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Iec pas 63015 2016

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IEC PAS 6301 5 Edition 1 0 201 6 06 PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATION PRE STANDARD Definition of “Low Halogen” for electronic products IE C P A S 6 3 0 1 5 2 0 1 6 0 6 (e n ) ® THIS PUBLICATION IS COPY[.]

I EC PAS 6301 ® PU B LI CLY AVAI LAB LE SPE CI FI CATI ON PR E -STAN DAR D IEC PAS 6301 5:201 6-06(en) Defi n i ti o n o f “ Low-H al og en ” for el ectron i c prod u cts Edition 201 6-06 TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YR I G H T P R O TE C TE D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , Sw i t z e rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abo u t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a t i o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I EC C atal og u e - webstore i ec ch /catal o g u e E l ectro ped i a - www el ectro ped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I EC pu bl i cati on s search - www i ec ch /search pu b I E C G l o ssary - s td i ec ch /g l ossary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I EC J u st Pu bl i s h ed - webstore i ec ch /j u stp u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C Cu s to m er S ervi ce Cen tre - webstore i ec ch /csc If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C PAS 6301 ® Edition 201 6-06 PU B LI CLY AVAI LAB LE SPE CI FI CATI ON PR E -STAN DAR D Defi n i ti on of “ Low-H al og en ” for el ectron i c pro d u cts INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 01 040.71 ; 3.030.1 ISBN 978-2-8322-3471 -6 Warn i n g ! M ake su re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i stri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I N TRODU CTI ON Scope N ormati ve references Terms, defini ti ons and abbreviated terms Requ irements for low-hal og en electronic products Compl iance process for low-halogen electron ic materials and components M arking and l abel in g for “low-halog en” electronic products M arking of prin ted boards M arking of m echan ical plastics M arking of passi ve and solid-state devi ces, cabl es, and other componen ts of an electron ic product M arking of el ectron ic produ cts An nex A (i nformati ve) Wh ere BFRs, CFRs, and PVC are u sed in el ectroni c or electrical produ cts 1 An nex B (i nformative) Su g gested test protocols – Low-halogen process flow B Low halogen process flow B Low halogen process flow verbiag e An nex C (in formati ve) Clari fication for i ncl u ding only bromine and chl orin e i n the definition of l ow-halog en m aterials An nex D (in formati ve) Di fferences between J S709B an d J S709A Bi bliog raph y Table A – General presence of brom i ne and chl orin e i n BFRs, CFRs, and PVC i n electron ics and electrical produ cts 1 I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 –3– I NTERNATI ONAL ELECTROTECHN I CAL COMMI SSI ON DEFINITION OF “LOW-HALOGEN” FOR ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS FOREWORD ) Th e I n tern ati on al El ectrotech n i cal Com m i ssi on (I EC) i s a worl d wi d e org an i zati on for stan dard i zati on com pri si n g al l n ati on al el ectrotech n i cal com m i ttees (I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees) Th e obj ect of I E C i s to prom ote i n tern ati on al co-operati on on al l q u esti on s cern i n g stan dard i zati on i n th e el ectri cal an d el ectron i c fi el ds To th i s en d an d i n ad di ti on to oth er acti vi ti es, I EC pu bl i sh es I n tern ati on al Stan d ards, Tech n i cal Speci fi cati on s, Tech n i cal Reports, Pu bl i cl y Avai l abl e Speci fi cati on s (PAS) an d G u i d es (h ereafter referred to as “I EC Pu bl i cati on (s) ”) Th ei r preparati on i s en tru sted to tech n i cal com m i ttees; an y I EC N ati on al Com m i ttee i n terested i n th e su bj ect d eal t wi th m ay parti ci pate i n th i s preparatory work I n tern ati on al , g overn m en tal an d n on g overn m en tal org an i zati on s l i si n g wi th th e I EC al so parti ci pate i n th i s preparati on I EC col l aborates cl osel y wi th th e I n tern ati on al Org an i zati on for Stan d ard i zati on (I SO) i n accordan ce wi th d i ti on s d eterm i n ed by ag reem en t between th e two org an i zati on s 2) Th e form al d eci si on s or ag reem en ts of I EC on tech n i cal m atters express, as n earl y as possi bl e, an i n tern ati on al sen su s of opi n i on on th e rel evan t su bj ects si n ce each tech n i cal com m i ttee h as represen tati on from al l i n terested I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees 3) I EC Pu bl i cati on s h ave th e form of recom m en d ati on s for i n tern ati on al u se an d are accepted by I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees i n th at sen se Wh i l e al l reason abl e efforts are m ad e to en su re th at th e tech n i cal ten t of I EC Pu bl i cati on s i s accu rate, I EC can n ot be h el d respon si bl e for th e way i n wh i ch th ey are u sed or for an y m i si n terpretati on by an y en d u ser 4) I n ord er to prom ote i n tern ati on al u n i form i ty, I EC N ati on al Com m i ttees u n d ertake to appl y I EC Pu bl i cati on s tran sparen tl y to th e m axi m u m exten t possi bl e i n th ei r n ati on al an d reg i on al pu bl i cati on s An y d i verg en ce between an y I EC Pu bl i cati on an d th e correspon d i n g n ati on al or reg i on al pu bl i cati on sh al l be cl earl y i n di cated i n th e l atter 5) I EC i tsel f d oes n ot provi d e an y attestati on of form i ty I n d epen d en t certi fi cati on bodi es provi d e form i ty assessm en t servi ces an 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correct appl i cati on of th i s pu bl i cati on 9) Atten ti on i s d rawn to th e possi bi l i ty th at som e of th e el em en ts of th i s I EC Pu bl i cati on m ay be th e su bj ect of paten t ri g h ts I EC sh al l n ot be h el d respon si bl e for i d en ti fyi n g an y or al l su ch paten t ri g h ts A PAS is a techn ical speci fication n ot fu lfil ling th e requ irem en ts for a standard, bu t m ade avai labl e to th e pu blic I EC PAS 6301 5, su bm i tted by J EDEC/ECA h as been processed by I EC technical comm ittee 1 : En vironm en tal standardization for electrical and el ectron ic products and systems I t i s based on J oin t J EDEC/ECA Standard N o 709B Th e stru ctu re and editorial rul es used in this PAS reflect the practice of the organizati on which su bmi tted i t Th e text of th i s PAS i s based on th e fol l owi n g d ocu m en t: Th i s PAS was approved for pu bl i cati on by th e P-m em bers of th e com m i ttee cern ed as i n di cated i n th e fol l owi n g docu m en t Draft PAS Report on voting 1 /382/PAS 1 /41 7/RVD Following pu blication of th is PAS, th e techn ical comm i ttee or su bcommi ttee concern ed may transform i t in to an I n ternational Standard Th is PAS sh al l remai n val id for an ini tial maxi m um period of years startin g from the pu blication date Th e val idi ty may be exten ded for a sing le period u p to a maxim u m of –4– I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 years, at th e en d of wh ich it shal l be pu blish ed as another type of norm ative docum en t, or sh all be wi thdrawn I M P O R TAN T th at it – Th e tai n s u n d erstan d i n g co l o u r pri n ter of 'col ou r co l o u rs i ts i n si d e' wh i ch ten ts l og o are U sers on th e c o ver c o n s i d e red sh ou l d pag e to t h e refo re of th i s be pri n t pu bl i cati o n u s efu l th i s fo r i n d i cates th e d ocu m en t c o rrec t u sin g a I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 –5– I NTRODUCTI ON H alogen ated pol ymeric m aterials an d compoun ds are u sed i n variou s en gi neeri ng applications, i ncl uding flame retardation Several decades of u se h ave proven these m aterials and com pou nds to be rel iable an d cost-effective Th e el ectronic indu stry seeks to redu ce the overall en vironm en tal impact of our produ cts by worki ng to devel op reliable and cost-effecti ve al ternatives to these m aterials an d compou nds H owever, the ti metable for broad-scale adoption of low-halogen materials is difficu l t to predict, becau se appl ications such as complex mu l ti layer PCBs and larg e molded in tegrated circu its wi l l requ ire further in vestig ation and qu ali fication of new m aterials The halog en g roup contains flu orine, ch lorine, brom in e, iodin e, and astatin e; however, this docu men t wil l use the term “low-h al og en” to refer on l y to brom ine an d ch lori ne to be consisten t wi th the I nternational Electrotech nical Com mission (I EC) and I PC definitions of “halog en-free” (see Clause 2) Refer to Ann ex C for further expl anation for exclu sion of astati ne, iodine and flu orin e I n this docu men t, the term “low-halog en” is u sed to iden tify a material that tains l ow concen trations of brom ine and chl orine from brominated and ch lorinated fl ame retardan ts (BFRs, CFRs) an d polyvin yl ch loride (PVC) –6– I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 DEFINITION OF “LOW-HALOGEN” FOR ELECTRONIC PRODUCTS Scope Th is docu men t provides terms an d defini tions for “low-halog en” electron ic produ cts that have th e poten tial to contain th e halogens brom in e (Br) and ch l orin e (Cl ) from th e u se of BFRs, CFRs, and PVC, and recomm ends meth ods for marking and label in g Th is standard m ay be appli ed to al l n onm etallic and n onceramic materials wi thin electron ic produ cts inclu din g , bu t not li mi ted to, materi als in th e foll owin g componen ts com mon ly found in electron ic produ cts: ) transistors, in teg rated circu i ts, modu les consisting m ainl y of in teg rated circu i ts (e g m u ltichi p, h ybrid) , and memory modul es; 2) resistors, capaci tors, relays, indu ctors, and connectors; 3) pri n ted circu it board assembl ies (PCBAs) i ncluding componen ts; 4) plastic in cables, sockets, switches and extern al wiring ; 5) m ech anical plastics (encl osu res, fans, etc ) ; 6) fil ms, tapes, i nks, and adhesi ves; 7) soldering flu x residu es (when presen t) ; 8) sound, shock, and vibration dampeners (foams, resins, etc ) This docu men t establish es th e m axi mu m concentration level for th e halogens brom ine (Br) and ch lorine (Cl) from th e u se of BFRs, CFRs, and PVC Wh ile the halog en grou p tai ns fl u orine, chlorine, bromin e, iodin e, an d astati ne, th is docu ment wil l u se the term “low-h al ogen” to refer only to bromin e and ch lori ne Refer to Annex C for fu rther explan ation for exclusion of astati ne, iodine and flu orine N OTE Th e d efi n i ti on of “l ow-h al og en ” i s di fferen t from th e term “h al og en -free” as d escri bed i n I EC 61 249-2 secti on al stan d ard rel ated to n on -h al og en ated base m ateri al an d as defi n ed i n th e J -STD-609A m arki n g an d l abel i n g stan d ard ; stan d ard s th at pertai n on l y to pri n ted board s an d are cu rren tl y i n u se i n th e el ectron i cs an d sol i d -state i n du stri es BFRs, CFRs, an d PVC in materials that may be used du ring processing , in produ ct del ivery systems, or i n packag ing , bu t n ot remain with in th e final product are not inclu ded in the scope of this docu men t Normative references The following docu m en ts are referred to in the text in su ch a way that som e or al l of their ten t consti tu tes requ iremen ts of th is docu m en t For dated references, onl y the edi tion cited applies For u ndated references, th e l atest edi tion of the referenced docu m en t (inclu din g an y dm en ts) applies I EC 62321 : 2008, Electrotechnical products – Determination of levels of six regulated substances (lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls, polybrominated diphenyl ethers) EN 4582:2007-06 , Characterization of waste – Halogen and sulphur content – Oxygen combustion in closed systems and determination methods I EC 61 249-2 (all parts) , Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures I PC-T-50, Terms and Definitions for Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits I PC-41 01 , Specification for Base Materials for Rigid and Multilayer Printed Boards I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 –7– I PC/J EDEC J -STD-609, Marking and Labeling of Components, PCBs and PCBAs to Identify Lead (Pb), Pb-free and Other Attributes I SO 1 469:2000, I SO 043-4:1 998, J ESD88, Plastics – Symbols and abbreviated terms – Part 4: Flame retardants JEDEC Dictionary of Terms for Solid-state Technology J PCA–ES–01 , Plastics – Generic identification and marking of plastics products Test Method for Halogen Free Materials Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms For the pu rposes of this docu men t, the terms, defin itions and abbreviated terms g i ven in J ESD88 and/or I PC-T-50 and th e followin g apply I SO and I EC main tain term inological databases for u se in standardization at the followin g addresses: • I EC El ectropedi a: avai lable at h ttp://www electropedi a org / • I SO Onl in e browsing platform: avai lable at http://www iso org/obp At BFR Br Cl CFR F FR I IC I EC I SO PBDE PCB PCBA PPM PTFE PVC TBBPA XRF astati ne brom in ated fl ame retardan t brom in e ch lori ne ch lori nated flame retardant flu ori ne flame retardan t i odine i on chromatog raphy I ntern ational El ectrotechn ical Comm ission I nternati onal Org an izati on for Stan dardizati on polybromi nated diph enyl ether pri n ted circu it board pri n ted circu it board assembl y parts per m illi on polytetraflu oroeth ylene polyvinyl ch lori de tetrabrom obisphen ol -A X-ray flu orescence 3.1 block polymer su bstance composed of block macromolecu les [SOU RCE: I U PAC] –8– I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 3.2 brominated/chlorinated flame retardants BFR/CFR flame retardants that tai n brom ine and/or chlorine N ote to en try: Th ese com pou n d s are typi cal l y ad d ed to or reacted i n to pol ym ers su ch as certai n epoxy resi n s an d th erm opl asti cs to redu ce th ei r fl am m abi l i ty Exam pl es i n cl u d e, bu t are n ot l i m i ted to, tetrabrom obi sph en ol -A (TBBPA) , brom i n ated epoxy resi n s, an d pol ybrom i n ated d i ph en yl eth ers (PBDEs) 3.3 congener mem ber of th e sam e kind, class or g rou p of com pou nds with sim i lar stru ctures and sim ilar ch em ical properties 3.4 copolymer pol ymer derived from more than one speci es of monomer [SOU RCE: I U PAC] 3.5 electronic device device whose operati on depends on th e duction of electrons and/or hol es in vacu um , g as, or sem icondu ctor N ote to en try: Exam pl es of el ectron i c d evi ces i n cl u d e tran si stors, i n teg rated ci rcu i ts , h ybri d i n teg rated ci rcu i ts, an d m odu l es tai n i n g acti ve el ectron i c com pon en ts 3.6 electronic product item tainin g on e or more electronic devices perform in g major functions 3.7 low-halogen meeting the criteria establ ished i n Clau se of th is docu men t N ote to en try: Low h al og en el ectron i c prod u cts m ay sti l l tai n som e h al og en s, provi di n g , of cou rse, th at each m ateri al i n th em m eets th e req u i rem en ts i n Cl au se 3.8 plastic any of a g roup of synth etic or natu ral organ ic compounds produ ced by pol ymerizati on , optional ly combin ed with additives (org an ic or in org an ic fil lers, modi fiers, etc ) in to a hom ogeneous m aterial capable of bei ng molded, extruded, or cast in to various shapes an d fi lms 3.9 polymer alloy pol ymer blen d (considered to be an all oy) that tains either a crystal l izabl e componen t or two relati vely rig id or amorph ou s polym ers Requirements for low-halogen electronic products The h al og ens flu orin e (F) , iodin e (I ) , and astatine (At) are not covered by this docu men t (see annex C) Brom ine (Br) and ch lorin e (Cl) refer to all oxi dation states of these elemen ts Brom ine (Br) an d chlorin e (Cl) in materials th at m ay be u sed du ring processing but not remain wi th in the final produ ct are n ot inclu ded in th is defi nition For an electron ic produ ct to be defi ned as “low-halog en”, each m aterial with in the produ ct sh al l meet all of th e following requ irem en ts I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 –9– ) Each material wi thi n an electronic product, (exclu din g printed board lam inates) sh all tain < 000 ppm (0, %) by weig h t of brom in e if the bromi ne sou rce i s from BFRs and < 000 ppm (0, %) by weig h t of chlorin e i f the ch lori ne source is from CFRs, PVC, PVC cong eners, PVC bl ock pol ymers, PVC copol ymers, or pol ym er all oys taining PVC H ig h er concen trations of brom ine and chl orine are all owed in plastics contained with in electron ic produ cts (other than prin ted board lam in ates contain ed wi th in those devices) as l ong as their sou rces are not flame retardan ts, PVC, PVC cong eners, PVC block polymers, PVC copol ymers, or pol ym er al loys tain ing PVC 2) Al l printed board lam in ates contai ned withi n el ectron ic and electrical produ cts, inclu ding th ose with in a passi ve or sol id-state device shall m eet th e “halogen -free” requ iremen ts for Br and Cl as defi ned i n th e m ost cu rren t version of one of th e followin g specificati ons: I EC 61 249-2, I PC-41 01 , J PCA-ES-01 N OTE See An n ex A for a l i st of l i kel y u ses of fl am e retardan ts, PVC, PVC g en ers, PVC bl ock pol ym ers, PVC copol ym ers, or pol ym er al l oys tai n i n g PVC wi th i n el ectron i c prod u cts Com pl i an ce process for l ow-h al og en el ectron i c m ateri al s an d com pon en ts An electron ic product often tains m an y materials/compon en ts from a complex an d g l obal su pply ch n Therefore, all indi vidual en ti ties or su ppliers withi n the chain h ave to be requ ired to take responsi bil ity for ensu ring that the m aterials/componen ts that th ey su ppl y m eet the requ irements of th is docu men t Each su ppl ier/in di vidu al entity with in th e su ppl y chain i s on l y responsi bl e to prove com pli ance to th ei r respective custom er for the materi al /componen t that th ey su ppl y An y material/component that is declared to be “low-halog en” as per Clau se herein shall be su pported by proof that substan tiates the claim Si nce there i s not a sing le, simple, cost-effective, and reliable test method th at covers the spectru m of m aterials/components inclu ded in electron ic products, cu stomers and su ppli ers sh ou ld mu tu all y ag ree on the best m ethod to demonstrate compliance to th is docum ent I f analytical testing is u sed, el emen tal Br an d Cl anal ysis is th e most expedien t and cost effecti ve to perform (I EC 62321 provi des screen in g an d anal ytical test m ethods for some bu t not all of the su bstances within the scope of th is docu m en t) I f resu l ts detect Br or Cl above 000 ppm thresh ol d, the su pplier shou ld determ i ne if the sou rce of the Br or Cl is from fl ame retardants, PVC, PVC congeners, PVC block pol ym ers, PVC copol ymers, or pol ymer al loys tain ing PVC The proof of com pli ance docu m en ts m ay inclu de m ateri al declarations, datash eets and/or an alyti cal data 6 M arki n g an d l abel i n g for “ l ow-h al og en ” el ectron i c prod u cts M arki n g of pri n ted board s I f al l materials u sed i n th e fabrication of a fin ished pri nted board lam inate contai ned wi th in a passive or solid-state devi ce meet the requi remen ts i n Clause 4, i tem ) , and i f markin g is requ ired, the m arking shal l be in accordance wi th J -STD-609 M arki n g of m ech an i cal pl asti cs Mechan ical plastic parts tained with in a passi ve or sol id-state device m ay be marked/label ed in accordance with I SO 1 469:2000 Composi tions contai ning fl ame retardan ts may be m arked as per I SO 043-4:1 998 M arki n g of passi ve an d sol i d -state d evi ces, cabl es, an d oth er com pon en ts of an el ectron i c prod u ct Marking is not requ ired on passi ve or solid-state devices to denote low-h al ogen status As an al ternati ve, a part nu mbering schem e may be u sed to denote “low-h alogen” soli d-state devices – 10 – M arki n g o f e l ect ro n i c pro d u ct s Marking is not requ ired to den ote th e low-halog en statu s I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 – 11 – Annex A (informative) Where BFRs, CFRs, and PVC are used in electronic or electrical products Brom inated fl ame retardan ts (BFRs) and, l ess frequ en tl y, ch lori nated flam e retardants (CFRs) are added to th erm oplasti cs, insu lation materials, componen t m old compou nds, solder m asks, prin ted board lam inates, an d other plastic materials to ach ieve a desired flame retardancy (e g , U L 94 V-0) I n addition , pol yvinyl chloride (PVC) is comm on l y u sed as the base resi n for certain cable jacketi ng and vibrati on dampening materi als Table A is provided for in formati ve pu rposes onl y Table A.1 – General presence of bromine and chlorine in BFRs, CFRs, and PVC in electronics and electrical products Part type Exampl es M ech an i cal pl asti c parts (th erm opl asti cs an d el astom ers) BFRs/CFRs u sed i n certai n acryl on i tri l e bu tadi en e styren e (ABS) , acryl on i tri l e bu tad i en e acryl ester (ASA) , h i g h -i m pact pol ystyren e (H I PS) , pol ycarbon ate (PC) , pol ystyren e (PS) , pol yi m i d e (PI ) , pol yam i d e (PA) , pol ybu tyl en e tereph th al ate (PBT) , pol ypropyl en e (PP) , pol yeth yl en e (PE) , styren e eth yl en e bu tad i en e styren e (SEBS) resi n s, an d ch l oropren e ru bber Cabl es BFRs u sed i n cabl e/wi re i n su l ati on m ateri al PVC u sed i n cabl e/wi re j acketi n g an d overm ol d Pri n ted board s, ri g i d an d fl exi bl e BFRs ad d ed or reacted i n to FR-4, oth er epoxy resi n s, pol yam i d e, an d ad h esi ves El ectron i c compon en ts * BFRs ad d ed or reacted i n to FR-4 an d oth er epoxy resi n s, m ol d com pou n ds, pl asti c packag es, th erm al i n terface m ateri al s, di e attach , an d u n d erfi l l s Con n ectors BFRs u sed i n certai n fl am e-rated PBT an d PA resi n s Fi l m s, ad h esi ves, tapes PVC u sed i n certai n m ag n eti c tapes Con d u i ts BFR’ s u sed i n pol ypropyl en e (PP) Sound, shock, and vibration dampeners (foams, resins, etc.,) PVC u sed i n sh ock absorbi n g or vi brati on d am pen i n g resi n s * Pl asti c i n stru cti on of vari ou s com pon en ts (acti ves, di scretes, h ybri d s, I Cs, an d passi ves, etc ) – 12 – I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 Annex B (informative) Suggested test protocols – Low-halogen process flow B.1 Low halogen process flow I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 B.2 – 13 – Low halogen process flow verbiage – 14 – I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 An n e x C (informative) C l a ri fi c at i o n fo r i n c l u d i n g o n l y b ro m i n e a n d c h l o ri n e i n t h e d efi n i t i o n o f l o w- h al o g e n m a t e ri a l s H alogens are not as a g rou p g enerall y hazardou s to the en viron men t, so to include al l hal og ens wou ld create demands for veri fications th at are not n eeded Astatin e is radi oacti ve with a hal f-life of less than n ine h ours and th e estim ated total amou n t in th e world is approxim ately 30 g rams, so is of n o i n terest for electronic or electrical products I odi ne contai n ing FRs have very g ood flam e retardan t properties Th e trend is that for the halog ens the FR properties increase as you g o down the Grou p VI I elemen ts H owever, for electron ic and electrical type of appl ications, th e i odine tain ing FR decomposes at a temperatu re th at is too low to be very effecti ve Th is is primaril y a resul t of th e weak carbon to-iodine bon d The brom inated and chlorin ated fl ame retardants are normal ly org anic su bstances that are both persisten t an d bio-accu m ul ative Therefore, i t is necessary to focus on th is usag e of halog ens i n electron ic an d electrical produ cts As PVC cann ot always be coll ected to be com bu sted u nder trol led circu mstances, there is a market deman d to be abl e to choose whether or not the produ ct may contain PVC th erefore th is speci fic application of ch lori ne is i ncluded PTFE (i e Tefl on ®) is common ly u sed in el ectronics, bu t as th is m aterial is n ot bioaccum u lati ve, there is with in the cu rren t knowl edg e, no need to inclu de flu orine in th e defi ni tion of “low-halog en ” I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 – 15 – Annex D (informative) Differences between JS709B and JS709A An nex D briefly describes m ost of the chan ges m ade in J S709B, com pared to i ts predecessor, J S709A (M ay 201 2) Som e m in or editorial ch ang es l ike punctu ation ch ang es are not inclu ded The major differences are the addition of clarifyi ng defin i tions an d acron yms, th e ci ti ng of more pertinen t in du stry standards and addin g clari ty to th e scope and annexes – 16 – I EC PAS 6301 5:201 © I EC 201 Bibliography Test methods for electrical materials, printed boards and other interconnection structures and assemblies – Part 2: Test methods for materials for interconnection structures I EC 61 89-2, I EC 61 249-2-21 , Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures – Part 2-21: Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad – Non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures – Part 2-22, Reinforced base materials clad and unclad – Modified non-halogenated epoxide woven Eglass laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad I EC 61 249-2-22, Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures – Part 2-23, Reinforced base materials, clad and unclad – Non-halogenated phenolic cellulose paper reinforced laminated sheets, economic grade, copper clad I EC 61 249-2-23, I EC 61 249-2-26, Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures – Part 2-26, Reinforced base materials clad and unclad – Non-halogenated epoxide non-woven/woven Eglass reinforced laminated sheets of defined flammability (vertical burning test), copper-clad I PC-TM-650 TM 41 , Test Method for Total Halogen Content in Base Materials White Paper and Technical Report on the Use of Halogenated Flame Retardants in Printed Circuit Boards and Assemblies I PC/WP/TR-584A I PC, MC-001 , Guideline of Halogen Free Epoxy Molding Compound for Semiconductor _ I N TE RN ATI O N AL E LE C TR OTE C H N I C AL CO M M I S SI O N , ru e d e Vare m bé PO Box 31 CH -1 21 G e n e va S wi tze rl an d Te l : + 41 Fax: + 22 9 1 22 9 0 i n fo @ i e c ch www i e c ch

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:50

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