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Astm stp 512a 1991

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@ INTERNATIONAL Address 100 Ba~ Harbor Dnve PO Box C700 W Conshohocken PA 79~28-2959' USA Standards Worldwtde Phone 610832.9500 Fax 670.832.9555 e-maH serwce,~astm.org Web ww~astm.org Corrections - STP 512A Introductory Information Page Third paragraph - Change MIL-L-2105C to MIL-L-2105D Page Table - Change RGO 124 to RGO 125 Page Table - Title change MIL-L-2105C to MIL-L-2105D Page 14 5.2.2 - U.S Motors 1.1 should be KW (delete words, should be) Page 22 Noted Items: Item - Change "Hub O.D." to "Hub I.D." Item - Change "Hub I.D." to "Hub O.D." Page 29 Asterisk at bottom of page refers to location 4, axle housing cover Page 46 Note - Change controlled at 220 +_3~ to controlled at 200 _+3~ Page 51 11.1.2- Reference oils are designated RGO 103 and RGO 105 Page 68 Note 3, 3.5.1 - Change (573m~) to (5.7L) Page 71 5.2.4 - speed to 400rpm change to speed to 385rpm Page 71 5.2.9 - Add statement "recharge with test oil" Page 79 Figure - Change 3/8" (l.0mm) to 3/8" (10mm) Page 85 2.1 - Change 0.3 gallon/hour to 0.3 cubic feet/hour Page 85 2.1 - Change "of oil " to "of air " Page 86 3.1.5 - Change "gallon/hour" to "cubic feet per hour" Page 89 5.7 - Sentence should read "Install the air-box thermocouple in the Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized air-box cover so that the tip is inches " Page 89 6.2 - Change "0.3 gallon/hour" to "0.3 cubic feet/hour" Page 92 First Line - Change "lubricant" to "lubricants" Page 95 Heading -"Test Oil Viscosity " change to "AST D445" to "ASTM D445" Page 95 Last Line - Change "Benzene Insolubles (uncoagulated) to "Toluene Insolubles (uncoagulated)" Page 71 5.3.1 Line 200~ (93.3~ 175~ (79~ Page 71 and with Note 6, Line (93.3~ Page 72 [for low viscosity oils e.g., grades 75W, 75W-90, 175~ (79~ for 75W type oils 5.3.6 Add second sentence "For low viscosity oils, e.g., grades 75W, 75W-90, use water spray on axle housing to control rate of temperature dse Commence shock loading when oil temperature drops to 200~ (93~ Page 75 with a maximum rise of 5.5 to 8.3~ " Sequence IV The word "Alloy" should be "Allow" Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized LABORATORY PERFORMANCE TESTS FOR AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANTS I N T E N D E D FOR API GL-5 SERVICE* S p o n s o r e d by: ASTM C o m m i t t e e D-2 on P e t r o l e u m Products Lubricants, S u b c o m m i t t e e B on A u t o m o t i v e Section III on Gear L u b r i c a n t s and Lubricants, A S T M SPECIAL T E C H N I C A L P U B L I C A T I O N 512A P u b l i c a t i o n Code Number (PCN): - 0 - *The test m e t h o d s d e s c r i b e d in this p u b l i c a t i o n h a v e no o f f i c i a l s t a t u s as A S T M S t a n d a r d s 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Laboratory performance tests for automotive gear lubricants intended for API GL-5 service (ASTM special technical publication; 512A) "ASTM publication code number (PCN) 04-512000-13." i Lubrication and lubricants Testing Automobiles Gearing Lubrication I ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants Subcommittee B on Automotive Lubricants Section III on Gear Lubricants II Series TLI53.5.L33 1986 629.2'47 86-20566 ISBN 0-8031-0940-7 Copyright @ by AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS, 1986 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 86-20566 NOTE The Society is not responsible, as a body, for the statements and opinions advanced in this publication Printed in Baltimore, MD March 1987 Reprinted in Philadelphia, PA September 1991 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized RELATED ASTM PUBLICATIONS ASTM and other specifications for Petroleum Products and Lubricants, 4th Edition 1985 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized FOREWARD This report is made available for those interested in the performance of lubricating oils as a material of engineering The procedures are part of the technical language used for describing the performance of automotive gear lubricants which will satisfy manual transmission and axle requirements of modern passenger cars and trucks The information contained herein has not been subjected to ASTM's full consensus balloting and review procedures, and the test methods described have no official status as ASTM Standards The technical review of these test procedures was accomplished through simultaneous balloting by ASTM Section D02.B03 on Gear Lubricants and Subcommittee D02.B on Automotive Lubricants Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTORY INFORMATION Introduction Scope Military Approval API GL-5 Gear Tests API GL-5 Bench Tests Reference Oils ~ Precision Additional Requirements for M i l i t a r y A p p r o v a l Appendices 1 3 4 S E C T I O N (L-33 TEST) Performance T e s t for E v a l u a t i n g the M o i s t u r e C o r r o s i o n T e n d e n c i e s of A u t o m o t i v e G e a r L u b r i c a n t s Scope Applicable Document S u m m a r y of M e t h o d Significance Apparatus Reagents and Materials Oil Blend Sampling Requirements Test Oil Sample Preparation of A p p a r a t u s Calibration Test Procedure Determination of T e s t R e s u l t s Final Test Report Precision and Bias Annexes Appendices ii ii ii 12 13 16 16 16 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 31 S E C T I O N (L-37 TEST) Performance T e s t for E v a l u a t i n g the L o a d C a r r y i n g C a p a c i t y of A u t o m o t i v e G e a r L u b r i c a n t s U n d e r C o n d i t i o n s of L o w S p e e d a n d H i g h T o r q u e Scope Applicable Document S u m m a r y of M e t h o d Significance Apparatus Materials Precautions Oil Blend Sampling Requirements Test Oil Sample Preparation of A p p a r a t u s Calibration Test Procedure Determination of T e s t R e s u l t s Final Test Report Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 45 45 45 46 47 49 49 49 49 49 51 52 54 55 P r e c i s i o n and Bias 55 A n n e x e s 57 SECTION (L-42 TEST) P e r f o r m a n c e Test for E v a l u a t i n g the Load C a r r y i n g C a p a c i t y of A u t o m o t i v e Gear L u b r i c a n t s Under C o n d i t i o n s of High Speed Shock Loading Scope .67 Sample'Sizei[[i[[i[[[[[[[[[[[[i.[[[[[[i[i[i[i[[i[[[[i[~[i[[~[[.67 A p p a r a t u s 67 M a t e r i a l s 70 P r o c e d u r e s 70 Stand C a l i b r a t i o n 73 Test Report 73 P r e c i s i o n and Bias 74 A n n e x 75 SECTION (L-60 TEST) P e r f o r m a n c e Test for E v a l u a t i n g the T h e r m a l O x i d a t i o n S t a b i l i t y of A u t o m o t i v e Gear L u b r i c a n t s Scope S u m m a r y of M e t h o d Apparatus P r e p a r a t i o n ' f o r T e s t [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ i [ [ [ [ '8[ i [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ' [ [ [ '.[ [ [ ~ i [ i [ [ A s s e m b l y of Test A p p a r a t u s Procedure Test Data and R e p o r t i n g Stand C a l i b r a t i o n Test Report P r e c i s i o n and Bias Annexes Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 85 85 86 88 89 90 91 92 92 94 STP512A-EB/Jan 1986 INTRODUCTORY Copyright 1986 by ASTM International INFORMATION www.astm.org Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 92 AUTOMOTIVE CEAR LUBRICANTS before tests to evaluate considered standardized 8.1.2 Previously 8.1.3 Established lubricant can be Referenced S t a n d - For a p r e v i o u s l y referenced test stand, a reference test giving results within the standardized limits for that oil shall be conducted every 20th test All tests which have completed at least iOh of operation shall receive a sequential test number If 20 tests are not completed within six months, reference tests shall be started not later than six months after the start of the last satisfactory reference tests The two established reference oils shall be tested If the test stand has been moved or relocated or has been out of operation for four months or longer, satisfactory reference tests shall be run before any tests to evaluate lubricants can be considered standardized reference oils are available from: ASTM Test Monitoring Center 440 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 ATTN: Paul Eisaman TEST REPORT 9.1 i0 Test results should be reported as indicated on the data sheets for Thermal Oxidation Stability of Gear Lubricants (Sample form is included as Annex A2) Also include temperature recording charts PRECISION AND BIAS i0.I A mean and standard deviation are developed for percent viscosity increase and for pentane and toluene insolubles are each e s t a b l i s h e d reference oil An acceptance band for each reference oil is e s t a b l i h s e d based on • standard deviations from the mean Data used for these calculations are generated on all o p e r a t i o n a l l y valid tests Outliers are d e t e r m i n e d by ASTM procedure E 178-80 10.2 Statistical established NOTE data and acceptance bands reference oils follow - Data used to generate Annex A3 this statistical for the base appear Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized in L-60 PERFORMANCE TEST 93 RGO-4668 Average, X S t a n d a r d Dev, ALI• %VIS I N C R E A S E 7.06 1.84 3.32 S N = Acceptable Range High Low PENTANE 0.26 0.16 0.29 TOLUENE 0.20 0.13 0.24 0.55 0.00 0.44 0.00 37 10.38 3.74 RGO-4669 Average, X S t a n d a r d Dev, ALI• S N = Acceptable Range High Low %VIS I N C R E A S E PENTANE TOLUENE 88.40 18.84 33.92 2.05 1.05 1.90 0.52 0.23 0.41 35 122.23 54.48 3.95 0.16 0.93 0.11 N O T E - S t a t i s t i c s are r e - c a l c u l a t e d p e r i d o d i c a l l y b a s e d on the number of r e f e r e n c e tests c o n d u c t e d by p a r t i c i p a t i n g laboratories Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 94 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANTS Annex Precautionary AI Oakite A1 STatements 811 - Combustible Vapor harmful Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame Keep container closed Use with adequate ventilation Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin In case of spillage, soak up with clay, diatomaceous earth, or similar materials In case of fire, use foam, dry chemical, or C02 CAUTION AI.2 Penetone ECS CAUTION - Combustible Vapor harmful Keep away from heat, sparks, and open flame Keep container closed Use with adequate ventilation Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin In case of spillage, soak up with clay, diatomaceous earth, or similar materials In case of fire, use foam, dry chemical, or C02 AI.3 Stoddard Solvent CAUTION - Combustible Vapor harmful Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame Keep container closed Use with adequate ventilation Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin In case of spillage, soak up with clay, diatomaceous earth, or similar materials In case of fire, use foam, dry chemical, or C0 AI.4 Tol uene - Combustible Vapor harmful Keep away from heat, sparks and open flame Keep container closed Use with adequate ventilation Avoid breathing vapor or spray mist Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin WARNING Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized L-60 PERFORMANCE TEST Annex THERMAL A2 L-60 TEST OXIDATION STABILITY A.4 DATA SHEET Test run at Date Test Lubricant Identification SAE Grade Test Number Company TEST C O N D I T I O N S Hours Run Warm-up Air T e m p e r a t u r e ~ (~ Time max (Minutes) Test Oil T e m p e r a t u r e ~ (~ max (include test oil t e m p e r a t u r e chart) Unscheduled average min average Shut-down TEST RESULTS Catalyst Weight Oil Data: Loss, Test Oil V i s c o s i t y Hours Run Percent grms C e n t i s t o k e s at 212oF Viscosity (100oC) (AST.I D 445) Percent Increase New Oil 50 Hours Initial Oil Charge Wt Grms Final Oil Drain Wt Grms Weight Loss Grms Acid Number (ASTM D 664) Pentane Insolubles (ASTM D 893, M e t h o d A) Benzene Insolubles (Uncoagulated) Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 95 96 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANTS DESCRIPTION OF PARTS AFTER TEST (a) Catalyst - Front face: (Face adjacent to gear teeth) Rear Face: (b) Small Gear Front face (Numbered surface facing out) Front face (Numbered surface facing Rear Face: Gear Teeth: (c) Large Gear out) Rear Face: Gear Teeth: (d) Bearings: Front face (Numbered surface facing out) Rear Face: Bearings DATE and Carrier SIGNATURE Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 0 e e e e 0 o 0 a 0 e e 0 o o b c 0 b" 0 L" e e 0 0 b e 0 ~" e o 0 0 e e 0 0 L e e o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o e o o e s j e e e e o o o a a e o o o o e o o e e e e o e o o e Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized o e e e e h" " " Z L':J D"J , ] 0C' C: Z Z ~0 ~D CO p.i ,q c~ I c't" A C~ I Cn t~ C'l" M (1) C~ Z H H < Ct" ~' n) %0 ~n C) ~o nl t-4 I 98 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANTS Annex A3 (continued) L-60 Test R e s u l t s (through J u l y 7, RGO-4669 * 1986) Outliers TEST * 10 ii 12 13 14 15 * 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 %VIS INCREASE 99.30 99.30 72.00 81.00 87.40 111.54 85.20 78.50 100.08 96.57 93.23 93.01 80.35 123.94 139.00 64.00 137.00 97.70 96.00 95.60 89.00 84.30 67.13 73.80 75.98 93.08 85.23 88.30 121.30 47.76 68.41 121.55 80.48 73.11 69.03 81.08 111.10 70.31 PENTANE 2.74 2.53 0.85 1.40 2.40 2.50 1.40 1.40 2.00 2.98 3.00 2.40 1.90 4.20 1.56 0.30 4.56 2.53 1.46 1.48 1.84 1.97 1.64 0.90 0.76 0.80 2.30 1.88 3.82 0.94 0.91 4.13 1.87 2.00 1.77 1.86 3.61 1.83 TOLUENE 0.52 0.61 0.30 0.26 2.30 1.70 0.60 0.36 0.57 0.56 0.43 0.57 0.83 0.40 1.67 0.18 1.03 0.24 1.03 0.95 0.36 0.56 0.43 0.60 0.41 0.48 0.23 0.06 0.36 0.53 0.56 0.76 0.56 0.45 0.38 0.65 0.61 0.78 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized ANNEX A4 - TEST EQUIPMENT Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized i00 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR LUBRICANTS FIG - Thermal Oxidation Stability Test Apparatus Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized L-60 PERFORMANCE TEST FIG - Front View of Gear Case Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized i01 FIG I i # of G - Sketch r~-1 the 16 17 Thermal @ - Oxidation " , , ' - ' - ' ~ ' ~ 11 v- r-~ ~_.''"~'~ PART Stability Test Apparatus ;EARCASE GE BA }ASEPLATE BL ILOWER MOTOR ;ENERATOR GE DF DRIVE MOTOR VII VIBRATION MOUNTS HI: HEATING ELEMENTS RA RADIANT HEAT BAFFLE GE GEARCASE VENT TUBE All AIR SUPPLY TUBE HE HEATER CASE Wl WINDOW VE VEE BELT PII PILLOW BLOCKS AIR BOX THERMAL SWITCH All AIR BOX THERMOCOUPLE TH TH ERMISTERITHERMOCOUPLE LEADS (SEE FIGURE 6) Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized U Ib- ~1I ri " - .'i -zD= : o= = : - - = 10 11 12 13 14 NUMBER LEGEND TEMPERATURE SPST DPST RELAY -,,, t ] - Schematic Layout HEATER of MOTOR the Apparatus I GEARCASE BAFFLE 111VENTTUBE BLOWER MOTOR ( DRIVE THERM,STORTUBE GENERATOR vVVVV LOAD BANK, HEATERCASE THERMOSWITI~N VO~TER \ FIG CONTROLLER ~:_ FIELD '~ RHEOSTAT ' ,- I AMMETER Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized 220VOLT AC GAGE FLOW METER VALVE~ DRYER L.J (~ REGULATOR ~ AIR SUPPLY I o rrl m Z ~cJ o - Gearcase Cross Section GEARCASE GEARCASE SUPPORT RETAINER BUSHING, LOWER RETAINER BUSHING, UPPER PILLOW BLOCK BEARING, LOWER PILLOW BLOCK BEARING, UPPER PILLOW BLOCK, LOWER SPACER, PILLOW BLOCK PILLOW BLOCK, UPPER 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 RETAINER, GEARCASE WINDOW GASKETS, GEARCASE WINDOW, 1116" THICK CAP SCREW, GEARCASE WlNOOW RETAINER GASKET, SEAL PLATE BOLT, CASE SUPPORT TO PILLOW BLOCK SUPPORT BOLT TUBE PILLOW BLOCK SUPPORT 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 HEATER CASE SLINGER BUSHING, UPPER 20 WINDOW, GEARCASE SLINGER BUSHING, LOWER 19 31 INNER SLINGER, UPPER 18 30 SEAL PLATE INNER SLINGER, LOWER 15 16 OUTER SLINGER, UPPER 14 17 BAFFLE PLATE OUTER SLINGER, LOWER 13 Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized FIG TEST BEARING BUSHING TEST BEARING CLAMP GEAR RETAINING NUT, LH THREAD TEST BEARING GEAR RETAINING NUT, RH THREAD 12 GEAR SHAFT, ORIVEN 11 GEAR SHAFT, ORIVING SPACER BUSHING H < TEST GEAR, 34 TEETH 10 TEST GEAR, 50 TEETH > > ~U C~ CASE AIR INLET O VENT TUBE PART NUMBER LEGEND L-60 PERFORMANCE TEST THERMOCOUPLE LEADS TO MULTIPOINT RECORDER 105 THERMISTOR LEADS TO L & N CONTROLLER I f GEAR BOX TOP f OIL LEVEL 3116" (5 mm) GEAR BOX BOTTOM FIG - Temperature Probe jJ Locations Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jan 21:51:40 EST 2016 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 16:45


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