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Luận văn tốt nghiệp đại học: Cấu hình mail exchange và cách lập trình công cụ hỗ trợ Mail

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Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên Mục lục Install Exchange Server 2007 2 Recipient M anage 21 Store Management 37 Managing Address List 48 Email Address Policy 63 Messaging Policy 71 Internet Protocol 81 SMTP 93 Anti Spam 96 VSIC Education Corporation Trang 1 Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên Install Exchange Server 2007 I. Các bước chuẩn bị: 1. Máy làm Domain Controller 2. Raise Doman Functional Level 3. Install IIS, có ASP.Net (không cần SMTP, NNTP như Ex2K3) 4. Install các chương trình can thiết hỗ trợ cho việc cài đật Exchange Server 2K7 a. Install Net Framework 2.0 b. Install MMC 3.0 c. Install MS PowerShell 3.0 d. Install Hotfix cho Net Framework 2.0 5. Install Exchange Server 2007 II. Thực hiện: 1. Máy làm Domain Controller : cấu hình DNS lên domain - Bỏ PW policy 2. Raise Doman Functional Level Vào Run, gõ vào dsa.msc OK -ZJxJ .— -l Type the name of a program, folder, document, or / / Internet resource, and Windows will open it for you. Open: | dsa.msc VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION CancelOK Browse Màn hình Active Directory Users and Computers mở ra, Right Click (RC) trên tên domain chọn Raise Domain Functional Level 1 ^ Active Directory Users and Computers ^ Fie Action View Window Help <J= Ễ D E 0 © o f* 0 © [ § 0 1 i ■ 1 _________ I. ■ - - — iß & ) V ^ 'S ^ Active Directory Users and Computer 1 5 objects + __ 1 Saved Queries IMIMMI 1 Name | Type Description - y K H Delegate Control ¡ ¡ o j " V8IC EDUCATION c< B (¡¿1 Do* Connect to Domain, 1 por Çomect to Domain Contrôler butaDomain ) RPQAATrl O N Default cont jnt Organizational Default cont cur Container Default cont H'lsrTW Raise Domain Functional Level Container Default cont Operations Masters VSIC Education Corporation Trang 2 Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên Trong Select an available domain functional level, click mũi tên xuống chọn Windows Server 2003 click Raise R a ise D om ain F u nctio n a l Leve l Domain name: vsidab.net Current domain functional level: VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Select an available domain functional level: | Windows Server 2003 J •\ After you raise the domain functional level, it cannot be reversed. For more information on domain functional levels, click Help. Raise Cancel Help Trong màn hình này, nhấn OK R a ise D o m ain F u nctio n al Leve l ? \ This change affects the entire domain. After you raise the domain functional level, it cannot be reversed VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Trong màn hình này, nhấn OK R< ii*e D u ll la in F u iilIìuiI<jl Level i j The functional level was raised successfully. The new functional level will now replicate to each domain control a / the domain. The amount of time this will take varies, depending on your replication topology. vSl6 EDUCATION c6lRI*0fATIcFN OK 3. Install IIS : Vào Run, gõ vào appwi/.cpl chọn Add/Remove Windows Components chọn Application Server ^ chọn Detals đánh dấu chọn ASP.Net 4. Màn hình trưức khi Install các chưưng trinh cần thiết hỗ trự cho việc cài đặt Exchange Server 2K7: Lưu ỷ các dòng Step 1 Step 5 đều nổi lên 4 các chương trình đó hiện nay chưa được install lên máy VSIC Education Corporation Trang 3 Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên Plan Read about Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Install Microsoft Exchange Server enables users to send and receive e-mai, schediie meetings, receive faxes, and receive voice mad. Step 1 : Instal .NET Framework 2.0 S(MMC) ã e p 3: Instai Microsoft Windows PowerSheJ’" Step 4: Instil Microsoft Exchange Step 5: Get Optical Updates for ttcrosoft Exchange ’ Step 1 : Instal .NET Framework 2.0 DUCATIWjgW gW O T O * ^ step 3: Instal Microsoft Windows PowerSheH” * Enhance Read about Microsoft Exchange Hosted Services Read about Mcrosoft Forefront'" Security for Exchange Serve» Inst«* Forefront Security for Exchange Server ¡Exchange Server 2007 close 5. Install các chương trình cần thiết hồ trợ cho việc cài đật Exchange Server 2K7 a. ỉnstall .Net Framework : chạy tĩle dotnetfx2-0.exe Màn hình .Net Framework 2.0 xuất hiện 4 Next (tìr Microsoft .NÍT Fram ew ork 2.0 Setup W e lc o m e lo M ic ro so ft .NET F r a m e w o rk 2.0 Setup VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION This wizard WÉ guKje you through the installation process. VSIC Education Corporation Trang 4 Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên Đánh dấu chọn vào ô I accept the term of the License Agreement Install (•¿'-Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Setup End-User License Agreem ent VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION End-User lic e n se Agreem ent MICROSOFT SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS MICROSOFT .NET FRAMEWORK 2.0 Mcrosoft Corporation (or based on where you kve, one of Its affiliates) licenses this supplement to you. If you are ken se d to use Microsoft Windows operating system software (the “software"), you may use this supplement. You may not use it if you do not have a license for the software. You may use a copy of this supplement with each va6<Jy k ensed copy of the software. grint By ckking 1 accept the terms of the License Agreement" and pioceedng to use the product, I indicate that I have read, understood, and agreed to the terms of the End-User License A yeem ent. V I accept the te rm s of the License Agreem ent < lack Instil > Cancel Màn hình setup của .Net Framework 2.0 u j M ic ro so ft .NET F ra m e w o rk 2 .0 S e tup In stallin g c o m pon en t s The terns you selected are beng instated. VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Installation Progress: Evaluating laifKh conditions Property: DO IE501 FOUND X86.3643236F FC70 IJD3 A536 0090278A1B88, Signal«e: SeãrchForIE5Õl_ENƯ_X86.3ÌM323ÉF_FC70” l ID3~A536_00902?8A1B88 VSIC Education Corporation Trang 5 Exchange 2007 Tai lieu danh cho hoc vien Sau khi install xong Finish Ha Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 Setup Setup Complete VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Microsoft .NET Fram ework 2.0 has been successfully installed. I t« highly recommended that you download and instal the latest service packs and security updates for this product. For more information, vis* the fofcxwig Web site: Product Support Center (□ B rush b. Install MMC 3.0 : chạy file MMC3.0 2K3-KB907265- x86-ENU.exe Next S o ftw a re U p da te I n st a lla tio n W iz ar d U se thu waard to ra ta l the lo*owng software update Update for Windows Server 2 00 3 (KB907265) CATION CORPORATION Bel ore you ra tal this update, we tecommend that you: • Back up you system • Close all open programs You might need to restart yout compute) alter you complete this update To continue, cick Next ~ K e x t> ]1 Cancel VSIC Education Corporation Trang 6 Exchange 2007 Tai lieu danh cho hoc vien Chợn I Agree 4 Next [so ftw are U p date I n s ta lla t io n W iza rd License Agieem ent S i » £ Please lead the foiowng icem e agreement T o continue with sefup. you must accept the agreement PLEASE NOTE Microsoft Corpoiabon (w based on wh«e you live, one of its affiliates) icenses this supplement to you The supplement is identiied to» use with one oc mote Microsoft opetating system fxoducts (the 'softwaie'l You may use a copy of this supplement with each vafcjy licensed copy of thesoftwafe You may not use it i you do not have a iceme foi the softwaie The , VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION I £¡0 Not Agree <*■ JAgtec £m t < Back I (jail > I Cancel c/trình sẽ intsall S o ftw a re U p d a te I n s ta lla tio n W iz ard Updating Your System ề £ 2 1 Please wait wWe setup nspects you curent conliguafion. archives Tr—Ị you cuiient Ses and updates your lies J VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Checking tot necessary space Défaite Running processes before install Cancel VSIC Education Corporation Trang 7 Exchange 2007 Tai lieu danh cho hoc vien Nhấn Finish S o ftw a re U pd ate I n s ta lla tio n W iz ard Completing the Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB907265) Installation Wizard You have successful compte* ed (he KB907265 Setup v/izad T 0 close this wizard, ctck Finish UCATION CORPORATION Màn hình setup của Exchange Server 2K7 sau khi instal .Net MMC 3.0 Plan ft*ad «bout Moosoft Exchange Sovw 2007 Install JsiC ^ U C A TIO N CORPORATION m Æ n step 3; ln «* l H oosoft Windows PowwrSheT- J step «: Imt J H cosoft Exchange Mkcro»ft Exchyvje Server er*bfes users to Mod and receive e«r*ai, schedie receiv© fa»«, and recefv« voce mai. Moouft Exchange Server 2007 Step «: I» *** Woosoft Exchange Step 5: Got Critical Up6*e>f for H a «e ft Exchange Enhance Read about Wcroioft Exchange Hwted Service* Read «bout WcrMott Fctehcntm Seo *ty for Exchange Serv Im tal Forefront Sec»x*y for Exchange Server VSIC Education Corporation Trang 8 Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên c. Install MS Power Shell 3.0: chạy file w indowsServer200 3-KB926139- PovverShell.exe S oftw a re U p d a te I n s ta lla t io n Wizard Use thtt vazaid lo nstal the lolownj software update Windows PowerShell(TM) 1.0 ICATION CORPORATION Befcae you install this update, we recommend that you: •Back up you system - Close al open piogiams You mighl need to icstart yout ccmputef alt« you complete this update To continue, click Next Cancel Nhấn I Agree nhấn Next. Chương trình sẽ install S oftw a re U p d a te I n s ta lla tio n W iz ard License Agreem ent Sằ Please lead the folowng fccense «gieement To continue vwth setup. r~21 you must accept the agteemenl jfv S I C EDUCATION CORPORATION MICROSOFT SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSEMICROSOFT SOFTWARE SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE TERMS WINDOWS POWERSHEU. FOR MICROSOFT WINDOWS OPERATING SYSTEM Mcsosoft Cotpoiation |o* based on you kve. one ot its affèales) kcenses this supplement to you If you a t licensed to use Microsoft Windows operatng system software (lot whtch this supplement is applicable) (the "sottw aie'l you may use this 2Ả I ßo Not Agree (Ĩ Ỉ.ỐSÊẼ? £m t < Back I tjext > I Cancel VSIC Education Corporation Trang 9 Exchange 2007 Tài liệu dành cho học viên sau cùng nhấn Finish Software Update Installation Wizard Completing the Windows PowerShell(TM) 1.0 Installation Wizard CATION CORPORATION You heve succe ssfu l completed (he Windows PowetShe^T Ml 1 0 S e iio W ea id T o close this wizard, click Finish Màn hình setup của Exchange Server 2K7 sau khi instal .Net,MMC 3.0 MS Windows Powershell VSIC EDUCATÌGtNXORP,QRATION 1 / J I Mfcroscft E<char»je Server truths users to Mod and receive e«r*ai, sche&ie receive fa » « , «nđ recefv« voce mai. Exchange Server 2007 Install 5Mp 4 : tns M l M a oso ft exchange Step 5: Got Critical Update* for H a « e ft Exchange Enhance Read about Mkroso/t Exchange Hotted Servtce* Read about W cr« o tt F&chcrt'” S e a rty fo r Exchange Serv IreteN Forefront S e orty for Exchange Server Lưu ý : Tuy trong chương trình không thông báo, nhưng bạn phải install chương trình Hotfix cho .Net Framework thi bạn mới có thê install Exchange Server 2007. Chạy tile NDP20-KB926776-X86.exe thực hiện theo wizard 6. Install Exchage Server 2007 : (Phiên bản 120 ngày) - Chạy file setup.exe ^ click lên Step 4 : Install Microsoft Exchange VSIC Education Corporation Trang 10 [...]... Recipient thụng dng cựa Ex2K7 II Cỏc bc chun b: 1 2 mỏy ó ci Exchange Server 2007 v Outlook 2007 2 2 domain gi mail qua li c vi nhau III.Thc hin: 1 To mi User Mailbox : To user v mailbox cựng lỳc a M Exchange Management Console Recipient Configuration RC trờn Mailbox ^ New Mailbox BR Exchange M anagem en t Console File Action View Help ù= Ê3 Microsoft Exchange r+i Organization Configuration ẫ 1 Server Configuration... Modify the Maximum Number of Recipients to Dsplay Mail c View Refresh Help Chn User Mailbox Next N ew Mailbox VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATI Introduction J User Type J I n tro d u c tio n This wizard will guide you through the steps for creating a linked mailbox and mail- eni^lng an existing user New Mailbox Choose mailbox type Completion ( IUser Mailboxi This mailbox is owned by a user to send and receive... users [7 Exchange users W Exchange servers 17 Legacy Exchange Servers r Partners 9 Dung MS Outlook 2007 cu hỡnh mail client cho Administrator a M MS.Outlook 2007, trong mn hnh Welcome to the Outlook ^ Next b Trong m n hỡnh E -mail account, check vo ụ Yes 4 Next Account Configuration i E-m ail Accounts Vou can configure O utlook to connect to In te rn e t E -mail, M icrosoft Exchange, or oth e r E -mail se... 21 Exchange 2007 VSIC Education Corporation Ti liu dnh cho hc viờn Trang 22 Exchange 2007 Ti liu dnh cho hc viờn e Trong Mailbox Settings kim tra: - ô' 1 t i Alias Server Storage group : First Storage Group New Mailbox VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION 0 Introduction M ailbox S ettings Usei Type Enter the alias loi the mailbox usei, and then select the mailbox location and policy s User Information Mailbox... f yo ur Micjo; adm inistrator M icrosoft Exchange se rver: |e x2k7.vsiclab.net I- Use Cached Exchange Mode Type th e name o f th e mailbox set up fo r yo u b y yaur adm inistrator The mailbox name is usually yo ur user name User Name: f ĂAdm inistrated I Check Name Sau ú, admin t gi cho chớnh mỡnh 1 email ờ kiờm tra 4 Gi c VSIC Education Corporation Trang 20 Exchange 2007 Ti liu dnh cho hc viờn R ecipient... Microsoft Exchange N e xt > Cancel Next e Trong Microsoft Exchange Settings, ti dũng Microsoft Exchange server, nhp vo Computer name (hoc IP) ca mỏy Exchange Server Trong dũng User Name, nhp vo tờn user ang cu hỡnh - trng hp ny la administrator click Check Name v sau ú nhn Next Finish Add New E-m ail Account M icrosoft Exchange S ettings You can e n te r th e required inform ation to ccnnect to M icrosoft Exchange. .. Settings Mailbox database New Mailbox Server: Ccmpletion IEX2K7 > Next = Storage group: |Fiist Storage Group Mailbox database: Mailbox Database r Managed ớoldet mabox policy Bv ro I -Trong mn hỡnh Configuration Sumary click New N e w M a ilb o x VSIC EDUCATION CORPORATION Introduction Usô Type Usei In/cxrrwstion n Mailbox Settings N o w M a ilb o x When you c ic k New the following mailbox wil... a ilb o x - v s ic la b n e t Display Name ó Administrator Hoang Minh Chau Distribution Group J Mail Contact t j i j Disconnected Mailbox V9 s3B Toolbox 2 o b je c ts Mailb ,f Create Filter 1 Alias Administrator hmchau c EDUCATION & 1 CORPORATIC 2 To Mailbox cho User ó (nhng chua mailbox) a Vo li Exchange Management Console b Trong mn hỡnh User Type chn Existing user click Browse lm theo phn... Finish i M MS Outlook 2007, dựng profile ca Administrator, vo trong Global Address List, s thy email address ca cỏc user mi to 4 To Contact > M Exchange Managemen t Console ỡ nhn phi chut trờn Mail Contact New Mail Contact PRExchange M Tỡụqcm er òle ctioo ew Console tjeb < Ă= M j ỹ N r f > p p f t p A T |f |M V Mail C ontact - vsiclo b n et 1 object ằ ^ O dtO Conhgaten u B u lB iB rijariU fi S a Server... Education Corpcôatioi%CN=MiciO$ott Exchange. CN=5ervices.CN=Confii*jfaton,DC=v$ằclab.DC=net Elapsed Time: 00:00.12 Select Dfl*c lo copy Ihe corrfenU of this page Hfe e h Kim tra trong Mailbox thy user mi to < Back Exchange Management Console File Action View Help E m I [lm Ê3 Microsoft Exchange + Organizaticn Configuration S 3 Server Configuration B t > Recipient Configuration ? Mailbox fJ M a ilb o x -

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2014, 09:37



