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Bài giảng korean-life 2

재외국민용〔영어판〕 한국인의 생활 Ⅱ 지리∙정치 경제∙사회 문화편 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙ ( ”æ-‚æ´ ) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 1 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 차례 Ⅰ. 한국의 지리 1. 살기 좋은 자연 환경 …………………………………………………………………… 2 ⑴ 위치와 영역 ………………………… 2 ⑶ 기 후 ……………………………… 10 ⑵ 지 형 ……………………………… 4 2. 산업의 발달 ……………………………………………………………………………… 16 ⑴ 농�임�수산업 …………………… 16 ⑶교통, 무역및관광산업 ………23 ⑵ 광�공업 …………………………… 20 3. 인구…………………………………………………………………………………… 29 ⑴ 늘어나는 인구 …………………… 29 ⑵ 인구의 이동 ……………………… 31 4. 국토 개발과 보전 ……………………………………………………………………… 33 ⑴ 국토 종합 개발 …………………… 33 ⑵ 국토의 보전 ……………………… 35 5. 여러 지방의 특색 ……………………………………………………………………… 37 ⑴ 중부 지방 ………………………… 37 ⑶ 북부 지방 ………………………… 47 ⑵ 남부 지방 ………………………… 41 Ⅱ. 한국의 민주 정치 1. 한국의 민주 정치 ……………………………………………………………………… 52 ⑴ 민주주의의 이념 ………………… 52 ⑶ 민주 정치와 국민 생활 ………… 60 ⑵ 민주 정치의 발전 ………………… 56 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙ ( ”æ-‚æ´ ) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 3 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 2. 한국의 정치 생활 양식 ……………………………………………………………… 66 ⑴ 헌법의 근본 이념 ………………… 66 ⑶ 국민의 의무 ……………………… 76 ⑵ 국민의 기본적 권리……………… 71 ⑷ 정부의 구조와 기능 ……………… 77 Ⅲ. 한국의 경제 발전 1. 경제 개발 계획 ………………………………………………………………………… 86 ⑴ 근대화 이전의 한국 경제의 모습 …………………………………………………… 86 ⑵ 경제 개발 계획의 추진과 성과 ……………………………………………………… 91 2. 세계로 뻗는 한국 경제 …………………………………………………………… 108 ⑴ 한국 경제의 발전 요인 ………… 108 ⑶ 경제 전망 ………………………… 116 ⑵ 한국의 국제적 지위 …………… 113 Ⅳ. 한국의 사회와 문화 1. 민족 문화의 발달 ……………………………………………………………………… 124 ⑴ 민족 문화의 형성 ……………… 125 ⑶ 민족 문화의 창달 ……………… 140 ⑵ 민족 문화의 유산 ……………… 128 2. 한국 사회의 변화와 특징………………………………………………………… 142 ⑴ 사회 변화의 모습 ……………… 143 ⑵ 앞으로의 과제 …………………… 150 3. 민주 복지 사회의 건설 …………………………………………………………… 152 ⑴ 복지 사회의 이상 ……………… 153 ⑶ 앞으로의 과제 …………………… 162 ⑵ 한국의 사회 보장 제도 ………… 156 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙ ( ”æ-‚æ´ ) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 5 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W Ⅰ. 한국의 지리 1 . 살기 좋은 자연 환경 2. 산업의 발달 3. 인구 4. 국토 개발과 보전 5. 여러 지방의 특색 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 1 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 1 . 살기 좋은 자연 환경 ( 1 ) 위치와 영역 󰓆   3343 124 132         󱋱󰷓    󰄉      󰁠   󰄉 󰓍   󰁠 󰁗  󰄉 󰄉 󰓍 󰓆 󰓍 위치 —3— 󰓮   󰁗    󰓆   󰓄  󰄉       󰄉 󰁹󰇟󰓄 󰓄  󰀷  󰓆 󰕠 󰌺    󰕠   󰒼  󰓄 󰓄 󰓆   󰓆 󰇁 󰖮 󰌩   󰌢  󰓇   󰁂 󰉜  󰓆  󰁗 󰉜   󰍝  󰓍  󰓆 󰍝    1000 km 󰀧󰁗 3300  󰌢      22 km    󰓄  󰓕󰓄  󰕷  󰁹 󰓆  󰁹  󰓆 󰍝   󰓆 󰓆 󰕥 󰓄 영역 As Korea is situated between the continent and the sea, its location is ideal for advancing either to the continent or to the sea. Therefore, our ancestors adapted Chinese culture from the continent to our own culture, and developed a creative and splendid culture in full blossom, while conveying our advanced culture to Japan. Korea can take this advantage to advance to the continent and to the sea when all the people get together as one and bring up the national power. Territory The territory of a country consists of the territorial land, territorial sea and territorial air. The territorial land of the Korean Peninsula is about 1000 kilometers from north to the south and with more than 3300 large and small islands including Cheju and Ullung Island, and the total area is about 220 thousand square kilometers, which is about same size as Great Britain. 1 . THE BEST LIVING ENVIRONMENT ( 1 ) Location and Territory Location Korea is a peninsula which stretches from the north to the south, located in the 3343 north latitude, and in the 124132 east longitude. Korea is contiguous to China and Russia across the Amnok and Tuman Rivers to the north and faces China across the West Sea to the west. Also, she faces Japan across the East Sea and the Korea Straits in the east and the south. —2— 한국의 위치 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 2 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W —5—   󰓝󰓍󰁷 󰄉  󰄉  󰄶󰇸  󰁷  󰓆󰓆󰐤󰓆     󰄉 (2744 m)  󰓆    󰓆 (1950 m) 󰓆      󰌻  󰍆        󰓗  󰆰    󰀯 󰌻  󰓆  󰓗    󰓝󰓄      󰍤   󰁚  󰕷 󰄶 󰀯󰓍 󰄉   󰄉   󰄶󰄶 󰁷  which are high and steep. As we go south and west the contours flatten some- what. The highest mountain in Korea is Mt. Paekdu(2744 m) in the north, and Mt. Halla (1950 m) in the south. The mountain ranges in Korea consists of the Nangnim and T’aebaek Range which lie from the north to the south and branches radiating to the southwest and northeast. Vertical ranges like T’aebaek are relatively high and steep, therefore, cause transportation difficulties and differences in weather forming a border between the east and the west. The ranges stretching to the west are lower as they go westward, so we can easily find some basins and plain fields.   󰀸  󰍤 󰓄 󰓄   󰕫 󰇓󰓄󰕖  󰇝󰓄    󰓄  (2) 지 형 󰓆 󰁷 󰍝   70 󰄶󰁷󰓆  󰆹  󰄉 󰄉  󰁷  산지 However, unfortunately, our country was divided into the Free South and the Communist North after liberation. Today, we are building credibility with the north through conferring, such as in the high-level talks between the south and the north, to reunify our two countries again. ( 2 ) Topography Mountainous Areas Mountainous areas occupy approximately 70  of the entire land of Korea. As we go up north and east, many mountainous areas appear —4— 남북 고위급 회담 한국의 지형 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 4 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W —7—  󰁂 󰁷     󰏦󰖪    󰁷 󰓆     󰓆 󰒨  󰁹   󰓆 󰁷 󰄉 󰄉 󰉜 󰇁     󰁹    󰌤  󰄉 󰓗󰓄 󰖘 󰓆 󰓄󰆲 󰏦    󰖘   󰌢 󰓄 󰀢󰆳   󰕞   󰆳  󰓍 󰖘     󰓄󰆲 󰕞   하천과 평야 There are many mountains which are good sightseeing spots with great views. Especially, Mt. Ku˘mgang and So˘rak are famous for their beautiful valleys, colorful autumn leaves and steep peaks of granite. Rivers and Plains As the Korean topography is high in the north and east and inclines toward the southwest, major rivers, except the Tuman, Naktong and So˘mjin Rivers flow southward. The most salient characteristic of Korean rivers is that there are great seasonal changes in water levels. It rains heavily in summer, and often, heavy monsoon rainfall causes the rivers to overflow. In spring, fall, and winter, drought make the   󰐩 󰁷   󰓆󰐤󰌻  󰓉  󰓍 󰄉 󰉜󰇁   󰹯󱗟󱆏  󰀽  󰁷  󱜧󱗟󱆏     󰁷 󰀥  󰓆 󰓫 󰕣󰕠  󰕠 󰕣 󰓱 󰕠 󰁷󰓱 󰀧󰁗  󰌱  󰁷  󰁷  󰌱󰕠 󰕣   󰕖  󰆲󰁷 󰓆    󰁗󰓆     󰓆 󰉜 The T’aebaek and Hamkyo˘ng Range are located along the east coast, so their east slopes are narrow and steep but the west side is wide and plain. In Korea, where the ground is stabilized, there are no active volcanoes at present, but there remain places caused by volcanic activities of the past in Mt. Paekdu, Cheju and Ullu˘ng Island, in some places plateaus formed from molten rocks exist. Ch’o˘nji in Mt. Paekdu and Paengnoktam in Mt. Halla, by products of volcanic activities, are great sightseeing resources nowadays. —6— 백두산 천지 한국의 주요 하천과 평야 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 6 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W —9—  󰓄󰇓    󰆱  󰓄   󰁷  󰁷 󰕡 󰓄  󰖮    󰓍  󰓆 󰓍 󰕷  󰁠 󰓄    󰓄 󰓍 󰴜󰷓󲩼  󰉜  󰓍   󰁷󰀥   󰐩  󰐮󰕠󰁹󰐮   󰕖 󱜶󲭖  󰓆 󰓍 󰉜   󰓄 󰓆  󰁷 󰓍  󰓄 󰓍  󰓆  󰁂    Salt farming and cultivation are well developed in the west coast due to the extreme range of tides. Recently, Korea covered these mud flats which made more land available for farming and other industries. On the south coast, with islands and complex coastlines, the year round warm weather makes it possible to cultivate laver and oysters. An archipelago was designated a National Seashore because of its beautiful landscape. On the east coast, which has no wide plains, we have lakes like Kyo˘ngp’o and Hwajinp’o, and the clean sands and beautiful landscape make them great sight- seeing spots. Also, the East Sea forms a good fishing ground with a mixture of cold 󰁷     󰓆   󰓄   󰕲  󰓍 󰖮   󰁠 󰁷  󰄮󰍆 󰁗 󰁗 󰕣     󰓄 󰐩  󰓆  󰐮 󰐩󰁹   󰕖 󰐩   󰁗 󰐩  󰓍 󰐩  󰏦󰖪  󰀯  󰁗     󰓍 󰖘     󰐩 󰁷  󰓍 󰓍 󰓍  󰓆  󰓍 󰁷  󰓍 󰓍 󰀷 󰓍   󰄶 󰓄   󰐥󰇁󰀯   해안과 바다 water level of the rivers low. For these reasons, strenuous efforts are being made to effectively utilize water resources by constructing multipurpose dams on all rivers to prevent flood and drought, develop power generation, provide consistent water sources and promote tourism. There are many basins, which have been good dwelling spots around the high and midstreams of the rivers, and there are many plains around the low streams. Kimpo Plain of the Han River, Honam Plain of the Tongjin and Mangyo˘ng Rivers, Naju Plain of the Yo˘ngsan River and Kimhae Plain of the Naktong River are well known and used as rice paddies. However plains are rare along the rivers flowing eastward. Coasts and the Sea The coastline along the East Sea is generally monotonous, but the south and west seashores form a ria coast with indented coastlines. —8— 해안선 비교 동해안의 해수욕장 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 8 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W —11—  󰓗 󰇡   󰒨    󰇡    󰓆   󰄶 󰌤   󰕷   󰓆 󰍝       󰄶 󰌢  󰌱  󰁷󰓱 󰓍 󰓗   󰄶  󰌱  󰐩   󰀧󰁗 5.2󰁠󰁹 󰓄 20.8  󰄶 26 󰓆 󰓆󰐤󰓍  󰌻   󰇜 󰒨  󰁗   󰓗     󰓍   󰁷   󰌱 continental climate which shows a big temperature difference between summer and winter. The Korean Peninsula, which is vertically long, shows a big difference in tem- perature between the north and the south, and the topography and currents cause differences between the west and the east. The average temperatures in January at Chunggangjin and Cheju are 20.8 and 5.2 respectively, showing a difference of 26 degrees. In the case of the east coast, the T’aebaek Range acts as a screen and there is also the influence of the warm ocean currents. As a result, the east coast areas show a higher winter temperature than the West Sea areas at the same latitude. 󰓍 󰓍     󰐮󰓄  󰓄   󰓆 󰀷 󰓄   󰌢   (3) 기 후 󰓆 󰁠  󰕷 󰁷 󰓄󰁷 󰓆   󰌻󰐩     󰁷 󰓄   󰓗 󰏦󰓆 󰕷 󰌱   󰌻󰐩   󰓗     󰕗  󰒨         󰄶 󰀷󰓆   계절풍과 대륙성 기후 and warm currents. In the West and the South Sea fishing is well developed due to the wide continental shelves, and research for oil reserves is on the way. Therefore, much is expected in further development. ( 3 ) Climate Monsoons and Continental Climate Korea has a unique climate affected by the air currents occuring between the huge Asian continent and the Pacific Ocean, even though she belongs to the warm area of the mid latitude. In summer, due to the North Pacific anticyclone, a hot and humid southwest monsoon makes the weather hot and rainy. On the contrary, in winter, the cold and dry northwest monsoon from Siberia makes it dry and cold. So, Korea has a —10— 겨울철의 평균 기온과 강수량 계절풍과 해류 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 10 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W —13— 󰓆󰐤 󰕖  󰁷  󰁷     󰁠 󰉜󰓆 󰓆  󰕠  󰓄  󰕣    󰌱 〈봄〉  󰄸  󰒨 󰓍󰁷 3󰍆   󰄶󰄶 󰁷 󰓍󰁹󰓆  󰄉󰍆 󰆠        󰓆󰓆󰐤  󰁗   󰇜 󰕥 󰓫  󰌱   󰕠 󰓄 〈여름〉   󰒨 󰓍󰁷 6󰍆  6 󰓄     󰁾󰁠 󰕖 󰌻󰒨 󰒨󰓍 󰌩 󰓆   󰕷 󰓆  󰌱 〈가을〉      1  󰁠   계절의 변화 In addition the Ullu˘ng Island, the southwest island area and Taegwallyo˘ng, receive heavy snows. Changes of the Seasons Korea, located on the globe’s northern mid latitudes, experiences four distinct seasons with different life patterns. Spring Spring begins in March, the time that the cold northwestern mon- soon begins to weaken and warmer and longer days appear. Spring comes up from the south and farmers begin farming with seedings. One characteristic of spring is that the weather becomes extremely changeable. It is windy ; yellow sand blow in from China ; and sudden spring cold snaps are common. Summer Summer begins in June when the southeastern monsoon blows. The rainy season begins at the end of June, and excessive rain and typhoons often cause disaster. After the rainy season, hot summer weather comes. 󰓆 󰐩    1100 mm 󰀥    󰁷 󰓄󰁷 󰁷    󰄶 󰌤  󰏦󰃠 󰓆 󰆳 6, 7, 8              󰕞  󰓄 7, 8, 9 󰌻󰒨   󰌤 󰒨󰓍       󰁷 󰀧󰁗  󰁹 󰓄 󰓍 󰓆 󰁠  󰆸󰆲 󰁠 󰁷   󰁷    󰓄 󰁷  여름철에 많은 비 Much Rain in Summer The average precipitation of 1100 mm a year shows that Korea is one of the rainy areas of the world, but there are large variations in precipitation among different regions and different seasons. More than half of the annual precipitation in Korea occurs in summer from June to August. It is good for rice farming, but sometimes sudden rain causes floods and typhoons usually occuring in July, August or September damage crops and our life. The areas where it rains a lot are the Cheju Island, the southern coastline along the lower stream of the So˘mjin River, along the middle and upper streams of the Han River, and along the middle stream of the Ch’o˘ngch’o˘n River, and areas where it rains little are the Kaema Plateau, the lower stream of the Taedong River and the Taegu basin. —12— 여름철의 평균 기온과 강수량 kor ˛(¿ ) 2–˙1(001-050) 2007.1.13 11:20 AM ˘ ` 12 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W [...]... forestry ˘ towns on the Kaema Plateau They were developed due to forest resources nearby — 50— kor ˛(¿ ) 2 2( 05 1-0 84) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 1 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W Ⅱ 한국의 민주 정치 1 한국의 민주 정치 2 한국의 정치 생활 양식 kor ˛(¿ ) 2 2( 05 1-0 84) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 52 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 민주주의 국가에 있어서 주인은 정부가 아니고 국민이므로, 국 1 한국의 민주 정치 민은 정부의 뜻에 따라 움직이는 것이 아니라, 국민의 대표에... tourists since — 26 — — 27 — 경복궁을 관람하는 관광객 Trade Sightseeing kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 28 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 후 외국인도 많이 늘 3 인 어나, 연간 25 0만 명 구 을 넘어서고 있다 한편, 국가에서는 국립 공원과 도립 공 원을 중심으로 여러 곳에 국민 관광지를 ( 1 ) 늘어나는 인구 인구 증가 우1945년 광복 당시 한국의 인구는 약 26 00만 명이 었다 그 중 남한의 인구는 1600만 명 정도였으나, 지정하고, 전국을 일본, 중국 등에서 많은 해외 동포가 귀국하고 북한 동포가 월남 크게 5 대 관광권으 하여, 1949년에는 20 00만 명을 넘어섰다... manufacturing sector of the Korean economy is based on processing industries which import raw materials, processes them and exports finished products Industrial areas have been developed near harbors which are best for import and export — 20 — — 21 — (2) Mining and Manufacturing Underground Resources kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :20 AM ˘ ` 22 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 그리고 성장... Migration — 31— kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 32 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 구의 이촌 향도 (�村向都) 현상이 나타나고 있다 국외 이동 4 국토 개발과 보전 우국외 이동은 광복 전에 간도 지방을 비롯한 중국, 일본, 러시아 등지로의 이주가 많았으며, 하와이로 의 이민도 있었다 일본으로의 이주는 대부분 강제 동원에 의한 것으로서, 현재 약 70만 명의 우리 동포가 일본에 살고 있다 ( 1 ) 국토 종합 개발 광복 후 해외 이민은 1970년대부터 활발해지기 시작하였다 오 한국은 국토를 효율적으로 이용하고 개발하기 위하여 19 72 부 늘날에는 미국에 약 120 만 명, 중국에 20 0만 명을 비롯하여, 독 터... transportation in Korea began to form since the station employee system of the past and modernized after the Korean War Today, roads Transportation — 23 — kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :20 AM ˘ ` 24 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 하여 전국을 거미줄같이 연결하고 항공 교통은 1960년대 이후 발달하기 시작했으며, 특히 제 24 회 있어, 자동차로 전국 어느 곳이든 서울 올림픽과 북방 외교를 계기로 하여 세계로 뻗어 가고 있다 쉽게 갈 수 있다 서울의 김포 공항, 부산의 김해 공항, 제주 공항 등은 국제 공항... means spiritual attitudes, living attitudes and behavior patterns of the people which provide the groundwork for democratic life — 60— — 61— Representative Government (3) Democracy and National Life Democrary kor ˛(¿ ) 2 2( 05 1-0 84) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 62 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 민주 시민의 우민주주 자 세 의 국가 둘째, 남을 인정하고 받아들이는 관용의 정신이 필요하다 관용이란, 자기와는 다른 남의 이질성을 받아들이고, 참는 것 에서 강조되는 국민의 생... in the world Domestic flight take people to the major cities of the countr y such as Pusan, Taegu, Kwangju, Yosu, Chinju, Sokch’o, Cheju, Ulsan, Yech’on ˘ ˘ — 24 — — 25 — kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :20 AM ˘ ` 26 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI 무 역 W 우한국의 무 역 은 근래의 경제 발전으 상으로 하고 있다 관 광 우한국은 요즈음 생활 수준의 향상, 교통의 발달, 여 가 시간의 증가 추세에 따라 관광객이 늘고 있으며, 로 그 규모가 세계 적 수준으로 발달하 무역’또는‘굴뚝 없는 공장’ 이라... is — 18— — 19— Fishery Forestry kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :20 AM ˘ ` 20 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 편, 서해안에서는 양 식업과 천일 제염이 (%) 100 100 96 100 95 84 활발하다 원양 어업은 그 동 안 급속한 발전을 거 80 60 44 40 듭하여, 한국 어선 20 단이 남태평양과 베 원양 어선 링 해, 남극해, 인도 0 우라늄 철광석 양, 대서양 등에서 활약하고 있다 구리 아연 몰리브덴 유연탄 지하 자원의 수입 의존율 시멘트 공장 이러한 사정으로, 공업화가 급속히 이루어지고 있는 한국은 수 (2) 광∙공업 지하 자원 요가 급증하는 석유, 역청탄 등의 에너지 자원과,... many lives were sacrificed during the war, many people came down from the north As soon as the war came to an end, a baby boom occurred and the Korean — 28 — — 29 — Increase in Population kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 30 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI 60LPI W 0.97%로 크게 낮아졌다 1990년 현재 남한의 총 인구는 약 4300 만 명인데, 북한의 인구까지 합하면 6500만 명이 넘는다 인구 분포 우한국의 인구 분포는 지형과 경지 분포의 영향을 받아 남서부 지역은 조밀한... early days, the Korean history has ˘ centered around this capital region Seoul developed as the center of national life for more than 600 years since it became the capital of the Choso n Dynasty ˘ Especially, since the Seoul Olympic Games in 1988, Seoul has become one of the biggest international cities — 36— — 37— kor ˛(¿ ) 2 ˙1(00 1-0 50) 20 07.1.13 11 :21 AM ˘ ` 38 (1,1) Happy n Co - Kcom HP- A3 600DPI

Ngày đăng: 21/05/2014, 14:06



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