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HỘI CÁC TRƯỜNG CHUYÊN VÙNG DUYÊN HẢI & ĐỒNG BẰNG BẮC BỘ ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ THI TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN HƯNG YÊN MÔN: ANH VĂN KHỐI 10 ĐÁP ÁN ĐỀ ĐỀ XUẤT Năm học: 2015-2016 I LISTENING (40 points) Part 1: (10 points – points/correct answer) C C B B A F 10 T Part 2: (10 points – points /correct answer) T F F Part 3: (20 points – points/correct answer) 11 May 21st 12 14 13 20 km 14 $675.99 (dollar) 15 evening meals 16 safarafaria 17 flights 18 guarantee 19 book early 20 deposit II LEXICO–GRAMMAR (60 points) Part 1: (20 points – point/correct answer) D D C C C A B B C 10 C 11 C 12 A 13 D 14 A 15 C 16 D 17 D 18 B 19 B 20 C Part 2: (10 points – point/correct answer) line 1: to disappear 21 line 3: offrom 22 line 3: werewas 23 line 5: mystery 24 line 6: blamed 25 line 6: a mystery/mysterious to blame aircraftsaircraft 26 line 9: aas a 27 line: rolled 28 line 13: safesafety have rolled 29 line 14: ifif not 30 line 15: put make/place Part 3: (10 points – point/correct answer) up with 31 to 32 of 33 with 34 about 35 on/upon 36 in 37 off 38 up 39 off 40 to Part 4: (20 points – points/correct answer) Annoyance 41 outbursts 42 offence 43 constructively 44 composure 45 respectful 46 intolerant 47 irritable 48 background 49 quick-tempered/ 50 disorganized hot-tempered/ bad-tempered III READING (60 points) Part 1: (15 points – point/correct answer) A D B C A D A C B B 10 C 11 D 12 A 13 C 14 D 15 A Part 2: (15 points – 1.5 points/correct answer) 16 new 17 both 18 part 19 would 20 what 21 living 22 error 23 because 24 full 25 kept Part 3: (15 points – 1.5 points/correct answer) 26 B 27 C 28 D 29 B 30 A 31 B 32 A 33 C 34 A 35 A Part 4: (15 points – 1.5 points/correct answer) 36 vi 41 stimuli 37 iii 38 ix 42 hypersensitive 39 viii 40 ii 43 sensory cortex 44 trimester 45 functions IV WRITING (40 points) Part 1: (15 points – 1.5 points/correct answer) He dismissed opinion polls as (being) worthless There was no justification for the harsh criticism of the Prime Minister It was not so much a marriage as a business contract 4 The chances are that they will win the case Come what may, we’ll stay side by side I need someone to stand in for me at the ceremony He was indebted to a passer-by for his life I smelt a rat when they offered me such a high interest rate The new cuts are bound to worry the staff 10.Money counts for nothing on a desert island Part 2: (25 points) The mark given to part is based on the following criteria:  Organization (25%):  parts ( topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentence)  topic sentence: consists of topic and controlling idea  concluding sentence: summarizes the main supporting ideas/ restates the topic sentence and gives personal opinion  Content, coherence and cohesion (25%):  supporting sentences: support directly main idea stated in the topic sentence and provide logical, persuasive examples  use of transition signals appropriately  Lexical resource (25%):  The writer uses synonyms and paraphrases flexibly  The writer uses topic-related vocabulary  Grammatical range and accuracy (25%):  The writer uses a wide range of sentence structures (simple, compound and complex)  The writer uses verb tense and forms accurately  The writer shows good control of spelling and punctuation LISTENING TRANSCRIPT Part Charlie: Oh, I’m glad that’s over! How you think you did in the presentation, Sarah? Sarah: I don’t really know It’s hard to tell I followed all the instructions on my handout but when I came to it, I felt really nervous Charlie: How come? I always thought you’d be a good speaker Was it because Professor Stone was taking notes or because we were all watching? Sarah: Well, I already knew that you’d all be watching me so I was prepared for that, but I hadn’t thought about him writing anything down He hardly looked at me I don’t even know if he noticed all the work I’d put into it Charlie: Of course, he did He hardly looked at any of us Anyway, I’m sure we all felt the same I certainly did I’m much happier in front of the computer monitor I’m not a very confident speaker at the best of times You know I hate giving speeches in front of an audience Remember what I was like when we all had to stand up and talk about ourselves at the beginning of the course Anyway, what did you think of mine? Be honest Sarah: Well, I was impressed by the visuals You’re certainly good with computers I wish my PowerPoint was as good as yours The images conveyed your ideas really clearly and the background music was great Charlie: You think so? Did you really like it? I changed my mind about the soundtrack at the last minute but it was too late to anything about it Sarah: No, the music was perfect It wasn’t too loud either We could hear you easily right from the back of the room Next time you can help me with mine I can never find the right piece of music Um My only criticism would be that you read from the screen a bit too much without going into much detail Charlie: You mean that I needed to spend more time on developing my ideas (uhu) Yeah, you’re right I spent far too long on the visuals and not enough time on thinking about what I was going to say and that’s why I finished with more than minutes to spare I’ve got to include more examples in my next one Sarah: Well, I had the opposite problem I kept going off the point and went well over time You see when I’m nervous; I tend to talk too much I’m bound to lose points from that Charlie: Oh, I don’t know – he might give you more content (laughs) He’s always going on about not dropping below the word limit in our written assignments You know what he’s like More is better Sarah: I hope so He’s always so critical about everything I write I never get more than a B Charlie: Cheer up! We’ve only done essays so far and I only got a C in my first one So, how you think I interacted with the audience? Sarah: Well, I don’t know about Professor Stone, but we enjoyed it a lot It was funny in places but you kept to the point How about mine? Charlie: Well You did make us feel personally involved and we did learn a lot but I must admit some parts were much too long-especially the second slide That went on for over minutes We’ll both need to work on our timing next time Part Man: Morning Can I help you? Woman: I hope so I wanted to inquire about booking a two-week vacation I was thinking of somewhere in Africa – to see the wild animals Would you have any like that available? Man: Yes We have a Safari Holiday offer running for the rest of the month Tours last a fortnight, so that sounds like you’re looking for Woman: Just the ticket! Have you any spaces in June; around the 20? Man: June is all booked up I’m afraid The nearest date I have to that is May 21 Are you booking for yourself? Woman: Actually no; it’s a present for my two sons – they’re twins and they’ve just turned 16 Man: Right That’s no problem; there is a minimum age for this tour in my notes, but it’s 14, so your sons are more than welcome to sign up In fact, they’d probably be quite excited by the prospect of going off to safari – I know I would have loved to at their age Woman: That’s what I’m hoping Man: Let me tell you a little bit about it then and you can see what you think The tour group isn’t based on one place but travels around 20km across e flatlands of the Serengeti Park everyday Woman: Sounds very nice! Isn’t it expensive to go on safari like that though? Man: It used to be that you couldn’t book a tour like this for an less than $1,000 per person, but these days prices are much more reasonable We charge $675.99 and that includes morning and afternoon, though not evening meals Woman: How can I find out about the tour itinerary in detail? Man: I would recommend that you go directly to the website- safarafaria.com You’ll find an answer there for any question you might have about the route and what they’re likely to see Woman: Is that ‘safa’-s-a-f-a- ‘rafa’-r-a-f-a- and’ria’- r-i-a? Man: Safarafaria, you got it Woman: What an odd name! Man: By the way, I should tell you of course that the 675$-odd I quoted you includes flights; they’re not additional expense What’s more, though I am sure your twins will love their adventure, the holiday promoter has given us a moneyback guarantee, so, if they are unhappy and if they don’t see all the animals listed on the website at one point or another during the tour, you can reclaim what you’ve paid Woman: Wonderful! It sounds like a terrific holiday and I’ll definitely gave it some thought Man: Don’t dwell too long though Woman: Oh, why not? Man: This tour is in demand and there are a limited number of spaces left, so you may miss out if you don’t book early Woman: I see Well, that’s a shame Man: Why are you so disappointed? Woman: I don’t have that kind of money to hand at the moment even if I want to book for them Man: Never mind! You don’t have to pay it all upfront; all you need to is place a deposit to reserve your tour tickets; and that’s only $500 Woman: Hmm, yes I think I could manage that Thank you You’ve been very helpful and informative Man: You’re very welcome Part Marcus: Hi there! Cora: Morning, or should I say afternoon? Marcus: I'm not late, am I? Cora: Only a few minutes today But you're never exactly early, are you? Marcus: Well, it's the traffic isn't it? There were queues of buses stopping anything from moving up the London Road Cora: But that's where you're wrong It's the cars that make traffic jams because there are so many of them And most of the time they have just one person in them - like you! At least the buses have more than one person in them Anyway, I don't know why you don't come to work on your bike You'd pass all the jams, and you'd be fitter Marcus: I just don't accept that What about the air I'd breathe while I was cycling? I'd get wet in the rain And I'd arrive at work all hot and sticky Cora: But you wouldn't if you allowed enough time to come across the park It's really quite pleasant riding that way, and it's not much further And it's cheaper Marcus: Yeah, anything would be cheaper than the buses in this town If they weren't so expensive, more people would catch them They should make them cheaper, or employers should pay part of people's bus fares That would cut the traffic and we'd all get to work in much less time Cora: And it'd be healthier for everyone, whether they were on a bike or not Marcus: If the buses weren't too old and smelly Some of them are terrible Cora: But so are cars and lorries, of course So, are you getting the bus tomorrow, then? Marcus: Well, I might consider it, but unfortunately the bus stop's a long way from my flat, so I'd have to get up earlier, and tomorrow's my day off anyway Cora: Honestly, I sometimes wonder how you manage to get out of bed in the mornings Marcus: Well, I don't have to tomorrow Cora: So we'd better get on with some work now Marcus: OK, OK

Ngày đăng: 15/03/2023, 21:35

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