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IEC 62087 1 Edition 1 0 201 5 06 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Audio, video, and related equipment – Determination of power consumption – Part 1 General IE C 6 2 0 8 7 1 2 0 1 5 0 6 (e n ) ® colour inside Co[.]

I E C 62 -1 ® Edition 201 5-06 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD colour in sid e Au d i o, vi d eo, an d rel ated eq u i pm en t – D eterm i n ati on of power s u m pti on – IEC 62087-1 :201 5-06(en) Part : G en eral TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal og u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing more than 30 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications More than 60 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 62 -1 ® Edition 201 5-06 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD colour in sid e Au d i o, vi d eo, an d rel ated eq u i pm en t – D eterm i n ati on of power s u m pti on – Part : G en eral INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 33.1 60.1 ISBN 978-2-8322-2681 -0 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope Norm ative references Terms, definitions, and abbreviations Terms and definitions Abbreviations Specification of operating m odes and functions General m ethod General conditions Power source Environmental conditions Adjustment of controls I nput signals Power m easuring instrument Measurement uncertainty Lum inance m easuring device I lluminance measuring instrument 1 General m easuring procedure 1 Determination of power consumption, Off mode 1 Verification procedure 1 Annex A (informative) Verification procedure A General A Verification procedure Annex B (informative) Electricity supplies Bibliograph y Figure A – Flowchart, verification procedure Table – General operating m odes and functions Table B – Typical declared electricity supplies for some regions I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 –3– INTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMISSI ON AU D I O , VI D E O , AN D RE L AT E D E Q U I P M E N T – D E T E RM I N AT I O N O F P O WE R C O N S U M P T I O N – P a rt : G e n e l FOREWORD ) The I nternati on al Electrotechni cal Comm ission (I EC) is a worl d wid e organization for stan dardization com prisin g all n ation al el ectrotechnical comm ittees (I EC National Comm ittees) The object of I EC is to prom ote internati onal co-operation on all q uestions concerni ng stand ardi zati on in the el ectrical an d electronic fi elds To this en d and in additi on to other acti vities, I EC pu blish es I nternational Stan dards, Techn ical Specificati ons, Technical Reports, Publicl y Avail abl e Specificati ons (PAS) and Gu ides (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Publication(s)”) Th ei r preparation is entrusted to tech nical comm ittees; any I EC N ational Comm ittee interested in the subj ect dealt with m ay partici pate in this preparatory work I nternational, governm ental an d n on governm ental organ izations l iaising with th e I EC also participate i n this preparation I EC collaborates closel y with the I nternational Organi zation for Stand ardization (I SO) in accordance with ditions determ ined by agreem ent between th e two organi zati ons 2) The form al decisions or ag reem ents of I EC on tech nical m atters express, as n early as possible, an i nternati onal consensus of opi nion on the rel evant subjects since each technical com m ittee has representati on from all interested I EC N ational Com m ittees 3) I EC Publications have the form of recom m endations for intern ational use an d are accepted by I EC National Com m ittees in that sense While all reasonable efforts are m ade to ensure that th e tech nical content of I EC Publications is accu rate, I EC cann ot be h eld responsi ble for th e way in which th ey are used or for an y m isinterpretation by an y en d u ser 4) I n order to prom 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ature whatsoever, wheth er di rect or indirect, or for costs (includ i ng leg al fees) and expenses arisi ng out of the publ ication, use of, or relian ce upon, this I EC Publicati on or any other I EC Publications 8) Attention is drawn to th e N orm ative references cited in th is publ ication Use of the referenced publ ications is indispensable for the correct applicati on of this publication 9) Attention is drawn to the possibility that som e of the elem ents of this I EC Publication m ay be the su bject of patent rig hts I EC shall not be held responsibl e for identifyi ng any or all such patent ri ghts I nternational Standard I EC 62087-1 has been prepared by technical area 2: AV energy efficiency and sm art grid applications, of I EC technical committee 00: Audio, video and multimedia system s and equ ipm ent This first edition of I EC 62087-1 together with I EC 62087-2 to I EC 62087-6 cancels and replaces I EC 62087: 201 in its entirety This edition constitutes a technical revision This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to Clauses to of I EC 62087: 201 – I t includes new information about operation m odes – Equipment that includes rem ovable m ain batteries are now considered – Light measuring equipm ent is now specified –4– I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 The text of th is stand ard is based on th e following d ocuments: FDI S Report on voti n g 00/2466/FDI S 00/2496/RVD Fu ll information on the voting for the approval of this stan dard can be found in the report on voting ind icated in the above table A l ist of all parts in the I EC 62087 series, publish ed und er th e general titl e Audio, video, and related equipment – Determination of power consumption , can be found on the I EC website Th is publication has been d rafted in accord ance with th e I SO/I EC Directives, Part The committee has d ecid ed th at the contents of this pu blication wil l remain un chan ged until the stability date in dicated on th e I EC website under "h ttp: //webstore iec ch " in the d ata rel ated to the specific publ ication At this d ate, the publ ication will be  recon firmed ,  withd rawn ,  replaced by a revised edition , or  amend ed A bilingu al version of this publication may be issued at a later d ate I M P O RTAN T th a t it – Th e c o n ta i n s u n d e rs t a n d i n g c o l o u r p ri n t e r of ' col ou r c o l o u rs i ts i n si d e' wh i ch te n ts l og o a re U s e rs on th e c o ve r p a g e c o n s i d e re d sh ou l d to t h e re fo re of th i s be p ri n t p u b l i cati o n u s e fu l th i s fo r i n d i cate s th e d ocu m en t c o rre c t u sing a I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 –5– INTRODUCTION The I EC 62087 series specifies the general conditions and procedure for determining the power consum ption of audio, video and related equipment The specific conditions and procedures for specific types of equipment are specified in I EC 62087-3 to I EC 62087-6 IEC 62087-2 specifies signals and media that m ay be required to determ ine the power consum ption of some types of equipment IEC 62087: 2008 added methods for determining the On (average) mode power consum ption of televisions, based on three video signal sets These include static, d ynam ic broadcastcontent, and I nternet-content signals I EC 62087: 201 revised methods for determining the power consum ption of set top boxes The I EC 62087 series separates I EC 62087 into parts, including this general part which specifies the comm on conditions and procedures and adds new information about operating m odes I EC 62087 has been subdivided and currently consists of the following planned or published parts: – Part : General – Part 2: Signals and media – Part 3: Television sets – Part 4: Video recording equipment – Part 5: Set top boxes – Part 6: Audio equipm ent _ I EC 62087: 2008 I EC 62087: 201 , Me th o ds o f m e a s u re m e n t fo r th e p o we r c o n s u m p tio n o f a u dio , vide o a n d re la te d e q u ip m e n t , Me th o ds o f m e a s u re m e n t fo r th e p o we r c o n s u m p tio n o f a u dio , vide o a n d re la te d e q u ip m e n t –6– AU D I O , VI D E O , I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 AN D RE L AT E D E Q U I P M E N T – D E T E RM I N AT I O N O F P O WE R C O N S U M P T I O N – P a rt : G e n e l S cop e This part of I EC 62087 specifies the general requirem ents for the determ ination of power consum ption of audio, video, and related equipm ent Requirements for specific types of equipm ent are specified in additional parts of this series of standards and m ay supersede the requirements specified in this standard Moreover, this part of I EC 62087 defines the different modes of operation which are relevant for determining power consumption This standard is onl y applicable for equipm ent which can be powered by an external power source Equipm ent that includes a non-rem ovable m ain battery is not covered by this standard Equipm ent m ay include an y number of auxiliary batteries In order to assess com pliance of a specific m odel of equipment with the declared value, an example verification procedure is provided The m easuring conditions in this standard represent the norm al use of the equipm ent and may differ from specific conditions, for exam ple as specified in safety standards N o rm a t i ve re fe re n c e s The following docum ents, in whole or in part, are normativel y referenced in this docum ent and are indispensable for its application For dated references, onl y the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced docum ent (including an y amendments) applies I EC 62301 : 201 , Household electrical appliances – Measurement of standby power IEC 62542: 201 3, Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems – Glossary of terms T e rm s , d e fi n i t i o n s , a n d a b b re vi a t i o n s T e rm s a n d d e fi n i t i o n s For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in I EC 62542: 201 3, Clause 5, as well as the following appl y a u t o m a t i c b ri g h t n e s s c o n t ro l feature that senses ambient light conditions and changes display luminance accordingl y, possibl y reducing power consum ption I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 –7– au xi l i ary battery power storage device that is not capable of powering equipment such that the equipm ent can provide its prim ary functions Note to entry: Mem ory retention and rem ote control batteries are exam ples of au xili ary batteri es ill u m in an ce photom etric m easure of the total lum inous flux incident on a surface, per unit area Note to entry: I ll um inance i s expressed i n lu x (l x) lu m i n an ce photom etric measure of the lum inous intensity per unit area of light traveling in a given direction Note to entry: Lum inance is expressed i n u nits of cand elas per sq uare m eter (cd/m ) main battery power storage device capable of powering equipment such that the equipment can provid e its primary functions mod el of eq u ipmen t specific design of a product type of equ i pm en t class of equipment providing the same main functions EXAMPLES TV, STB, video record er u n it of eq u i pmen t single instance of a model of equipment u n it u n d er test UUT specific unit of equipm ent subj ected to a test Abbrevi ati on s ABC LMD UUT Autom atic Brightness Control Lum inance M easuring Device Unit Under Test Speci fi cati on of operati ng modes and fu ncti ons Table specifies the general operating m odes and functions for equipm ent covered by this standard More specific inform ation about modes and functions may exist in the equipmentspecific parts of this series of standards For all modes, m ain batteries shall be rem oved for the duration of the m easurement procedure as directed in –8– I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e – G e n e l o p e ti n g m o d e s a n d fu n cti o n s P o we r M od e S u b -m o d e F u n c ti o n ( s ) 0W Disconn ected Disconn ected – Disconn ected from external power sources and m ain batteries The equi pm ent is disconnected or gal van icall y isolated from all extern al power sou rces an d main batteries ≥0 W Off Off – Off The equi pm ent is connected to an external power sou rce and provi des no fu nctions th at depend on an external power source The equi pm ent cann ot be switch ed into any other m ode with the rem ote control un it, or an external or internal sig nal N ote th at som e power m ay be consum ed if an EMC filter or oth er com pon ents exist on the source side of the power switch >0 W Partial On Standbypassive – Wake on • rem ote control • internal sig nal The equi pm ent is connected to an extern al power sou rce and d oes not provid e its prim ary function s The equi pm ent can be switch ed into anoth er m ode with the rem ote control unit or an intern al sign al, but not with an external sig nal Standbyactive, low – Wake on • rem ote control • internal sig nal • extern al sign al The equi pm ent is connected to an extern al power sou rce and d oes not provid e its prim ary function s The equi pm ent can be switch ed into anoth er m ode with the rem ote control unit, an intern al sign al, or an external signal Standbyactive, hi gh – Wake on • rem ote control • internal sig nal • extern al sign al The equi pm ent is connected to an extern al power sou rce and d oes not provid e its prim ary function s The equi pm ent can be switch ed into anoth er m ode with the rem ote control unit, an intern al sign al, or an external signal Additional ly, the eq uipm ent is exch ang ing/recei vi ng data with/from an extern al sou rce but not as part of a prim ary function – Data com m unications On Operation – Operation F u n cti o n a l d e s c ri p ti o n The equi pm ent is connected to an extern al power sou rce and provi des its prim ary functions NOTE The operatin g m odes introduced in Table d escribe the general fram ework of operating m odes applied in this standard They m ay be fu rther differentiated for specific types of eq uipm ent in th e oth er parts of I EC 62087 The equi pm ent-specific parts of this series of stan dards n ot necessarily descri be determ ination of power consum ption for all m odes, sub-m odes, and fu nctions shown i n Tabl e G e n e ral m e th o d G e n e l co n d i ti o n s P o we r s o u rc e M a i n b a tte ry co n n e cti o n If the UUT includes a rem ovable m ain battery, it shall be disconnected and galvanicall y isolated for the duration of the m easurem ent procedure, unless directed otherwise by another part of this series of standards I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 5.1 –9– External power supplies Equipm ent supplied by the m anufacturer with an external power suppl y shall be connected to that external power supply during the m easuring procedures 5.1 M ains power For equipm ent powered by the mains, the equipm ent shall be powered using the declared voltage and frequency of the region The voltage and frequency of the power source shall be reported NOTE Annex B provides addi tional i nform ation regardi ng electricity suppl ies 5.1 Power from other than the mains For equipment powered by a means other than the m ains, the equipment shall be powered at the voltage and frequency as specified by the m anufacturer The voltage and frequency of the power source shall be reported 5.1 Power source, On mode I n On m ode, the following requirem ents apply: The fluctuation of the voltage supplied shall not exceed ± % The frequency fluctuation and the harmonic com ponents of the supplied power shall not exceed ± % and % respectivel y 5.1 Power sou rce, Partial On and Off modes In the Partial On and Off modes, th e following requirem ents apply: The test voltage shall be the declared voltage ± % and the test frequency shall be the rated frequency ± % Where a num ber of m odels of equipment are being tested and com pared for use in the sam e country, the declared voltage ± % and declared frequency ± % m ay be used for all tests Where the test voltage and frequency are not defined by an external standard, the test voltage and the test frequency shall be the declared voltage and the declared frequency of the country for which the power consumption is being determined ± % The total harm onic content of the source voltage when supplying the U UT in the specified mode shall not exceed % (up to and including the 3th harm onic); harm onic content is defined as the root-m ean-square (r.m s.) summation of the individual components using the fundam ental as 00 % The ratio of peak value to r m.s value of the test voltage (i.e crest factor) shall be between , 34 and , 49 NOTE Ann ex B provid es ad dition al inform ation reg ardin g electricity suppli es NOTE A stabili zed power suppl y m ay be requi red to m eet these requ irem ents 5.1 Environmental conditions The am bient temperature of the test room shall be 23 °C ± °C, unless otherwise specified in this series of standards The ambient tem perature shall be reported – 10 – I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 Ad j u s t m e n t o f c o n t ro l s The controls not specificall y m entioned in this part or other parts of I EC 62087 shall be in the position adjusted by the m anufacturer for shipm ent to the end user These controls shall rem ain in this state for the duration of the test unless otherwise directed In pu t si g n al s For equipm ent for which the input signals are not explicitl y described in this standard, the signals as specified by the m anufacturer shall be applied during the test The input signals used shall be reported P o w e r m e a s u ri n g i n s t ru m e n t The m easurem ent shall be carried out directl y by means of a wattmeter, a wattmeter with averaging function, or a watthour meter by dividing the reading by the m easuring tim e I f the power consum ption is expected to vary over time, such as in the case of a television set displaying a d ynam ic signal, a watthour m eter or a wattm eter with an averaging function shall be used to carry out the measurement The sam pling rate of the watthour meter or wattm eter with averaging function shall be high enough to achieve an accurate measurement The m anufacturer’s specification shall be used to determine the appropriateness of the meter and suitable sam pling rates to perform a measurem ent with the required accuracy The power measuring instrument used shall m easure the real power consum ed regardless of the power factor of the U UT In the case of Partial On mode power measurem ent, it should be ascertained that the wattmeter or the watthour m eter is suitable to measure the power consumption of power supplies working in a burst m ode with a low duty cycle and the low power consum ption levels in the Partial On mode For digital power m eters a sam pling rate of at least kH z is recomm ended (“Sampling rate” in man y specifications refers to how often the display is updated, and not the actual sam pling frequency of the input waveform ) M ost digital power meters are believed to m eet this requirem ent I f it is not listed in the m anufacturer’s specifications, contact the m anufacturer M e a s u re m e n t u n c e rt a i n t y Measurem ents of power of 0, W or greater shall be made with an uncertainty of less than or equal to % at the 95 % confidence level Measurements of power of less than 0, W shall be made with an uncertainty of less th an or equal to 0, 01 W at the 95 % confidence level The power m easuring instrument shall have a resolution of: – 0, 01 W or better for power m easurements of W or less; – 0, W or better for power measurem ents of greater than W up to 00 W; – W or better for power m easurements of greater than 00 W For equipment connected to more than one phase, the power measuring instrument shall be equipped to measure the total power of all phases connected NOTE For m ore inform ation about the determ ination of u n certainty of m easurem ent, refer to I EC 62301 : 201 , Annex D L u m i n a n c e m e a s u ri n g d evi ce When directed to m easure display lum inance a luminance measuring device (LMD), which may be of either the contact or non-contact type, shall be used The LMD shall have an I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 11 – acceptance (or measuring) angle in the range of ° to 3°, inclusive For contact LMDs, the measuring area shall have a diameter of 25 mm or m ore The LMD shall have an accuracy of ± % ± digits of the digitall y displayed value or better I l l u m i n a n c e m e a s u ri n g i n s t ru m e n t When directed to illum inate one or m ore ABC sensors, an illum inance measuring instrum ent shall be used to adjust the light level to the specified value The illum inance m easuring instrum ent shall have an accuracy of ± % ± digits or better G e n e l m e a s u ri n g p ro c e d u re The following m easuring procedure shall be used, unless otherwise specified in other parts of this series of standards Measure the power consum ption of the U UT at a tim e not less than after it has been switched into the relevant operating m ode I f the power consumption in a certain operating m ode has m ore than one stable level, the measuring tim e shall be of an appropriate duration to m easure the correct average value Som e m odels of equipm ent switch, after a tim e delay, from a Partial On mode to a m ode with a lower (or zero) power consum ption The power consumption before and after the switching occurs shall be determined For types of equipm ent with less functionality than described in the respective parts of I EC 62087, for exam ple playback tape equipment, only the relevant parts of the m easuring conditions have to be considered The results that are related to power consumption shall be given in watts (W), with a num ber of relevant digits in accordance with the accuracy of the m easurement D e t e rm i n a t i o n o f p o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n , O ff m o d e Power consum ption in the Off m ode shall be determined as specified in I EC 62301 : 201 NOTE I EC 62301 : 201 cites “Off m ode” in cl auses , 5, and 2, Cl ause A 2, Table A , an d Ann ex C Additional cl auses of I EC 62301 : 201 also apply to determ ini ng the power consum ption in Off m ode Ve ri fi c a t i o n p ro c e d u re The verification procedure in Annex A may be used to assess com pliance of a specific model of equipm ent with the declared value – 12 – I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 An nex A (informative) Verifi cation proced ure A General Assesses compliance of a specific m odel of equipment with the declared value A Veri fi cati on procedure To assess compliance of a specific m odel of equipment with the declared value, the verification procedure of Figure A may be used Start of procedure: a : declared value b : measured value b > (1 + x) × a Measure N extra units of equipment and calculate the mean value c from the N + measurements Yes No Type compliant: end of procedure No c > (1 + y) × a Yes Type not compliant: end of procedure IEC Fi g u re A – Fl owch art, veri fi cati on proced u re The verification procedure is a two-step approach: the measured value of one unit of equipment should not exceed the declared value by x % I f it does, N extra units of equipment are m easured and the average value of the N + measurem ents is calculated This average value should not exceed the declared value by y % The average value should be calculated as follows: P M = /( N + ) ( N +1 ) ∑ i= P mi where Pm i PM is the power consum ption of m easurem ent i is the average power consum ption of N + m easurem ents ; EXAMPLE Reasonable val ues for x m ight be % (0, 5), for y m ight be % (0, 0) an d for N m ight be NOTE Specific or d iverging requi rem ents for the verification procedu re m ay be set by l ocal reg ulati ons I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 – 13 – Annex B (informative) Electricity supplies The electricity supplies for some regions are listed in Table B Table B.1 – Typical declared electricity supplies for some regions Country/Region Decl ared voltage a and frequency Europe 230 V, 50 Hz North Am erica 1 V, 60 Hz J apan b 00 V, 50/60 H z Chin a 220 V, 50 Hz Republic of Korea 220 V, 60 Hz Australia and New Zealand 230 V, 50 Hz a Values are for singl e ph ase onl y b 50 H z is applicable for the Eastern part; 60 H z is applicable for the Western part – 14 – I EC 62087-1 : 201 © I EC 201 Bibliography I EC 62087 (all parts), A udio , vide o , and re la te d e q uip m e n t – D e te rm in a tio n of p o we r co n s u m p tio n I EC 62087-2, Pa rt : A u dio , S ign a ls I EC 62087-3, Pa rt : A u dio , Te le vis io n I EC 62087-4, Pa rt : Vide o A u dio re la te d e q u ip m e n t – D e te rm in a tio n o f p o we r c o n s u m p tio n – vide o , and re la te d e q u ip m e n t – D e te rm in a tio n o f p o we r c o n s u m p tio n – vide o , and re la te d e q u ip m e n t – D e te rm in a tio n o f p o we r c o n s u m p tio n – s e ts A u dio , A u dio , S e t to p I EC 62087-6, Pa rt 6: and re c o rdin g I EC 62087-5, Pa rt 5: vide o , a n d m e dia e q u ip m e n t vide o , and re la te d e q u ip m e n t – D e te rm in a tio n o f p o we r c o n s u m p tio n – vide o , and re la te d e q u ip m e n t – D e te rm in a tio n o f p o we r c o n s u m p tio n – b o xe s A u dio , e q u ip m e n t EN 50564: 201 , Ele c trica l a n d e le ctro n ic h o us e h o ld and lo w p o we r co n s um p tio n _ o ffic e e q u ip m e n t – Me a s ure m e n t of INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSI ON 3, rue de Varembé PO Box 31 CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: + 41 22 91 02 1 Fax: + 41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch

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