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IEC 61 291 2 Edition 4 0 201 6 02 INTERNATIONAL STANDARD Optical amplifiers – Part 2 Single channel applications – Performance specification template IE C 6 1 2 9 1 2 2 0 1 6 0 2 (e n ) ® Copyright In[.]

I E C 61 -2 ® Edition 4.0 201 6-02 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD Opti cal am pl i fi ers – IEC 61 291 -2:201 6-02(en) Part : S i n g l e ch an n el appl i cati on s – Perform an ce s peci fi cati on tem pl ate TH I S P U B L I C ATI O N I S C O P YRI G H T P RO TE C T E D C o p yri g h t © I E C , G e n e va , S w i tze rl a n d All rights reserved Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester If you have any questions about IEC copyright or have an enquiry about obtaining additional rights to this publication, please contact the address below or your local IEC member National Committee for further information IEC Central Office 3, rue de Varembé CH-1 21 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel.: +41 22 91 02 1 Fax: +41 22 91 03 00 info@iec.ch www.iec.ch Abou t th e I E C The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes International Standards for all electrical, electronic and related technologies Ab o u t I E C p u b l i c a ti o n s The technical content of IEC publications is kept under constant review by the IEC Please make sure that you have the latest edition, a corrigenda or an amendment might have been published I E C C atal og u e - webs tore i ec ch /catal og u e E l ectroped i a - www el ectroped i a org The stand-alone application for consulting the entire bibliographical information on IEC International Standards, Technical Specifications, Technical Reports and other documents Available for PC, Mac OS, Android Tablets and iPad The world's leading online dictionary of electronic and electrical terms containing 20 000 terms and definitions in English and French, with equivalent terms in additional languages Also known as the International Electrotechnical Vocabulary (IEV) online I E C pu bl i cati on s s earch - www i ec ch /s earch pu b I E C G l os s ary - s td i ec ch /g l os s ary The advanced search enables to find IEC publications by a variety of criteria (reference number, text, technical committee,…) It also gives information on projects, replaced and withdrawn publications 65 000 electrotechnical terminology entries in English and French extracted from the Terms and Definitions clause of IEC publications issued since 2002 Some entries have been collected from earlier publications of IEC TC 37, 77, 86 and CISPR I E C J u st P u bl i s h ed - webs tore i ec ch /j u s u bl i s h ed Stay up to date on all new IEC publications Just Published details all new publications released Available online and also once a month by email I E C C u s to m er S ervi ce C en tre - webs tore i ec ch /cs c If you wish to give us your feedback on this publication or need further assistance, please contact the Customer Service Centre: csc@iec.ch I E C 61 -2 ® Edition 4.0 201 6-02 I N TE RN ATI ON AL S TAN D ARD Opti cal am pl i fi ers – Part : S i n g l e ch an n el appl i cati on s – Perform an ce s peci fi cati on tem pl ate INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION ICS 33.1 80.30 ISBN 978-2-8322-31 85-2 Warn i n g ! M ake s u re th at you obtai n ed th i s pu bl i cati on from an au th ori zed d i s tri bu tor ® Registered trademark of the International Electrotechnical Commission –2– I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 CONTENTS FOREWORD I NTRODUCTI ON Scope Normative references Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms Terms and definitions Abbreviated terms Performance specification template for power amplifiers Performance specification template for pre-amplifiers 1 Performance specification template for line amplifiers Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements Laser safety requirements Bibliography 20 Table – Minimum relevant parameters for power amplifiers based on OFA components or modules using active fibre specified for single channel applications Table – Minimum relevant parameters for power amplifiers based on SOA components specified for single channel applications Table – Minimum relevant parameters for pre-amplifiers based on OFA components or modules using active fibre specified for single channel applications Table – Minimum relevant parameters for pre-amplifiers based on SOA components specified for single channel applications Table – Minimum relevant parameters for line amplifiers based on OFA components or modules using active fibre specified for single channel applications Table – Minimum relevant parameters for line amplifiers based on SOA components specified for single channel applications I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 –3– I NTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNI CAL COMMI SSI ON O P T I C AL AM P L I F I E RS – P a rt : S i n g l e c h a n n e l a p p l i ca ti o n s – P e rfo rm a n c e s p e c i fi c a t i o n t e m p l a t e FOREWORD ) The I nternati onal El ectrotechnical Commi ssi on (I EC) is a worl d wi d e organizati on for stan dard izati on comprisi ng all nati onal electrotech nical committees (I EC N ational Comm ittees) Th e object of I EC is to promote i nternati on al co-operati on on al l q u esti ons concerni ng stand ard izati on i n the electrical and el ectronic fi eld s To this end an d in ad di ti on to other acti vi ti es, I EC pu bli sh es I nternati onal Stand ards, Technical Speci fi cati ons, Technical Reports, Pu bl icl y Availabl e Specificati ons (PAS) and Gu id es (hereafter referred to as “I EC Pu blicati on(s)”) Their preparati on is entru sted to technical committees; any I EC N ati onal Committee interested i n the subj ect d eal t with may parti ci pate i n thi s preparatory work I nternati onal, g overn mental and nongovernm ental organizations l iaisi ng wi th the I EC al so participate in th is preparati on I EC coll aborates cl osel y wi th th e I nternati on al Org anizati on for Stand ard ization (I SO) i n accordance wi th cond i ti ons d etermin ed by agreement between th e two org anizati ons 2) Th e form al d ecision s or ag reements of I EC on technical matters express, as nearl y as possibl e, an i nternati onal consensus of opi ni on on the rel evant su bjects since each tech nical committee has 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areas, access to I EC marks of conformi ty I EC i s not responsi bl e for an y services carried ou t by i n d epend en t certi fication bodi es 6) All users sh ould ensu re that they h ave the l atest ed i ti on of th is pu blicati on 7) N o li abili ty shal l attach to I EC or i ts di rectors, empl oyees, servants or agents i nclu di ng ind ivi du al experts and members of i ts tech ni cal comm ittees and I EC N ati onal Committees for any personal inju ry, property d amag e or other d amage of any n atu re whatsoever, whether di rect or in d i rect, or for costs (i n cl u d i ng l egal fees) and expenses arising out of the pu blication, use of, or reli ance u pon, this I EC Pu bl ication or any other I EC Pu blicati ons 8) Attention is d rawn to the N orm ative references ci ted i n this pu bl icati on U se of the referen ced publicati ons is i ndi spensabl e for the correct appli cati on of this publicati on 9) Attention is d rawn to th e possibili ty that some of the elements of thi s I EC Pu bl icati on may be th e su bj ect of patent ri ghts I EC sh al l not be held responsi bl e for i d en ti fyi ng any or all su ch patent ri ghts I nternational Standard IEC 61 291 -2 has been prepared by subcommittee 86C: Fibre optic systems and active devices, of I EC technical committee 86: Fibre optics This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 201 This edition constitutes a technical revision This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) the title of this standard has been changed from digital applications to single channel applications; b) the scope has been changed and, as a result, the titles of tables have been changed; c) Terms and definitions have been revised; –4– I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 d) three tables regarding the minimum list of relevant parameters of power amplifiers, preamplifiers and line amplifiers based on semiconductor optical amplifier (SOA) components have been added; e) transient parameters have been added in the minimum list of relevant parameters of preamplifiers and line amplifiers based on optical fibre amplifier (OFA) module The text of this standard is based on the following documents: CDV Report on voti ng 86C/1 31 8/CDV 86C/1 365/RVC Full information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report on voting indicated in the above table This publication has been drafted in accordance with the ISO/I EC Directives, Part A list of all parts in the I EC 61 291 series, published under the general title can be found on the IEC website Optical amplifiers, The committee has decided that the contents of this publication will remain unchanged until the stability date indicated on the I EC website under "http: //webstore iec.ch" in the data related to the specific publication At this date, the publication will be • • • • reconfirmed, withdrawn, replaced by a revised edition, or amended A bilingual version of this publication may be issued at a later date I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 –5– I NTRODUCTION This International Standard is devoted to the subject of optical amplifiers The technology of optical amplifiers is still rapidly evolving, hence amendments and new additions to this standard can be expected Each abbreviation introduced in this standard is generally explained in the text the first time it appears However, for an easier understanding of the whole text, a list of all abbreviations used in this standard is given in Clause –6– I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 O P T I C AL AM P L I F I E RS – P a rt : S i n g l e c h a n n e l a p p l i ca ti o n s – P e rfo rm a n c e s p e c i fi c a t i o n t e m p l a t e Scope This part of I EC 61 291 provides a performance specification template which applies to optical amplifiers (OAs) to be used in single channel applications Multichannel applications are covered in IEC 61 291 -4 The object of this performance specification template is to provide a frame for the preparation of performance standards and/or product specifications on the performance of OA devices to be used in single channel applications I n the performance standards or product specifications, other specifications such as ratings, operating conditions, tests and pass/fail criteria could be included in addition to the requirements based on this performance specification template Product specification writers may add specification parameters and/or groups of specification parameters for particular applications However, product specification writers should not remove specification parameters specified in this standard N o rm a t i v e re fe re n c e s The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application For dated references, only the edition cited applies For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies I EC 60825-1 , Safety of laser products – Part 1: Equipment classification and requirements I EC 61 000 (all parts), Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) IEC 61 290-1 (all parts), parameters I EC 61 290-3 (all parts), Optical amplifiers – Test methods – Part 1: Power and gain Optical amplifiers – Test methods – Part 3: Noise figure parameters IEC 61 290-4-3, Optical amplifiers – Test methods – Part 4-3: Power transient parameters – Single channel optical amplifiers in output power control I EC 61 290-5 (all parts), Optical amplifiers – Test methods – Part 5: Reflectance parameters Optical fibre amplifiers – Basic specification – Part 6-1: Test methods for pump leakage parameters – Optical demultiplexer IEC 61 290-1 (all parts), Optical amplifiers – Test methods – Part 11-1: Polarization mode dispersion parameter IEC 61 291 -1 , Optical amplifiers – Part 1: Generic specification IEC 61 290-6-1 , I EC 61 291 -5-2, Optical amplifiers – Part 5-2: Qualification specifications – Reliability qualification for optical fibre amplifiers I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 –7– I EC TS 62538: 2008, Categorization of optical devices 3 Term s, defi n i ti on s and abbrevi ated terms Term s an d defin i tion s For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in I EC 61 291 -1 , I EC TS 62538 and the following apply N OTE Possi ble su ppl ementary d efi niti ons speci fi c to OAs for si ngle ch annel appli cations can be gi ven i n prod uct specificati ons 1 optical ampl i fier OA optical waveguide device containing a suitably pumped, active medium which is able to amplify an optical signal [SOURCE: IEC TR 61 931 : 998, 2.7.75] optical fibre ampl ifi er OFA optical amplifier made of active optical fibre which is doped with rare-earth ions, or which presents non-linear optical effects in order to obtain optical amplification 3 semicond u ctor opti cal am pl ifier SOA optical amplifier in which the active optical waveguide is formed by a semiconductor laser diode structure, which will be electrically pumped [SOURCE: IEC TR 61 931 : 998, 77] optical el em ent unpackaged or partially packaged optical basic unit, typically non repairable and non-re-workable (at least by users) N ote to entry: Exampl es of optical el ements i ncl u de laser ch ips or laser d i od es, photod i odes, l enses, prisms, optical collim ators, g rati ng chips and filter chips [SOURCE: IEC TS 62538: 2008, 2.2.1 ] optical compon ent packaged unit comprising at least one optical element, typically non repairable and non-re-workable (at least by users), suitably pigtailed or connectorized N ote to entry: Exampl es of optical com ponents i ncl u d e packaged l asers, ph otod iodes, optical spli tters, cou pl ers, attenuators, isol ators, M EM S’ s and mod ul ators [SOURCE: IEC TS 62538: 2008, 2.2.2] optical modu l e packaged integration of optical component and/or elements, accomplishing defined functionality, typically repairable and re-workable N ote to entry: An optical mod u l e m ay comprise el ectronic components –8– I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 N ote to en try: An optical m od ul e i s to be u sed as i t is; u sers are not n ormall y en abl ed to re-arrange i nner compon ents or ad d oth er compon ents i nsi de [SOURCE: IEC TS 62538: 2008-2 2.5] OF A com pon en t fibre-pigtailed optical component that consists of fibre based gain medium such as an erbiumdoped fibre, one or more optical isolator(s), optical couplers for the wavelength-selector or the power monitor, a package and fibres N ote to en try: An OFA component may i ncl u d e an opti cal fil ter, such as a gai n eq u al izi ng fil ter or ASE rej ection fil ter, and oth er possi bl e components OF A m o d u l e fibre-pigtailed optical module that consists of an OFA component, pump laser component(s) with driving circuit, monitor photodiode component(s) with driving circuit and a control circuit 3.1 S OA e l em en t optical element of SOA that consists of a semiconductor chip 1 S OA co m p on en t fibre-pigtailed optical component that consists of an SOA element, lenses, optical isolator(s) (if necessary), a thermoelectric cooler (TEC), a thermistor, a package and fibres Ab brevi ated term s EMC OA OFA SOA TEC electromagnetic compatibility optical amplifier optical fibre amplifier semiconductor optical amplifier thermoelectric cooler P e rform an ce s peci fi cati on tem pl ate for power am pl i fi e rs The following template contains minimum performance parameters to be included in specifications of OFA components or modules (see Table ) and SOA components (see Table 2) to be used as power amplifiers in single channel applications, together with their specification criteria (that is in terms of the maximum value, minimum value or both), and the indication of the corresponding standard test method N ote that the list of the minimum parameters for SOAs (see Table 2) covers SOA components only, because most SOA products are currently traded in the form of the component using a package, such as a butterfly-type package I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 Tabl e –9– – M i n i m u m re l e va n t p a m e t e rs fo r p o w e r a m p l i fi e rs b a s e d o n O F A co m p on e n ts o r m o d u l e s u s i n g a c t i v e fi b re s p e c i fi e d fo r s i n g l e c h a n n e l a p p l i c a t i o n s P a m e t e rs I npu t power range Ou tpu t power T n s m i s s i o n c h a c t e ri s t i c s range a M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es dB I EC 61 290-1 seri es Wavelength ban d nm I EC 61 290-1 seri es Si gnal -spontaneou s noi se fi g u re dB n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Pol arization d epen d ent gai n dB n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Reverse amplified spontan eous em issi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es Retu rn l oss b dB N /A I EC 61 290-3 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at inpu t dB n /a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at ou tpu t dB n /a I EC 61 290-5 seri es Pu mp l eakage to i npu t d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-6-1 Pu mp l eakage to ou tpu t d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-6-1 M axi mum total ou tpu t power d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Operati n g temperatu re °C See I EC 61 291 5-2 See I EC 61 291 5-2 M axi mum operati ng rel ative hu m id ity % n /a See I EC 61 291 5-2 Range of freq u enci es Hz See I EC 61 291 5-2 See I EC 61 291 5-2 Ampl itu d e peak-to-peak mm n/a See I EC 61 291 5-2 s n /a See I EC 61 291 5-2 Storag e temperatu re °C See I EC 61 291 5-2 See I EC 61 291 5-2 M axi mum storage rel ative hu mid ity % n /a See I EC 61 291 5-2 mm n /a See I EC 61 291 5-2 FI T n /a See I EC 61 291 5-2 M axi mum operati ng vibrati on severity Du ration E n vi ro n m e n t a l re l i a b i l i t y p a m e t e rs M axi mum shock severity, free d rop Fail u re rate Drop heig ht a Ei ther outpu t power ran ge, gain , or both shall be stated b Ei ther i n put reflectan ce or return l oss sh al l be speci fi ed n/a: not applicabl e te s t m e th o d Gai n a I n pu t refl ectance b and Minimum Unit – 10 – I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e – M i n i m u m re l e va n t p a m e t e rs fo r p o w e r a m p l i fi e rs b a s e d o n s p e c i fi e d fo r s i n g l e c h a n n e l P a m e t e rs c h a c t e r i s t i c s a va l u e s IEC te s t m e th o d I EC 61 290-1 seri es Ou tpu t power ran ge b d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es dB n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Satu rati on outpu t power d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Wavelength band nm Gai n rippl e c dB n/a U n d er consid eration Si gnal -spontaneou s n oi se fi g ure dB n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Pol arizati on d epend ent gai n dB n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Forward ampli fied spon taneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Reverse ampl ified spontaneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es I npu t refl ectance dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at inpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at ou tpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Operati ng temperatu re °C M axi m um operati ng rel ative hu mid ity % I EC 61 290-1 seri es n /a Range of freq u enci es Hz Ampl itu d e peak-to-peak mm n/a Du ration s n /a Storage temperatu re °C M axi m um storag e rel ative hu mi d ity % n /a mm n /a FI T n /a M axi m um operati ng vibrati on severity E n vi ro n m e n t a l re l i a b i l i t y p a m e t e rs M a xi m u m va l u e s d Bm M axi mum total ou tpu t power an d Minimum Unit I npu t power ran ge Gai n b T n s m i s s i o n S O A co m p on e n ts a p p l i c a ti o n s d M axi m um shock severity, free d rop Fail u re rate Drop hei gh t I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 – 11 – P a m e t e rs Forward cu rrent O p e ti n g c o n d i ti o n a, e Minimum M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC Unit te s t m e th o d mA Forward bi as vol tage V Gai n peak wavel en gth nm TEC cu rrent A TEC voltage V Thermistor resistance Ω Thermistor constant a Detail ed information about SOA characteri stics for saturati on ou tput power, gai n, gai n ri ppl e, sig nal spontaneous noise fig u re, pol ari zati on d epend ent gai n, maxi mum total outpu t power, and operati ng cond iti ons are d escribed i n I EC TR 61 292-9 b Ei th er outpu t power range, g ain, or both shall be stated c M easu rement m ethod shou l d be d efi ned i n oth er d ocu ments d There are no I EC pu bl icati ons regardi ng SOA rel iabili ty There are two d ocu men ts regard i ng reli abil ity of fi bre optic active componen ts an d d evices These are I EC TR 62572-2 and I EC 62572-3, which d eal wi th l aser mod ul es e Operati ng cond iti ons of a TEC and th erm istor are com monl y speci fi ed i n I EC 621 49-3, whi ch covers the performance stand ard for 2, Gb/s mod ul ator-i ntegrated l aser d i od e mod ules P e rfo rm a n c e s p e c i fi c a t i o n t e m p l a t e fo r p re - a m p l i fi e rs The following template contains minimum performance parameters to be included in specifications of OFA components or modules (see Table 3) and SOA components (see Table 4) to be used as pre-amplifiers in single channel applications, together with their specification criteria (that is in terms of the maximum value, minimum value, or both) and the indication of the corresponding standard test method N ote that the list of the minimum parameters for SOAs (see Table 4) covers SOA components only, because most SOA products are currently traded in the form of the component using a package, such as a butterfly-type package – 12 – I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e – M i n i m u m re l e v a n t p a m e t e rs fo r p re - a m p l i fi e rs b a s e d o n O F A c o m p o n e n t s o r m o d u l e s u s i n g a c t i v e fi b re s p e c i fi e d fo r s i n g l e c h a n n e l P a m e t e rs T n s m i s s i o n c h a c t e ri s t i c s c M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC te s t m e th o d d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es Ou tpu t power range a d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es Gai n a dB I EC 61 290-1 seri es Wavelength band nm I EC 61 290-1 seri es Avail abl e si gnal wavel ength band nm I EC 61 290-1 seri es Si g nal -spontaneou s noi se fi gure dB n /a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Pol arizati on d epen d en t gai n dB n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Forward ampli fied spontan eous emissi on power l evel d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Reverse ampl ified spontaneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-3 seri es I npu t refl ectance b dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es Retu rn l oss b dB M axi mu m refl ectance tol erable at inpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mu m refl ectance tol erable at ou tpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 series Pu m p l eakage to i npu t d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-6-1 Pu m p l eakage to ou tpu t d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-6-1 M axi mu m total ou tpu t power d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es dB n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 s n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 Transi en t power overcom pensati on respon se dB n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 Stead y state power offset dB n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 Transi en t power respon se ti me p a m e t e r s Minimum Unit I npu t power rang e Transi en t power respon se T n s i e n t a p p l i ca ti o n s n /a I EC 61 290-3 series I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 P a m e t e rs – 13 – Minimum M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC Unit Operati ng temperatu re °C See I EC 61 291 -5-2 See I EC 61 291 -5-2 M axi mum operati ng rel ative h u mid ity % n/a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 Range of freq u enci es Hz See I EC 61 291 -5-2 See I EC 61 291 -5-2 Ampl itu d e peak-to-peak mm n/a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 s n /a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 Storage temperatu re °C See I EC 61 291 -5-2 See I EC 61 291 -5-2 M axi mum storage rel ative hu mi d ity % n/a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 mm n /a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 M axi mum operati ng vibration severity E n vi ro n m e n t a l an d Du ration re l i a b i l i t y p a r a m e t e rs M axi mum shock severity, free d rop a Drop hei gh t Ei th er outpu t power ran ge, gain, or both shall be stated b Ei th er i nput reflectance or return l oss shal l be speci fi ed c Transi en t param eters are appl icabl e to OFA m od ul es wi th ou tpu t power trol te s t m e th o d – 14 – I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e – M i n i m u m re l e v a n t p a m e t e rs fo r p re - a m p l i fi e rs b a s e d o n S O A c o m p o n e n ts s p e c i fi e d fo r s i n g l e c h a n n e l a p p l i c a t i o n s P a m e t e rs T n s m i s s i o n a an d IEC te s t m e th o d I EC 61 290-1 seri es Ou tpu t power ran ge b d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es dB n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Satu rati on outpu t power d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Wavelength band nm Gai n rippl e c dB n/a U n d er consid erati on Si gnal -spontaneou s n oi se fi g ure dB n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Pol arizati on d epend ent gai n dB n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Forward ampli fied spon taneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Reverse ampl ified spontaneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es I npu t refl ectance dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at inpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at ou tpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Operati ng temperatu re °C M axi m um operati ng rel ative hu mid ity % I EC 61 290-1 seri es n /a Range of freq u enci es Hz Ampl itu d e peak-to-peak mm n/a Du ration s n /a Storage temperatu re °C M axi m um storag e rel ative hu mi d ity % n /a mm n /a FI T n /a M axi m um operati ng vibrati on severity re l i a b i l i t y p a m e t e rs va l u e s d Bm M axi mum total ou tpu t power E n vi ro n m e n t a l M a xi m u m va l u e s I npu t power ran ge Gai n b c h a c t e r i s t i c s Minimum Unit d M axi m um shock severity, free d rop Fail u re rate Drop hei gh t I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 – 15 – P a m e t e rs Forward cu rrent O p e ti n g c o n d i ti o n a, e Minimum M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC Unit te s t m e th o d mA Forward bi as vol tage V Gai n peak wavel en gth nm TEC cu rrent A TEC voltage V Thermistor resistance Ω Thermistor constant a Detail ed i nformati on abou t SOA ch aracteri stics for satu rati on ou tput power, gai n, gai n ri pple, si gnal spontan eous noise fi g u re, polarizati on d epend ent gai n, maximu m total ou tpu t power, and operating di ti ons are d escribed in I EC TR 61 292-9 b Ei th er outpu t power range, g ain, or both shall be stated c M easu rement m ethod shou l d be d efi ned i n oth er d ocu ments d There are no I EC pu blicati ons regard ing SOA rel i ability There are two d ocu men ts regard ing th e reli abili ty of fi bre optic acti ve components an d d evi ces These are I EC TR 62572-2 and I EC 62572-3, which d eal wi th l aser m od ul es e Operati ng condi ti ons of a TEC and thermistor are commonl y specified i n I EC 621 49-3, whi ch covers the performance stand ard for 2, Gb/s mod ul ator i ntegrated l aser d i od e mod ul es P e rfo rm a n c e s p e c i fi c a t i o n t e m p l a t e fo r l i n e a m p l i fi e rs The following template contains minimum performance parameters to be included in specifications of OFA components and modules (see Table 5) and SOA components (see Table 6) to be used as line amplifiers in single channel applications, together with their specification criteria (that is in terms of the maximum value, minimum value or both) and the indication of the corresponding standard test method N ote that the list of the minimum parameters for SOAs (see Table 6) covers SOA components only, because most SOA products are currently traded in the form of the component using a package, such as a butterfly-type package – 16 – I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e – M i n i m u m re l e va n t p a m e t e rs fo r l i n e a m p l i fi e rs b a s e d o n O F A c o m p o n e n t s o r m o d u l e s u s i n g a c t i v e fi b re s p e c i fi e d fo r s i n g l e c h a n n e l P a m e t e rs T n s m i s s i o n T n s i e n t p a r a m e t e rs c Minimum M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC Unit te s t m e th o d I n pu t power range d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es Ou tpu t power range a d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es dB I EC 61 290-1 seri es Gai n a c h a c t e r i s t i c s a p p l i ca ti o n s Satu rati on outpu t power d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Wavelength ban d nm Si gnal -spontaneou s noi se fi gure dB n /a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Pol arization d epen d ent gai n dB n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Forward ampli fied spontan eous em issi on power l evel d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Reverse amplified spontaneous em issi on power l evel d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-3 seri es I n pu t refl ectance dBb n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es Retu rn l oss dBb M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at inpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 series M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at ou tpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es Pu mp l eakage to i npu t d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-6-1 Pu mp l eakage to ou tpu t d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-6-1 M axi mum total ou tpu t power d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-1 series Pol arizati on mod e di spersi on ps n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Transi ent power/gai n response dB n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 Transi ent power/gain response tim e s n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 Transi ent power/gai n overcom pensati on respon se dB n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 Stead y state power/gai n offset dB n /a I EC 61 290-4-3 I EC 61 290-1 seri es n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 P a m e t e rs – 17 – Minimum M a xi m u m va l u e s va l u e s IEC Unit Operati ng temperatu re °C See I EC 61 291 -5-2 See I EC 61 291 -5-2 M axi mu m operati ng rel ative hu mid ity % n/a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 Range of freq u enci es Hz See I EC 61 291 -5-2 See I EC 61 291 -5-2 Ampl itu d e peak-to-peak mm n/a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 s n /a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 Storage temperatu re °C See I EC 61 291 -5-2 See I EC 61 291 -5-2 M axi mu m storage rel ative hu mi d ity % n/a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 mm n /a See I EC 61 291 -5-2 M axi mu m operati ng vibrati on severity E n vi ro n m e n t a l an d Du ration re l i a b i l i t y p a r a m e t e rs M axi mu m shock severity, free d rop a Drop hei gh t Ei th er outpu t power ran ge, gain, or both shall be stated b Ei th er i nput reflectance or return l oss shal l be speci fi ed c Transi en t param eters are appl icabl e to OFA m od ul es wi th ou tpu t power control te s t m e th o d – 18 – I EC 61 291 -2: 201 © I EC 201 T a b l e – M i n i m u m re l e va n t p a m e t e rs fo r l i n e a m p l i fi e rs b a s e d o n S O A c o m p o n e n ts s p e c i fi e d fo r s i n g l e c h a n n e l a p p l i c a t i o n s P a m e t e rs c h a c t e r i s t i c s a te s t m e th o d Ou tpu t power ran ge b d Bm I EC 61 290-1 seri es dB n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Satu rati on outpu t power d Bm n /a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Wavelength band nm Gai n rippl e c dB n/a U n d er consid eration Si gnal -spontaneou s n oi se fi g ure dB n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Pol arizati on d epend ent gai n dB n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Forward ampli fied spon taneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es Reverse ampl ified spontaneous emissi on power l evel d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-3 seri es I npu t refl ectance dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at inpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum refl ectance tol erable at ou tpu t dB n/a I EC 61 290-5 seri es M axi mum total ou tpu t power d Bm n/a I EC 61 290-1 seri es Pol arizati on mod e d ispersi on ps n/a I EC 61 290-1 -1 Operati ng temperatu re °C M axi m um operati ng rel ative hu mid ity % I EC 61 290-1 seri es n /a Range of freq u enci es Hz Ampl itu d e peak-to-peak mm n/a Du ration s n /a Storage temperatu re °C M axi m um storag e rel ative hu mi d ity % n /a mm n /a FI T n /a re l i a b i l i t y d IEC I EC 61 290-1 seri es E n vi ro n m e n t a l p a m e t e rs va l u e s d Bm M axi m um operati ng vibrati on severity an d M a xi m u m va l u e s I npu t power ran ge Gai n b T n s m i s s i o n Minimum Unit M axi m um shock severity, free d rop Fail u re rate Drop hei gh t

Ngày đăng: 17/04/2023, 11:44

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