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03 2 (tenses) the present continuous tense

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U1 ILSMW6 NQT 2021 CHUYÊN ĐỀ 03 2 TENSES STUDENTS’ II Thì hiện tại tiếp diễn (The simple continuous tense) ❶ Cách dùng • Diễn đạt một hành động đang xảy ra tại thời điểm nói Ví dụ I am eating my lunch[.]

CHUYÊN ĐỀ 03.2: TENSES - STUDENTS’ II Thì tiếp diễn (The simple continuous tense) ❶ Cách dùng • Diễn đạt hành động xảy thời điểm nói Ví dụ: I am eating my lunch right now (Bây tơi ăn trưa) • Diễn tả hành động việc nói chung diễn không thiết phải thực diễn lúc nói Ví dụ: I’m quite busy these days I’m doing my assignment (Dạo bận.Tôi làm luận án) • Diễn đạt hành động xảy tương lai gần Thường diễn tả kế hoạch lên lịch sẵn Ví dụ: I am flying to London tomorrow (Tôi bay sang Luân Đơn sáng ngày mai) • Hành động thường xun lặp lặp lại gây bực hay khó chịu cho người nói Cách dùng dùng với trạng từ “always” Ví dụ: He is always losing his keys (Anh hay đánh chìa khóa) ❷ Dạng thức tiếp diễn a Cấu trúc Thể khẳng định I Thể phủ định am He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ khơng đếm You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều is I + V-ing am not He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều are Ví dụ: - I am reading a book (Tôi đọc sách) - She is swimming (Cô bơi) - They are sleeping (Họ ngủ) - The dog is barking (Con chó sủa) Is He/ She/ It/ Danh từ + V-ing are not/ aren’t Ví dụ: - I am not joking (Tơi khơng phải đùa đâu.) - She isn’t drinking lemon juice (Cô uống nước chanh đâu.) - We aren’t going to school (Chúng học đâu.) - My parents aren’t sleeping (Bố mẹ ngủ đâu.) Thể nghi vấn Am I is not/ isn’t Câu trả lời ngắn + V-ing Yes, No, Yes, I he/ she/ it/ danh từ am am not is số ít/ Danh từ khơng đếm Are No, Yes, You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều No, số ít/ danh từ khơng đếm isn’t are you/ we/ they/ Danh từ số nhiều aren’t Ví dụ: - Is she singing an English song? (Có phải hát hát tiếng Anh không?) => Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t - Are you having dinner? (Bạn ăn tối à?) => Yes, I am./ No, I’m not - Are the children crying? (Bọn trẻ khóc phải khơng?) => Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t b Wh-question Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh – word (từ để hỏi) ta đặt chúng vị trí đầu câu đưa câu trả lời trực tiếp Wh-word + am/is/are + S + V-ing? Ví dụ: - Who is she talking to? (Cơ nói chuyện với thế?) - She is talking to her mother (Cơ nói chuyện với mẹ mình.) - What are you studying? (Bạn học vậy?) - I am studying English (Mình học tiểng Anh.) ❸ Dấu hiệu nhận biết  Trong câu có trạng từ thời gian: now (bây giờ), right now (ngay bây giờ), at the moment (lúc này), at the present (hiện tại), at this time (bây giờ), at + cụ thể (at 12 o’lock)  Trong câu có từ như: Look! (Nhìn kìa!), Listen! (Hãy nghe này!), Keep silent! (Hãy im lặng), Be careful! (Cẩn thận!), Hurry up! (Nhanh lên nào!) Ví dụ: - Now my sister is going shopping with my mother (Bây em gái mua sắm với mẹ tơi.) - Look! The train is coming (Nhìn kia! Tàu đến.) - Listen! Someone is crying (Nghe này! Ai khóc.) - Keep silent! The baby is sleeping (Hãy im lặng! Em bé ngủ.) ❹ Cách thêm -ing vào sau động từ Các quy tắc Ví dụ have – having make – making write – writing come – coming see – seeing agree – agreeing Động từ kết thúc “ie”, ta đổi “ie”→“y” thêm “ing” lie – lying die – dying Động từ kết thúc trọng âm chứa nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) + phụ âm, ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối thêm “ing” run – running stop – stopping get – getting travel – travelling Động từ kết thúc “e”, ta bỏ “e” thêm “ing” Động từ kết thúc “ee”, ta thêm “ing” mà không bỏ e * Một số động từ khơng có dạng V-ing Những động từ sau dùng dạng đơn, không thêm đuôi -ing Chỉ trạng thái: be, cost, fit mean, suit VD: We are on holiday Nói sở hữu: belong, have VD: Sam has a cat Chỉ cảm giác: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch VD: He feels the cold Nói cảm xúc: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish VD: Jane loves pizza Nói nhận thức: believe, know, think (nghĩ về), understand VD: I believe you ❺ Bài tập thực hành Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences He (not read) magazine at the moment My brother (stay) at Ha Noi National university now They (build) a new supermarket in the center of the town at present You (make) a lot of noise Can you be quieter? I am trying to concentrate Why are all those people here? What (happen) ? Let’s go out now It (not rain) any more I want to lose weight, so this week I (not eat) much Andrew has just started evening classes He (learn) German It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) lunch in the kitchen 10 Your brother (sit) next to the beautiful girl over there at present? 11 They (help) the teacher right now 12 She (stay) in a hotel at the moment 13 I (travel) a lot these days 14 We (study) science at present 15 The children (play) football in the playground over there 16 Kate (watch) the news on TV in his room 17 My parents (talk) to the teacher at the moment 18 The sun (shine) today 19 My teacher (provide) an interesting activity in class 20 Kathy (skip) with her classmates in the school yard now Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences We (not work) at the moment We’re on a break They (do) Maths homework now Be quiet! The children (study) in the room My brother (not do) the dishes He (watch) TV in his room My younger brother (walk) to school with his friend now Don’t forget to take your umbrella It (rain) I’m sorry I can’t hear what you (say) because everybody (talk) so loudly John (not use) his computer at the moment Where are the children? ~ They (read) books in the library 10 My brother (complete) his homework right now 11 Linda (make) breakfast at the moment 12 My sister (do) the laundry right now 13 I (look) for Jack Do you know where he is? 14 My father (not work) in Hanoi at the moment 15 I (clean) the kitchen floor with my mother now 16 She (teach) students at a local secondary school at present 17 They (visit) London 18 Look! My father (wash) his car in the yard 19 My English teacher (explain) the meaning of the words for us 20 We (enjoy) an interesting film in the cinema Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences My grandfather (buy) some fruits at the supermarket Hannah (not study) French in the library She's at home with her classmates She (run) in the park My dog (eat) now What you (wait) for? Their students (not try) hard enough in the competition All of Jack's friends (have) fun at the concert right now My children (travel) around Asia now My little brother (drink) milk 10 Listen! Our teacher (speak) 11 Be careful! The car (go) so fast 12 Listen! Someone (cry) in the next room 13 Your brother (sit) next to the beautiful girl over there at present? 14 Now they (try) to pass the examination 15 It's 12 o'clock, and my parents (cook) lunch in the kitchen 16 Keep silent! You (talk) so loudly 17 I (not stay) at home at the moment 18 Now she (lie) to her mother about her bad marks 19 At present they (travel) to New York 20 He (not work) in his office now Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences He (not read) magazine at present I (look) for Christine Do you know where she is? It (get) dark Shall I turn on the light? They (stay) in Manchester with their friends They (build) a new supermarket in the center of the town It (rain) now You (make) a lot of noise Can you be quieter? Why are all those people here? What (happen) ? Please don't make so much noise I (try) to work 10 Let's go out now It (not rain) any more 11 You can turn off the radio I (not listen) to it 12 Kate is on holiday in France She (have) a great time and doesn't want to come back 13 I want to lose weight, so this week I (not eat) lunch 14 Andrew has just started evening classes He (learn) German 15 Paul and Sally have an argument They (speak) to each other 16 I'm on a bus and it (move) 17 Where are you? We (wait) for you! 18 Where you (come) to see me? 19 I (sit) on a bus 20 Peter's mother (not have) a burger.  Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Joe (play) on the computer now Who (watch) TV in the room at the moment? Tina (do) English grammar exercises right now I (eat) a pizza in the restaurant We (sit) in the classroom I (not write) an email Amy (not go) to school today We (not have) fun today My team (not win) the match 10 My parents (drive) to work now 11 They (read) magazines? Yes, they are 12 You (learn) English? Yes, I am 13 Helen (write) a letter? No, she isn't 14 Sarah (play) the guitar? Yes, she is 15 We (not play) basketball 16 John's friends (play) football at the Sports Centre 17 My best friend (sit) next to me 18 I (not wear) something blue 19 My teacher (not stand) behind me 20 I (not write) with a pencil Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Kent (not play) tennis now We (go) to the park with my friends at the moment Kate (eat) fish with vegetable in the kitchen Sue (wear) long dresses at the party Pam (go) to the gym with her mother at present Liz (not wear) shorts at school now Tim (grow) flowers in the garden over there The President of the USA (live) in the White House Listen! Those engines (make) a lot of noise 10 He (not write) to his pen friend now 11 Jim and Joe (water) the flowers in the garden? 12 Who (knock) the door? 13 Peter (study) very hard He will get high scores 14 My father (read) the newspaper every morning 15 Anna’s brother (work) in a big building in New York 16 My mom and my sister (cook) dinner right now 17 Kent’s mother (not/ ride) a motorbike to work these days 18 They (have) breakfast together 19 You (collect) old bottles to reuse them now? 20 Where your son (work) now? Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Peter (clean) his car The dog (bark) in the garden We (sing) our favourite song My brother and I (play) a computer game The teachers (show) us a film They (bring) a TV in the classroom She's bored Her friend (watch) TV again Martin's excited Chelsea (win) the match I'm scared A big dog (stand) in front of me 10 She's happy She (not work) today 11 I'm worried It (rain) and I haven't got an umbrella 18 The teacher is annoyed We (not listen) 12 What you (wait) for? 13 I (wait) for John 14 It (snow) ? No, it (rain) 15 What you (do) today? We (go) to the park 16 You (listen) to me? No, I (listen) to the radio 17 You (watch) TV? No, we (study) 18 What you (do) ? I (clean) the house 19 You (go) to the supermarket? 20 I and my friends (chat) together   Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences My sister (watch) TV in the living room Mrs Smith (talk) English to her students I and my friend (wait) for the bus number My friends (play) tennis It (not rain) outside It's sunny The cat (catch) the mouse in the garden My husband (water) the plants in the I (not watch) Tom and Jerry, I (watch) a football match My neighbor (plant) some trees in his garden 10 Mr Brown (make) a cup of coffee 11 Someone (lock) the door 12 Julia (have) lunch in the cafeteria 13 My wife and I (plan) to travel to Nha Trang 14 Richard (pay) his phone bill 15 My friends (meet) each other at New York 16 I (fill) the bucket with water 17 The barber (cut) my hair 18 You (have) breakfast now? 19 She (show) her report to her boss 20 My daughter (get) dressed Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Hurry up! We (wait) for you What you (do) ? 'I (write) letters.' He (work) in Italy at the moment She doesn't like to be disturbed when she (work) That child (get) bigger every day That girl (stand) on the table? I (wait) for the shops to open I (blow) up the colorful balloons The pony (ride) well at competitions 10 Kim and Ben (try) to catch the thief 11 Lee (not drink) tea now, she (drink) coffee 12 Andrew (help) his friend to homework 13 Your children (do) their homework? 14 Lucas (study) for his exam now? 15 Ryan (play) the piano now? 16 I and my mother (paint) the fence at the moment 17 My wife (not cook) today 18 My son (talk) on the phone right now 19 You (sleep) ? 20 Tom (work) on project.  Exercise 10 Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences My mother (bake) a cake in the kitchen at the moment Where (you/ meet) Tim next week? We (not cook) dinner this evening because we’re eating out (Tom/ drive) to work right now? I’m sorry I don’t have time I (mow) the lawn David (not fly) to Chicago tomorrow (they/ give) a party next Sunday? The students (not study) at the moment It’s break time The band (visit) Denmark next May 10 Which hotel (your family/ stay) at now? 11 I (have) a great rime in Phu Tho at present 12 Be quiet! John (sleep) 13 Remember to take your umbrella It (rain) hard now 14 Susan (study) hard for his exams next week 15 My friend (come) to spend the weekend with us 16 We (have) a dinner party on Friday and we want to invite you 17 Everything’s arranged We (move) house this Saturday 19 People (cut) down the Amazon rainforest at the moment This is terrible 20 We (try) protect ourselves from Covid-19 by staying at home CHUYÊN ĐỀ 03.2: TENSES - TEACHER’S II Thì tiếp diễn (The simple continuous tense) ❶ Cách dùng • Diễn đạt hành động xảy thời điểm nói Ví dụ: I am eating my lunch right now (Bây ăn trưa) • Diễn tả hành động việc nói chung diễn khơng thiết phải thực diễn lúc nói Ví dụ: I’m quite busy these days I’m doing my assignment (Dạo tơi bận.Tơi làm luận án) • Diễn đạt hành động xảy tương lai gần Thường diễn tả kế hoạch lên lịch sẵn Ví dụ: I am flying to London tomorrow (Tôi bay sang Luân Đôn sáng ngày mai) • Hành động thường xuyên lặp lặp lại gây bực hay khó chịu cho người nói Cách dùng dùng với trạng từ “always” Ví dụ: He is always losing his keys (Anh hay đánh chìa khóa) ❷ Dạng thức tiếp diễn a Cấu trúc Thể khẳng định I Thể phủ định am He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ không đếm You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều is I + V-ing am not He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ khơng đếm You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều are Ví dụ: - I am reading a book (Tôi đọc sách) - She is swimming (Cô bơi) - They are sleeping (Họ ngủ) - The dog is barking (Con chó sủa) Are You/ We/ They/ Danh từ số nhiều are not/ aren’t Câu trả lời ngắn Yes, Am I He/ She/ It/ Danh từ số ít/ Danh từ khơng đếm + V-ing Ví dụ: - I am not joking (Tôi đùa đâu.) - She isn’t drinking lemon juice (Cô uống nước chanh đâu.) - We aren’t going to school (Chúng học đâu.) - My parents aren’t sleeping (Bố mẹ ngủ đâu.) Thể nghi vấn Is is not/ isn’t No, + V-ing Yes, No, Yes, No, I he/ she/ it/ danh từ số ít/ danh từ khơng đếm you/ we/ they/ Danh từ số nhiều am am not is isn’t are aren’t Ví dụ: - Is she singing an English song? (Có phải hát hát tiếng Anh không?) => Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t - Are you having dinner? (Bạn ăn tối à?) => Yes, I am./ No, I’m not - Are the children crying? (Bọn trẻ khóc phải khơng?) => Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t b Wh-question Khi đặt câu hỏi có chứa Wh – word (từ để hỏi) ta đặt chúng vị trí đầu câu đưa câu trả lời trực tiếp Wh-word + am/is/are + S + V-ing? Ví dụ: - Who is she talking to? (Cơ nói chuyện với thế?) - She is talking to her mother (Cô nói chuyện với mẹ mình.) - What are you studying? (Bạn học vậy?) - I am studying English (Mình học tiểng Anh.) ❸ Dấu hiệu nhận biết  Trong câu có trạng từ thời gian: now (bây giờ), right now (ngay bây giờ), at the moment (lúc này), at the present (hiện tại), at this time (bây giờ), at + cụ thể (at 12 o’lock)  Trong câu có từ như: Look! (Nhìn kìa!), Listen! (Hãy nghe này!), Keep silent! (Hãy im lặng), Be careful! (Cẩn thận!), Hurry up! (Nhanh lên nào!) Ví dụ: - Now my sister is going shopping with my mother (Bây em gái mua sắm với mẹ tôi.) - Look! The train is coming (Nhìn kia! Tàu đến.) - Listen! Someone is crying (Nghe này! Ai khóc.) - Keep silent! The baby is sleeping (Hãy im lặng! Em bé ngủ.) ❹ Cách thêm -ing vào sau động từ Các quy tắc Ví dụ have – having make – making write – writing come – coming see – seeing agree – agreeing Động từ kết thúc “ie”, ta đổi “ie”→“y” thêm “ing” lie – lying die – dying Động từ kết thúc trọng âm chứa nguyên âm (u, e, o, a, i) + phụ âm, ta gấp đôi phụ âm cuối thêm “ing” run – running stop – stopping get – getting travel – travelling Động từ kết thúc “e”, ta bỏ “e” thêm “ing” Động từ kết thúc “ee”, ta thêm “ing” mà không bỏ e * Một số động từ khơng có dạng V-ing Những động từ sau dùng dạng đơn, không thêm đuôi -ing Chỉ trạng thái: be, cost, fit mean, suit VD: We are on holiday Nói sở hữu: belong, have VD: Sam has a cat Chỉ cảm giác: feel, hear, see, smell, taste, touch VD: He feels the cold Nói cảm xúc: hate, hope, like, love, prefer, regret, want, wish VD: Jane loves pizza Nói nhận thức: believe, know, think (nghĩ về), understand VD: I believe you ❺ Bài tập thực hành Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences He (not read) is not reading magazine at the moment My brother (stay) are staying at Ha Noi National university now 10 They (build) are building a new supermarket in the center of the town at present You (make) are making a lot of noise Can you be quieter? I am trying to concentrate Why are all those people here? What (happen) is happening? Let’s go out now It (not rain) is not raining any more I want to lose weight, so this week I (not eat) am not eating much Andrew has just started evening classes He (learn) is learning German It’s 12 o’clock, and my parents (cook) are cooking lunch in the kitchen 10 Your brother (sit) Is…sitting next to the beautiful girl over there at present? 11 They (help) are helping the teacher right now 12 She (stay) is staying in a hotel at the moment 13 I (travel) am traveling a lot these days 14 We (study) are studying science at present 15 The children (play) are playing football in the playground over there 16 Kate (watch) is watching the news on TV in his room 17 My parents (talk) are talking to the teacher at the moment 18 The sun (shine) is shining today 19 My teacher (provide) is providing an interesting activity in class 20 Kathy (skip) is skipping with her classmates in the school yard now Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences We (not work) are not working at the moment We’re on a break They (do) are doing Maths homework now Be quiet! The children (study) are studying in the room My brother (not do) isn’t doing the dishes He (watch) is watching TV in his room My younger brother (walk) is walking to school with his friend now Don’t forget to take your umbrella It (rain) is raining I’m sorry I can’t hear what you (say) are saying because everybody (talk) is talking so loudly John (not use) isn’t using his computer at the moment Where are the children? ~ They (read) are reading books in the library 10 My brother (complete) is completing his homework right now 11 Linda (make) is making breakfast at the moment 12 My sister (do) is doing the laundry right now 13 I (look) am looking for Jack Do you know where he is? 14 My father (not work) isn’t working in Hanoi at the moment 15 I (clean) am cleaning the kitchen floor with my mother now 16 She (teach) is teaching students at a local secondary school at present 17 They (visit) are visiting London 18 Look! My father (wash) is washing his car in the yard 19 My English teacher (explain) is explaining the meaning of the words for us 20 We (enjoy) are enjoying an interesting film in the cinema 11 Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences My grandfather (buy) is buying some fruits at the supermarket Hannah (not study) isn’t studying French in the library She's at home with her classmates She (run) is running in the park My dog (eat) is eating now What you (wait) are you waiting for? Their students (not try) aren’t trying hard enough in the competition All of Jack's friends (have) are having fun at the concert right now My children (travel) are traveling around Asia now My little brother (drink) is drinking milk 10 Listen! Our teacher (speak) is speaking 11 Be careful! The car (go) is going so fast 12 Listen! Someone (cry) is crying in the next room 13 Your brother (sit) is sitting next to the beautiful girl over there at present? 14 Now they (try) are trying to pass the examination 15 It's 12 o'clock, and my parents (cook) are cooking lunch in the kitchen 16 Keep silent! You (talk) are talking so loudly 17 I (not stay) am not staying at home at the moment 18 Now she (lie) is lying to her mother about her bad marks 19 At present they (travel) are traveling to New York 20 He (not work) isn’t working in his office now Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences He (not read) isn’t reading magazine at present I (look) am looking for Christine Do you know where she is? It (get) is getting dark Shall I turn on the light? They (stay) are staying in Manchester with their friends They (build) are building a new supermarket in the center of the town It (rain) is raining now You (make) Are you making a lot of noise Can you be quieter? Why are all those people here? What (happen) is happening? Please don't make so much noise I (try) am trying to work 10 Let's go out now It (not rain) isn’t raining any more 11 You can turn off the radio I (not listen) am not listening to it 12 Kate is on holiday in France She (have) is having a great time and doesn't want to come back 13 I want to lose weight, so this week I (not eat) am not eating lunch 14 Andrew has just started evening classes He (learn) is learning German 15 Paul and Sally have an argument They (speak) are speaking to each other 16 I'm on a bus and it (move) is moving 17 Where are you? We (wait) are waiting for you! 18 Where you (come) are you coming to see me? 12 19 I (sit) am sitting on a bus 20 Peter's mother (not have) isn’t having a burger.  Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Joe (play) is playing on the computer now Who (watch) is watching TV in the room at the moment? Tina (do) is doing English grammar exercises right now I (eat) am eating a pizza in the restaurant We (sit) are sitting in the classroom I (not write) am not writing an email Amy (not go) isn’t going to school today We (not have) are not having fun today My team (not win) isn’t winning the match 10 My parents (drive) are driving to work now 11 They (read) Are they reading magazines? Yes, they are 12 You (learn) Are you learning English? Yes, I am 13 Helen (write) Is he writing a letter? No, she isn't 14 Sarah (play) Is Sarah playing the guitar? Yes, she is 15 We (not play) are not playing basketball 16 John's friends (play) are playing football at the Sports Centre 17 My best friend (sit) is sitting next to me 18 I (not wear) am not wearing something blue 19 My teacher (not stand) isn’t standing behind me 20 I (not write) am not writing with a pencil Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Kent (not play) isn’t playing tennis now We (go) are going to the park with my friends at the moment Kate (eat) is eating fish with vegetable in the kitchen Sue (wear) is wearing long dresses at the party Pam (go) is going to the gym with her mother at present Liz (not wear) isn’t wearing shorts at school now Tim (grow) is growing flowers in the garden over there The President of the USA (live) is living in the White House Listen! Those engines (make) are making a lot of noise 10 He (not write) isn’t writing to his pen friend now 11 Jim and Joe (water) Are Jim and Joe watering the flowers in the garden? 12 Who (knock) is knocking the door? 13 Peter (study) is studying very hard He will get high scores 14 My father (read) is reading the newspaper every morning 15 Anna’s brother (work) is working in a big building in New York 16 My mom and my sister (cook) are cooking dinner right now 17 Kent’s mother (not/ride) isn’t riding a motorbike to work these days 18 They (have) are having breakfast together 19 You (collect) Are you collecting old bottles to reuse them now? 13 20 Where your son (work) is your son working now? Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Peter (clean) is cleaning his car now The dog (bark) is barking in the garden We (sing) are singing our favourite song My brother and I (play) am playing a computer game The teachers (show) are showing us a film They (bring) are bringing a TV in the classroom She's bored Her friend (watch) is watching TV again Martin's excited Chelsea (win) is winning the match I'm scared A big dog (stand) is standing in front of me 10 She's happy She (not work) isn’t working today 11 I'm worried It (rain) is raining and I haven't got an umbrella 18 The teacher is annoyed We (not listen) are not listening 12 What you (wait) are you waiting for? 13 I (wait) am waiting for John 14 It (snow) Is it snowing? No, it (rain) is raining 15 What you (do) are you doing today? We (go) are going to the park 16 You (listen) Are you listening to me? No, I (listen) am listening to the radio 17 You (watch) Are you watching TV? No, we (study) are studying 18 What you (do) are you doing now? I (clean) am cleaning the house 19 You (go) Are you going to the supermarket? 20 I and my friends (chat) are chatting together   Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences My sister (watch) is watching TV in the living room Mrs Smith (talk) is talking English to her students I and my friend (wait) are waiting for the bus number My friends (play) are playing tennis It (not rain) isn’t raining outside It's sunny The cat (catch) is catching the mouse in the garden My husband (water) is watering the plants in the garden I (not watch) am not watching Tom and Jery, I (watch) am watching a football match My neighbor (plant) is planting some trees in his garden 14 10 Mr Brown (make) is making a cup of coffee 11 Someone (lock) is locking the door 12 Julia (have) is having lunch in the cafeteria 13 My wife and I (plan) are planning to travel to Nha Trang 14 Richard (pay) is paying his phone bill 15 My friends (meet) are meeting each other at New York 16 I (fill) am filling the bucket with water 17 The barber (cut) is cutting my hair 18 You (have) Are you having breakfast now? 19 She (show) is showing her report to her boss 20 My daughter (get) is getting dressed Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences Hurry up! We (wait) are waiting for you What you (do) are you doing? 'I (write) am writing letters.' He (work) is working in Italy at the moment She doesn't like to be disturbed when she (work) is working That child (get) is getting bigger every day That girl (stand) is standing on the table? I (wait) am waiting for the shops to open I (blow) am blowing up the colorful balloons The pony (ride) is riding well at competitions 10 Kim and Ben (try) are trying to catch the thief 11 Lee (not drink) is not drinking tea now, she (drink) is drinking coffee 12 Andrew (help) is helping his friend to homework 13 Your children (do) Are your children doing their homework? 14 Lucas (study) is studying for his exam now? 15 Ryan (play) Is Ryan playing the piano now? 16 I and my mother (paint) are painting the fence at the moment 17 My wife (not cook) is not cooking today 18 My son (talk) is talking on the phone right now 19 You (sleep) Are you sleeping? 20 Tom (work) is working on project.  Exercise 10 Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences My mother (bake) is baking a cake in the kitchen at the moment Where (you/ meet) are you meeting Tim next week? We (not cook) are not cooking dinner this evening because we’re eating out (Tom/ drive) Is Tom driving to work right now? I’m sorry I don’t have time I (mow) am mowing the lawn David (not fly) isn’t flying to Chicago tomorrow 15 (they/ give) Are they giving a party next Sunday? The students (not study) are not studying at the moment It’s break time The band (visit) is visiting Denmark next May 10 Which hotel (your family/ stay) is your family staying at now? 11 I (have) am having a great rime in Phu Tho at present 12 Be quiet! John (sleep) is sleeping 13 Remember to take your umbrella It (rain) is raining hard now 14 Susan (study) is studying hard for his exams next week 15 My friend (come) is coming to spend the weekend with us 16 We (have) are having a dinner party on Friday and we want to invite you 17 Everything’s arranged We (move) are moving house this Saturday 19 People (cut) are cutting down the Amazon rainforest at the moment This is terrible 20 We (try) trying to protect ourselves from Covid-19 by staying at home 16 ... over there at present? 11 They (help) the teacher right now 12 She (stay) in a hotel at the moment 13 I (travel) a lot these days 14 We (study) science at present 15 The... 19 At present they (travel) to New York 20 He (not work) in his office now Exercise Give the correct form of the verbs to complete the sentences He (not read) magazine at present. .. present? 11 They (help) are helping the teacher right now 12 She (stay) is staying in a hotel at the moment 13 I (travel) am traveling a lot these days 14 We (study) are studying science at present

Ngày đăng: 28/03/2023, 23:51
