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The environment can only be saved if individuals take responsibility edited

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MỤC LỤC INTRODUCTION 1 In this study, I research 1 Thesis 2 Outline 2 Scope 2 I GOVERNMENT ROLE 3 II ORGANIZATION ROLE 4 III INDIVIDUALS ROLES IN SOLVING ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 5 IV INDIVIDUAL 6 CONCLU. MỤC LỤC INTRODUCTION 1 In this study, I research 1 Thesis 2 Outline 2 Scope 2 I. GOVERNMENT ROLE 3 II. ORGANIZATION ROLE 4 III. INDIVIDUALS ROLES IN SOLVING ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 5 IV. INDIVIDUAL 6 CONCLUSION 7 REFERENCE 8   INTRODUCTION Due to the development and changes in modern society, environmental interest has become more diverse, and it now exhibits the characteristics of diversity and multilevel nature. Based on the differences between the parties of the proper configuration, the environmental interest subject can be divided into government, enterprises, and the general public. Some would argue that it is the nations work to preserve the environment, while others say each citizen has to work for its protection. This essay finds that the government is crucial in settling environmental issues because one must strictly follow its rules and regulations. Whereas each organization and individual being responsible is essential as they are the first who gets directly affected if changes in the surroundings occur. The purpose of this paper is as follows: Firstly, understanding the critical responsibilities of government for environmental issues. Secondly, understand the nature of the relationship between the corporate social responsibility concept dimensions and protect the environment from industrial pollution. Thirdly, the research also seeks to show the role of individuals’ responsibility and its application to protect the environment. The study declares that individuals can not merely address global environmental issues, and all governments, organizations, and individuals should take responsibility for the environment together. Due to the limited amount of time, this paper focuses on governmentmacro responsibilities, organizations functions and individual roles in environmental protection.   BODY I. Government role in environmental protection action Environmental protection is the responsibility of the entire political system and the entire people, in which the State management of environmental protection identifies the subject as the State. All acts and activities of the people are subject to the management and direction of State agencies and departments. Therefore, to create unity in environmental protection, the states responsibility is not undersized. The relevant agencies and departments need to strengthen the regular inspection and supervision team in industrial parks and residential communities to detect and handle threatening and harmful behaviors to the environment. In addition, the state also needs to perfect the legal system on environmental protection and introduce a form of punishment that is strong enough to deter individuals and organizations that pose threats to the environment. Governments have primary responsibilities, duties, and powers to adopt appropriate economic and technical laws and policies to protect the quality of life and develop the national economy and society sustainably.

MỤC LỤC INTRODUCTION In this study, I research Thesis Outline Scope I GOVERNMENT ROLE .3 II ORGANIZATION ROLE III INDIVIDUAL'S ROLES IN SOLVING ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES .5 IV INDIVIDUAL CONCLUSION REFERENCE i INTRODUCTION Due to the development and changes in modern society, environmental interest has become more diverse, and it now exhibits the characteristics of diversity and multi-level nature Based on the differences between the parties of the proper configuration, the environmental interest subject can be divided into government, enterprises, and the general public Some would argue that it is the nation's work to preserve the environment, while others say each citizen has to work for its protection This essay finds that the government is crucial in settling environmental issues because one must strictly follow its rules and regulations Whereas each organization and individual being responsible is essential as they are the first who gets directly affected if changes in the surroundings occur The purpose of this paper is as follows: Firstly, understanding the critical responsibilities of government for environmental issues Secondly, understand the nature of the relationship between the corporate social responsibility concept dimensions and protect the environment from industrial pollution Thirdly, the research also seeks to show the role of individuals’ responsibility and its application to protect the environment The study declares that individuals can not merely address global environmental issues, and all governments, organizations, and individuals should take responsibility for the environment together Due to the limited amount of time, this paper focuses on government-macro responsibilities, organizations' functions and individual roles in environmental protection BODY I Government role in environmental protection action Environmental protection is the responsibility of the entire political system and the entire people, in which the State management of environmental protection identifies the subject as the State All acts and activities of the people are subject to the management and direction of State agencies and departments Therefore, to create unity in environmental protection, the state's responsibility is not undersized The relevant agencies and departments need to strengthen the regular inspection and supervision team in industrial parks and residential communities to detect and handle threatening and harmful behaviors to the environment In addition, the state also needs to perfect the legal system on environmental protection and introduce a form of punishment that is strong enough to deter individuals and organizations that pose threats to the environment Governments have primary responsibilities, duties, and powers to adopt appropriate economic and technical laws and policies to protect the quality of life and develop the national economy and society sustainably II Organization function in stemming the pollution Businesses are also a cell of society, so to effectively protect the environment, each business also needs to have its responsibilities for its fields No company does not harm the environment or human health Depending on the working process of each industry, the environmental impact will be different According to El-Mallah's (2019) research, petrochemical companies accounted for 32% of water pollution and the environment in general Gasoline and oil are both on this list, and they are used to run cars, machines and many other devices Currently, there is much controversy around fossil fuels; however, in any case, they are the main factors that cause pollution of water sources as well as the atmosphere According to the previous studies, the researcher would like to submit some solutions to petrochemical companies So they could conduct their companies more responsibly:  Increase companies' responsibility to implement environmental public policies and guide their financial and social activities to protect the environment from pollution; Increase employees' participation in the production process with healthy environmental contributions, and increase companies' ability to deal with tragedies and environmental crises;  Increase companies' commitment to enforce environmental public policies and guide their economic and social activities to protect the environment from pollution;  Increase businesses' ability to bear higher costs in order to protect the environment, as well as green consumers' awareness of businesses' products;  Develop an integrated strategy for the organization's culture on societal responsibility programs to protect the environment from pollution and a desire to engage employees in training programs to disseminate ethical principles Business organizations are under increasing pressure to improve their social performance to appeal to a broader range of community groups as knowledge spreads and communication speeds up These issues have compelled public and private-sector leaders to broaden their perspectives on their social roles and humanitarian efforts in various environmental segments III Individual's responsibilities in solving environmental issues Lower-income or lower-class individuals are frequently relegated to living and working environments that are more prone to pollution, stress, injury, and other disease-related risk factors Kimin Eom discovered reliable differences between low- and high-SES groups in how strongly environmental beliefs are associated with support for pro-environmental action in a study published in 2019 Personal beliefs about climate change predicted pro-environmental support more strongly among high-SES individuals than low-SES individuals, such as support for pro-environmental policies and donation to a pro-environmental organization The people's role in favoring and supporting the environment can not be missed If we look into the Long-run, It is the mass responsible for enhancing and promoting a healthy lifestyle by participating in their role and responsibility in keeping their vicinities safe and sound For example, they should constrain themselves to litter and control Noise Pollution by diverting the transport mode into gasoline-free vehicles Also, have control over killing innocent street animals by not cutting Large trees for their comfort and pleasure Moreover, In the hospitals, throwing off used Injections and other Pharmaceutical material needs to be adequately decomposed by heating them Individuals are responsible for considering their environmental impact and, where possible, minimizing the harm they cause to the planet On Mother's Day, however, everyone must turn on the lights at night, begin showering in the morning, turn on the air conditioning, and possibly drive somewhere They should be in charge of that process, as well as the analysis of how they, as individuals, could achieve the same goals with less environmentally damaging methods IV All governments, organizations and individuals should be responsible for the environment It can be said that the environment is the typical home of humans and all living things on Earth The environment includes many components and has an intimate relationship with the development of people, businesses and society, so every individual, organization and state should have the responsibility to protect the environment For enterprises: Before going into operation, it is necessary to build a standard waste treatment system seriously Not for fear of cost, but circumventing the law causes dangerous consequences for the environment For all social classes: Especially students, students need to train their consciousness to protect the environment by participating in activities and movements of garbage collection, street cleaning and planting trees to provoke forests At the same time, propagandizing to help people around understand the importance of doing this For the State: Honor and reward agencies, organizations, residential communities, households and individuals that have made positive contributions to environmental protection activities following laws Integrate and promote the circular economy and green economic models in formulating and implementing socio-economic development strategies, master plans, programs, schemes, and projects The government and businesses are attempting to elicit a more creative environmental interest in natural resources and a greater focus on the environment's economic benefits However, from a public welfare standpoint, the public is always striving for a better natural environment as the most critical environmental interests of subjects, government, business, and the general public should take on the responsibility of pollution control and environmental protection CONCLUSION Because of the growing influence of governments and organizations and the growing criticism directed at them regarding the legitimacy of their work and mechanisms affecting society and the environment, the issue of social responsibility and ethical aspects is of critical importance This study shows the roles of governments in passing laws and policies to protect the quality of the living environment and sustainably develop the national economy and society, the responsibilities of enterprises in skimming the amount of disposal, and individual function in addressing environmental issues From that, I would argue that Environmental protection should be done in all aspects, from individuals to organizations and the entire state apparatus Environmental pollution has become more serious, so it is necessary to take macro and micro-actions to achieve comprehensive effects I believe that a combined approach will work best to prevent or reverse environmental changes The contribution of every individual is just as significant as the intervention from the government or organization to fix existing issues and save our planet for future generations REFERENCE Cantor, D.E., Morrow, P.C., McElroy, J.C and Montabon (2013), "The role of individual and organizational factors in promoting firm environmental practices", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, Vol 43 No 5/6, pp 407-427 https://doi.org/10.1108/IJPDLM-03-2012-0071 El-Mallah, R.K.E.-D., Aref, A.A.e.H and Sherif, S (2019), "The role of social responsibility in protecting the environment – a case of the petrochemical companies in Alexandria Governorate", Review of Economics and Political Science, Vol ahead-of-print No ahead-of-print https://doi.org/10.1108/REPS-04-2019-0052 Eom K, Papadakis V, Sherman DK, Kim HS The Psychology of Proenvironmental Support: In Search of Global Solutions for a Global Problem Current Directions in Psychological Science 2019;28(5):490-495 doi:10.1177/0963721419854099 Joakim Kulin & Ingemar Johansson Sevä (2019) The Role of Government in Protecting the Environment: Quality of Government and the Translation of Normative Views about government Responsibility into Spending Preferences, International Journal of Sociology, 49:2,110-129, DOI: 10.1080/00207659.2019.1582964 Voget-Kleschin, L., Baatz, C & Garcia-Portela, L Introduction to the Special Issue on Individual Environmental Responsibility J Agric Environ Ethics 32, 493–504 (2019) https://doi.org/10.1007/s10806-01909792-1 ... organizations and individuals should be responsible for the environment It can be said that the environment is the typical home of humans and all living things on Earth The environment includes... supporting the environment can not be missed If we look into the Long-run, It is the mass responsible for enhancing and promoting a healthy lifestyle by participating in their role and responsibility. .. Thirdly, the research also seeks to show the role of individuals? ?? responsibility and its application to protect the environment The study declares that individuals can not merely address global environmental

Ngày đăng: 22/03/2023, 16:53



