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Whilst every care has been taken in researching and compiling the medical information in this book, it is in no way intended to replace or supersede professional medical advice. Neither the author nor the publisher may be held responsible for any action, claim, loss or injury howsoever resulting from the use of this book or any information contained in it. Readers must obtain their own professional medical advice before relying on or otherwise making use of the medical information contained in this book. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission from the publisher except for the quotation of brief passages in reviews. © Lloyd Bradley, 2009 384 pages; includes index A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 13: 978-1-84836-004-4 1 3 5 7 9 8 6 4 2 Credits men's health book 1.indb 2 11/9/08 14:53:00 by Lloyd Bradley Men’s Health men's health book 1.indb 3 11/9/08 14:53:01 Acknowledgements The author would like to thank the following, without whom this book would not have been possible: all at Fit4Life Media and RunCity; Derek Yates, Lois Wilson, Pat Gilbert, Jo Kendall, Sarah Bentley, Christopher Lewis and Jason Freeman; Gideon, Sarah, Sarah, Lili and Sandra aka The Rough Guide to Men’s Health’s panel of experts; Eua Baker, Russell Fairbrother, Pete Muir and Steve Perrine; Ruth Tidball, Andrew Lockett and Peter Buckley; Joel Chernin and Nina Sharman; Simon Kanter, Paul Simpson and Mark Ellingham; Diana, George & Elissa Bradley. About the author Lloyd Bradley has been classically trained as a chef, is a regular marathon runner and was formerly Health & Fitness editor at GQ magazine and Consultant Editor at Men’s Health and Runner’s World magazines. He is also the author of The Rough Guide to Running. Picture credits All illustrations and graphics supplied by DK Images; except pp. 39, 47, 59, 79, 127 and 326 drawn and supplied by Derek Yates All still life photography supplied by RunCity Images; except pp. 41 and 221 supplied by DK Images All other photography supplied by RunCity Images; except pp. 29, 40, 45, 51 and 157 supplied by DK Images Cover credits: front cover image courtesy of; back cover image courtesy of Hein van den Heuvel/zefa/Corbis; inside cover image courtesy of The Gallery Collection/Corbis. men's health book 1.indb 4 11/9/08 14:53:01 5 Why worry? 8 An introduction Meet the panel 11 The Rough Guide to Men’s Health resident experts PART 1: WHATEVER, WHENEVER, WHEREVER 1. In the kitchen & on the run 16 What to eat, when to eat it 2. At night 38 How to get a good night’s sleep 3. In the mirror 58 Make the most of the man looking back at you 4. In the middle 78 Dealing with weighty matters 5. In the guts 100 Why digestive health is the key to everything else Contents men's health book 1.indb 5 11/9/08 14:53:01 6 Contents 6. At work 114 Getting ahead without getting stressed 7. In the bedroom 140 Get more sex; get more out of it 8. In the gym 158 What working out will do for you 9. On the town 182 How to prepare for, and survive, a night on the lash 10. In the head 208 What goes on in the old grey matter 11. In a relationship 226 How to make it the most natural and satisfying situation 12. On holiday 240 Staying fit and healthy while away from home 13. In later life 262 Life doesn’t simply begin at forty, it gets progressively better men's health book 1.indb 6 11/9/08 14:53:01 7 Contents PART 2: FIT FOR LIFE 14. A man for all seasons 276 Get the most out of life, decade by decade 15. Looking after Number One 288 The art of going to the doctor 16. Improve your performance 302 Put what you’ve learned into practise PART 3: REFERENCE 17. How bad could it be? 314 Pretty much everything the modern man is likely to encounter 18. What’s the problem? 348 Diagnose yourself by looking up your symptoms For your information 360 Books, magazines, organizations and websites Index 372 men's health book 1.indb 7 11/9/08 14:53:02 8 Welcome to The Rough Guide to Men’s Health You are holding in your hands a book that aims to get you fitter and healthier and improve your performance in just about every area of your life. A book that doesn’t assume there’s necessarily anything wrong with you in the first place, just that, unless you’re a professional athlete with a team of psychiatrists and a relationship counsellor with a 24-hour call-out service, everything about you could function considerably better if it all had a bit of a tune-up. Most people could eat better; most people could improve the efficiency of their exercise regime; most people would like to make their relationship run smoother; would like to do better at work; would like better sex; firm up the old midriff; enjoy their holidays to the absolute max; and so on. Which is where we come in: to help you get that bit more out of whatever situations you are probably quite happy with at the moment. Also, to start from the standpoint that there could be nothing criminally unhealthy in your lifestyle at the moment allows us to add to your life rather than take away. Too many health books – notably men’s health books – devote so much energy to telling you what you shouldn’t be doing, they immediately alienate potential readers. Here at the Rough Guide to Men’s Health, we’re fairly Why worry? Why indeed? You’ve done alright so far. But wouldn’t you like to do better? In truth, it’s not really a matter of worry, more a case of having concerns. While it would be daft to assume this twenty-first century lifestyle is going to kill us all, it would be equally misguided to think we can live to our fullest potential without putting a bit of effort into how we do it. And if you’ve got as far as picking this book up and opening it you are probably almost as aware of this as we are. Become calmer and more in tune with yourself in everyday situations men's health book 1.indb 8 11/9/08 14:53:04 9 Why worry? certain we know what it is you get up to and, provided it’s in moderation, there’s not a great deal of point in us telling you to stop it – cigarette smoking, cocaine, heroin and unprotected sex are about all we draw an unequivocal line through. The idea here is to carry on enjoying yourself, but do so from a standpoint of being able to handle it as you do, and recover quickly afterwards. We want you to live forever, rather than die in the attempt. How it all works The Rough Guide to Men’s Health won’t be coming at you like a medical dictionary or targeting specific areas of your body and trying to scare you with all that could go wrong with them. Our approach is we look at the various areas of your life, then look at how they could be maximized, made easier or just kept safe. The first section, Whatever, Whenever, Wherever, deals exactly with those situations in a series of chapters with titles like, “At work”, “On holiday”, “In the bedroom”, “In the kitchen”, “In later life”, then discusses how your maximum health and fitness would improve each aspect of them and help you avoid problems up ahead. The chapter will then explain how to achieve this optimum state. But it does so in a combination of running text, quick tips and bite-sized information panels, allowing you to take something away from each page regardless of how much time you may be able to give it at that moment. And because we know that you’ll retain this knowledge better if you understand the theories behind it, we don’t neglect the background science and medical-type diagrams, but we do our best to keep them separate from the rest of the book. Section two is Fit For Life, which takes a longer term and less lifestyle-specific view of your health and fitness. One chapter, “A man for all seasons”, takes you through life decade by decade, letting you know what you may have to look forward to – pros as well as cons – and how you can continue to live the best life you can whatever it might Be stronger, tter and better balanced men's health book 1.indb 9 11/9/08 14:53:06 [...]... villi – that line the small intestine’s internal walls allowing them to pass through into the bloodstream Once in the bloodstream they are delivered to the liver which stores, processes and controls their release into the system, once again via the 1 Food taken in through mouth bloodstream, to whatever organ requires them The liver also regulates the flow of sugar into 3 Further the bloodstream and... and, as the water is removed, the water-soluble B (all except B12) and C vitamins are absorbed into the system They are not taken to the liver, but directly to the tissues or organs in which they will be utilized This means the body has no storage capability for these vitamins and they need to be taken every day 17 1 In the kitchen & on the run Portions or servings? In the UK, according to the Food... efficiently The iron, calcium and folic acid content of the food is transferred into the bloodstream through the duodenum walls, but the majority of nutrient absorption takes place further down the intestinal tract at the very end of the duodenum and in the second section of the small intestine, the jejunum down in stomach 4 Nutrients are extracted and moved to the liver via the bloodstream 6 From the liver... rest of the book, drink more water and look humour of the most eminently qualified forward to a fitter, healthier and livelier life The best brains Lloyd Bradley (London, 2008) 10 Meet the panel The Rough Guide to Men’s Health panel of experts advised on much of the book and contribute directly with their words of wisdom in the Expert advice boxes and the larger grey quote boxes throughout the text... advice the book has already given you, as that is the only way you are going to get the best out of your life The final section, Reference, pretty much does what it says on the tin The main part of it is a straightforward guide to common complaints, how to spot them, what to do and how to prevent them coming back It also carries Panel of Experts One of London’s top a symptoms grid chart that allows you to. .. another chapter, “Looking after Number One”, Get the most out of the simple question posed is, your relationship Why do so many men leave it so late before going to the doctor? We detail how to get round all those excuses and then how to make sure you get the best out of it when you get there While the final chapter in that section, “Improve your performance”, is devoted to getting the best out of the. .. glycogen to be stored in the liver or the muscles or burned immediately for energy (see p.20) In the third section of the small intestine, the ileum, the digestion process started in the previous sections will be completed, and any vitamin B12 will be absorbed Also, any excess bile will be taken back into the system and taken to the liver for reprocessing What is left then passes into the large intestine,... of what they are, and how Sarah Schenker and Dr Sandra Scott, so let’s to find out more about them give them a nice big round of applause as we meet them individually (see opposite) and find out why the Rough Guide to Men’s Health has so much oestrogen on its Panel Of course I couldn’t have done too much of Experts of this by myself, and I had the support, Then when you’ve done that, enjoy the advice,... it and affecting the temperature controls Also the hot food will warm up whatever else is in there Cover everything not in use Either in the fridge or on the work surface, as you never know what might be in the air in your kitchen Store raw meat, fish and poultry at the bottom of the fridge It will be cooler down there and will also remove the possibility of blood dripping on to any other foods Wash... to heat it to a point at which the centre is warm enough for bacteria to multiply but not hot enough to kill them Make sure frozen food is fully thawed before you start cooking If it isn’t this could interfere with the time it takes to cook and it may not get done all the way through Don’t put hot food in the fridge It will cause the fridge to work too hard to maintain the correct internal temperature, . RunningVcY]^h eVcZad[ZmeZgihegdk^YZi]Zjai^bViZbZcÉh]ZVai]adlYdlc dc]dlidbV`Zi]Zbdhid[ndjga^[Zl^i]i]ZWdYnndj]VkZ# lll#gdj]j^YZh#Xdb Men's _Health_ pub_cover.indd 1 11/9/08 15:08:11 Men’s Health men's health book 1.indb 1 11/9/08 14:53:00 The Rough Guide to Men’s Health Editors:. going to the doctor? We detail how to get round all those excuses and then how to make sure you get the best out of it when you get there. While the