ASSIGNMENT 1 FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 14 SEMI Submission date 28/04/2023 Date Received 1st submission 28/04/2023 Re submission Date Da[.]
ASSIGNMENT FRONT SHEET Qualification BTEC Level HND Diploma in Computing Unit number and title Unit 14:SEMI Submission date 28/04/2023 Re-submission Date Date Received 1st submission 28/04/2023 Date Received 2nd submission Student Name MAIHUUNAM Student ID BS00152 Class IT17101 Assessor name THAI THI THANH THAO Student declaration I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism I understand that making a false declaration is a form of malpractice Student’s signature Grading grid P M D NAM ❒ Summative Feedback: Grade: IV Signature: ❒ Resubmission Feedback: Assessor Signature: Date: Contents I.Introduction II System analysis System requirements Structure of symfony System consumers 10 Non-functional and Functional 10 Risk management plan 11 Models 13 Use case description using a diagram 14 6.2 Schematic of the steps (2-3) 17 6.3 Activity flowchart 19 6.4 ERD 25 screen 27 Some pages 27 a The login page 27 b logout 28 c Registration page 28 d HOMEPAGE 28 e Contacting page 29 f Detail page for the category 30 Admin pages, some 30 Category and genre 30 The page for the product in product management 32 Github 32 CONCLUSION 33 REFERENCES 35 Figure HTML,CSS,PHP Figure Symofony Figure Github Figure MySQL Figure Php strom Figure MVC Figure MVC ENTITY 10 Figure UCD USER 13 Figure USC ADMIN 14 Figure 10 Login 17 Figure 11 Display a product's detail page 18 Figure 12 Login and register 19 Figure 13 Review and include the user's product 20 Figure 14 Take a look at the product review's content 21 Figure 15 ADD PRODUCT 22 Figure 16 EDIT PRODUCT 23 Figure 17 DELETE 24 Figure 18 ERD 25 Figure 19 LOGIN PAGE 27 Figure 20 Logout 28 Figure 21 REGISTER 28 Figure 22 HOMEPAGE 29 Figure 23 CONTACT 29 Figure 24 Detail 30 Figure 25 Category and genre 31 Figure 26 Product in product 32 Figure 27 Github 33 Table Risk arrangement 12 Table USECASE ADMIN 15 Table USD USER 16 Table USD REGISTER 17 Table IMPORTGOODS 25 Table EMPLOYEE 26 Table SUPPLIER 26 Table Export 26 Table Export 26 Table 10 Items 27 I.Introduction For this assignment, I'll create a project using the Symfony framework and design it using HTML, CSS, and bootstrap Before creating the website for selling cars, I also created an appropriate database and several models and diagrams, including ERDs and Use Case Diagrams I've decided to develop a web program for assessment II System analysis System requirements I designed a vehicle sales system for the endeavor This system can show comprehensive information about (product) such as vehicle name and manufacturing date, as well as its reviews Furthermore, when experiencing a problem or issue with the web, users can submit a complaint to the administrator for resolution The method makes it easier for administrators to handle goods, users, categories, and writers a HTML, CSS, bootstrap and PHP Figure HTML,CSS,PHP b Symfony Figure Symofony c Github Figure Github d MySQL Figure MySQL e PhpStorm Figure Php strom Structure of symfony 2.1 Overview Model-View-Controller (MVC) is an architectural design pattern that divides an application's three key logical components—model, view, and controller—into discrete parts Each of these parts is designed to deal with a certain application development task The industry standard web development framework MVC is one of the most often utilized to produce scalable and extendable projects But with Symfony, the entity replaces and uses the model 2.2.MVC Components MVC is known to generally have three parts Controllers, Views, and Models Model: It contains all of its information and related logic View: interacts with users or displays info to them Controller: It links the Model and View components, making it the most crucial component of the model Figure MVC To complete this homework, I built a motorcycle sales website The shoe (product)'s name, category, category, picture, and description are just a few of the details that this system can present The website allows users to upload new shoes and provide in-depth reviews of the shoes after successfully registering and logging in Additionally, users may report issues with the website to the administrator for a fix Figure MVC ENTITY MVC works: Step 1: A user can use any web browser to send an HTTP request Data to be processed by the controller may be included with this request that The Navigator Routing will establish the Controller Step 2: The Controller assesses if it needs information from the Model before responding to the request If so, the Model classes and functions will be used, and the outcomes will then be returned After processing those values, the controller will return the view to the screen The controller will choose the necessary views and show them as necessary Step 3: Before sending Gui content to the Controller for results and display on the Browser screen, the view will trust show components like as pictures, data information, and so forth when it receives data from the Controller Step 4: The browser will build a display for the user to see the return value after getting it, concluding the process System consumers On this platform, I split people into two categories: admin and user And now I'd like to go over some of the specific duties of each individual 3.1 Administrator qualifications • They can post, examine details, and read product reviews • They can also delete, create, examine, and edit categories • They can delete, upload, examine, and edit photos 3.2 User needs • The user may log in and create an account • They may examine product evaluations from various reviewers • They can add and evaluate goods • You can look up goods using categories Non-functional and Functional 4.1 Requirements for functionality Admin: Figure 14 Take a look at the product review's content Figure 15 ADD PRODUCT Figure 16 EDIT PRODUCT Figure 17 DELETE 6.4 ERD Figure 18 ERD No Field name Type Constraint Description Importgoods_Id Int (10) Primary Key The ID of the imported goods Supplier_id Varchar (255) Employee_id Varchar (255) Foreign Key Id of the employee Importgoodsnow Varchar (255) Foreign Key Importgoodsnow Id of the supplier Table IMPORTGOODS No Field name Type Constraint Description employee_ID Int (10) Primary Key The ID of the employee Employee name Varchar (255) Name of the employee Employeephone Varchar (255) Employeephone Employee address Varchar (255) Table EMPLOYEE Employee address No Field name Type Constraint Description supplier_Id Int (10) Primary Key The ID of the supplier Supplier Name Varchar (255) Name of the supplier Supplier address Varchar(255) Table SUPPLIER Supplier address No Field name Type Constraint Description exported Int (10) Primary Key The ID of the export Export date Date AccountId Int (10) Foreign Key The ID of the account employee Int (10) Foreign Key The ID of the employee Items Int(10) export release date Id of the item Table Export No Field name Type Constraint Description Account_Id Int (11) Primary Key The ID of the user Account name Varchar (255) name of the user Accounttrole Varchar (255) Trole of the user Accountphone Account address Varchar(255) Varchar(255) Table Export Phone Address No Field name itemId Type Int (11) Constraint Primary Key Description The ID of the items Item name Producer Quantity Price Varchar (255) Varchar (255) decimal Numeric Table 10 Items name of the items producer of the items Quantity Price items screen Some pages a The login page Here is where you log in The user's password and email are required on the login page When logging in is unsuccessful, the user is taken back to the login page The user will navigate to the home page instead if they have successfully logged in The user will click "login" once they have finished entering all the necessary data Users can register for an account if they don't already have one Figure 19 LOGIN PAGE b logout You may quickly log in and out of the home page and other pages from the user page by using your username and password, which will be managed by the admin Figure 20 Logout c Registration page Users will access the registration page by clicking the "Register" link in the menu or the login page link The email address and password are also entered on the registration page, followed by the "Agree terms" box After that, the user must click the "Register" button Figure 21 REGISTER d HOMEPAGE This is the homepage Users may freely select any product to examine information and reviews, as well as visit numerous websites including the contact page, login page, registration page, etc Additionally, visitors may choose any category to see that category's category page Similar to the menu, the site's footer and banner contain some of the links The consumer clicks the blue "Review" button if they wish to examine the product's details Figure 22 HOMEPAGE e Contacting page The user will visit the contact page after clicking on the link to it To submit their information to the administrator, users must first fill out certain information and then click the "Submit" button Figure 23 CONTACT f Detail page for the category Users are sent to that category's website when they select a category from the homepage This page will display a few products, similar to the homepage, and provide product details underneath the category name Figure 24 Detail Admin pages, some Category and genre This is where the administrator can add cars, car names, and descriptions so that users can see reviews more easily The administrator will need to type and add to be able to bring the product page to the administrator so that administrator can combine all the elements to create a homepage full of production date prices, pictures, and car names Figure 25 Category and genre The page for the product in product management Access to various pages, category administration pages, etc., may be reached via several links on the admin page's menu A lot of links will manifest to connect to a site, particularly when clicking on the "Add" link How many pages include extra features like adding items or images? A few basic facts about the product, etc., are displayed on the administrator's product category page The review page, detail page, and edit page of each product are all accessible through buttons in addition to the information Like this one, there are more management pages However, the administrator of the user page may only delete the user's email Figure 26 Product in product Github Figure 27 Github CONCLUSION Favorable: • Users can check car information and reviews to help them choose the best one • Simple and attractive user design, making it simple to use Weakness: • Since this method is based on community contributions, inaccurate information will inevitably be shared • The user interface is not properly designed • When I signed up for an account, I couldn't tell if the email address already existed or was entered before • Unable to display product reviewer's name or details I am unable to perform the following functions: • Since the product's average score is not determined using user reviews, I cannot display it • There is no management feature to receive email notifications when users perform operations on the system For example, if they want to contact the system and file a complaint, the admin won't know about it until they sign up and go to the admin page • The system cannot determine whether submitted user information, product information, and reviews are appropriate This method can be improved in the following ways: I was able to create a more complete website with a better, more professional look and feel after careful thought and research Also, in my next project, I will find a way to link my system to another website so that users can search for cars on multiple websites using different criteria REFERENCES Symfony (date unknown) High-Performance PHP Framework for Web Development, Symfony docs You may access it at: Free web tutorials from W3Schools are available now web tutorials at W3Schools at: