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WH AT I S S P S ? 23 Overview WH E RE D I D TH E S P S AG RE E M E N T CO M E F RO M ? WH AT I S TH E P U RP O S E O F TH E S P S AG RE E M E N T? To e n s u re th a t m e a s u re s re l a ti n g to fo o d s a fe ty a n d a n i m a l a n d p l a n t h e a l th a re n o t m i s u s e d a s tra d e b a rri e rs b y WTO m e m b e r co u n tri e s S P S s ta n d s fo r S a n i ta ry a n d P h yto s a n i ta ry S P S m e a s u re s a re m e a s u re s re l a ti n g to fo o d s a fe ty a n d a n i m a l a n d p l a n t h e a l th

SPS AGREEMENT TOWARDS A S AFE R WO RLD Overview WHAT IS SPS? SPS stands for Sanitary and Phytosanitary SPS measures are measures relating to food safety and animal and plant health WHERE DID THE SPS AGREEMENT COME FROM? It was established by the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE SPS AGREEMENT? To ensure that measures relating to food safety and animal and plant health are not misused as trade barriers by WTO member countries Details SCOPE The ag reeme n t a p p l i es t o a l l S P S mea s ures t hat may af f ec t i n tern a ti on a l t d e SCI ENTI FI C B AS I S Any S PS mea s ure mus t be b a s ed on a ri s k ass essment i n v ol v i n g s c i en t i f i c ev i d en ce and e sti mati on of h a rm to h uma n , a n i ma l or p l ant l i f e or h ea l th EQU I VALEN CE WTO membe r c oun tri es n eed t o a ccept t h e S PS measures of oth er c oun t ri es a s equi v al ent to th ei r own mea s ures , prov i d ed that t hey ac h i ev e th e s a me l ev el of p r o tecti on Details TR ANSPAREN CY WTO membe r c oun tri es h a v e t o prov i d e i nf ormati on on th ei r S PS mea s ures t o ot h er countri es CONSULTATI O N AN D C O O P E RA TIO N The S PS Ag reemen t es tab l i s h es a mechani sm f or WTO memb er coun t ri es t o sul t and c oop era te wi t h ea ch ot h er on S PS i ssues DI S PUTE SE T T L EMEN T The ag reeme n t p rov i des f or a proces s of di sp ute settl emen t betw een WTO memb er countri es to res ol v e di s put es rel a t ed t o S PS measures VIETNAM AND THE SPS AGREEMENT I MPLEMENT AT I O N ADAPTATI ON Vietnam has implemented the SPS Agreement through its domestic laws and regulations, including the Law on Food Safety, the Law on Animal Health, and the Law on Plant Protection Vietnam has taken steps to address challenges by improving its food safety management systems, enhancing the capacity of its regulatory agencies, and strengthening its cooperation with other countries and international organizations THANK YOU FOR FOLLOWING SBS AGREEMENT International Trade Policy April 2023 SPS AGREEMENT Definition History • The WTO Agreement on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS Agreement) is an international treaty of WTO • It was negotiated during the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations • The SPS Agreement provides a framework of rules to guide WTO Members in the development, adoption and enforcement of sanitary (human or animal life or health) and phytosanitary (plant life or health) measures which may affect trade • Came into effect on January 1, 1995 ADD A FOOTER Key objective • Protect human, animal, and plant health • Avoiding unnecessary barriers to international trade ADD A FOOTER Key provisions • 14 Articles: containing the rights and obligations that WTO members have agreed to • Annexes: giving definitions of various terms, and elaborating on certain obligations in the body of the SPS Agreement ADD A FOOTER Thank you ytosanitary Ph M he Appl on t ica t n d of Sanitary a n it on es Agree sur m e ea Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | SPS Hiệp Định Vệ Sinh An Toàn Thực Phẩm Kiểm Dịch Động Thực Vật SPS is all mandatory regulations, conditions and requirements affecting international trade in order to protect human, animal or plant life or health through: (1) ensuring food safety products; (2) preventing the entry of diseases of plant or animal origin governed by the WTO's SPS Agreement and the SPS Committee Company Name: Date of Incorporation: Fauget Technology December, 23 1990 Diverse form: Definition & Purpose requirement for quality, packaging method of transportation quarantine, sampling methods Purpose: provides WTO Members with the right to use SPS to protect human, animal or plant life or health To be applied only to the extent necessary to protect human, animal or plant life or health and must be based on scientific principles (except for: eg epidemic emergencies ) Do NOT create arbitrary or groundless discrimination or a disguised impediment to trade; Must be based on international standards, guidelines and recommendations, if any; Encourage the harmonization countries Main principles of SPS of SPS measures among Advantage Disadvantage Improved food safety, enhanced Requires technical capacity and competitiveness infrastructure with high cost Access to international markets, Affect traditional agricultural expand country’s export markets production Strengthened trade relationships Difficulty competing with other exporting countries (technical barriers) For Vietnam SPS vs TBT Eg: Regulations on pesticides Regulations on the amount of pesticides in food or in animal feed to protect children's health human or animal SPS Regulations related to the quality and function of a product or possible health risks out to the user TBT → → The criterion to distinguish is "application target" SPS: aim specifically to protect life or health of human, plants and animals by ensuring food hygiene and preventing diseases TBT: aim at many different policy goals (national security, environment, fair competition ) * Important: each measure will be governed by a different set of rules and regulations (businesses must know to comply properly) ORGANIZATIONS PROVIDE INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS ON SPS Codex Alimentarius Commission (Uỷ ban Tiêu chuẩn Thực phẩm lĩnh vực an toàn thực phẩm) International Office of Epizootic (Văn phòng quốc tế bệnh dịch động vật lĩnh vực sức khoẻ động vật) International Plant Protection Convention (Công ước quốc tế bảo vệ thực vật lĩnh vực sức khoẻ thực vật) Other relevant international organizations Detail SPS: https://www.vietnamtradeportal.gov.vn/kcfinder/upload/files/Sanitary.pdf

Ngày đăng: 03/06/2023, 19:09


