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TAPESCRIPT FOR LISTENING PART PART 1 A Hello, everyone, and welcome to Borchester University If you ‘d like to split into small groups of about ten, a guide will take you around the campus – the first[.]

TAPESCRIPT FOR LISTENING PART PART 1: A Hello, everyone, and welcome to Borchester University If you ‘d like to split into small groups of about ten, a guide will take you around the campus – the first thing they’ll show you is the most important – where to get food! OK, please divide into smaller groups now, the guides are here on the left [ guide] Right,…, nine, ten – that’s about right OK let’s start As the coordinator said, we’ll look at where to eat on campus first The principle place to buy food is here – the Main Refectory As you can see this is large – it holds about five hundred people – so it’s very busy What can you buy here? They always have a good choice Usual choices are vegetarian, fish, pasta and salad – as well as a main menu, including the budget choice Sometimes they special menus for a week – last week it was Chinese food Mmm – I remember they had some wonderful choices [laughter] Of course, to get the best choice you need to get here early The main hall is open from 11.30 to half past two – but by about two the choices are rather reduced Unless you like chips and pies, that is – the budget menu is always available What’s the cost here? Well, it varies – from about £1.50 for the budget to £3 It sounds expensive, but if you eat here you probably won’t want to eat so much in the evening as the portions are huge OK, so much for the refectory The next place to eat is the café near the Arts Building – that’s here on the map This is small – much smaller, with only space for about 50 people It’s also a shop, so it’s very busy all day It’s open from nine in the morning until in the evening What can you buy here? Well, really only tea, coffee, hot chocolate and sandwiches The cost of a meal is about £1.15 One nice thing about here is that you can surf the Internet while you eat – absolutely free, as long as you are a customer of course There are six computers for customers to use Oh, I said there’s a shop too – it sells all the usual things, chocolate, newspapers, sweets, cakes and bottled drinks It’s very convenient Page Another nice place to eat is the bar area in the theatre – again this is small, but there’s more space than the café and no shop, so it tends to be less crowded It is still quite busy though, because it’s very comfortable with nice chairs It is open from 10 to What can you get to eat here? Again, it’s really only drinks like tea and coffee and toasted sandwiches The toasted sandwiches here are better since they also have a garnish – tomatoes and lettuce – with them But the average meal costs more –about 1.30 one problem is that they rrun out quickly here – you are not likely to find much to eat after about 1.30 Well, that’s the general information about where you can eat on campus But you know, those places are not just for eating and drinking The main Refectory has a string quartet of music students playing every Thursdays at lunchtime and on Tuesdays and Fridays the Theatre Bar offers lunchtime jazz concerts at one o’clock They’re always popular and the bar fills up by noon, so make sure you get there early Now I can see some of you are smoking This is only allowed in certain areas of the campus and never in the library or eating places Oh no, sorry, it is allowed in the Main Refectory but only in a small section in the corner There were suggestions that the Theatre Bar would be a smoking area but this created quite a debate among students so a final decision hasn’t as yet been made Thank for your attention Now your guide will take you on your tour PART 2: Juni: Hi, Milton – I didn’t see you this afternoon You missed a really good talk Milton: oh, did I? that’s a pity – it was Mr Brand’s talk about fossils, wasn’t it? J: yeah, I hadn’t rally expected to enjoy it, but it was fascinating M: I thought it would be I’d been planning to go to the talk, but then when I was in the lab this morning, I realized I hadn’t done any reading for tomorrow’s history seminar J: Well, I think he’s going to repeat it some time, but it may be next year M: Perhaps you could tell me a bit about it, then? J: Well, he talked about himself in the first part Page M: I saw on the notice that went around that he wnet to America to study and met a famous anthropologist J: yeah, that’s right, but he said he got interested in fossils well before then – when he was about six in fact – and he found the most amazing fossil on a school visit to a national park He showed it to us - he still has it- though he said he wasn’t looking for it at the time! M: Most kids wouldn’t recognize a fossil if they saw one! J: I know – they want to watch adventure films or play with model dinosaurs But apparently he spent his school holidays hunting for fossils in the farm pits near his home M: so does he lecture on the subject now? J: Yes – but he also runs a business organizing fossil hunts for groups of adults and chidren M: Aw…Wouldn’t it be great if we could something like that? J: He showed us lots of pictures… M: So they all go out in a group to the cliffs or somewhere with little hammers, so they? J: Yeah – apparently, the kids tell everyone that’s the best bit-tapping the stones to see if anything’s there M: Do they know what they’re looking for? J: Yeah They get shown some examples of what they may find first M: And they actually get to find any fossils? J: Yes – Mr Brand showed some photos of children proudly holding up their fossils for the camera at the end of the day M: If they take them home, I bet they become prized possessions in their rooms as well J: For sure He said he never stops being amazed at how close you can be to a fossil M: I guess the children aren’t aware of history that much J: No, but, for them, the key thing they learn is that if they keep looking, they will find something, Page M: Mmm- you have to wait…it’s not for people who want instant success So why don’t we go on one of those hunts? J: Well, yes, I’m quite keen The hunts are fully booked until the end of this year, unfortunately M: I could talk to some of the other students and see if we can form a group J: That’s a good idea I’ll give him a call Then, it we have enough people, we might be able to get him to an extra one for us M: I’ll look on his website when I get back to the dorm just to get a bit more information PART 3: Loius: I’m looking for some advice about doing a Master’s Degree in Media Studies Am I at the right place? Mark: Yes, my name’s Mark, I’m head of the Media Studies course Nice to meet you, and you are… Louis: I’m Louise, nice to meet you too Mark: So how can I help you? Louis: Well I’ve seen the prospectus for the course but I’m still a bit confused about a few things and about some of the options for studying Mark: What’s your situation at the moment? Are you working? Louis: Yes, I’ve been working as a journalist for a local newspaper for the last months Prior to that I had two jobs in the media – at a small local radio station for about years and at a TV station for about years So I’ve worked in media for about six years in total Mark: Ok well that’s useful if you want to the course What is your motivation to further study? Louis: I enjoy my job a lot at the moment but I feel the opportunities for promotion are quite limited It’s not that I think a masters will help with this though I’ll probably leave my job, maybe to go into TV or something, but basically I think wherever I end up going in the future, employers prefer to see someone with post-graduate qualifications these days Page Mark: And are you intending to study full-time? Louis: Well I’d really like to keep working as I need an income What are the options for me if I want to work whilst studying? Mark: You could certain modules over a number of years you like It’s up to you how many you Basically you get credits for the ones you complete People usually the Masters in anything from 18 months up until years It depends on your time If you wanted a fixed schedule and attendance and did it part time then that would be a total of years Louis: So what is the admission criteria to join the course? Mark: Well there are a few things that are useful but not essential, but there are some requirements Usually to join a Masters people must have a bachelor’s degree, but we are prepared to overlook this if someone has enough work experience But you must have one or the other It’s useful if you have research experience as you have to complete a thesis but we can train you on this if not It’s essential that you have motivation if you want to join the course as it is very demanding Louis: What about the costs for the course? Mark: The fees for a year if you are studying part-time are £2250 No sorry, they have gone up this year – £2400 Of course you are paying for all other living costs Louis: Is there any kind of bursary or scholarship available to help with the fees? Mark: Yes there are things available but you have to meet the criteria to get funding Often though the university will actually contact you about funding Universities have a certain budget available to provide funds so they will look for the best students and offer them something if they think they will be suitable You would have to have a firm offer in place to join the course though before you’d be considered for any funding Louis: Where can I go to find out more about it? Mark: The best place to look for information about funding is on our university website All the details about whether you’re eligible, what help is on offer, and Page how to apply will be there If you can’t find the information you’re looking for, you can always come and speak to us again and there will be a number you can ring Louis: Ok thanks for that And is it easy to get hold of you if I need to speak to you further? Mark: Yes, I’m here most days, but you can always phone the office first to check It’s best to book an appointment in case I’m not around Page

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 21:36
