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Môn dịch tổng hợp HA NOI OPEN UNIVERSITY Centre For E learning ASSIGNMENT ON TRANSLATION ECONOMY Supervisor NGUYEN THE HOA MA Student TRINH MINH VIET Date of birth November 16h,1984 Group Course F114C EN48 050 Ho Chi.

HA NOI OPEN UNIVERSITY Centre For E-learning ASSIGNMENT ON TRANSLATION ECONOMY Supervisor NGUYEN THE HOA.MA Student TRINH MINH VIET Date of birth November 16'h,1984 Group F114C Course EN48.050 Ho Chi Minh, 2021 DECLARATION Title: TRANSLATION IN ENTERTAINMENT My declaration is that this assignment is written all by myself under strict monitering from my supervisor Hà Nội, 25'h August, 2022 Student Supervisor Sfgnature Sfgnature TRINH MINH VIET NGUYEN THE HOA ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to sincerely thank Mr Nguyen The Hoa for guiding me through the necessary materials for this report Ha Noi, August 2021 Trinh Minh Viet TABLE OF CONTENTS PART A: INTRODUCTION Rational About organization Introduction About company PART B DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: DEFINITION CHAPTER 2: THE TRANSLATED TEXTS I II The translated texts of two articles (From English into Vietnamese) The translated texts of two articles (From Vietnamese into English) 17 CHAPTER COMMENT ON TRANSLATION 24 I Text 1: The effects of the 4th industrial revolution on the garment manufacturing industry .24 II Text 2: Viet Nam's garment exports down in the first two months in 2020 .25 III Text 3: Thuc trang phát triên ngãnh Det may Viet Nam 26 IV Text 4: Viet Nam huóng den xây dung ngành det may ben vüng 28 PART C: CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 30 REFERENCES 31 PART A: INTRODUCTION Rational The textile and garment industry in recent years has made positive progress, the average growth rate of the textile industry's industrial production index in the period 2012-2020 reached 11.8%/year (years with high growth rate) The high growth rate of over 10% is: in 2013 it increased by 21%; in 2014 it increased by 19.7%; in 2015 it increased by 14%; in 2016 it increased by 16.9%; in 2018 it increased by 12.5% and in 2019 it increased by 10.9% ) Some garment brands are confirmed in domestic and foreign markets such as: Garment 10, Viet Tien Garment, Dong Xuan Knitting, Thai Tuan brocade, An Phuoc shirt These brands are not only standing firmly in the market domestic market, but also help Vietnam's textile and garment industry to establish a name in foreign markets In 2020, the textile, footwear, handbag, and apparel manufacturing industries are the industries that are most negatively affected and prolonged by the Covid-19 epidemic Textile industry IIP decreased by 0.5%; Apparel manufacturing industry decreased by 4.9% due to the Covid-19 pandemic disrupting the supply of raw materials, narrowing the consumption market for garment products, the demand for textile products dropped sharply as consumers across the world The world is only interested in essential supplies and epidemic prevention Although the epidemic increases the demand for protective products and medical masks (both domestic and foreign), the textile and garment industry needs to find a way to survive and develop in accordance with the new context Therefore, in this paper I am going to work on the topic of “Translation in Economy - The textile and garment industry in Vietnam” About organization Introduction Full name: Faculty of International Affairs - Nguyen Trai University Address: No 28A Le Trong Tan, Ha Dong, Hanoi Grow English Center Chairman of the Board of Directors of Nguyen Trai University: Dr Nguyen Tien Luan Hotline: 0981924302 Email: daihocnguyentrai@gmail.com Website: daihocnguyentrai.edu.vn About university: Since its establishment under Decision No 183/QD-TTg dated February 5, 2008 of the Prime Minister, the school has been constantly innovating, bringing generations of students of Nguyen Trai University the quality of each student teaching and learning hours Nguyen Trai University is proud to be the place to realize the dreams of teachers and students; moreover, we are proud to be the school that has helped thousands of students learn to change their minds, cultivate and nurture ambitions to become global citizens, future leaders, successful entrepreneurs, good experts and enhance the beautiful values of students Nguyen Trai University is also proud to be an international-style learning environment, and is the school that is invested with the most modern teaching and learning equipment today at 21storey Building 266 Doi Can - Ba Dinh district, the center of Hanoi capital In order to continue to improve the quality and expand the training disciplines, we have worked with 150 leading universities in 20 countries such as the US, UK, Australia, Germany, France, Japan, Korea to transfer the technology technology training under the model of onsite study abroad, granting international degrees in Vietnam Bachelor, Master, and Doctoral degrees; Academic exchange, scientific research, lecturers, students We are always proud of not only excellent students, passionate about learning and having a team of highly qualified lecturers, many lecturers are PhDs and Masters, who have been studying in countries with advanced education advance in the world To develop practical skills, application skills, simulation skills, special solution skills, proficiency in one or two foreign languages, life skills to confidently realize dreams, ambitions and aspirations to business student wealth Nguyen Trai University has close links with business associations and international organizations which are favorable conditions for students in the process of internship and employment after graduation PART B: DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 1: DEFINITION A Concepts of Economy: Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services Economics focuses on the behavior and interactions of economic agents and how economies work Microeconomics analyzes basic elements in the economy, including individual agents and markets, their interactions, and the outcomes of interactions Individual agents may include, for example, households, firms, buyers, and sellers Macroeconomics analyzes the entire economy (meaning aggregated production, consumption, saving, and investment) and issues affecting it, including unemployment of resources (labor, capital, and land), inflation, economic growth, and the public policies that address these issues (monetary, fiscal, and other policies) See glossary of economics The economy of Vietnam is a socialist-oriented market economy, which is the 44th- largest in the world as measured by nominal gross domestic product (GDP) and 32nd- largest in the world as measured by purchasing power parity (PPP) Vietnam is a member of Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, Association of Southeast Asian Nations and the World Trade Organization In recent years, Vietnam's textile and garment industry has continuously developed positively, achieving export growth next year higher than the previous year In the first months of 2019, textile and apparel export turnover reached US $ 18 billion, up 8.61% compared to the same period in 2018 Despite high growth, but before the developments of global trade are much potential risks, which require the Textile industry to have coping solutions Vietnam's textile and garment industry is facing new difficulties and challenges, namely: US-China trade tensions affecting the exchange rate between currencies and processed goods prices in Vietnam are higher than some countries in the region, affecting export orders, especially for textiles The consumption of fibers and raw materials faces many difficulties because the main export market, China, is reducing imports CHAPTER 2: THE TRANSLATED TEXTS I The translated texts of two articles (From English into Vietnamese) Article 1: The effects of the 4th industrial revolution on the garment manufacturing industry translated text The effects of the 4th industrial revolution on the garment manufacturing industry (Tác dong cúa cuoc cách mąng cóng nghiep Ian ther doi vái ngành sán xuat hàng may mac) The 4th accompanying Industrial with the Revolution Cuoc cách mang công nghiep lan thú di tempestuous kèm vói su phát triên vupt biac cùa công development of information technology and nghe thông tin vă Internet së tao the Internet will create such crucial nhïing loi the quan trpng Do dó, múc thu advantages Hence, the income level has nhap dã duoc nâng cao Dong thòi, tiêu been enhanced Simultaneously, the masses’ chuân song cùa nguòi dan cúng trò nên living standard becomes higher with cao hon moi ngày chi phí san phãm every passing day because of the lower dich vu thap hon Hon nüa, công viec products and services’ costs Moreover, the duoc don giàn hóa de dàng hon Vì works are simplified and easier So, with the vay, vói nhđng tác dong cùa nen cơng effects of new technology, how will the nghe mói, ngành sàn xuat hăng may miac garment së bi ành huõng nhu the manufacturing industry be affected? nào? Nowadays, the development of industry 4.0 Ngày nay, sq phát triên cùa công nghe 4.0 technologies is promoting the appearance of dang xúc tien su dòi cua nhïing thiet bi smart equipment in our daily life It can thông minh cuoc song hàng ngày cua be safe to say that robots have become Có thê nói mot cách chac chan quite familiar with humans and are rang robot dã trò nên quen thuoc vói gradually replacing people to work in nguòi dang dan thay the nguòi factories A lot of simple operations with dê làm viec nhà máy Rat nhieu repeated manipulations have been thao tác don giàn vói thao tác leap di leap superseded by machines It leads to the ląi dã duqc thay the bang máy móc Dieu risk of increasing unemployment, especially for the garment dân dên nguy cø thàt nghiep gia tăng, manufacturing industry in particular d}ac biet doi vói ngành sàn xuat hàng may mąc However, technological modifications will Tuy nhièn, sq cai tien cóng nghe së mang bring various benefits to consumers lai nhieu lqi ích khác cho ngi tiêu Machines can take place of human physical dùng Máy móc có the thay the súc mąnh strength to carry out heavy or dangerous thê chat cho nguòi dè thqc hien works Soon, in the future, industry 4.0 công viec hoiac nguy hiêm Trong technologies will be able to replace 85% tuong lai, công nghe công nghiep 4.0 së of Vietnam's garment human resources có thê thay the 85% nguon nhân luc cùa Labor will be in charge of controlling ngành may miac Viet Nam Lao dong së machinery in the garment factories chiu trách nhiem kiêm sốt máy móc nhà máy may miac Opportunities Cir hoi Industry 4.0 is considered to be a measure Công nghiep 4.0 duoc coi mot giãi to meet human demands The different steps pháp dê dáp úng nhu cau cùa ngi in the manufacturing process will be Các bc khác quy trình sàn executed synchronously and create xuât së duoc thqc hien dong bo tao homogeneous products High-end garment sàn phâm dong nhat Cong ty may company have to specify all missions in miac cao cap phài ghi rõ tat cà nhiem the production line Thence, commodities vu dây chuyen sàn xuat Tù dó, will be produced in a high-quality hàng hóa së duqc sàn xuat dieu condition and avoid kien chat mang cao defective products tránh san phăm bi loi In many ways, these improvements are Xét theo nhieu phuong diên, nhüng căi tien beneficial for the garment manufacturing có lii cho ngành sàn xuat hàng may industry Applying innovative technologies miac Áp dung cac công nghe tién tien does not only makes shopping more không chi làm cho viec mua sam tro nên enjoyable but also increases production thú vi hon mà tăng hieu quà sàn xuat efficiency and reduces costs Many garment giàm chi phí Nhieu nhà máy may së bat factories will immediately catch up with the kip xu huóng de dáp ùng moi nhu cau cùa trend to satisfy all users' needs In contrast, nguòi dùng Nguoc lai, thuong hieu fashion brands will meet the predilections thòi trang së dáp úng nhu cau cùa nguòi of consumers right away Therefore, the tiêu dùng lap túc Do dó, so lupng number of stock-in-trade products will sàn phăm ton kho së giãm dang kê decrease tremendously Thách thirc Challenges Besides the advantages, industry 4.0 Bên canh nhïing loi the, công nghe 4.0 technologies also bring out many cfing mang den nhieu thách thúc Cu thê challenges In particular, machinery will máy móc së thay the súc lao dong replace labor power Some steps such as Mot so công doan nhu sàn xuat ski tø silk and natural fibers productions, soi ty nhiên, quy trình det, diac biet weaving processes, especially non-woven vài không det công doan nhuom fabric, and dyeing stages can absolutely be hoàn toàn có thê duoc thuc hien bang executed by machines instead of human máy thay sù dung nguon nhân ldc Tuy resources However, the sewing stage nhiên, công doan may nói chung có khã generally has a low average ability for thay the ị muc trung bình thâp replacement because nhu cău ve sq da dąng of its high- fashion and diverse demands thòi trang cao cap cùa Especially, since the traditional factories Diac biet kê tù nhà máy truyen were modernized faster, technology thong duqc hien dai hóa nhanh hon, services have been playing a more and dlch vu công nghe ngày dóng vai more important role Human resources must trò quan trpng hon Nguon nhăn luc phãi take efforts to improve specialized no lqc cao kien thúc chuyên ngành knowledge Specifically, some simple Cu thê lă mot so còng viec døn gian jobs did not use manpower any more khóng su dung nhăn ldc nüa Thay văo Instead, people will be responsible to dó, ngi së chiu trách nhiem quàn manage all the production line So, ly tat ca day chuyen sàn xuat Vì knowledge and skills must be vțay, kien thúc kÿ improved day by day phài duoc cài thien tùng ngày In general, enterprises must prepare every Nhìn chung, doanh nghiep phài chuan aspect to get ready for the gradual bi moi khía cąnh dê san sang cho q trình products due to the COVID-19 outbreak, which is expected to affect orders and prices in the coming months.” In this sentence, “which” replace for “the COVID-19 outbreak, ” E.g 2: “the company has organized production chains from fabric production to finished products and exported 90 percent of its products to Japan” In this sentence, “it” replace for “the company ” ° Conjunctions: Many conjunctions are used in text as the following examples: “due to : “Ufef Nam saw a year on year reduction of 3.5 per cent in textile and garment exports of the first two months this year to US$5.3 billion due to the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-191 outbreak.” “while”: ”yarn exports fell 16 per cent to $512 million while clothes dropped 2.3 per cent to $4.2 billion “ “and”: “the domestic garment industry had been resumed and would be sufficient for the manufacturfng demand” Lexical cohesion The words “exports” “reduced” “COVID-19 outbreak” are repeated many times to emphasize topic Synonym: “increase” ve “growth”, “Reduced” vs “dropped” vs “fell” Collocation: “facing the risk”, “dealing with the shortage”, “created a great impact on” II The translated texts of two articles (From Vietnamese into English) Article 3: Thirc trang phát trien ngành Det may Viet Nam (Current situation of Vietnam Textile and Garment industry developmentl dâu quan trpngDet may kim ngach xuãtdánh khâu In industry an textile important Nãmmôc 2018, ngành Viet Nam 2018, marked Vietnam's andmilestone garment dat 36 ty USD, tãng truóng hon 16% when export turnover reached over 36 so vói nãm 2017 (nãm 2015 tãng 12,1%, billion USD, an increase of more than nãm 16% compared 2016 tãng 4,07%, nãm 2017 tãng 10,8%) increased by to 2017 (2015 Ngành Det may Viet Nam nam top 12.1%, 2016 increased by 4.07%, in 2017 nuóc xuat khâu cao nhât the giói, chi sau increased by 10.8%) Vietnam's textile and Trung Quoc vã An Do Cu thê, nãm 2018, apparel industry is among the top largest kim ngach xuat khãu hàng may miac dat exporters in the world, behind only 28,78 ty USD, tãng 14,45%; xuât khâu vài China and India Specifically, in 2018, dat 1,66 ty USD, tãng 25,5% garment export turnover reached US $ 28.78 billion, up 14.45%; fabric exports reached US $ 1.66 billion, up 25.5% Theo Báo cáo cúa Hiep hoi Det may Viet According to the Report of the Vietnam Nam, tháng dâu nãm 2019, kinh te the giói Textile and Apparel Association, in the có xu huóng tãng cham lai nhting bien first months of 2019, the world economy dong xung dot tri, thuong mai, diac tended to slow down due to political and biet sách bào ho, chien tranh thuong trade fluctuations and conflicts, especially mai gia tãng ngày phúc tap, khó lũng, protection policies and trade wars The nhung ngành det may dat tông kim ngach trade increased more and more xuat khâu gân 18 ty USD, tãng 8,61% so vói complicatedly and unpredictably, but cúng ky nãm 2018; dó, hàng may m}ac the textile industry reached a total dat 14,02 ty USD, tãng 8,71% M{at hàng export turnover of nearly US $ 18 vài dat 1,02 ty USD, tãng 29,9% billion, up 8.61% over the same period in 2018; in which, garments reached 14.02 billion USD, up 8.71% Litchi products reached US $ 1.02 billion, up 29.9% Ve thi truõng xuat khâu, My van thi In terms of export markets, the US is trũng lón nhat cúa Viet Nam vói kim still the largest market of Vietnam with ngach xuat khâu tháng uóc dat 7,22 ty 6- month export turnover estimated at US USD, tãng $ 12,84% so vói cúng ky chiêm ty trpng 7.22 billion, up 12.84% over the same 46,9%; tiep dó nuóc thành viên Hiep period and accounting for 46.9%; dinh Doi tác Toàn dien Tien bo xuyên followed by the member countries of the Thãi Binh Duong (CPTPP) dat 2,57 ty Comprehensive and Progressive USD, tãng 11,13%, chiem ty trpng 16,71% ; Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership EU dat 2,05 ty USD tãng 10,46%, chiem ty (CPTPP) reaching 2.57 billion USD, up trpng 13,36%; Hãn Quoc dat 1,37 ty USD, 11.13%, accounting for 16.71%; EU tãng 5,59%, chiem ty 8,91% reached 2.05 billion USD, up 10.46%, accounting for 13.36%; Korea reached 1.37 billion USD, up 5.59%, accounting for 8.91% Miac dú, dat duoc ket quã kha quan, nhung In spite of achieving the satisfactory ngành Det may Viet Nam dang dúng truóc results, Vietnam's textile and garment nhling khó khãn, thách thúc, dó là: Cãng industry is facing with some challenges, thãng thuong mai My-Trung ành hũng tói it's the US-China trade tensions affecting ty giá giüa dong tien, giá hàng hóa gia the exchange rate between currencies and công tai Viet Nam cao hon so vói mot so commodity prices The labor force in niróc khu vqc nhu: Hàn Quoc, Trung Vietnam is higher than some other Quoc dan tói ành huóng den don hàng countries in the region such as Korea and xuat khãu, diac biet vói nhóm hàng det may China leading to the impact on export Theo dó, mot so DN so don hàng mói chi orders, especially for textile products bang khồng 70% so vói cúng ky nãm 2018 Therefore, some enterprises have only Diac biet, viec tiêu thu soi nguyên phu had 70% of new orders compared to the lieu gãp rat nhieu khó khãn vi thi trũng same period in 2018 Especially, the xuat khâu lic Trung Quoc (chiem consumption of yarn and raw materials 60%) cat giàm lupng nhap hàng Trong faces many difficulties because the main dó, m}at hàng may miac cúng g}ap tinh export market is China (accounting for trang sut giàm don hàng Neu nhu 60%) cut back on imports Meanwhile, nãm 2018, tói thõi diêm giiia nãm, nhieu garment products also saw a drop in DN lón Ngành dã có don hàng den orders If in 2018, by the middle of the het nãm, thi nãm 2019 year, many large enterprises in the industry had orders until the end of the year, in 2019, According to the Vietnam Textile and Apparel Association, the textile industry is facing gr Theo Hiep hoi Det may Viet Nam, ngành Det may dang dùng truóc cø hoi phát triên rat lón tíí c quy tac xt xú tü văi, ski Article 4: Viet Nam hwóng den xây dirng ngành det may ben vćrng ïBuilding a sustainable textile industry in Vietnam1 Viet Nam dúng thù danh sách Vietnam is ranked 5th in the list of the quoc gia xuăt khău hàng may miac lón nhat largest garment exporting countries in the the giói nhung lai nơi tieng hon ve world but it is more known for its low chi phí sàn xuat thap tiêu chuán môi production costs and poor environmental trng Neu khơng thay dơi cách standards It's crucial for Vietnamese to thúc hoąt dong, Viet Nam có thê së dánh change its ways of operating to avoid losing mat v1 the its competitive position canh tranh Quăn trJ lwu virc sông de cai thien hieu Managing drainage-basins to improve suat nwóc water efficiency Hiep Hoi Det May Viet Nam (The Vietnam The Vietnam Textile and Apparel Textile and Apparel Association - VITAS) Association (VITAS) and the World Quÿ Quoc te Bao ve Thiên nhiên Wildlife Fund (WWF) in Vietnam is (World Wildlife Fund - WWF) Viet Nam working together to make the operation of

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2023, 10:12

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