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Tiêu chuẩn iso 07574 2 1985 scan

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0 I n tern ati on al Stan d ard INTERNATIONAL ORGANI ZATION Acou sti cs veri fyi n g - STANDARDIZATI ON*MEMI YHAPOnHAR Stati sti cal stated eq u i pm en t Part FOR n oi se OPrAHH3AUHR fl0 CTAH~APTH3AUMH ORGANlSATlON m eth od s em i ssi on (@ 14g B for 7574/2 INTERNATI ONALE d eterm i n i n g val u es of DE NORMALSATI ON an d m ach i n ery an d - : Meth od s for stated val u es for i n d i vi d u al m ach i n es Acoustique - M&hodes stetistiques pour Ia dbtermination et Ie contr&le des valeurs dbclarbes d’bmission acoustique des machines et kquipements - Partie : Mkthodes pour valeurs d&lar&es de machines individuelles Fi rst iG U DC edi tion - 985-1 2-1 534 835 45 : 51 24 Ref N o ISO 7574/2-1 985 (EI F2 - Descri ptors : acou sti cs, m ach i n ery, n oi se kou n d ), stati sti cal q u al i ty trol , stati sti cal an al ysi s ? R v, Pri ce based on pages Foreword ISO (the international Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies) The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take par-t in the work Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting International Standard ISO 7574/2 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its latest edition unless otherwise stated International Organkation for Standardkation, Printed in Switzerland 985 l I N TERN ATI ONAL STAN DARD - Acou sti cs veri fyi n g Part Stati sti cal stated eq u i pm en t 2: I SO m eth od s n oi se em i ssi on for val u es M eth od s for stated val u es I SO for 3744, noise A g en eral in i n trod u cti on I SO th e val u e” a pu rposes Stan d s l abel , th e tract of for al l u pper val u e) for m eth od s to th i s th e fou r-part part ki n d s of of I SO stated n oi se limit wh i ch th e d escri bed stati sti cal n atu re Poi n ts are rel evan t cl au se 5) seri es of I SO 7574 is over a 7574, val u es set by an m eth od s th e (e g term i n form ati o n au th ori ty, m ay “ l abel l ed be th e Scope part l abel l ed on l y in in a m n l y each of an d of I SO val u es m ach i n ery th i s part of restri cted wh en i ts n oi se on appl i ed I SO sen se esti m ati n g n oi se em i ssi on i tem Th i s of I SO of i ts th e d oes val u e i s, 7574 are of Stati sti cal th e val u e of K (s ec I SO It not d eal Si tu ati on in i n d i vi d u al l y-l abel l ed al so speci fi es em i ssi on wi th is n ot th e d eterm i n i n g i ts l abel l ed wi th fi rm ed th e th e i n d i vi d u al l y-l abel l ed Referen ces I SO 3741 , Acoustics sources reverberation - - Determination Precision I SO sources 3743, test - - methods a of wh i ch val u e m eth od an conditions of - Determination Precision of soundpower methods for anechoic levels and of semi- Acoustics - - Determination Survey of soundpower levels of method 4871, Acoustics - Noise labelling of machinery and 75741 , I SO Acoustics verifying stated - 75741 4, Part 1: stated - Part Statistical emission General Acoustics verifying equipment - noise - values for stated determining machinery and methods emission Methods for of considerations Statistical noise 4: methods values for of and definitions determining machinery values and for batches of machines for i n d i vi d u al val u e seq u en ces as veri fi ed for of soundpower for sources - Determination Precision Acoustics sources rooms levels for free-field th at Defi n i ti ons a Si n g l e broad-band levels of sources in levels of th e pu rposes I SO 75741 of th i s part of I SO 7574, th e d efi n i ti on s g i ven appl y G en eral rooms Acoustics narrow-band noise of soundpower plane - sources Wh en noise methods rooms 3746, and For 3742, Determination equipment in I SO m ach i n es a vi ew- m ach i n e noise - Engineering Acoustics sources equipment for of in o wn n oi se eq u i pm en t 7574 stated th at h as of g u i d el i n es em i ssi on s q u ah ti ty com pl i an ce i f th e - reflecting anechoic I SO appl i cati on provi d es th e prod u ced or part 7574 of eq u i pm en t, m ach i n e en su e fi el d of an d m ach i n e veri fyi n g an d ag reed I SO Th i s Acoustics 3745, noise and m ach i n ery i n d i vi d u al sources noise Th e an d 7574/1 I SO For of (EI - I n trodu cti on g i ven d eterm i n i n g 7! 574/2-1 985 in - methods of soundpower for reverberation Determination Engineering methods discrete-frequency and rooms th e val u e, l abel l ed em i ssi on of soundpower for special ch ecki n g l abel l ed levels of reverberation N OTE al l - com pl i an ce th i s part val u e val u e of of of I SO i n d i cates th e a m ach i n e 7574 th e m ach i n e limit appropri ate test wi l l be faci l i ti es i ts th e i n d i vi d u al l y- pri n ci pl e wh i ch th e th at n oi se l i es perform ed an d on bel ow I n th e appl i cati on o f th i s part o f I SO m easu rem en ts wi th works trai n ed by 7574, a testi n g i t i s assu m ed th at l aboratory wh i ch h as staff ISO 7574/1 -1 965 IE) Guidelines for the determination labelled value, L, , by the labeller of the As the determination of the labelled value is the sole responsibility of the labeller, this clause is given for guidance only The measured value (or the mean of several measured values) for the individual machine is designated L” and shall be determined in accordance with the specific measurement test code for the specific family of machines (The asterisk in the Symbol is used here to differentiate between measurements in conformity with this clause and those in conformity with clause 6.) NOTES If such a specific measurement test code does not exist, the methods specified in ISO 3741, ISO 3742, ISO 3743, ISO 3744 and ISO 37451) may be used if the instaliation and operating conditions typical for normal use are clearly stated or agreed If the specific measurement test code for the family of machines provides more than one mode of Operation in normal use, the mode Vielding the highest value of L” or the mode agreed upon in the relevant machinery industry or in the contract should be used to determine L.c The instailation and operating conditions and the measurement test code used should be clearly stated The labelled value, L,, for the machine may be determined by L, > L* + K The value of K in the above equation shall be Chosen to account for the random measurement errors occurring under reproducibility conditions (sec 3.1 of ISO 75741 1) An appropriate value may be determined by multiplying the Standard deviation of reproducibility, oR, by the quantile, upa, for the desired probability of acceptance, P,, from table in ISO 7574/4 A value of K = dB is appropriate in many cases = ,645 for P, = 95 %; oR = ,8 dB) and is given for guidance NOTE - If the stated value is only relevant for one contract, for example, and is (according to this contract) to be verified in the testing laboratory/test site of the labeller, K may be Chosen by the labeller to account only for the variability of the measurement values under repeatability conditions (sec 3.16 in ISO 7574/1) If it is to be verified in a different taboratory, the variability of measurement values under reproducibility conditions has to be taken into account when determining K Experience gained in the past with similar machines and with different testing laboratories/test sites will usually be helpful when determining K Verifying the labelled value for an individual machine Compliance is checked with a measurement made in accordante with the specific measurement test code for the specific family of machines or, if no such code exists, in accordance with ISO 3741 , ISO 3742, ISO 3743, ISO 3744 or ISO 3745 (sec footnote to clause 51 , using the same installation and operating conditions as specified in clause The measured value L, obtained in accordance with the test Code, and which shall not be rounded, is compared with the labelled value L, The rules governing the decision shall be as follows: if L < L,, the labelled value is confirmed as verified for the Single machine; if L > L, , the labelled value is not confirmed as verified for the Single machine Information to be given The specific measurement test code for the specific family of machines, or, if no such code exists, ISO 3741 , ISO 3742, ISO 3743, ISO 3744 or ISO 3745, and the installation and operating conditions used shall be stated NOTE - For the purposes of this part of ISO 7574, it is not usually necessary to draw up a special noise labelling code for the specific family of machines (sec ISO 4871 and ISO 7574/4) ) This does not preclude the use of other International Standards, e.g ISO 3746, which may form the basis of the special measurement test Code

Ngày đăng: 05/04/2023, 14:30