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STP 1437 Resilient Modulus Testing for Pavement Components Gary N Durham, W Allen Marr, and Willard L DeGroff, editors ASTM Stock Number: STPl437 ASTM International 100 Barr Harbor Drive PO Box C700 West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959 INTERNATIONAL Printed in the U.S.A Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data ISBN: 0-8031-3461-4 Copyright 2003 ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA All rights reserved This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent of the publisher Photocopy Rights Authorization to photocopy items for internal, personal, or educational classroom use, or the internal, personal, or educational classroom use of specific clients, is granted by ASTM International (ASTM) provided that the appropriate fee is paid to the Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923; Tel: 978-750-8400; online: http:// www.copyright.com/ Peer Review Policy Each paper published in this volume was evaluated by two peer reviewers and at least one editor The authors addressed all of the reviewers' comments to the satisfaction of both the technical editor(s) and the ASTM International Committee on Publications To make technical information available as quickly as possible, the peer-reviewed papers in this publication were prepared "camera-ready" as submitted by the authors The quality of the papers in this publication reflects not only the obvious efforts of the authors and the technical editor(s), but also the work of the peer reviewers In keeping with long-standing publication practices, ASTM International maintains the anonymity of the peer reviewers The ASTM International Committee on Publications acknowledges with appreciation their dedication and contribution of time and effort on behalf of ASTM International Printed in Ann Arbor, MI 2003 Foreword The Symposium on Resilient Modulus Testing for Pavement Components was held in Salt Lake City, Utah on 27-28 June 2002 ASTM International Committee D18 on Soil and Rock and Subcommittee D18.09 on Cyclic and Dynamic Properties of Soils served as sponsors Symposium chairmen and co-editors of this publication were Gary N Durham, Durham GeoEnterprises, Stone Mountain, Georgia; W Allen Mart, Geocomp Incorporated, Boxborough, Massachusetts; and Willard L DeGroff, Fugro South, Houston, Texas Contents vii Overview SESSION I': T H E O R Y AND D E S I G N C O N S T R A I N T S Use of Resilient Modulus Test Results in Flexible Pavement D e s i g n s NAZARIAN~ L ABDALLAH~ A M E S H K A N ! , AND L KE AASHTO T307 Background and Discussion J L GROEGER, G R RADA, AND 16 A LOPEZ Repeatability of the Resilient Modulus Test P r o c e d u r e - - R L BOUDREAU 30 I m p l e m e n t a t i o n of S t a r t u p Procedures in the L a b o r a t o r y - - J L GROEGER, A BRO, G R RADA, AND A LOPEZ SESSION 2: 41 T E S T I N G C O N S T R A I N T S AND V A R I A B L E S Resilient Modulus Variations with W a t e r C o n t e n t - - J LI AND B S QUBAIN 59 Effect of Moisture Content a n d Pore W a t e r Pressure B u i l d u p on Resilient M o d u l u s of Cohesive Soils in O h i o - - T , s BUTAUA, J HUANG, D.-G KIM, 70 AND F CROFT Design S u b g r a d e Resilient M o d u l u s for F l o r i d a S u b g r a d e Soils N BANDARA 85 AND G M ROWE SESSION 3: A S P H A L T AND A D M I X T U R E S Resilient Modulus of Soils a n d Soil-Cement M i x t u r e s - - T P TRINDADE, C A B CARVALHO, C H C SILVA, D C DE LIMA, AND P S A BARBOSA 99 Geotechnical C h a r a c t e r i z a t i o n of a Clayey Soil Stabilized with Polypropylene F i b e r Using Unconfined Compression a n d Resilient M o d u l u s Testing D a t a - - I IASBIK, D C DE LIMA, C A B CARVALHO, C H C SILVA, E MINETTE, AND P S A BARBOSA i14 S E S S I O N : E Q U I P M E N T , T E S T P R O C E D U R E S , AND Q U A L I T Y C O N T R O L ISSUES A Low-Cost High-Performance Alternative for Controlling a Servo-Ilydraulic System for Triaxial Resilient Modulus Apparatus M o BEJARANO, 129 A C HEATH, AND J T HARVEY A Fully Automated Computer Controlled Resilient Modulus Testing S y s t e m - 141 W A MARR, R H A N K O U R AND S K WERDEN A Simple Method for Determining Modulus of Base and Subgrade M a t e r i a l s - - s N A Z A R I A N , D YUAN, AND R R WILLIAMS 152 Resilient Modulus Testing Using Conventional Geotechnical Triaxial Equipment J.-M K O N R A D AND C ROBERT 165 Resilient Modulus Test-Triaxial Cell Interaction R L BOUDREAU AND J WANG 176 SESSION 5" M O D E L I N G D A T A R E D U C T I O N AND INTERPRETATION Comparison of Laboratory Resilient Modulus with Back-Calculated Elastic Moduli from Large-Scale Model Experiments and FWD Tests on G r a n u l a r Materials B F T A N Y U , W H KIM, T B EDIL, 191 AND C H BENSON Resilient Modulus Testing of Unbound Materials: LTPP's Learning Experience G R RADA, J L G R O E G E R , P N S C H M A L Z E R , AND A LOPEZ Resilient Modulus-Pavement Subgrade Design Value R L BOUDREAU 209 224 The Use of Continuous Intrusion Miniature Cone Penetration Testing in Estimating the Resilient Modulus of Cohesive Soils L MOHAMMAD, A H E R A T H , AND H H TITI Characterization of Resilient Modulus of Coarse-Grained Materials Using the Intrusion Technology H H TITI, L N MOHAMMAD,AND A HERATH 233 252 Overview Resilient Modulus indicates the stiffness of a soil under controlled confinement conditions and repeated loading The test is intended to simulate the stress conditions that occur in the base and subgrade of a pavement system Resilient Modulus has been adopted by the U.S Federal Highway Administration as the primary perlbrmance parameter for pavement design The current standards for resilient modulus testing (AASHTO T292-00 and T307-99 for soils and ASTM D 4123 for asphalt) not yield consistent and reproducible results Differences in test equipment, instrumentation, sample preparation, end conditions of the specimens, and data processing apparently have considerable effects on the value of resilient modulus obtained from the test: These problems have been the topic of many papers over the past thirty years; however, a consensus has not developed on how to improve the testing standard to overcome them These conditions prompted ASTM Subcommittee DI8 to organize and hold a symposium to examine the benefits and problems with resilient modulus testing The symposium was held June 27-28, 2002 in Salt Lake City, Utah It consisted of presentations of their findings by each author, tbllowed by question and answer sessions The symposium concluded with a roundtable discussion of the current status of the resilient modulus test and ways in which the test can be improved This A S T M Special Technical Publication presents the papers prepared for that symposium We were fortunate to receive good quality papers covering a variety of topics from test equipment to use of the results in design On the test method, Groeger, Rada, Schmalzer, and Lopez discuss the differences between A A S H T O T307-99 and Long Term Pavement Performance Protocol P46 and the reasons for those differences They recommend ways to improve the T307-99 standard Boudreau examines the repeatability of the test by testing replicated test specimens under the same conditions He obtained values with a coefficient of variation of resilient modulus less than % under these very controlled conditions Groeger, Rada, and Lopez discuss the background of test startup and quality control procedures developed in the FHWA LTPP Protocol P46 to obtain repeatable, reliable, high quality resilient modulus data Tanyu, Kim, Edil, and Benson compared laboratory tests to measure resilient modulus by AASHTO T294 with large-scale tests in a pit They measured laboratory values up to ten times higher than the field values and they attribute the differences to disparities in sample size, strain amplitudes, and boundary conditions between the two test types Rada, Groeger, Schmnalzer, and Lopez review the LTPP test program and summarize what has been learned from the last 14 years of the program with regard to test protocol, laboratory startup, and quality control procedures Considering the test equipment, Bejarano, Heath, and Harvey describe the use of off-theshelf components to build a PID controller for a servo-hyraulic system to perform the resilient modulus test Boudreau and Wang demonstrate how many details of the test cell can affect the measurement of resilient modulus Marr, Hankour, and Werden describe a fully automated computer controlled testing system for performing Resilient Modulus tests They use a PID adaptive controller to improve the quality of the test and reduce the labor required to run the test They also discuss some of the difficulties and technical details for running a Resilient Modulus test according to current test specifications Test results are considered by Li and Qubain who show the effect of water content of the soil specimens on resilient modulus for three subgrade soils Butalia, Huang, Kim, and Croft examine the effect of water content and pore water pressure buildup on the resilient modulus vii viii RESILIENT MODULUS TESTING FOR PAVEMENT COMPONENTS of unsaturated and saturated cohesive soils Bandara and Rowe develop resilient modulus relationships for typical subgrade soils used in Florida for use in design Trindale, Carvalho, Silva, de Lima, and Barbosa examine empirical relationships among CBR, unconfined compressive strength, Young's modulus, and resilient modulus for soils and soil-cement mixtures Titi, Herath, and Mohammad investigate the use of miniature cone penetration tests to get a correlation with resilient modulus for cohesive soils and describe a method to use the cone penetration results on road rehabilitation projects in Louisiana Iasbik, de Lima, Carvalho, Silva, Minette, and Barbosa examine the effect of polypropylene fibers on resilient modulus of two soils Konrad and Robert describe the results of a comprehensive laboratory investigation into the resilient modulus properties of unbound aggregate used in base courses : The importance of resilient modulus in design is addressed by Nazarian, Abdallah, Meshkani, and Ke, who demonstrate with different pavement design models the importance of the value of resilient modulus on required pavement thickness and show its importance in obtaining a reliable measurement of resilient modulus for mechanistic pavement design Nazarian, Yah, and Williams examine different pavement analysis algorithms and material models to show the effect of resilient modulus on mechanistic pavement design They show that inaccuracies in the analysis algorithms and in the testing procedures have an important effect on the design Boudreau proposes a constitutive model and iterative layered elastic methodology to interpret laboratory test results for resilient modulus as used in the AASHTO Design Guide for Pavement Structures The closing panel discussion concluded that the resilient modulus test is a valid and useful test when run properly More work must be done to standardize the test equipment, the instrumentation, the specimen preparation procedures, and the loading requirements to improve the reproducibility and reliability among laboratories Further work is also needed to clarify and quantify how to make the test more closely represent actual field conditions We thank those who prepared these papers, the reviewers who provided anonymous peer reviews, and those who participated in the symposium We hope this STP encourages more work to improve the testing standard and the value of the Resilient Modulus test Gary Durham Durham Geo-Enterprises Willard L DeGroff Fugro South W Allen Marr GEOCOMP/GeoTesting Express SESSION 1: THEORY AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS Soheil Nazarian, l Imad Abdallah, Amitis Meshkani, and Liqun Ke Use of Resilient Modulus Test Results in Flexible Pavement Design Reference: Nazarian, S., Abdallah, I., Meshkani, A., and Ke, L., "Use of Resilient Modulus Test Results in Flexible Pavement Design," Resilient Modulus Testingfor Pavement Components, ASTMSTP 1437, G N Durham, W A Mart, and W L De Groff, Eds., ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 2003 Abstract: The state of practice in designing pavements in the United States is primarily based on empirical or simple mechanistic-empirical procedures Even though a number of state and federal highway agencies perform resilient modulus tests, only few incorporate the results in the pavement design in a rational manner A concentrated national effort is on the way to develop and implement mechanistic pavement design in all states In this paper, recommendations are made in terms of the use o f the resilient modulus as a function o f the analysis algorithm selected and material models utilized These recommendations are also influenced by the sensitivity of the critical pavement responses to the material models for typical flexible pavements The inaccuracies in laboratory and field testing as well as the accuracy of the algorithms should be carefully considered to adopt a balance and reasonable design procedure Keywords: resilient modulus, pavement design, laboratory testing, base, subgrade, asphalt An ideal mechanistic pavement design process includes (1) determining pavementrelated physical constants, such as types of existing materials and environmental conditions, (2) laboratory and field testing to determine the strength and stiffness parameters and constitutive model of each layer, and (3) estimating the remaining life of the pavement using an appropriate algorithm Pavement design or evaluation algorithms can be based on one of many layer theory or finite element programs The materials can be modeled as linear or nonlinear and elastic or viscoelastic The applied load can be considered as dynamic or static No matter how sophisticated or simple the process is made, the material properties should be measured in a manner that is compatible with the Professor, Research Engineer, Center for Highway Materials Research, The University of Texas at E1 Paso, E1 Paso, TX 79968 Assistant Engineer, Flexible Pavement Branch, Texas Department of Transportation, 9500 Lake Creek Parkway, Bldg 51, Austin, TX 78717 Senior Engineer, Nichols Consulting Engineers, Chtd., 1101 Pacific Ave Ste 300, Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Copyright9 by ASTM International www.astm.org TITI ET AL ON INTRUSION TECHNOLOGY 259 State Route LA-89, New lberia - The test site is an embankment located on State Route LA-89, New Iberia The embankment consists of recycled soil-cement base (granular material), which exhibited a behavior similar to that of granular materials under repeated load triaxial test The soil is classified silty gravel (GM) according to the USCS and gravel and sand (A-l-b) according to the AASHTO soil classification system The CIMCPT system was used to conduct the cone penetration tests at each site Cone penetration tests were conducted by continuously advancing the cone into the ground at a rate of cm/sec Continuous measurements of cone tip resistance (qr and sleeve friction ~ ) were obtained As shown in Figure 4a, cone penetration tests were conducted at a certain pattem close to the borehole location from which the material samples were obtained for laboratory testing This was to ensure that the cone penetration tests represent the material tested in the laboratory Material samples were obtained from boreholes at each test site down to a depth of 2.0 m Samples were extracted, sealed, and kept in a humidity room Material sampling and cone penetration tests were carried out at the same day in order to ensure similar in-situ conditions Soil samples, under their natural moisture content and unit weight, were subjected to laboratory tests to determine the resilient modulus, physical properties, and compaction characteristics The resilient modulus test was conducted according to AASHTO T 294-94: Resilient Modulus of Unbound Granular Base/Subbase Materials and Subgrade Soils-SHRP Protocol P46 Other laboratory tests included determining the Atterberg limits of soils, moisture content, moisture content-unit weight relationships, grain size distribution, and specific gravity Laboratory Investigation Two coarse-grained materials (silty sand and sand), which are commonly used in pavement layers, were selected for laboratory investigation under controlled conditions of moisture content and unit weight These materials were collected and subjected to variety of tests to determine their properties and to establish their moisture content-unit weight relationships In order to perform cone penetration tests on these materials under controlled moisture content and unit weight, a test setup was assembled as shown in Figure 3c Each material was compacted in a 55-gallon rigid-wall metal container under three different values of moisture content and unit weight These values are (1) the dry side (below the point of optimum moisture content), (2) the point of optimum moisture content, and (3) the wet side (above the point of optimum moisture content) Each material was subjected to five miniature cone penetration tests under each moisture content and unit weight The miniature cone penetrometer was advanced into the container at a rate of 20 mm/sec in three strokes Continuous measurements of cone tip resistance (qc) and sleeve friction ~ ) were obtained The miniature cone penetration tests were conducted according to the layout shown in Figure 4b The test layout was selected to avoid the container boundary effects on the results of the miniature cone penetration test After the miniature cone penetration tests were conducted, soil samples were collected at different depths for the laboratory resilient modulus and soil property tests 260 RESILIENTMODULUS TESTING FOR PAVEMENT COMPONENTS CIMCPT1 CIMCPT5 (1) ~,.d f BHI " CIM~T3 CIMCPT2 , 1.0m I~ ~1~ set CIMIT8 ~ 1,0m k | )- CIMCPT9 | CI~CPT7 CIMCf'2 n~ C+CPT[1 CIMCPT6 CI PTI0 1.1Dm L0m 0m ) ~1~ "7" set2 set3 BHI:Borehole(sampling) CIMCPT:ContinuousIntrusionMiniatureConePenetrationTest (a): Field testing and material samplingfor the field and laboratoryinvestigation @ MCPT:Miniatureconepenetrationtest BH:materialsampling (b): Laboratorytesting and material samplingfor the laboratoryinvestigation Figure - Typical configuration for field and laboratory cone penetration tests and material sampling Analysis of Field and Laboratory Test Results Field and Laboratory Investigation The results o f the laboratory tests conducted to evaluate the physical properties o f the investigated materials are summarized in Table All materials considered are coarsegrained, which were used in highway embankments or base course pavement layers The continuous intrusion miniature cone penetration test results (set #1) on the silty sand, LA-28 site are shown in Figure 5a Inspection o f the figure shows that the tip resistance and sleeve friction profiles are consistent among the four tests in set #I and reflect similar pattern Statistical analysis was conducted to quantitatively evaluate the repeatability o f the miniature cone penetration tests Each profile was divided into thin 20-mm soil layers in which the cone penetration test parameters (qc andfs) were averaged along the 20-mm layers For each 20-mm divided layer, there are four values for qc and four values forfi The average o f these four values, the standard deviation, and the coefficient of variation were determined The average values of the coefficient of TIT/ ET AL ON INTRUSION TECHNOLOGY 261 variation for qc andfi are shown in Figure 5b The variation o f q c reflects the variability o f each material at the same test site It is not expected to have identical materials at two different locations at the same site Generally, the cone penetration test results showed good compliance and are consistent within the same group and reflected similar patterns Table - Properties of the investigated materials Property Description Passing sieve #200 (%) iClay (%) !Silt (%) Specific gravity, Gs LA-28, Simpson LA-89, New Iberia Base course 30 12 18 Base course 24 16 Material Type (Laboratory testing) Silty Sand Sand Embankment 39 30 Base course 2 Optimum watercontent (Wopt)(%) 2.68 11.4 2.69 15.2 2.67 8.1 Maximum dry unit weight, Yd (kN/m3) 18.3 17.2 16.4 SM Silty sand A-4 Sandy loam SP Poorly graded sand A-3 Fine sand Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) - P~.ASHTOSoil Classification SM Silty sand A-2-4 Silty sand GM Silty gravel with sand A-l-b Gravel and sand Figure - Results of cone penetration testing at LA-28 pavement project site 262 RESILIENTMODULUS TESTING FOR PAVEMENT COMPONENTS The results of the repeated load triaxial test on the silty sand at LA-28, Simpson, are shown in Figure The figure shows a typical variation of the resilient modulus with the bulk stress for coarse-grained materials where the resilient modulus increases with the increase of bulk stress The resilient modulus varies between 48 and 202 MPa, depending on the stress levels When the bulk stress increases, the material particles become closer to each other, which result in better interlocking and frictional characteristics 1000 1000 ~I w= I1.0% = 19.4 kN/m~ r-r: w= 16.3 % y = 17.2 kN/mj 100 100 10 10 ~ 100 1000 Bulk stress, c b (kPa) ~ 100 ' 1000 Bulk stress, c b (kPa) Figure - Results o f the repeated load triaxial test on silty sand base course layer at the State Route LA-28 project, Simpson Resilient Modulus- CPT Correlation The resilient modulus obtained from the laboratory repeated load triaxial test varies with the bulk stress Therefore, it is necessary to determine a single value of the resilient modulus from the laboratory test that corresponds to the pavement stress conditions in the field This resilient modulus values is identified as the field resilient modulus (Mrf) A procedure was developed to determine the field resilient modulus from laboratory test results as illustrated in Figure The in-situ stresses acting on an element located at a depth D under the pavement surface were determined from the unit weight of the material and the depth of the element A traffic loading corresponding to 20-kN standard single wheel loading was applied on the pavement surface The stresses induced on the material element due to the applied traffic loading were determined using a computer program for analysis of linear-elastic pavement systems called ELSYM5 (1985) The configuration of the different pavement layers considered in the elastic analysis is presented in Figure Typical values of the modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio were used in the analysis The stresses acting on the material element due to in-situ stresses and traffic loading were added These stresses are considered the highest stress levels that the pavement system will experience The levels of the bulk and confining stresses were determined and located on the graph shown in Figure Finally, the resilient modulus corresponding to the stress levels of the in-situ and traffic loadings was determined as illustrated in the TITI ET AL ON INTRUSION TECHNOLOGY 263 Figure A summary of the field and laboratory test results for the coarse-grained materials is presented in Table These results represent the resilient modulus values corresponding to the in-situ and traffic stresses Table - Summary of the laboratory and field test results on the investigated coarsegrained materials (in-situ and traffic) Test site Soil sample Depth (m) qc (MPa) f~ (MPa) w (%) (kN/m3) ~ (kPa) oa (kPa) M,f (MPa) LA-89 BH1 BH3 BH1 BH1 BH2 BH3 0.4 0.4 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.8 6.5 8.1 2.30 2.10 2.30 2.40 0.324 0.369 0.015 0.025 0.0217 0.0238 18.8 17.9 11.0 16.3 11.1 10.3 15.8 17.9 17.2 17.2 17.7 17.5 1.02 10.6 13.4 14.9 13.5 12.5 9.69 9.85 13.7 15.0 13.8 12.8 52.2 75.0 43.3 34.8 44.4 38.9 LA-28 Yd 9 O" 4" 10 a =207kPa ~ 345 kPa a -689kPa ~, = 1034kPa o - 1378 kPa Confiningstress 10 100 1000 Bulk stress, % (kPa) ~ cL~ ~r0esksNre= 689 kPa Asphalt concrete surface ( Ej ,v~) Base course (E:,vz) Embankment ( Ej,%) Subgrade (E~,%) Y" unit weight of soiI h4 / Traffic stress, o, / lnsim stress, ~ r = h i I1~ ~ Confining insitu stress Figure - Lateral traffic stress % Determination of the field resilient modulus value under in-situ and traffic stresses 264 RESILIENTMODULUS TESTING FOR PAVEMENT COMPONENTS In order to establish a correlation between the cone penetration test parameters and the resilient modulus, the variables that affect the results of both the cone penetration test and resilient modulus were identified The tip resistance (qc), sleeve friction ~), and resilient modulus (Mr) are affected by the material type (fine-grained, coarse-grained), unit weight (g), moisture content (w), and the stress level (a) Therefore, any proposed model should consider the effects of these variables on the resilient modulus The variables presented in Table were used in the analysis to correlate the resilient modulus and the cone penetration test parameters Statistical analyses (multiple regression) were performed using the Statistical Analysis System (SAS) program Forward selection, backward elimination, all possible regression, and stepwise procedures were used to select the variables in these correlations The following relationship was developed based on the statistical analysis: 0.55 M r = 18.95q< or3 Crb ~_0.41tr0.55 Yd Wyw (2) where Mr is the resilient modulus (MPa), or3 is the confining stress (kPa), trl is the vertical stress (kPa), qc is the tip resistance (MPa), w is the water content, ya is the dry unit weight (kN/m3), ywiS the unit weight of water (kN/m3), and cro is the bulk stress (kPa) For this model, the coefficient of multiple determination, R 2= 0.99 and root mean squared error, RMSE=l.25 The model presented in Equation does not include the sleeve friction ~) Models that includefi were attempted and disregarded due to their low value o f R and high RMSE Laboratory Investigation The results of the field and laboratory investigation were used to develop a correlation for predicting the resilient modulus of coarse-grained materials from the cone penetration test parameters and basic soil properties The laboratory investigation intended to investigate the effects of the unit weight and moisture content of the material on the predicted resilient modulus In addition, it will provide data required to validate the proposed model Analysis was conducted on the results of the laboratory miniature cone penetration tests on the investigated materials under controlled conditions of moisture content and unit weight Figure shows the cone penetration test profiles for the sand under three different conditions of moisture content and unit weight The coarse-grained materials showed higher qc values for the samples prepared at the optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit weight This is expected since the material possesses a higher strength under these conditions and therefore higher resistance to penetration The samples on the wet side of the moisture content-unit weight curve showed the lowest qc values The strength of these materials decreases with the increase of the moisture content and the decrease of the unit weight It is evident that the tip resistance was influenced by the moisture content and the unit weight Statistical analysis (described earlier) was also 265 TITI ET AL ON INTRUSION TECHNOLOGY conducted to evaluate the repeatability o f the miniature cone penetration tests The average coefficient o f variation for q~ ranges from to 16 for coarse-grained materials The cone penetration test profiles showed good compliance and are consistent within the same group and reflected similar patterns The results o f the repeated load triaxial test on the materials under controlled conditions o f moisture content and unit weight are presented in Table Inspection of Table indicates that the materials with optimum moisture content and maximum dry unit weight exhibited the highest values of the resilient modulus The results o f the repeated load triaxial tests on the sand under controlled conditions o f moisture content and unit weight are shown in Figure The variation o f the moisture content of the sand (from to 11 percent) slightly affected the resilient modulus This is due to effect o f other factors on the resilient modulus o f coarse-grained materials such as stress levels (confinement), particle shape, and particle size L~y=6 (excluded) ~ ~ 0.1 25 11, Layer Wet side w= 11.0% Yd= 15.7 kN/m f ~ ~y~, s Optimum w=8.1% yj = I6.4 kN/m ~ 0.250 s ~ in ~ 0.750 Layers l I I, I , I , I 10 15 20 10 15 20 qr (MPa) I qc (MPa) 20 qc (MPa) Figure - Results o f the miniature cone penetration tests conducted on sand under controlled conditions of moisture content and unit weight 1000 1000 ~'1 'i Dry side w = 5.0 %, Yd = 16.1 kN/m ~ 100 1000 ~tim~m K 1%" Yd = 16"4 kN/m3 , 100 100 a =207kPa ae=345 kPa a =SS9kPa el= 1034 kPa Confining st~s 10 [ I I I I I I I 100 10 1000 Bulk stress, c b (kPa) tI 1O0 I 4] Wet side w = I1.0 %, yd= 15.7 kN/m _-_- ~ e = 137 ~ kPa I I i i I i 1000 Bulk stress, ~b (kPa) 10 ] I t i t i i i 100 1000 Bulk stress, a b (kPa) Figure - Results of the repeated load triaxial test on sand under controlled conditions of moisture content and unit weight 266 RESILIENT MODULUS TESTING FOR PAVEMENT COMPONENTS Table - Silty sand Sand Resilient modulus test results for coarse-grained materials under controlled moisture content and unit weight o~ (kPa) 21 21 21 34 34 34 69 69 69 103 103 103 138 138 138 21 21 21 34 34 34 69 69 69 103 103 103 138 138 138 crd (kPa) 21 41 62 34 69 103 69 138 207 69 103 207 103 138 276 21 41 62 34 69 103 69 138 207 69 103 207 103 138 276 M, (MPa) dry side 58.94 60.51 64.27 78.03 80.81 82.37 121.33 126.62 126.45 155.98 157.93 164.00 187.01 189.94 191.98 75.51 75.97 76.71 105.00 106.00 107.15 172.58 171.05 165.74 220.66 225.22 220.71 257.80 262.22 252.64 COV (%) 4.1 3.2 4.6 2.9 3.0 4.6 3.3 4.3 3.0 3.1 2.0 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.8 2.2 2.1 2.3 2.0 2.1 1.9 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.9 0.8 1.1 Mr (MPa) optimum 56.25 56.82 57.39 76.98 77.62 78.39 110.21 111.23 113.71 135.29 136.35 137.40 165.13 167.21 167.90 79.17 79.79 80.49 107.68 108.39 110.00 174.07 174.76 171.34 234.07 237.06 234.30 271.46 276.17 271.56 COV (%) 5.3 5.6 9.0 4.3 3.6 4.6 2.8 3.6 3.2 2.4 2.5 3.4 2.0 1.7 2.8 3.1 4.2 3.8 3.0 3.2 2.3 1.4 1.8 1.3 1.9 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 0.9 Mr (MPa) wet side 33.94 34.80 35.42 60.82 61.92 63.27 103.52 104.70 105.12 146.27 148.48 151.41 180.67 182.84 184.16 42.92 43.74 45.04 70.20 70.75 72.06 143.99 144.17 146.58 213.99 217.50 214.19 251.97 255.39 246.28 COV (%) 9.5 7.2 4.7 4.2 4.2 5.0 2.5 2.8 3.1 1.7 2.3 1.7 1.7 2.3 1.9 7.6 3.0 3.3 3.7 5.5 4.6 2.7 2.7 1.5 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.0 Verification of the Proposed Model Equation presented a m o d e l p r o p o s e d for predicting the resilient m o d u l u s o f coarsegrained materials using the cone penetration test parameters and basic soil properties This m o d e l was d e v e l o p e d using statistical analysis on field and laboratory test results o f materials under its natural conditions It is necessary to validate the m o d e l b y predicting the resilient m o d u l u s o f materials that were not used to develop the model Therefore, the m o d e l was used to predict the resilient modulus o f the coarse-grained materials used in the laboratory investigation C o m p a r i s o n o f predicted and m e a s u r e d resilient m o d u l u s values are depicted in Figure lOa Inspection o f Figure 10a s h o w s the agreement o f the predicted and m e a s u r e d resilient m o d u l u s values In order to quantify the deviation o f the predicted resilient m o d u l u s from the m e a s u r e d values, the absolute relative error was TITI ET AL ON INTRUSION TECHNOLOGY 267 determined and depicted in Figure 10b The model presented in Equation predicted the resilient modulus o f coarse-grained materials and is considered a step forward in the direction of in-situ characterization o f pavement materials 100 , [ v I ' f " I ' - ~: 6o 40 ~lk LA28 9D' O A LA89 Controlled test-sand Controlled-silty sand * 2O coarse-grained , I 20 ~ I 40 Predicted J I r 60 I 80 , / I00 M, (MPa) (a) Comparison of predicted and measured Mr (b) Absolute relative error in predicting the measured resilient modulus Figure 10 - Validation of the proposed model Conclusions This paper investigated the applicability o f the cone penetration test in determining the resilient modulus of coarse-grained materials Cone penetration tests were conducted at two pavement project sites in Louisiana Materials samples were obtained and subjected to laboratory tests including the repeated load triaxial test and other tests for material characterization Analysis was conducted on the test results, which were used to develop a model for predicting the resilient modulus o f coarse-grained materials using the cone penetration test parameters and basic soil properties An additional laboratory investigation was conducted on coarse-gained materials prepared under controlled conditions of moisture content and unit weight The results o f the laboratory tests were utilized to investigate the effect o f moisture content and unit 268 RESILIENTMODULUS TESTING FOR PAVEMENT COMPONENTS weight on the cone penetration test parameters and resilient modulus The results were also used to verify the model developed for predicting the resilient modulus The predicted resilient modulus values were consistent with those obtained using the repeated load triaxial test This study demonstrated the applicability of cone penetration test in predicting the resilient modulus of coarse-grained materials Acknowledgments This research project is financially supported by the U.S Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration/Priority Technology Program (USDOT FHWA/PTP) Contract No DTFH71-97-PTP-LA-14, the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) State Project No 736-99-0773, and the Louisiana Transportation Research Center Project No 98-8GT The effort of William T Tierney, Research Specialist and Amar Raghavendra, Research Associate/LTRC is acknowledged Mark Morvant, Geotechnical and Pavement Administrator/LTRC, efforts and cooperation during the field and laboratory testing programs is gratefully appreciated Paul Brady, Melba Bounds, and Kenneth Johnson, LTRC Geotechnical Laboratory helped in conducting various soil tests References AASHTO, 1993, Guidefor Design of Pavement Structures, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, Washington D.C Allen, D L., 1989, "Mr Testing in Kentucky," Workshop on Resilient Modulus Testing, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR Badu-Tweneboah, K., Manzione, C W., Ruth, B E.; and Miley, W.G., 1989, "Prediction of Flexible Pavement Layer Moduli from Dynaflect and FWD Deflections." 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