Bài giảng my-korean 2
[...]... Talking to Koreans and we started to build a Korean language learning web site based on the book and kept all the materials on the site open to the public This open access policy was part of our efforts to promote Korean language in Australia as well as around the world and to help other Korean language educators who strove to provide a better learning environment because of a dearth of Korean language... follow-up to the first volume of My Korean which introduces learners to the Korean alphabet and some everyday situations to help them acquire ‘survival’ Korean This book consolidates and extends the work begun in the first volume by helping learners continue to develop their ability to communicate in routine social situations Basic Approach Our experiences of teaching Korean for more than two decades... old out-of-print listening books, which were called Elementary Task-Centered Listening Comprehension of Korean 1 and 2, published in 1994 and later changed to Korean Through Active Listening 1 and 2 The listening books were always used alongside the textbook until they became out of print in early 20 08 This development has allowed the incorporation of the listening tasks into the textbook, resulting... personal collection of language activities which complemented the textbook Learning Korean: New Directions 1, (Pilot Edition 1) used in some Australian universities including Monash University where we started teaching Korean in 19 92 In 1995, this meagre collection grew into a textbook of its own entitled Let’s Speak Korean The following year the book went through a major change when Douglas Ling, a... are licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNoncommercial-Share Alike 2. 5 Australia License in the hope that this book will make a small contribution to the development of Korean language education throughout the world As one of Less Commonly Taught Languages, Korean still suffers from a dearth of learning materials Korean teachers often have to design their courses and develop learning materials... the following years, we kept modifying the book based on students’ feedback and needs, added more learning materials to the web, as well as making another title change into the current My Korean in 1998 However, in late 20 06, we lost a significant amount of our on-line materials when our university introduced a new university-wide content management system Only the small amount but most important materials,... duties, let alone their fight to keep the Korean program alive We have met many marvelous teachers over the years and they have been our inspiration We hope this book will help those teachers in their efforts of creating a better learning environment for their students To all, many thanks again for your assistance and encouragement Melbourne Young-A Cho 24 June, 20 09 In-Jung Cho x To the teacher and the... (9) A: 왜 이렇게 늦었어요? Why are you so late? B: 차가 고장 나서 늦었어요 My car broke down, so I am late (10) A: 왜 숙제 안 했어요? Why didn’t you do your homework? B: 갑자기 부모님이 오셔서 못 했어요 (11) A: 어제 왜 파티에 안 왔어요? My parents came suddenly, so I couldn’t do it Why didn’t you come to the party yesterday? B: 갑자기 친구들이 와서요 Some friends suddenly came, so 8 UNIT 11 방학 잘 보냈어? ( 12) A: 어제 병원에 왜 갔어? (casual) Why did you go to see a doctor... each country visited and write down how long he stayed there in a right column Ready? Listen! 나라 방문유무 기간 country Visit or not period 싱가포르 한국 일본 타이완 중국 12 UNIT 11 방학 잘 보냈어? 13 UNIT 11 방학 잘 보냈어? Situation Dialogue 2 Paul is talking to Minjun about the Korean dinner he had with his friends 폴: 요새 바빠요? 민준: 난 언제나 바쁘지 넌? 어제 일했어? 폴: 아니요, 어젠 쉬는 날이었어요 그래서 저녁에 친구들하고 같이 밥 먹었어요 민준: 그래? 어디 갔었는데? 폴: 서울 식당이요 민준: 서울... in the comics to show how some words are pronounced differently from their standard spellings xii The situation dialogues are also presented in two settings: the Korean setting and the Australian setting The first setting involves mainly two Korean university students, Minseo Kim and Jihun Park The second setting revolves around three university students, Minjun Kim, Paul Smith and Hyeonu Lee, who are