example (1pt)


Horror film fans will find this movie highly (0) The plot centres on Harry, a man who seems (1) normal and even rather boring most of the time but who turns into something truly (2) _ whenever it rains, and it rains a lot in this movie The special effects are very (3) and some scenes are very frightening, even for committed horror film fans The ending, in particular, will come as an enormous (4) I won’t spoil things by saying what happens but it certainly gave me a (5) !

So, if you’re (6) about horror films and you want to see something that is full of (7) , this could be the film for you But beware! You will come out of the cinema totally (8) after you have seen it!




0 enjoyable 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.


Question 1: Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each numbered gap Write your answers in the box numbered below has been done for you as an example (1pt)

Few people now question the reality of global (0) and its effects on the world's climate Many scientists put the (1) for recent natural disasters on the (2) in the world's temperatures and are convinced that, more than ever before, the Earth is at (3) from the force of the wind, rain and sun According to them, global warming is making extreme weather (4) ; such as hurricanes and droughts, even more (5) and causing sea levels all around the world to rise Environmental groups are putting pressure on governments to take action to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide which is given (6) by factories and power plants, thus attacking the problem at its source They are in (7) of more money being spent on research into solar, wind and wave energy devices, which could then replace existing power stations Some scientists, (8) , believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere tomorrow, we would have to wait several hundred years to notice the results Global warming, it seems, is to stay

0 A warming B population C pollution D temperature 1 A force B blame C use D pressure 2 A threat B decrease C increase D harm 3 A danger B strength C risk D heaviness 4 A forecast B events C conditions D environment 5 A difficult B horrified C hard D severe

6 A off B away C up D over 7 A belief B request C favor D suggestion 8 A because B however C despite D although Write your answers here:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Question 2: The people below all want to spend their holidays at an interesting place Here are descriptions of eight places Decide which place (letters A-H) would be the most suitable for each person has been done for you as an example. Write your answers in the box numbered below (1pt)

1 Mr White is an engineer and would like to spend a day looking at modern inventions and scientific discoveries His 12 year-old daughter will probably go with him

2 Mrs Brown and her young son want to spend a day out and see some of the animals that Australia is famous for She also wants to buy presents to take home

3 Before she leaves Australia, Jane wants to spend a day shopping She is looking for something special for her father, who is interested in art She dislikes large shopping centers

4 Mr News is hoping to spend six months touring round the whole of Australia Before setting off he wants to find out as much as possible about its history and inhabitants 5 Mr Davis is interested in modern buildings, and always likes to get to know as much as possible about them He also enjoys listening to music

A- The Harbourside Development is one of the world’s most exciting places to shop It’s found right on the edge of Sydney Harbour, and there are over 200


shops, selling everything from home-made sweets to the very latest in fashion; from Australian souvenirs to Swiss watches and Japanese cameras

C- A visit to the Australian Museum is like an adventure across Australia There are exhibitions on the people and their way of life, and the whole continent Talks and guided tours help to make your visit unforgettable There’s also a cafe’ and a good book shop, selling excellent maps E- The State Library is in the oldest part of Sydney There are free film screenings, guided tours and educational activities It has regular exhibitions of books on science and technology Learn to use a microcomputer, watch a video, or look through the Library Shop

G- One of the world’s leading museums, the Powerhouse Museum has over 25 exhibitions on the latest developments in science and technology Everything from a NASA space station to the first car ever built can be found at this museum There are also many activities for children here

touch and feed koala bears There are talks every afternoon about these animals, which are only found in this part of the world Excellent souvenir shop

D- The Opera House This is a 20th century masterpiece of engineering and offers top international performances A guided tour lasts two hours and is available any day between 9am and 4pm Special “backstage” tours are available on Sundays

F- Surrounded by the modern city, the Rocks is the oldest part of Sydney and full of history On weekends there are outdoor concerts and street theater to enjoy Every Saturday and Sunday there is a market where it is possible to buy the works of local artists

H- Taronga Zoo has Australia’s finest collection of rainforest birds and a sea life center which has many of the fish that can be found off the coats of Australia and New Zealand.Taronga is also famous for its large group of South East Asian monkeys, snacks available at cafe’

Write your answers here:

1-G 2- 3- 4-

5-Question 3: Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap Use only ONE word in each gap Write your answer in the box numbered below has been done for you as an example (1pt)


Many actors not like working with children or animals This is probably (0) _ they are afraid that the audience may become (1) interested in the children and animals than in them

Actors can have problems of a different kind when they are required to eat or drink (2) _ stage If they have (3) _much food in their mouths, the word they say may not be clear, and they may even end up coughing or choking

Other problems can occur with food (4) _films are being made In a recent film, during which a family was waiting to have a meal, one of the (5) _entered with a large roast chicken leg he completely forgot (6) _his next words were The scene had to be filmed again This would not really have mattered (7) _ there had been another roast chicken in the studio, but there was not At first, nobody knew what to do, but eventually the problem was solved (8) _putting a nail in the leg and attaching it back onto the chicken

Write your answers here:

0 because 1. 2.

3. 4. 5.

6. 7. 8.



0 I started studying English four years ago.

I have ……… →I have been studying English for four years

1 Tony knew what the answer was after reading the book

By the time ……… 2 This film is similar to another film I have seen.

This film reminds ……… … 3 This problem can’t be solved instantly.

There is ……… … 4.She feels strange when she drives on the left

She is not ……… 5 As far as I can see, those two cars are exactly the same.

As far as I can see, there……… ………… 6 Anthony claimed that the other man caused the accident.

Anthony accused ……… 7 They haven’t invited either Mr Hornby or his wife to the barbecue.

Neither ……….………. 8 The Mayor hoped to have a good day for the parade

The Mayor was in ……… Question 2: John invited Maria to stay at his flat in Berlin when she was there, but she couldn’t come Maria is now writing a letter to tell him the reason Use the prompts provided to make a complete letter 0 has been done for you as an example (1.0 pts)

Dear John,

0. your last letter/ kindly offer/ put/ your flat/ I/ Berlin

In your last letter, you kindly offered to put me in your flat while I am in Berlin. 1. I/ be / afraid / I / unable / take / offer / for / time being

……… 2 My father / sick / I / have/ stay / home / care / him.

……… 3 I / hope / be able / come / Berlin / later / end / year, / perhaps / January.

……… 4 I / let / know / plan / soon / possible / order / not / interfere / own plan.

……… Thank you very much again for your offer

With love, Maria

Ngày đăng: 26/05/2021, 06:03

