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(Đồ án hcmute) khảo sát loại enzyme và điều kiện xử lý enzyme để tạo hạt nano tinh bột từ tinh bột hạt bơ

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BỘ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH ĐỒ ÁN TỐT NGHIỆP NGÀNH CÔNG NGHỆ THỰC PHẨM KHẢO SÁT LOẠI ENZYME VÀ ĐIỀU KIỆN XỬ LÝ ENZYME ĐỂ TẠO HẠT NANO TINH BỘT TỪ TINH BỘT HẠT BƠ GVHD: TS VŨ TRẦN KHÁNH LINH SVTH: NGUYỄN ĐÌNH TỒN SKL008454 Tp Hồ Chí Minh, tháng 12/2021 n TRƯỜNG ĐẠI HỌC SƯ PHẠM KỸ THUẬT THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH KHOA CƠNG NGHỆ HĨA HỌC VÀ THỰC PHẨM BỘ MƠN CƠNG NGHỆ THỰC PHẨM KHÓA LUẬN TỐT NGHIỆP MÃ SỐ: 2021-16116217 KHẢO SÁT LOẠI ENZYME VÀ ĐIỀU KIỆN XỬ LÝ ENZYME ĐỂ TẠO HẠT NANO TINH BỘT TỪ TINH BỘT HẠT BƠ GVHD: TS VŨ TRẦN KHÁNH LINH SVTH: NGUYỄN ĐÌNH TỒN MSSV: 16116217 THÀNH PHỐ HỒ CHÍ MINH – 12/2021 i n ii n LỜI CẢM ƠN Lời đầu tiên, em xin gửi lời cám ơn chân thành sâu sắc đến cô Vũ Trần Khánh Linh, giảng viên Khoa Công nghệ Hóa học và Thực phẩm Lê Ngọc Liễu, giảng viên trường Đại học Quốc tế - Đại học Quốc gia Tp Hồ Chí Minh tận tình bảo, hướng dẫn, truyền đạt kinh nghiệm, kiến thức chuyên môn kỹ cần thiết để em thực thí nghiệm cách hiệu và khoa học Để hoàn thành quá trình nghiên cứu và hoàn thiện luận văn, lời đầu tiên em xin chân thành cảm ơn sâu sắc đến quý thầy cô môn Công Nghệ Thực Phẩm, khoa Cơng Nghệ Hóa Thực Phẩm, trường Đại học Sư Phạm Kỹ Thuật Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh tạo điều kiện sở, vật chất cho học tập và nghiên cứu trường Cảm ơn thầy cô nhiệt tình giảng dạy, truyền đạt kiến thức tảng cho em suốt năm học qua Sau em xin cảm ơn gia đình, bạn bè động viên, giúp đỡ em suốt thời gian qua Vì kiến thức và kinh nghiệm cịn hạn hẹp nên bài luận văn khơng tránh khỏi thiếu sót Kính mong nhận góp ý từ q Thầy/ Cơ để đề tài em hoàn thiện Xin chân thành cảm ơn! TP.HCM, ngày 17 tháng 12 năm 2021 iii n LỜI CAM ĐOAN Tôi xin cam đoan toàn nội dung trình bày khóa luận tốt nghiệp tơi thực Tôi xin cam đoan các nội dung tham khảo khóa luận tốt nghiệp trích dẫn xác và đầy đủ theo qui định Ngày 17 tháng 12 năm 2021 Ký tên iv n v n vi n vii n viii n ix n Glucoamylase + Pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean Gpa-30 337.17461 38.25701 22.0877 Gpa-60 375.09681 50.92647 29.40241 Gpa-180 175.65977 65.2267 37.65865 GPb-30 244.44224 12.5429 7.24164 GPb-60 208.17087 13.12598 7.57829 GPb-180 196.78413 14.18068 8.18722 GPc-30 226.62014 20.52032 11.84741 GPc-60 132.48056 20.49193 11.83102 GPc-180 123.06165 11.85121 6.8423 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Model 173863.60827 21732.95103 Error 18 19647.57494 1091.53194 Total 26 193511.18322 19.9105 Prob>F 1.89291E-7 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.89847 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.14724 33.03834 Data Mean 224.38787 Tukey Test Mean Groups Gpa-60 375.09681 A Gpa-30 337.17461 A B GPb-30 244.44224 B GPc-30 226.62014 C D GPb-60 208.17087 C D E GPb-180 196.78413 C D E Gpa-180 175.65977 C D E GPc-60 132.48056 D E GPc-180 123.06165 C E Means that not share a letter are significantly different 56 n Sulfuric acid + pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean AP50-30 422.43261 65.46053 37.79365 AP50-60 443.64861 38.64758 22.31319 AP50-180 443.12691 23.50978 13.57338 AP100-30 400.56667 34.00593 19.63333 AP100-60 545.10658 4.39267 2.53611 AP100-180 331.9512 33.72166 19.46921 AP200-30 377.39148 27.87126 16.09148 AP200-60 366.18772 37.72611 21.78118 AP200-180 229.63648 21.46757 12.3943 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 181368.08591 22671.01074 Error 18 22610.39557 1256.13309 Total 26 203978.48148 F Value 18.04826 Prob>F 4.05668E-7 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.88915 Coeff Var 0.0896 Root MSE Data Mean 35.44197 395.56092 Tukey Test Mean AP100-60 Groups 545.10658 A AP50-60 443.64861 B AP50-180 443.12691 B AP50-30 422.43261 B C AP100-30 400.56667 B C AP200-30 377.39148 B C AP200-60 366.18772 B C AP100-180 331.9512 AP200-180 229.63648 C D Means that not share a letter are significantly different 57 n Phụ lục 2: Kết phân tích ANOVA hiệu suất thu hồi nano tinh bột Glucoamylase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean G50-30 Standard Deviation SE of Mean 7.6617 0.60095 0.34696 G50-60 8.86057 0.69996 0.40412 G50-180 10.98697 0.72374 0.41785 G100-30 8.23338 0.61124 0.3529 G100-60 10.0479 0.57582 0.33245 G100-180 12.08692 0.55563 0.32079 G200-30 8.77638 0.36363 0.20994 G200-60 11.29652 0.81486 0.47046 G200-180 14.25168 1.17731 0.67972 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Model 107.80425 13.47553 Error 18 9.1421 0.50789 Total 26 116.94635 26.53214 Prob>F 1.92745E-8 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.92183 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.06956 Data Mean 0.71267 10.24467 Tukey Test Mean Groups G200-180 14.25168 A G100-180 12.08692 B G200-60 11.29652 B C G50-180 10.98697 B C G100-60 10.0479 G50-60 8.86057 D E G200-30 8.77638 D E G100-30 8.23338 D E G50-30 7.6617 C D E Means that not share a letter are significantly different 58 n Pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean P50-30 70.5489 1.61281 0.93116 P50-60 74.53633 4.12753 2.38303 P50-180 76.16543 0.99086 0.57207 P100-30 74.90723 2.53852 1.46561 P100-60 77.27023 2.60085 1.5016 P100-180 80.14927 0.99706 0.57565 P200-30 79.0674 0.24082 0.13904 P200-60 81.63027 2.41531 1.39448 P200-180 83.14643 0.42447 0.24507 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 372.22019 46.52752 Error 18 81.78789 4.54377 Total 26 454.00807 F Value 10.23985 Prob>F 2.58867E-5 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.81985 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.02751 Data Mean 2.13161 77.49128 Tukey Test Mean Groups P200-180 83.14643 A P200-60 81.63027 A B P100-180 80.14927 A B C P200-30 79.0674 A B C P100-60 77.27023 A B C P50-180 76.16543 B C D P100-30 74.90723 C D P50-60 74.53633 C D P50-30 70.5489 D Means that not share a letter are significantly different 59 n Glucoamylase + Pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean GPa-30 72.6376 2.18989 1.26434 GPa-60 67.49953 1.53394 0.88562 GPa-180 77.66283 0.50803 0.29331 GPb-30 73.7698 3.853 2.22453 GPb-60 76.61297 5.41941 3.1289 GPb-180 74.34367 5.19786 3.00098 GPc-30 67.63157 3.19479 1.84451 GPc-60 78.7749 0.52463 0.3029 GPc-180 81.98017 4.3517 2.51246 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 566.65478 70.83185 Error 18 216.11853 12.00658 Total 26 782.77331 F Value 5.89942 Prob>F 8.73376E-4 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square Coeff Var 0.72391 Root MSE 0.04648 3.46505 Data Mean 74.54589 Tukey Test Mean Groups GPc-180 81.98017 A GPc-60 78.7749 A GPa-180 77.66283 A GPb-60 76.61297 A B GPb-180 74.34367 A B GPb-30 73.7698 A B 72.6376 A B GPa-30 GPc-30 67.63157 B GPa-60 67.49953 B Means that not share a letter are significantly different 60 n Sulfuric acid + Pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean AP50-30 53.5667 4.41999 2.55188 AP50-60 55.65007 4.01253 2.31664 AP50-180 64.24967 4.41714 2.55023 AP100-30 54.91703 4.37091 2.52355 AP100-60 51.1772 4.49537 2.5954 AP100-180 66.21263 2.98868 1.72552 AP200-30 61.85337 3.03809 1.75404 AP200-60 67.6149 2.14492 1.23837 AP200-180 74.5575 4.9038 2.83121 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Model 1449.95249 181.24406 Error 18 282.54239 15.6968 Total 26 1732.49488 11.54656 Prob>F 1.11612E-5 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.83692 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.06486 Data Mean 3.96192 61.08879 Tukey Test Mean AP200-180 Groups 74.5575 A AP200-60 67.6149 A B AP100-180 66.21263 A B C AP50-180 64.24967 A B C D AP200-30 61.85337 B C D E AP50-60 55.65007 C D E AP100-30 54.91703 C D E AP50-30 53.5667 D E AP100-60 51.1772 E Means that not share a letter are significantly different 61 n Phụ lục 3: Kết phân tích ANOVA khả hòa tan nước lạnh (CWS) Glucoamylase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean G50-30 39.47667 1.60954 0.92927 G50-60 47.24333 0.32036 0.18496 G50-180 49.08667 0.38812 0.22408 G100-30 41.54 0.67735 0.39107 G100-60 46.43667 1.12322 0.64849 G100-180 46.23 0.78861 0.4553 G200-30 46.44 1.61688 0.93351 G200-60 50.6 1.21569 0.70188 G200-180 53.05667 0.84002 0.48499 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 422.29373 52.78672 Error 18 19.96813 1.10934 Total 26 442.26187 F Value 47.58386 Prob>F 1.51468E-10 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.95485 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.02256 Data Mean 1.05325 46.67889 Tukey Test Mean G200-180 G200-60 Groups 53.05667 A 50.6 A B G50-180 49.08667 B C G50-60 47.24333 C G200-30 46.44 C G100-60 46.43667 C G100-180 46.23 C G100-30 41.54 D G50-30 39.47667 D Means that not share a letter are significantly different 62 n Pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean P50-30 28.24333 1.35356 0.78148 P50-60 31.24667 0.97161 0.56096 P50-180 35.14667 1.89801 1.09582 P100-30 29.42333 1.46224 0.84422 P100-60 33.30333 1.94644 1.12378 P100-180 44.55 1.15754 0.66831 P200-30 43.41333 2.18852 1.26354 P200-60 47.82333 0.69974 0.40399 P200-180 58.83667 0.86633 0.50018 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 2509.04756 313.63095 Error 18 39.35013 2.18612 Total 26 2548.3977 F Value Prob>F 143.46475 1.0527E-14 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.98456 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.03781 Data Mean 1.47855 39.10963 Tukey Test Mean P200-180 Groups 58.83667 A P200-60 47.82333 B P100-180 44.55 B P200-30 43.41333 P50-180 35.14667 D P100-60 33.30333 D E P50-60 31.24667 D E F P100-30 29.42333 E F P50-30 28.24333 C C F Means that not share a letter are significantly different 63 n Glucoamylase + pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean GPa-30 32.69 2.6714 1.54234 GPa-60 28.71667 0.76173 0.43979 GPa-180 51.17 1.39728 0.80672 GPb-30 41.77333 1.33275 0.76947 GPb-60 46.04 2.64172 1.5252 GPb-180 48.15 0.88504 0.51098 GPc-30 43.44 0.49427 0.28537 GPc-60 50.06667 0.86379 0.49871 GPc-180 52.15667 1.81707 1.04908 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 1627.61403 203.45175 Error 18 46.99887 2.61105 Total 26 1674.6129 F Value 77.91957 Prob>F 2.20118E-12 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.97193 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.03689 Data Mean 1.61587 43.80037 Tukey Test Mean GPc-180 Groups 52.15667 A GPa-180 51.17 A GPc-60 50.06667 A B GPb-180 48.15 A B GPb-60 46.04 B GPc-30 43.44 C GPb-30 41.77333 C GPa-30 32.69 D GPa-60 28.71667 D C Means that not share a letter are significantly different 64 n Sulfuric acid + pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean AP50-30 24.35 1.31053 0.75664 AP50-60 22.95 0.82614 0.47697 AP50-180 23.31333 0.54721 0.31593 AP100-30 27.42333 0.60699 0.35044 AP100-60 18.34333 1.1767 0.67937 AP100-180 33.91333 0.67211 0.38804 AP200-30 27.30667 0.88794 0.51265 AP200-60 29.27 0.25239 0.14572 AP200-180 52.00667 0.79002 0.45612 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Model 2287.50145 285.93768 Error 18 12.761 0.70894 Total 26 2300.26245 403.32876 Prob>F 1.07862E-18 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.99445 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.02927 Data Mean 0.84199 28.76407 Tukey Test Mean Groups AP200-180 52.00667 A AP100-180 33.91333 AP200-60 29.27 C AP100-30 27.42333 C AP200-30 27.30667 C AP50-30 24.35 D AP50-180 23.31333 D AP50-60 22.95 D AP100-60 18.34333 B E Means that not share a letter are significantly different 65 n Phụ lục 4: Kết phân tích ANOVA khả hịa tan nước nóng (HWS) Glucoamylase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean G50-30 44.24667 1.93066 1.11466 G50-60 53.29 1.02211 0.59011 G50-180 52.96667 2.19247 1.26582 G100-30 46.79333 2.03304 1.17377 G100-60 50.85 1.57772 0.9109 G100-180 50.73333 1.30822 0.7553 G200-30 53.49667 1.9951 1.15187 G200-60 55.7 2.86425 1.65367 G200-180 58.16 2.23242 1.28889 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 438.83752 54.85469 Error 18 70.16193 3.89789 Total 26 508.99945 F Value 14.07294 Prob>F 2.6581E-6 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.86216 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.03811 Data Mean 1.97431 51.80407 Tukey Test Mean G200-180 Groups 58.16 A G200-60 55.7 A B G200-30 53.49667 A B G50-60 53.29 A B G50-180 52.96667 A B G100-60 50.85 B C G100-180 50.73333 B C G100-30 46.79333 G50-30 44.24667 C D D Means that not share a letter are significantly different 66 n Pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean P50-30 33.57667 2.20546 1.27332 P50-60 36.05333 0.95102 0.54907 P50-180 41.2 2.85081 1.64591 P100-30 34.49333 2.98801 1.72513 P100-60 38.82667 0.62931 0.36333 P100-180 50.85333 0.7859 0.45374 P200-30 49.8 1.87008 1.07969 P200-60 53.28 1.85777 1.07258 P200-180 63.79667 1.69827 0.9805 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 2554.7054 319.33818 Error 18 67.3402 3.74112 Total 26 2622.0456 F Value 85.35893 Prob>F 9.9694E-13 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.97432 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.04332 Data Mean 1.9342 44.65333 Tukey Test Mean P200-180 Groups 63.79667 A P200-60 53.28 B P100-180 50.85333 B P200-30 49.8 B P50-180 41.2 C P100-60 38.82667 C D P50-60 36.05333 C D P100-30 34.49333 D P50-30 33.57667 D Means that not share a letter are significantly different 67 n Glucoamylase + pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean GPa-30 40.25667 2.31141 1.3345 GPa-60 33.71667 2.39275 1.38145 GPa-180 56.56333 1.9928 1.15054 GPb-30 47.30667 0.87592 0.50571 GPb-60 51.21667 2.34046 1.35126 GPb-180 52.97333 1.5273 0.88178 GPc-30 48.26667 1.34124 0.77437 GPc-60 55.94 1.8378 1.06105 GPc-180 57.61 2.75316 1.58954 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square Model 1538.18853 192.27357 Error 18 72.74607 4.04145 Total 26 1610.9346 F Value 47.57541 Prob>F 1.51696E-10 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.95484 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.04076 Data Mean 2.01034 49.31667 Tukey Test Mean Groups GPc-180 57.61 A GPa-180 56.56333 A B GPc-60 55.94 A B GPb-180 52.97333 A B C GPb-60 51.21667 B C GPc-30 48.26667 C GPb-30 47.30667 C GPa-30 40.25667 GPa-60 33.71667 D E Means that not share a letter are significantly different 68 n Sulfuric acid + pullulanase Descriptive Statistics N Analysis N Missing Mean Standard Deviation SE of Mean AP50-30 29.04 1.43147 0.82646 AP50-60 29.16333 1.15984 0.66964 AP50-180 29.02333 1.19872 0.69208 AP100-30 33.58667 0.994 0.57389 AP100-60 23.82667 0.80749 0.4662 AP100-180 36.89 0.34511 0.19925 AP200-30 33.94333 0.82282 0.47506 AP200-60 35.74333 0.32501 0.18765 AP200-180 56.08333 1.1443 0.66066 Overall ANOVA DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Value Model 2025.9302 253.24127 Error 18 17.36507 0.96473 Total 26 2043.29527 262.50075 Prob>F 4.97196E-17 Null Hypothesis: The means of all levels are equal Alternative Hypothesis: The means of one or more levels are different At the 0.05 level, the population means are significantly different Fit Statistics R-Square 0.9915 Coeff Var Root MSE 0.02877 Data Mean 0.9822 34.14444 Tukey Test Mean AP200-180 Groups 56.08333 A AP100-180 36.89 B AP200-60 35.74333 B AP200-30 33.94333 C AP100-30 33.58667 C AP50-60 29.16333 D AP50-30 29.04 D AP50-180 29.02333 D AP100-60 23.82667 C E Means that not share a letter are significantly different 69 n S n K L 0

Ngày đăng: 09/04/2023, 16:51