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LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH 6 NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL Date of planning 01/03/2013 Date of teaching 12/3/2013 UNIT 13 ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS PERIOD 77 LESSON 1 A The weather and seasons A1 ,2 ([.]

LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH Date of planning: 01/03/2013 Date of teaching: 12/3/2013 NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS PERIOD: 77 LESSON 1: A The weather and seasons A1 ,2 (Page 134 – 135) A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about the weather B Language contents: Vocabulary:- seasons , spring, summer, , fall, winter , warm (adj.): ấm ápcool (adj.), Grammar:*Form: What’s the weather like in + season? It’s + adjective C Teaching aids: Pictures,cassette player D Proceduce: Stages/time Content Warm up: Kim’s game swim How often overnight 5' Presentation: 5’ Practice:25’ Consolidation 8’ Homework: 2' Notes go fishing go jogging often twice free time skip always once * Pre-teach vocabulary: - the seasons : mùa - the spring : mùa xuân - the summer: mùa hè - the fall : mùa thu - the winter : mùa đông - warm (adj.): ấm áp - cool (adj.): mát mẻ Example: - What’s the weather like in the summer? - It’s hot *Form:What’s the weather like in + season? It’s + adjective *Uses: Được dùng để hỏi thời tiết Activity 1: Listen and repeat (A P 134) EX:- What’s the weather like in the summer? - It’s hot Activity Practice with a partner Ask ans answer questions about the weather (page 135) P1: What’s the weather like in the …? P2: It’s … Activity 3: Ask and answer the questions (page 135) P1: What weather you like? P2: I like hot weather - Learn structures and vocabulary by heart - Prepare new words in Unit 12 A – TEACHER: VO DAT Two groups A & B T puts the poster of words on the board Ss try to remember and write again the words Checking T introduces the lesson T elicits vocabulary ( Explanation) ( Picture) ( Picture) ( Picture) ( Picture) ( Example) ( Example) T gives example Concept check T draws out the form and uses T plays the cassette once Ss listen to the tape and repeat in chorus Ss read aloud individually Ss pratise in pairs T walks round and helps Ss Open pairs: model Close pairs: free T runs through the pictures T gives models (T asks Ss to give model) Ss practise in pairs to ask answer the question SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL Content Stages/time P.135- 136 Notes Date of planning: 01/03/2013 Date of teaching: 12/3/2013 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS Date of planning: 01/03/2013 Date of teaching: 13/3/2013 UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS PERIOD: 77 A1 ,2 LESSON 1: A The weather and seasons PERIOD: 78 LESSON 2: A The weather and seasons :A3 A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about your favorite weather and contrast it with “What’s the weather like?” B Language contents: Vocabulary:- seasons , spring, summer, , fall, winter , warm (adj.): ấm ápcool (adj.), Grammar:*Form: What’s the weather like in + season? It’s + adjective C Teaching aids: Pictures,cassette player D Proceduce: Stages/time Content Warm up: In the spring the weather is warm 5' the morning is cool the morning is gray and cold In the summer the night is hot the rice is yellow In the fall the mountains and the river are very cold the evening is beautiful In the winter the rice is green Presentation: 5’ A: What’s the weather like today? B: It’s hot A: What weather you like? B: I like cool weather Model Sentences What weather you like? I like cool weather * Dialogue Build * Drawing the rule * Hỏi bạn, người thích thời tiết nào? A P 135 Example Exchange: S1: What weather [do you] like? S2: [I like cool] weather TEACHER: VO DAT Matching * Set the scene What weather + do/does + S + like? S + like/likes + Adj + weather Practice:24' Notes * Picture Drill * Mapped Dialogue Can Tho Ha Noi SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH Content Stages/time Consolidation 10’ Homework: 1' NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL Notes Example Exchange: S1: What’s the weather like in Ha Noi? S2: It’s cold What’s the weather like in Can Tho? S1: It’s hot! S2: What weather you like? S1: I like cold weather S2: Come to HaNoi! S1: What weather you like? S2: I like hot weather S1: Come to Can Tho! - Learn structures by heart - Prepare Unit 13 A – P.136 TEACHER: VO DAT … Ha Noi? hot! … cold… …like? … Can Tho! … cold! … Can Tho? … like? … Ha Noi! … hot… T asks Ss to some work at home SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH Date of planning: 10/03/2013 Date of teaching: 19/3/2013 NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS PERIOD: 79 LESSON3: A The weather and seasons :A 4,5 A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their activities in the weather B Language contents: Vocabulary:- seasons , spring, summer, , fall, winter , warm (adj.): ấm áp- cool (adj.), Grammar:*Form: Question: What do/does + S + + when + it is + Adjective? (… làm trời ….?) Answer: S + V + (O) C Teaching aids: Pictures,cassette player D Proceduce: Stages/time Content Brainstorming Warm up: Topic: the acitvities when you have free time 5' Pre-reading: 5’ Whilereading:23' Post- reading 10’ Homework: 2' Notes *Suggested ideas: listen to music watch TV aerobics play badminton go jogging play soccer fly kites read books go camping go fishing play video games Example: - What does Ba when it’s hot? - He goes swimming *Form: Question: What do/does + S + + when + it is + Adjective? (… làm trời ….?) Answer: S + V + (O) Activity (A4 - P.136) P1: What does Ba when it’s hot? P2: He goes swimming a) hot? - go swimming b) cold? - play soccer c) cool? - go jogging d) warm? - go fishing Activity Ask your partners about their activities Question: What you when it is hot? Name hot cold cool warm Example: Tuan goes swimming when it is hot He plays … Activity Talk about yourself Example Exchange: When it’s hot, I … When it’s cold, I … When it’s cool, I … When it’s warm, I … - Rewrite the exercises in the notebooks - Learn structures by heart - Prepare njew words in Unit 13 B1 – B3 P.138-139 TEACHER: VO DAT Two groups A & B T gives the topic Ss try to remember and write the activities T checks and gives correction T introduces the new lesson T gives example and concept check T draws out the form, meaning and uses * Predict T runs through the pictures Ss asks and answer about Ba’s activities, using the pictues in the textbooks Close pairs: model Open pairs: free T monitors the class Interview T asks Ss to take out a piece of paper And draw the table Ss walks round and ask the partner the question Ss report their interview on the class *Transformation Writing Ss change the text about Ba and talk about themselves ( using ‘I…’) T asks Ss to some work at home SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH Date of planning: 10/03/2013 Date of teaching: 20/3/2013 NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS PERIOD: 80 LESSON 4: B Activities in seasons B A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their suitable activities in the seasons B Language contents: Vocabulary:- - (to) play basketball - (to) go sailing Grammar: Hỏi làm vào mùa What you / they in the …? does he / she I / We / They + adv + V + … He / She + adv + V+s/es + … C Teaching aids: Pictures,cassette player D Proceduce: Stages/time Content Warm up: Warm up: Network 5' usually sometimes always Adverbs frequency never Presentation:: 5’ Practice:23' often *Pre-teach vocabulary: - (to) play basketball - (to) go sailing *Presentation: Minh: What you in the spring? Ba: I always ride my bike What you do? Minh: I often play badminton Hỏi làm vào mùa What you / they in the …? does he / she I / We / They + adv + V + … He / She + adv + V+s/es + … Activity Listen and repeat (B1/ page 138) Activity (B1/ page 138) Example Exchange: S1:What [do you] in the [spring]? S2: [I often play badminton] You / spring often play volleyball You / summer usually go swimming TEACHER: VO DAT Notes T divides the class into groups Ss write out the adverbs of frequency T checks and corrects T introduces the new lesson T elicits vocabulary (visual) (visual) *T sets the scene * Dialogue Build * Drawing the rules T plays the tape Ss listen and repeat in chorus and individuals * Word Cue Drill Ss practise in pairs Open pairs: model Close pairs: free SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH Content Stages/time Production 10’ Homework: 2' NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL Notes They / fall sometimes go sailing She / fall usually play badminton You / winter always play basketball He / winter never go fishing - Learn by heart the structures and vocabulary - Prepare new words in Unit 14- A1 – A3/ page 140 – 141 Date of planning: 10/03/2013 Date of teaching: 21/3/2013 TEACHER: VO DAT T monitors the class UNIT 13 : ACTIVITIES AND THE SEASONS PERIOD: 81 LESSON 5: B Activities in seasons B 2,3 SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL A Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about their suitable activities in the seasons Further Practice in Adverbs of Frequency, Simple Present, Sports vocabulary, seasons B Language contents: Vocabulary:- seasons , spring, summer, , fall, winter , warm (adj.): ấm áp- cool (adj.), Grammar:*Form: Hỏi làm vào mùa What you / they in the …? does he / she I / We / They + adv + V + … He / She + adv + V+s/es + … C Teaching aids: Pictures,cassette player D Proceduce: Stages/time Content Warm up: usually watch TV 5' sometimes aerobics play badminton always winter play soccer never fly kites go camping spring often summer go jogging Presentation:: 5’ Practice:23' Activity1:Write lists of things you in the different seasons (B2/ page 139) a spring b summer c fall d wnter Example: a I sometimes plays badminton in the spring b I often go swimming in the summer c I always go fishing in the fall d I usually play volleyball in the winter Activity 2: Make dialogue with a partner Model: Minh: What you in the spring? Ba: I always ride my bike What you do? Minh: I usually play basketball in the spring * Word Cue Drill You / spring often play volleyball Production TEACHER: VO DAT Notes * Kim’s Game Ss practise in pairs Ss take out a piece of paper and write their activities in different seasons Then, compare the answers with their partner You / summer SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013 LESSON PLAN – ENGILISH Stages/time 10’ NGUYEN THI DINH SECONDARY SCHOOL Content usually go swimming They / fall sometimes go sailing She / fall usually play badminton You / winter always play basketball He / winter never go fishing * Lucky Numbers 10 11 12 Notes - Write about yourself Begin with: In the spring, I … Homework: 2' What’s the weather like in the winter? What you usually in the fall? What you usually eat in thewinter? Lucky Number! What’s the weather like in the spring? Lucky Number! 7.Where you usually go in the summer? What weather you like? What fruit you usually eat in the spring? 10 Lucky Number! 11 What’s the weather like in the fall? 12 What sports you in the winter? T asks Ss to some work at home - Learn vocabulary and structures by heart TEACHER: VO DAT SCHOOL YEAR: 2012 _ 2013

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2023, 16:27


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