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S T P 1417 Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics: 33 rd Volume Walter G Reuter and Robert S Piascik, Editors ASTM Stock Number: STP1417 mlrlollt,~k ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO Box C700 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 Printed in the U.S.A Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue Dec 15 13:08:10 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized ISBN: 0-8031-2899-1 ISSN: 1040-3094 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Copydght 2003 ASTM Intemational, West Conshohocken, PA All rights reserved This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, in any pdnted, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the wdtten consent of the publisher Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use of specific clients, is granted by ASTM International (ASTM) provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; Tel: 978-750-8400; online: htt p://www.copyright.com/ Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one editor The authors addressed all of the reviewers' comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s) and the ASTM International Committee on Publications To make technical information available as quickly as possible, the peer-reviewed papers in this publication were prepared "camera-ready" as submitted by the authors The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s), but also the work of the peer reviewers In keeping with long-standing publication practices, ASTM International maintains the anonymity of the peer reviewers The ASTM International Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM International Printed in Bridgeport,NJ December2002 Foreword The Thirty-Third National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics was held June 25-29, 2001, at Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, Wyoming ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture was the sponsor The symposium co-chairman and co-editors of this publication are W G Reuter, Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory and R S Piascik, NASA Langley Research Center Contents Overview ix TWELFT~ANNUALJERRYL SWEDLOWMEMORIALLECTURE Slip Line Fracture Mechanics: A New Regime of Fracture Mechanics F A MCCLINTOCK PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Moment Frame Connections Under Seismic Loading (Northridge Earthquake) J M BARSOM 57 A Structural Integrity Procedure Arising from the SINTAP Project s E WEBSTER AND A BANNISTER Failure Beneath Cannon Thermal Barrier Coatings by Hydrogen Cracking; Mechanisms and Modeling j H UNDERWOOD, G N VIGILANTE, AND E TROIANO 73 101 Experiences and Modeling of Hydrogen Cracking in Thick-Walled Pressure Vessel-E TROIANO, G N VIGILANTE, AND J H, UNDERWOOD 116 High Cycle Fatigue Threshold in the Presence of Naturally Initiated Small Surface C r a c k s - - M A MOSHIER, THEODORE NICHOLAS, AND BEN HILLBERRY 129 Effects of Thermomechanical Fatigue Loading on Damage Evolution and Lifetime of a Coated Super Alloy M BARTSCH,K MULL,ANDC S1CK 147 A Hybrid Approach for Subsurface Crack Analysis in Railway Wheels Under Rolling Contact Loads i GUAGL1ANO,i SANGIRARDI, AND L VERGANI 161 Cell Model Predictions of Ductile Fracture in Damaged Pipelines c RUGGmRI AND E HIPPERT 176 Multiaxial Fatigue Analysis of Interference Fit Aluminum A1 2024-T3 Specimens-G, SHATIL AND A G PAGE 192 Applications of Scaling Models and the Weibnil Stress to the Determination of Structural Performance-Based Material Screening Criteria s M GRAHAM ANDJ MERCmR 209 CONSTRAINT AND/OR WELDS Plane Stress Mixed Mode Crack-Tip Stress Fields Characterized by a Triaxial Stress P a r a m e t e r and a Plastic Deformation Extent Based Characteristic L e n g t h - 233 M A SUTTON, F MA, X DENG Constraint Effect on 3D C r a c k - F r o n t Stress Fields in Elastic-Plastic T h i n P l a t e s - X K ZHU, Y KIM, Y J CHAO, AND P S LAM 270 Analysis of Brittle F r a c t u r e in Surface-Cracked Plates Using Constraint-Corrected Stress Fields -Y Y WANG, W G REUTER, AND J C NEWMAN 288 Application of a T-Stress Based Constraint Correction to AS33B Steel F r a c t u r e Toughness Data R L TREGONING AND J A JOYCE 307 The Effect of Localized Plasticity a n d Crack Tip Constraint in U n d e r m a t c h e d W e l d s - 328 G MERCIER Modeling of Cleavage F r a c t u r e in Connections of Welded Steel M o m e n t Resistant Frames -R H DODDS, JR AND C G, MATOS 360 The I m p o r t a n c e of Material Fabrication History on Weld F r a c t u r e a n d D u r a b i l i t y - 385 F W BRUST Creep C r a c k G r o w t h in the Base Metal a n d a Weld J o i n t of X C r M o V 12 Steel U n d e r Two-Step Loading K s KIM, N W LEE, AND Y K CHUNG 407 Analytical & Experimental Study of F r a c t u r e in Bend Specimens Subjected to Local Compression WADE A MEITH, M R HILL, AND T L PANONTIN 426 FATIGUE Application of Uncertainty Methodologies to M e a s u r e d Fatigue C r a c k G r o w t h Rates a n d Stress Intensity F a c t o r Ranges -R S BLANDFORD,S R DANIEWICZ, AND W O STEELE 445 Load Interaction Effects on Small Crack G r o w t h Behavior in P H 13-8 M o Stainless Steel w s JOHNSONAND O JIN 458 M e a n Stress Effects on the High Cycle Fatigue Limit Stress in T i - A - V - T NICHOLASAND D C MAXWELL 476 Experiments a n d Analysis of M e a n Stress Effects on Fatigue for SAE1045 Steels-C CHU, R A CHERNENKOFF, AND J J BONNEN Fatigue C r a c k Growth Mechanisms in Alumina a t High Temperature A, S KOBAYASHI,M T KOKALY, AND K W WHITE 493 510 Frequency Effects on Fatigue Behavior and Temperature Evolution of Steels p K LIAW, L JIANG,B YANG,H T1AN,H WANG,D FIELDEN,J HUANG,R KUO,J HUANG,J P STRIZAK, ANDL K MANSUR 524 Effect of Transient Loads on Fatigue Crack Growth in Mill Annealed Ti-62222 at - 54, 25, and 175~ I STEPHENS,g R STEPHENS,AND D A SCHOENEFELD 557 Propagation of Non-Planar Fatigue Cracks: Experimental Observations and Numerical Simulations w T RIDDELL,A R INGRAFFEA,ANDP A WAWRZYNEK 573 Corrosion Fatigue Behavior of 1%4 P H Stainless Steel in Different T e m p e r s - C.-K LIN AND C.-P LIN 598 ASSORTEDT r r t ~ Plasticity and Roughness Closure Interactions Near the Fatigue Crack G r o w t h Threshold L A NEWMANAND R S PIASCIK 617 An Extension of Uniaxial Crack-Closure Analysis to Multiaxial F a t i g u e - c CHU AND J J BONNEN 631 Dynamic Fracture Toughness Measurements in the Ductile-to-Brittle Region Using Small Speeimens -R E LINK 651 A Model for Predicting Fracture Toughness of Steels in the Transition Region from Hardness M E NATISHANAND M WAGENHOFER 672 Results from the MPC Cooperative Test P r o g r a m on the Use of Precracked Charpy Specimens for To Determination w A VAN DER SLUYS,J G MERKLE, AND B YOUNG 689 Simulation of Grain Boundary Decohesion and Crack Initiation in Aluminum Mierostructure Models E IESULAURO,A R 1NGRAFFEA,S ARWADE, AND P A WAWRZYNEK 715 A Physics-Based Model for the C r a c k Arrest Toughness of Ferritic Steels M T KIRK, M E NATISHAN,AND M WAGENHOFER 729 An Analytical Method for Studying Cracks with Multiple K i n k s - - s TERMAATH AND S L PHOENIX 741 An Innovative Technique for Measuring F r a c t u r e Toughness of Metallic and Ceramic Materlals J WANG,K C LIU, AND D E MCCABE 757 Author Index 771 Subject Index 773 Overview The ASTM National Symposium on Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics is sponsored by ASTM Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture Testing The objective of the symposium is to promote a technical forum where researchers from the United States and worldwide can discuss recent research findings related to the fields of fatigue and fracture The photograph above documents a portion of those who attended the symposium The volume opens with the paper authored by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Professor Emeritus Frank McClintock who delivered the Twelfth Annual Jerry L Swedlow Memorial Lecture Professor McClintock's presentation provided a description of slip-line fracture mechanics (SLFM) and its application to fracture problems SLFM is expected to fill some of the gap for materials/conditions where J-integral no longer applies (too much ductility and/or too much crack growth) and plastic collapse The thirty-seven papers that follow Professor McClintock's paper are broadly grouped into four categories These categories include Practical Applications, Constraint and/or Welds, Fatigue, and Assorted Topics Practical Applications The section contains ten papers and starts with a description and discussion of the damage that occurred during the Northridge earthquake The section includes papers that describe the use of fracture mechanics based techniques developed in Europe to predict structural integrity and papers describing the effects of hydrogen or fatigue on sub-critical crack growth Three papers provide specific exampies of structural problems and the final paper provides a discussion for selecting materials based on structural performance Constraint and/or Welds The section contains nine papers and starts with four papers discussing the effects of constraint Two papers are concerned with crack-front stress fields The third paper provides a basis for using plane- ix Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Tue Dec 15 13:08:10 EST 2015 Downloaded/printed by University of Washington (University of Washington) pursuant to License Agreement No further reproductions authorized X OVERVIEW strain fracture toughness/constraint to predict the applied stress-intensity factor/constraint and the location around the perimeter where crack growth initiation will occur within a surface crack The fourth paper uses the T-stress in analyses of fracture toughness data The following five papers are based on welds The first paper examines the role of localized plasticity and crack-tip constraint in under matched welds The second paper examines cleavage fracture in welds, while the third discusses the importance of fabrication history relative to weld fracture and durability The final papers describe studies of creep-crack growth and the effects of a compressive load when applied to homogenize the residual stresses through the specimen thickness Fatigbte The section contains nine papers and starts with the uncertainty of fatigue crack growth rates and the applied stress-intensity factor ranges The second paper looks at load interactions on the growth of small cracks The following papers are concerned with mean stress effects on fatigue crack growth rates, the fatigue crack growth mechanisms in alumina at high temperatures, frequency effects, nonplanar crack growth, and corrosion fatigue Assorted Topics The section contains nine papers with the first two discussing aspects of crack closure The next three papers discuss problems related to the ductile-brittle transition zone The following papers discuss decohesion and crack initiation, crack arrest toughness in ferritic steels, cracks with multiple kinks and an innovative method for measuring fracture toughness The technical quality of the papers contained in this STP is due to the authors and to the excellent work provided by the peer reviews The Symposium organizers would like to express our appreciation to all reviewers for a job well done Because of the large number of papers, camera-ready manuscripts were used to develop the STP The organizers of the symposium hope that it meets with your approval The National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics is often used to present ASTM awards to recognize the achievement of current researchers At the Thirty-Third Symposium, the award for the Jerry L Swedlow Memorial Lecture was presented to Professor Emeritus Frank A McClintock, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and the award of Merit was presented to Professor Robert Dodds, University of Illinois, Urbana The organizing committee would like to congratulate the above award winners as considerable time, effort and hard work were put forth to win these awards We would like to end this overview by highlighting the fact that the symposium venue (The Teton National Park) is a special place for Prof McClintock Not only has Prof McClintock climbed these mountains, but also, a mountain peak within the Teton mountain range is named after his father Dr Walter Go Reuter INEEL Idaho Falls, Idaho Dr Robert S Piascik NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Virginia Twelfth Annual Jerry L Swedlow Memorial Lecture 762 FATIGUEAND FRACTURE MECHANICS toward the central axis due to axisymmetric plane constraint It is of interest to note that the stress fields at the opposite ends of a diameter (Fig 2a) are 90 ~ out of phase Since cm 20 20 15 15 10 10 / / r,~ / i >.~1 o ,, j Relative Displacement Strain, o B 10 Volts c m = 10,600 p s Gaugelength I I I S 10 15 (a) I cm JL I 10 = cm I cm 15 (b) Fig Plot of torsion test results from (a) load cell and strain gauge, and (b) load cell and biaxial extensometer the stress acting on the XZ-plane (Fig 2c) at the crack tip is in tension, the stress acting in the same direction at the diametrically opposite end will be in compression Since the situation is analogous to the stress distribution in a bend beam, the crack extension under the partial unloading/reloading sequence was estimated utilizing the following equation [4] developed for three point bending test: ac~ = r ,,lfc,-c, q , Aa,-, + L ~ j k ~ ) (1) where (G - G-/)/G-, is the rate change in elastic compliance, G represents the elastic compliance of the loading curve of applied torque versus strain measured either from the strain gage or biaxial extensometer The initial ligament, b0, is equal to the diameter less the notch depth and fatigue precrack 7//is preset to The crack extension occurring during the cyclic torsion was calculated to be 0.33-mm The total crack length prior to final brittle fracture was estimated as 7.62 mm Away from the ends of the groove line, the fatigue crack length is practically uniform over the gage length In theory sharp precrack of a homogeneous material should be uniform over the full grooved line except the very ends However, only 60% is discernible The mode I fracture toughness was estimated to be 55.8 MPa ~m Results of tests on the standard CT specimens made from the same A302B stock yielded an average Kic of 54.9 MPa ~m in the TL orientation Theoretical Basis of Methodology Development of Finite Element Models and Analyses WANG ET AL ON MEASURING FRACTURE TOUGHNESS 763 PATRAN was used to create three dimensional finite element meshes and ABAQUS was used for analysis Since the specimen is uniformly loaded in torsion from end to end, a slice of the gage section was modeled and analyzed with appropriate boundary conditions Prismatic quadratic isoparametric singular elements adjacent to the crack tip are modified to facilitate the computational flexibility in linear elastic and nonlinear elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analyses In the former, the nodes at the crack tip are constrained to have the same displacement in order to embody the r q/z singularity However, in the case of perfect plasticity, the nodes at the crack tip are free to displace independently from each other, resulting in inverse (I/r) singularity at crack tip, and blunting of the crack tip is obtained during loading [5-7] Investigation of Specimen Size Effects for Torsion Bar Testing Larsson and Carlsson [8] demonstrate that in order to characterize the crack tip fields and plastic zone size occurring uniquely in small-scale yielding conditions, the boundary layer model must include the second term (T-stress) of the Williams expansion [9] as well as the stress intensity factor The magnitude ofT-stress varies with remotely applied stress, and geometry dependence is best indexed by a non-dimensional geometry factor, 13, known as the biaxiality factor which has the form, T ~/-~ a P = x (2) Due to the very fine mesh required to determine the T-stress, especially in a threedimensional model, it requires a very large computing power Thus, the following two simplified approaches were adopted in size effect study Kirk, Dodds and Anderson [10] show the effect of finite size on opening mode stress, Cryy,near the crack tip at a constant normalized distance R = r/(J/~o) ahead of the crack as '~'~ = ~ D , O" i=0 I px O" (3) where, D; are the fitting coefficients for a particular set of finite element results and G0 is the reference stress For 13> indicating highly constrained, Eq predicts a continuous increase of normalized opening mode stress with increasing load This approach was successfully applied in size effect study for 7475-T7351 aluminum alloy, the reader is referred to refrence [ 1] A1-Ani and Hancock [ 11 ] suggest that the simplest and most direct method of calculating the biaxiality parameter and, in turn, T-stress is by inspection of the displacement field associated with the crack tip On the crack flanks, the displacement field can be written as u = - (1-v2)~r flK (4) This allows the biaxiality parameter to be determined directly by inspection of the asymptotic displacement given by Eq To apply the boundary layer formulation in 3-D, it is essential that the 2-D displacement field still prescribes the traction along the boundary Yongyuan and Guohua 764 FATIGUEAND FRACTURE MECHANICS [12] stated that for a 3-D blunt crack with a small curvature the stress and displacement are the same as those o f a 2-D notch under plane strain condition Henry and Luxmoore [ 13] show that in 3-D analysis the biaxiality factor is mostly affected by the stress parallel to the crack flank Thus, the two approaches formulated in Eqs and are also valid in the three-dimensional case, and are utilized to determine the constraint effect for the specimen configuration and loading conditions Non-Coplanar Crack Propagation Orientation In many practical situations structures are subjected to a combination o f both shear and tensile/compression loading, leading to a mixed-mode fracture Three criteria are proposed for non-coplanar crack growth under mixed mode loading The first is based on the maximum principal stress by Erdogan and Sih [14] and the second on the strain energy density factor proposed by Sih [1 5] The former postulates that a crack will propagate in a direction perpendicular to the maximum principal stress The third criterion is based on the energy release rate method [ 16] It is postulated that the branch crack propagates in the direction that causes the energy release rate at a maximum, and that initiation occurs when the value o f this energy release rate reaches a critical value This postulate yields results identical to that o f the maximum principal stress theory The strain energy density criterion [ 17] states that crack growth takes place in the direction o f minimum strain energy density factor S The 3-D energy density factor can be written [ 18] as S = allK~ + a I K t K u +a22KlI +a33Km , (5) where, the stress intensity factors, K~ Kn, and Km are evaluated with singular prismatic elements and are shown in reference [5, 19], and all = ~ ~7[(3- 4v - cos 8)(1 + cos 8)], a12 = o~7[sinO(cos O - 1+ 2v)], ! a22 = l ~ [4(l-v)(1-c~176176 (6) a33 =4~- The crack growth occurs when S" =So r = l- 2v K m (7) Thus Kic can be written as KlC =~(14~P2v](axlK12+2aI2K1KII +a22K112+a33Kl112) , atO=O0 (s) Mixed Modes J-Integral Evaluation Irwin [19] shows that the stress intensity factor K and the strain energy release rate G are related For plane strain mode I, the energy release rate G~ can be written as KI2( l-v2 ) (9) Gz E and for mode II and mode III as, Ga K~12(1-v2) E , and Gilt _ K m ( l + v ) E (10) WANG ETAL ON MEASURING FRACTURE TOUGHNESS 765 For a mixed mode of fracture, the total energy release rate is written as G=G t +GI, +G m (11) For a linear elastic material, G can also be related to J-integral as J =G (12) For a 2-D mixed mode problem, Ishikawa, Kitagawa and Okamara [20] show that it is possible to decouple the J-integral into mode I and mode II components This is done by separating the stress, strain, traction, and displacement fields analytically into mode I and mode II components within a symmetric mesh region in the neighborhood of the crack tip The mode III is normal to and therefore independent of the mode I and II Based on the above observations, and if the local coordinates coincide with the principal stresses, J-integral can be written as J = J z + J z t + JlIz (13) For a linear elastic fracture mechanics problem in plane strain, Ji can be written as J, - (1-vZ)K'2 , Jll - (1-vZ)K•2 , Jm - (l+V)KmZ (14) E E E Since the J integral is an energy approach, an elaborated expression of the crack tip singular fields is not necessary This is due to the small contribution that the crack-tip field makes relative to the total J (i.e., strain energy) of the body The J-integral is calculated using the *CONTOUR INTEGRAL of ABAQUS, which is based on the domain integral method 3-D Configuration of Finite Element Model (FEM) Used in Analytical Analyses A global and two local Cartesian Coordinate systems depicted in Fig 8a are used to define the orientations of the specimen and a small imaginary cylinder centered at the spiral crack front The first local coordinate system is located at the lower end of the crack front and the second one is located at the mid-length of the crack front The X u plane of the two local coordinates is normal to the crack front Since the specimen is uniformly twisted along the entire length, it is postulated that the crack propagates in the XZ-plane toward the center axis of the specimen (see Fig 8b) Postmortem examination of fracture surfaces also supports the assumption Fracture Toughness Evaluation FEM Analysis for Mullite Specimens Material properties ofmullite and FEM used in the analysis are tabulated in Table Cursory verifications o f crack propagation orientation were done by visual inspection Results appear to support the assumptions, and the selection of the FEM seems appropriate Throughout most gage length, a uniform stress and strain fields exist in the test sample under pure torsion loading However, only a portion o f the gage length of test sample was used in FEM model Thus, with simulated boundary conditions, the stress and strain distributions under pure torsion are not entirely uniform throughout the model 766 FATIGUE AND FRACTURE MECHANICS sample, but the middle portion is reasonably uniform Since a zero axial load is maintained during torsion, the specimen is permitted to deform freely along the axis For all practical purposes, this condition can be simulated for the middle layer dements of FEM, and was used as the FEM boundary condition Crack Front Central axis of the cylinder Crack propagation orientation X~Z (a) (b) Fig (a) 3-D sketch of proposed specimen configuration The sketch indicates that X- axis of local coordinate is the crack propagation orientation at the middle of the crack front (b) 3-D sketch of fracture surface topology based on the assumption that the crack propagation orientation is perpendicular and point to the central axis of the cylinder Table Material properties and criteria used in FEM analysis Loading Condition Material Property (RoomTemp) FEM* Fracture load: 17-ram dia X 7.6-mm Flexural strength = 186 MPa, end rotation= long circular bar** E = 155 GPa, Mullite 0.000702 rad smallest mesh size = v = 0.25, p = 2800 kg/m3, Ceramic 0.0127-ram Vendor Kic = 2.2 MPa ~m, 20.3-mm dia X 7.6-ram Fracture load: Yield stress (tran.) = 500 MPa, end rotation= long circular bar Yield stress (long.) = 533 MPa A302B 0.00468 rad smallest mesh size = UTS = 682 MPa, Steel 0.254 mm E = 206.8 GPa, v = 0.30, CT Klc (TL) = 54.9 MPa ~m Boundary One end of the short bar constrained with zero displacements in X and Y axes of Condition the global coordinates, and the other end free *3-D 20-node quadratic brick element with reduced integration (3D20R) used in the FEM **0.5-mmdeep Spiral V-groove with a 45~ zero root radius The torque applied to the specimen was calculated according to the following equation, Torque e~o = ~ ( *x-R'y) RY x node i node i (15) where Rx and Re are the reaction forces at the fixed end of FEM in the X-axis and Y-axis directions, respectively, deriving from the LEFM for the fracture loading condition; x and WANG ETAL ON MEASURING FRACTURE TOUGHNESS 767 y are the x-and y-components of the distance between the node i and the center of the circular bar, respectively The finite element mesh is shown in Fig The end rotation applied to the FEM at the fracture load of 49.67 N-m was determined by iterative process using Eq 15 The rotation at the fracture load is estimated to be 0.0007 rad and the J value to be 29.38 N/m at the crack tip The 3-D FEM analysis indicated that a triaxial tensile state is maintained in front of the crack tip up to the third element from the crack tip Based on Eq 4, an evaluation of [3 along the crack flanks can be accomplished using the displacement field in the vicinity of the crack tip Results indicate [3 is positive and T-stress is positive also, indicating that the high constraint state was achieved At the fracture load, the J value at the crack tip in the mid-layer is estimated as 29.38 N/m Predicted stress intensity factors, according to Barsoum's COD formulation [5], for the comer node at the crack front of mid-layer, are listed below: Kz = 2.098MPa~m , Kzz =O.0368MPa~m , K m =O.0403MPa~m Corresponding Ji are listed below: J1=26.62 N / m , Jii=0.008 N / m , Jlu=0.013 N / m The above evaluation indicates 99.9% of the J value is contributed by mode I According to Eq 13, the estimate J value is 26.65 N/m, which differs from the evaluated J value 29.38 N/m, from the contour integral, by 9% This discrepancy may be due to the mesh dependence of COD approach, whereas J-integral value is not so sensitive to the FEM mesh, and seem to be more reliable Fig 3-D FEM mesh f o r mullite Fig 10 - D F E M m e s h f o r A B s t e e l Fracture Toughness Kic Evaluation - Since the crack propagates in the plane normal to the crack front along the X-axis of the local coordinate system, the critical angle 00 is equal to zero Substituting KI, Klb Kill and 00 = into Eqs and 7, K~c is estimated to be 2.099 M P a ~ m , which is about 4.5% lower than the vendor's data [21], 2.2 M P a ~ m 768 FATIGUEAND FRACTURE MECHANICS To determine the upper bound of Kic value, mode I fracture is assumed to be the dominant component to the J value This allows an approximate value of plane strain Kic that can be expressed as: KIC ~- E ~ ~ - ) -~ 2.205 MPa~m The approximate Kit value is - 0.2% higher than vendor's data, 2.2 MPa4~m Since 99.9% of the J value is from mode I, the estimated Klc from J-integral is more accurate compared to that of COD approach FEM Analysisfor A302B Steel The material properties of the A302B normalized steel and FEM model used in the analysis are shown in Table The fracture configuration with 2.54-mm deep spiral V-groove and 5.08-mm deep fatigue precrack was analyzed The finite element mesh is shown in Fig 10 The end rotation applied to the FEM at the fracture load of 519 N-m was determined by iterative process using Eq 15 The rotation at the fracture load is estimated to be 00468 tad, and the J-integral value to be 13.71 KN/m at the crack tip An upper bound of Ktc value is estimated from J-integral value as 55.8 MPa~m which is -1.6% higher than 54.9 MPa,~m obtained for CT specimens The CT data are obtained from the same normalized A302B research plate with Heat ID HT-D21629 SL-A323 The Kic at room temperature was evaluated with 1TCT and 1/2TCT specimens One standard deviation was estimated as 9.89 MPa{m, from a batch of about 20 specimens t22] Due to the limit experimental data of torsion testing, no uncertainty study was carried out However, the long crack front and the stringent plain strain condition will yield less uncertainty compared to conventional test methods From the uniform crack front of torsion samples seems to further support the above statement Conclusions A unique method has been developed for estimating the opening mode fracture toughness, K~c A round-bar specimen having a spiral V-groove line at 45 ~ pitch is used subjected to pure torsion Commercially available mullite ceramic and A302B steel were tested The Ks values for the materials were estimated with the aid o f a 3-D FEA program based on the fracture load and final crack length data Predicted values derived from torsion tests were compared with those obtained from CT tests, vendors, and those available in the open literature Results show that K~c values estimated from torsion tests are higher than those from vendor's data by 0.2% for mullite material and 1.6% for A302B steel Fortuitously, the CT data for the A302B in the TL orientation is comparable to the torsion data Agreement among the data obtained from three sources is remarkable, in view of possible material variation, inhomogeneity, and anisotropy, indicating the proposed method is a simple and reliable technique WANG ETAL ON MEASURING FRACTURE TOUGHNESS 769 Acknowledgments The authors gratefully acknowledge J D Landes and J G Merkle for their valuable comments on this research The research was sponsored by the Heavy Vehicle Propulsion System Materials Program, DOE Office of Transportation Technologies, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 with UT-Battelle, LLC Reference [1] Wang, J A., Liu, K C., McCabe, D E., and David, S A., "Using Torsion Bar Testing to Determine Fracture Toughness," Journal of Fatigue & Fracturefor Engineering Materials and Structures, 2000, Vol 23, 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S., 445 Bonnen, J J F., 493, 631 Brust, Frederick W., 385 L C Lam, P S., 270 Lee, Nam W., 407 Liaw, P K., 524 Lin, Chao-Pin, 598 Lin, Chih-Kuang, 598 Link, Richard E., 651 Chao, Yuh-Jin, 270 Chernenkoff, R A., 493 Chu, C.-C., 493, 631 Chung, Yong K., 407 D M Daniewicz, Steve R., 445 Deng, X., 233 Dodds, Robert H., Jr., 360 Ma, F., 233 Mansur, L K., 524 Matos, Carlos G., 360 Maxwell, David C., 476 McCabe, D E., 757 McClintock, Frank A., Meith, Wade A., 426 Mercier, Gerard P., 328 Mercier, Jeff, 209 Merkle, John G., 689 Moshier, Monty A., 129 Mull, Klaus, 147 F Fielden, D., 524 G Graham, Stephen M., 209 Guagliano, M., 161 H Hillberry, Ben M., 129 Hill, Michael R., 426 Hippert, Eduardo, Jr., 176 Huang, J G., 524 Huang, J Y., 524 N Natishan, Marjorie E., 731 Natishan, Marjorie E., 672 Newman, James, 288 Newman, John A., 617 Nicholas, Theodore, 129, 476 I Iesulauro, Erin, 715 Ingraffea, Anthony R., 573, 715 P Page, Alan G., 192 Panontin, Tina L., 426 Phoenix, S Leigh, 741 Piascik, Robert S., 617 J Jiang, L., 524 Jin, Ohchang?, 458 771 Copyright9 by ASTM lntcrnational www.astm.org 772 AUTHORINDEX U R Reuter, Walt, 288 Riddell, William T., 573 Ruggieri, Claudio, 176 S Sangirardi, M., 161 Schoenefeld, Dwight A., 557 Shatil, Giora, 192 Sick, Christian, 147 Steele, W Glenn, 445 Stephens, Ralph I., 557 Stephens, Robert R., 557 Strizak, J P., 524 Sutton, M A., 233 Underwood, John H., 101, 116 V van Der Sluys, W Alan, 689 Vergani, L., 161 Vigilante, Gregory N., 101,116 W Wagenhofer, Matthew, 672, 729 Wang, H., 524 Wang, J A., 757 Wang, Yong-Yi, 288 Wawrzynek, Paul A., 573, 717 Webster, Stephen, 73 White, Kenneth W., 510 Y T TerMaath, Stephanie C., 741 Tian, H., 524 Tregoning, Robert L., 307 Troiano, Edward, 101, 116 Yang, B., 524 Young, Bruce, 689 Z Zhu, Xian-Kui, 270 STP1417-EB/Jan 2003 Subject Index 17-4 PH stainless steel, 598 316 LN stainless steel, 524 Crack growth, 176, 510 threshold, 129 Crack growth rate, 116 uncertainty analysis, 445 Crack growth resistance, 176 Crack growth retardation, 458 Crack initiation, 57 Crack length ratio, effect on reference transition temperature, 307 Crack mouth opening displacement, 445 Crack opening displacement, 741 Crack opening stress, 493,631 Crack path, Crack propagation, 57 Crack shape, evolution, 573 Crack-tip constraint, 176 Crack-tip fields, 233, 288 Crack tip opening angle, Crack tip opening displacement, Crack tip stress, 407 Creep crack growth, 407 Critical plane, 192 Crossland theory, 192 Cyclic stress strain relationship, 493, 633 A A533 Grade B steel, 651 Aircraft fuselage structures, 233 Alumina, 510 Aluminum alloy, 192 Aluminum microstructure models, 715 API 5L X70 steel, 176 ASTM A 723, 116 ASTM E 1921, 307, 691 Asymptotic solution, 270 B Bend specimens, 426 Brittle fracture, 288 infinite plate, 741 Burst pressure, 176 C Cannon bore coatings, 101 Cannon tube, 101 Cell model predictions, 176 Ceramic materials, fracture toughness measurement, 757 Charpy specimens, precracked, 689 Cleavage, 3, 307 Cleavage fracture modeling, 360 Closure mechanisms, 619 Cohesive zone model, 717 Compact tension specimens, 445 Compressive underloads, 557 Constant maximum stress test, 493 Constant minimum stress test, 493 Constraint, 209, 288, 328 Constraint effect, 270 Continuing crack growth, Corrosion fatigue, 598 Crack arrest, 729 Crack closure, 631 Cracked round bar, 651 Crack-front field, 270 Crack front shape, 573 D Damage evolution, 147 Defects, 57 Direct current potential difference, 129 Dislocation-based model, 672 Dislocation distribution, 741 Ductile fracture, 176, 307 Ductile materials, 233 Ductile-to-brittle region, 651 Ductile-to-brittle transition, 307 Dynamic fracture toughness, 651 E Effective strain life curve, 493, 633 Eigenstrain, 360 Elastic-plastic, Elastic-plastic contact finite element analysis, 192 Elastic-plastic material, 270 Electrochemical fatigue sensor, 129 773 774 SUBJECT INDEX Electrohydraulic machine, 524 Environmental fracture, 116 Equivalent life, 633 Equivalent stress, 633 Experimental observations, 573 Explosion bulge, 209 Explosion Bulge/Explosion Crack Starter test, 209 F Fabricated metallic structures, 385 Fabrication history effects, 385 Fatigue, 524 Fatigue crack closure, 493,617, 631 Fatigue crack growth, 510, 557 Fatigue crack life, predictions, 573 Fatigue cracks initiation, 715 non-planar, 573 propagation, 445 Fatigue life, 573 Ferritic steels, 360, 672, 729 Finite element analysis, 3, 161,176, 192, 270, 328, 407, 426 Fractography, 557 Fracture, 73, 385 Fracture mechanics, 3, 129, 458 FRANCD, 573 moment frame connections, 57 surface-cracked plates, 288 Fracture path, 57 Fracture predictions, 426 Fracture process zone, 510 Fracture testing, 328 Fracture toughness, 209, 288, 689 A533B steel, 307 HSLA-65 welds, 209 measurement method, 757 SINTAP project, 73 steels in transition region, 672 undermatched welds, 328 welds, 426 Fracture toughness scaling model, 653 FRANC3D, 573 Frequency effect, 598 G Gamma factor, 328 Gas turbine blade, 147 Goodman diagram, 476 Grain boundary decohesion, 715 Griffith-Orowan equation, 672 H Haigh diagram, 476 Heat affected zone, 407 Helicopter rotor hubs, 458 Hertz analytical displacement field, 161 High cycle fatigue, 129, 476 High strength steel, 101 Hole, HSLA-65, 209 Hydrogen cracking, 101 modeling, 116 I Infrared thermal imaging, 129 Initial crack growth, Initiation fatigue approach, 493, 633 Interference fit joints, 192 J Jasper equation, 476 J-integral, 270 critical value, 426 J-R curves, 328 K K-dominance, 288 Kinked cracks, 741 L Lifetime assessment, 147 Linear elastic, Load history, 129 Load interaction effects, 458 Load ratio effect, 598 Local compression, 426 Long crack thresholds, 129 SUBJECT INDEX M Martensite packet, 458 Master curve, 209, 307, 651,672, 691, 731 Materials Procperties Council cooperative test program, 689 McDiannid theory, 192 Mean stress, 493 Metallic materials, fracture toughness measurement, 757 Micromechanics model, 360 Microstructure models, 715 Mismatch weld joints, 328 Mixed mode, 3, 233 Mixed-mode fatigue, 573 Mixed mode fracture, 757 Mode I crack extension, 176 Modeling, cleavage fracture, 360 Modified boundary layer solutions, 288 Moment-frame connections, 57 Moment resistant frames, 360 Multiaxial fatigue, 631 analysis, 192 N Neuber theory, generalized, 192 Non-linear elastic, Non-planar fatigue cracks, 573 Northridge earthquake, 57, 360 Numerical predictions, 573 O Octahedral stress parameter, 192 Overloads, 129, 458, 557, 633 P Penny-shaped crack, 161 PH13-8Mo stainless steel, 458 Pipelines, 176 Plane-strain analysis, 176 Plane stress, 233 Plastic, fully, Plastic collapse, 73 Plastic deformation, 233 Plastic eta factor, 328 775 Plasticity, 619 local, 328 Plastic zone length, 233 Plate stock, residual stresses, 385 Polycrystals, 717 Power law, Pressure vessel,hydrogen cracking, 116 Pressurized thermal shock, 729 Probabilistic risk assessment, 729 R Railway wheel, 161 R-curve, 176 Reactor pressure vessel steel, 651 Reference temperature, 209, 307, 651 Residual crack opening, 510 Residual strength assessment, 233 Residual stress, 101,360, 385, 426, 493 RKR micromechanical model, 426 Rolling contact load, 161 Roughness, 619 Round-robin program, 426 RPV steel, 524 S SAE 1045 steel, 493, 631 Scaling models, 209 Seismic loading, 57, 360 Short cracks, 328 SINTAP, 73 Size effect, 757 Slip line fracture, Small cracks, 129 growth behavior, 458 Spiral notch test, 757 Stainless steel, 458, 598 Strain hardening, 672 Strength, 73 Strength-strain criterion, 672 Stress, 57 mean, 476 singularities, 741 Stress fields, 270 constraint-corrected, 288 crack-tip, 233 776 SUBJECTINDEX Stress intensity factor ranges, 445 Stress ratio, 476 Stress relief annealed specimens, 129 Stress triaxiality, 233 Structural integrity, 73 Structural performance-based material screening, 209 Subsurface cracks, 161 Super alloy, coated, 147 Superposition, 741 Surface-cracked plates, 288 T Temper, effect on corrosion fatigue behavior, 598 Temperature effects, 557 Temperature evolution, 524 Tensile overloads, 557 Tensile properties, 672 Thermal and mechanical fatigue testing, 147 Thermal barrier coatings, 101,147 Thermal stress, 101,192 Thermography, 524 Thermomechanical fatigue loading, 147 Thermo-mechanical model, i01 Three dimensional, 270 Threshold, 129, 617 Ti-62222, 557 Ti-6A1-4V, 129, 476 Titanium alloy, 557 Torsion bar testing, 757 Toughness scaling, 209 Transient loads, 557 Transition region, 672 Transition temperature, 651 Triaxial stress, 233 Two-parameter characterization, 288 U Uncertainty analysis, 445 Underloads, 557 Undermatch welds, 328 Uniaxial crack-closure analysis, 631 V Void, von Mises' yield criterion, 631 W Wake fracture process zone, 510 Wedge, 743 Weibull modulus, 307 Weibull stress, 209, 360 Welded fracture, 360 Welded joints, 73 Welded steel moment-frame buildings, 57 Weld fabrication, 385 Weld fracture toughness, 426 Weld fusion margin, 328 Weld joint geometry, 328 Weld metal, 426 Weld mismatch, 328 Weld modeling, 385 Welds, 328, 385 X X20CrMoV 12 steel, 407 Z Zerilli-Armstrong constituitive equation, 672

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2023, 16:33