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P enguin Books Ltd, 80 Strand, London WC2R 0R L Penguin Putnam, Inc., 375 Hudson Street, NY 10014, US A Penguin Group (Australia), 250 Camberwell Road, Camberwell, V ictoria 3124 , Australia Pen g uin Books Canada Ltd, 10 Alcorn Avenue, Toronto, O ntario , C anada M4V 1E 4 Pen g uin G roup ( New Zealand ) , C nr Rosedale and Airborne Roads, Alban y , Auckland, New Zealand T ypeset in Bembo and Helvetica to an ori g inal desi g n by Henry Iles . P rinted in Italy by Le g oPrint S .p. A N o part of this book ma y be reproduced in an y form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passa g es in reviews . © Lexus Ltd 200 6 2 7 2 pp. B ritish Library C ataloguing in Publication Dat a A catalogue for this book is available from the British Library . IS BN 13 : 9 7 8 -1- 8 4 353 - 6 2 8 -4 1 0 : 1- 8 4 353 - 628 - 5 T he p ublishers and authors have done their best to ensure the a ccuracy and currency of all information in The Rough Guide Spanis h P h rase b oo k h owever, t h ey can accept no responsi b i l ity for a ny l oss or inconvenience sustaine d b y any rea d er using t h e b oo k . O nline information about Rou g h Guides can be found at our website www.roughguides.com 13/02/2006 14:08:19 1 3 /0 3 CO NTENT S I ntr oduc ti o n 5 Basic Ph r ases 8 S cenario s 13 E nglish - Spanish 3 1 Spanish - E ng li s h 1 2 5 Me n u Reade r Food . 203 Drink 227 H ow t h e L anguage W or ks P r o n u n cia t ion 235 Abbreviation s 2 35 N ou n s 236 A rt icles 23 7 Ad j ective s and Adverb s 2 38 Possess iv e Pr o n ou n s 2 4 3 Pe r so n al P r o n ou n s 244 D emonstrative s 247 Ve r bs 2 4 8 Q uestions 261 D ates 2 6 1 D ay s 262 Mo nt hs 26 2 Tim e 2 62 N u m be r s 263 C onversio n Tables 266 RG New SPANISH Section 1.indd 3 dd dd 3 13/02/2006 14:08:20 1 3 /0 5 Introduction T h e Roug h Gui d e Spanis h p h rase b oo k is a h ig hl y practi - c a l intro d uction to t h e contemporary l anguage. Lai d out i n c l ear A-Z sty l e, it uses k ey-wor d referencing to l ea d you s trai g ht to the words and p hrases y ou want – so if y ou need t o book a room, j ust look u p ‘room’. The Rou g h Guide g ets s trai g ht to the p oint in ever y situation, in bars and sho p s, on t rains and buses , and in hotels and banks. T h e main part of t h e Roug h Gui d e is a d ou bl e d ictionary: E ng l is h -Spanis h t h en Spanis h -Eng l is h . Before t h at, t h ere’s a s ection ca ll e d Basic P h rase s an d to get you invo l ve d in two- w ay communication, t h e Roug h Gui d e inc l u d es, in t h is new ed ition, a set of Scenar io d ia l ogues i ll ustrating questions an d r es p onses in ke y situations such as rentin g a car and askin g d ir ect i o n s. Y ou ca n h ea r t h ese a n d t h e n dow nl oad t h e m fr ee f r o m www.rou g h g uides.com/ p hraseboo k s for use on y our c om p uter or MP3 p la y er. F ormin g t h e h eart of t h e g ui d e, t h e En gl is h -S p anis h sec - t ion gives easy-to-use trans l iterations of t h e Spanis h wor d s wh erever pronunciation mig h t b e a pro bl em. T h roug h out t h is s ection, cross-references ena bl e you to pinpoint k ey facts an d ph rases, w h i l e asteris k e d wor d s in d icate w h ere furt h er infor - mat i o n ca n be f ou n d in a sect i o n at t h e e n d o f t h e boo k ca ll ed H ow the Lan g ua g e Works . Thi s sect i o n sets out t h e f u n da - m ental rules of the lan g ua g e, with p lent y of p ractical exam - p les. You’ll also find here other essentials like numbers, dates, t elling the time and basic phrases. In the S panish-English d ictionary, we’ve given you not just t h e p h rases you’ ll b e l i k e l y t o h ear ( starting wit h a se l ection of s l ang an d co ll oquia l isms ) b ut a l so many of t h e signs, l a b e l s, instructions an d ot h er b asic w or d s you may come across in print or in pu bl ic p l aces. Near the back of the book too the Rou g h Guide offers an e x te n s i ve Menu R eade r . Consistin g of food and drink sec - t ions ( each startin g with a list of essential terms ) , it’s indis p en - s able whether y ou’re eatin g out, sto pp in g for a q uick drink, or b rowsing t h roug h a l oca l foo d mar k et. ¡b ue n vi a j e ! have a good trip! BASICS N Introduction RG New SPANISH Section 1.indd 5 dd dd 5 5 13/02/2006 14:08:20 1 3 /0 Basic Phrases RG New SPANISH Section 1.indd 7 dd dd 7 7 8 Basic Phrases yes sí n o no OK vale [ b a l a y ] h e ll o ¡hola! [ o la ] g oo d morn i n g buenos días [ bw a y n os s ] g ood e vening buenas tardes [ b w e n a ss t a r dess ] g oo d n i g ht buenas noches [ n o chess ] g oodb ye adiós [ a d- y o ss ] hi! ( hello ) ¡hola! [ o la ] see y ou! ¡hasta luego! [asta lway go ] pl eas e por favor [ f a b o r ] thanks , th a nk y ou gracias [ gr a th- y ass] t h at ’s O K , d on ’ t m ent i o n it no hay de qué [ ī d ay k ay] yes p leas e sí, por favor no tha n ks no gracias h ow are y ou ? ¿cómo estás? I ’ m fine , th a nk s bien, gracias [b-yen gr a th- y as s ] pl ease d t o meet yo u encantado de conocerle [ d ay k onot h a i rl a y ] e x cuse me ( t o get pas t ) con perm iso ( t o get attentio n ) ¡por favor! [ fab o r ] ( t o sa y sorr y ) perdone [ p air d o nay ] BASIC PHRASES 13/02/2006 14:08:20 1 3 /0 [...]... semáforo [a la eethk-yairda en el segoondo semaforo] left at the second traffic lights Īa la vuelta de la esquina Ī luego es la primera calle a la derecha [a la bwelta day la eskeena] [lwaygo ess la preemaira ka-yay a la dairaycha] around the corner then it’s the first street on the right a la derecha [a la dairaycha] on the right allí [a-yee] over there atrás [atrass] back calle [ka-yay] street 18 cerca... analgésicos la farmacia recetar las aftas [theesteeteess] [denteesta] [d-yarray-a] [maydeeko] [ospeetal] [enfairmo] [medeetheena] [analHayseekoss] [farmath-ya] [rethaytar] [aftass] www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks 21 Scenarios 10 Language difficulties a few words interpreter to translate unas palabras el intérprete traducir [oonass palabrass] [eentairpraytay] [tradootheer] Spanish le han rechazado la tarjeta... meet you www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks 23 Scenarios 12 Post offices Spanish airmail post card post office stamp correo aéreo la postal correos el sello what time does the post office close? Ī ¿a qué hora cierra Correos? [a kay ora th-yaira korray-oss] [korray-o a-airay-o] [postal] [korray-oss] [say-yo] a las cinco entre semana Ĩ [a lass theenko entray semana] five o’clock weekdays is the post office... entrada] pick them up at the entrance how much is it to get in? Ī ¿cuánto cuesta entrar? [kwanto kwesta entrar] are there reductions for groups of 6? Ī ¿hay descuentos para grupos de seis? [ ī deskwentos para grooposs day say-eess] that was really impressive! Ī ¡ha estado genial! [a estado Hen-yal] www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks 27 Scenarios 16 Trains to change trains platform return Spanish single... el museo abierto [galairree-a day artay] [beesseeta en owtobooss] [ [thentro] [ [thairrado] [gee-a] [moossay-o] [ab-yairto] Spanish art gallery bus tour city centre closed guide museum open Scenarios 15 Sightseeing I’m interested in seeing the old town Ī quisiera ver el casco antiguo [keess-yaira bair el kasko anteegwo] are there guided tours? Ī ¿hay visitas guiadas? [ ī beeseetass gee-adass] lo siento,... after todo recto más allá [todo rekto] straight [mass a-ya] ahead further pasado el… [passado el…] past the a la izquierda [a la eethkyairda] on the left download these scenarios as MP3s from: el accidente la ambulancia el cónsul la embajada los bomberos la policía [aktheedentay] [amboolanth-ya] [konsool] [embaHada] [bombaiross] [poleethee-a] help! Ī ¡socorro! [sokorro] can you help me? Ī ¿puede ayudarme?... mobeel] www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks 17 Scenarios 6 Directions hi, I’m looking for Calle Real Ī hola, estoy buscando la Calle Real [ola estoy booskando la ka-yay ray-al] Spanish lo siento, nunca he oído hablar de ella Ĩ [lo s-yento noonka ay oeedo ablar day ay-ya] sorry, never heard of it hi, can you tell me where Calle Real is? Ī hola, ¿puede decirme dónde está la Calle Real? [ola pwayday detheermay... quedo [balay may la kaydo] when do I have to check out? Ī ¿cuándo tengo que salir? [kwando tengo kay saleer] is there anywhere I can leave luggage? Ī ¿puedo dejar el equipaje en algún sitio? [pwaydo dayHar el ekeepaHay en algoon seet-yo] www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks 15 Scenarios 4 Car hire Spanish automatic full tank manual rented car automático depósito lleno manual el coche alquilado ¿para cuánto... was your meal? Ī ¿algo más? [algo mass] anything else? www.roughguides.com/phrasebooks excellent, very nice! ¡estaba estupenda! ¡muy buena! Ĩ [estaba estoopaynda mwee bwayna] just the bill thanks sólo la cuenta, gracias Ĩ [solo la kwenta grath-yass] 25 Scenarios 14 Shopping ¿en qué puedo servirle? Ĩ [en kay pwaydo sairbeerlay] can I help you? Spanish can I just have a look around? Ī ¿puedo echar sólo... en ayssa kaHa] you drop them in that box 16 download these scenarios as MP3s from: ADSL modem el modem ADSL at dial-up modem is there an Internet café around here? Ī ¿hay por aquí un cibercafé? [ī por akee oon theebairkafay] can I send email from here? Ī ¿puedo enviar emails desde aquí? [pwaydo emb-yar emailss desday akee] where’s the at sign on the keyboard? Ī ¿dónde está la arroba en el teclado? . 14:25:44 1 3 0 /0 0 Scenarios Spanish 17 w ww.roughguides.com /phrasebook s 5 . Communication s i s there an Internet caf é around here? Ī ¿hay por aquí un cibercafé? [ī por a k ee oon theebairkafa y ] c an. Rou g h Guides can be found at our website www.roughguides.com 13/02/2006 14:08:19 1 3 /0 3 CO NTENT S I ntr oduc ti o n 5 Basic Ph r ases 8 S cenario s 13 E nglish - Spanish 3 1 Spanish . THE R OUG H G UIDE S PANISH PHRASEBOOK C om p iled b y L E X US www.roughguides.com 2 Cdi C re di t s C om p iled b y Lexus with Fernando Léon Solís Lexus Series E d itor: Sa lly Davies Rough