TIENG ANH 10 HOÀNG lê KHA tây NINH đáp án đề NGHỊ 2022

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TIENG ANH 10   HOÀNG lê KHA tây NINH   đáp án đề NGHỊ 2022

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KỲ THI HỌC SINH GIỎI CÁC TRƯỜNG THPT CHUYÊN KHU VỰC DUYÊN HẢI VÀ ĐỒNG BẰNG BẮC BỘ LẦN THỨ , NĂM 2022 HƯỚNG DẪN CHẤM MÔN: TIẾNG ANH 10 Thời gian: 180 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề) Ngày thi: (Đáp án gồm 07 trang) A LISTENING (50 points): LISTENING Part 1: points/ correct answer 01674 553 242 (free) drink(s)/refreshment(s) (the/a) pianist/piano player 10.50 Part 2: points/ correct answer B D B D 10 A 14 T 15 T Part points/ correct answer 11 F 12 T 13 F Part 4: point/ correct answer 16 stop 17 German (too) 18 (while) ears 19 female 20 30/thirty kg/kilos/kilograms 21 (open) countryside 22 (some/the) water 23 dog ride 24 (too/very) noisy 25 hands B LEXICO - GRAMMAR (50 points) Part Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences and write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (20 points) D C A A B B D C C 10 B 11 C 12 C 13 B 14 C 15 B 16 D 17 A 18 A 19 A 20 D Part Complete each sentence with one suitable particle or preposition Write your answers in the box provided (10 points) Page of through with of out upon / on up off on up 10 up Part Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets Write your answers in the spaces provided below (10 points) household amiss gullible fallible overstepped inconclusive unwieldy wonders makeshift 10 decomposed C READING (50 points) Part Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each gap Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes (10 points) – (1pt for each correct answer) D B C A C B B A A 10 C Part Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only ONE word in each space Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (15 points) – (1.5 pts for each correct answer) realize draw recharge rely time supply movement carry invention 10 useful Part Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the questions Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (10 points) – (1pt for each correct answer) D B D B A B A C C 10 B Part Read the text and the following tasks (15 points) – (1.5pts for each correct answer) vi Page of iv ii vii i v E G B 10 F D WRITING (50 points) Part 2: Essay writing The mark given to this part is based on the following criteria: Content: (35% of total mark) a Providing all main ideas and details as required b Communicating intentions sufficiently and effectively Organization & Presentation: (30% of total mark) a Ideas are well organized and presented with coherence, cohesion, and clarity b The composition is well - structured Language: (30% of total mark) a Demonstration of a variety of vocabulary and structures appropriate to the level of English language gifted upper - secondary school students b Good use and control of grammatical structures Punctuation, and spelling and handwriting (5% of total mark) a Good punctuation and no spelling mistakes b Legible handwriting TAPESCRIPTS Part NINA: So will you fill in the form or shall I? GEORGE: I’ll it Name: George O’Neill Address: 48 North Avenue , Westsea Do you remember our new postcode? Still can’t remember it NINA:Just a minute - I’ve got it written down here W S6 2YH Do you need the phone too? GEORGE: Please I’m really bad at numbers NINA:01674 553242 So, let’s book two tickets for Guitarrini GEORGE:Okay If you’re sure £7.50 each is all right How you feel about the singer? NINA: I haven’t quite decided But I’ve noticed something on the booking form that might just persuade me! GEORGE: What’s that then? NINA: Free refreshments! GEORGE: Really? NINA: Yes, look here Sunday 17th of June Singer, ticket £6.00 includes drinks in the garden GEORGE: Sounds like a bargain to me! Page of NINA: Yes, let’s book two tickets for that So, what else? I’m feeling quite keen now! How about the pianist on the 22nd of June? GEORGE: Anna Ventura? I’ve just remembered that’s my evening class night NINA:That’s okay I’ll just have to go on my own - but we can go to the Spanish dance and guitar concert together, can’t we? GEORGE: Yes - I’m sure Tom and Kieran would enjoy that too Good heavens - £10.50 a ticket! I can see we’re going to have to go without food for the rest of the week - we’ll need to book four ! NINA:Wish we were students - look! Children, Students and Senior Citizens get a 50%discount on everything GEORGE: If only! Part Interviewer: My guest today is Douglas Turner, who recently spent a weekend climbing a mountain in Africa Douglas, how did this come about? Douglas: Well, I suppose it started with seeing adverts for activity holidays in the national press week after week; it somehow got into my subconscious Then there was one which said, “Are you ready for the greatest physical challenge of your life? Five thousand metres One weekend.” And somewhat against my better judgement, I found myself picking up the phone straight away You see, I simply hadn’t trained for it; the nearest I’d got was a bit of hill-walking five years ago Interviewer: What did you think you would get out of the weekend? Douglas: Generally when I go to things, I enjoy meeting people, but in this case I was afraid the rest of the group would be a bunch of healthy types and I wouldn’t have much in common with them And as for the weekend at all It was more a kind of wanting to see what I was mentally capable of doing Would I get cold feet and not go at all? Or go, but give up halfway up? That sort of thing Interviewer: But you made it to the top Douglas: Yes, I did Much to my surprise, I can tell you Interviewer: And were you right about the other people? Douglas: No, actually There were a few serious walkers and climbers, but most of the participants were professional people who wanted to something quite different once in a while, more or less like me, in fact So not intimidating after all Though I have to admit that nearly all of them were fitter than me Actually, I hadn’t realized so many people did this sort of thing It was funny-When I told a friend that I was going, she said, “Oh, not another one Every one I know’s going climbing this year There’s a big thing about pushing yourself to your limit at the moment, isn’t there? You’re welcome to it,” she said “You won’t catch me up there” Interviewer: How did you all get on together? Douglas: I suppose we were a bit suspicious of each other at first, but that soon went, and we somehow developed a really close group feeling, and nobody complained about having to wait for the slow ones, which usually included me Or at least, if they did complain, they did it out of earshot In fact, on the fight home we were busy exchanging cards and decided to book another weekend trip as a party-but without a mountain in sight this time Interviewer: So how did the weekend compare with your expectations? Douglas: It was much better than I’d expected It made me change in subtle ways As I’d hope, I gained in self-knowledge, and I learned to get in with people I couldn’t escape from, but I also became much more observant, of the tiny little wild flowers, for instance, and that was quite a bonus Page of Interviewer: I suppose you’re going to be a regular mountain climber now Douglas: The pair of boots I wore I’m keeping with the mud still on them on my desk at work They’re a kind of trophy, to prove to myself that I’ve done it But I somehow don’t think I’ll be using them again I’m going to have to put them somewhere less visible, though, because it’s sometimes a bit embarrassing when other people are impressed Interviewer: Douglas Turner, thank you very much Douglas: Thank you./ Part Thank you all for coming to my talk this evening It’s nice to see so many people in the audience For those of you who don’t know very much about PS Camping, let me start by giving you some background information about the company The company started twenty-five years ago It actually opened as a retail chain selling camping equipment, and then twenty years ago, it bought a small number of campsites in the UK, and began offering camping holidays The company grew rapidly and has been providing holidays in continental Europe for the last fifteen years If you book a camping holiday with us, you’ll have a choice of over three hundred sites In Italy we now have some 64 sites that we either own, or have exclusive use of France is where we have the majority of sites , and we currently have a project to expand into Switzerland We also have a number of sites in Northern Spain, particularly in the mountainous region of Picos de Europa We’ve upgraded all these Spanish sites, and improved them considerably from their original three-star rating We believe our holidays offer superb facilities for the whole family Parents who want their children to be fully occupied for all or part of the day can take advantage of our children’s activities These are organised by our well-qualified and enthusiastic staff Each day kicks off with a sports match, perhaps football, or volleyball, followed by an hour of drama for everyone This may include singing or dancing, mime or other activities In the afternoon, there’s a different art activity for each day of the week including a poster competition or model making What’s more, our sites are truly child-friendly, and, with this in mind, we operate a no-noise rule in the evenings Children’s evening activities usually finish at 9.30, or occasionally 10, and from 10.30 holiday-makers are expected to be quiet in the areas where there are tents We want nothing to go wrong on a PS Camping holiday, but if it does, we also want all customers to be insured If you haven’t organised an annual insurance policy of your own you’ll need to take out the low-cost cover we offer and we require that you arrange this when you make your holiday reservation There are many advantages to choosing PS Camping, and to recommending it to others As a regular customer, you’ll be kept informed of special offers, and your friends can benefit from ten per cent off their holiday, or book a luxury tent for the price of a standard one In return, we’ll send you a thank-you present , which you can choose from a list of high-quality items When it comes to our tents, these are equipped to the highest standard We really think of every essential detail, from an oven and cooking rings fuelled by bottled gas, to mirrors in the bedroom areas If you don’t want to cook indoors, you can borrow a barbecue if you ask in advance for one to be made available, and there’s even a picnic blanket to sit on outside your tent Inside, a box of games and toys can be found , and children’s tents can be hired if required All tents have a fridge, and if you want Page of to spend the day on the beach, for example, ask for a specially designed PS Camping cool box , which will keep your food and drinks chilled There are excellent washing facilities at all our sites, with washing machines and clothes lines in the central areas, along with mops and buckets in case your tent needs cleaning during your stay All sites have a café and/or a shop for those who’d rather ‘eat in’ than dine at a local restaurant Question 2: Interviewer: Jeremy, I know you’ve just come back from Finland And you had some interesting experiences with transport while you were there, didn’t you? Jeremy: Yes, I did I spent a week two hundred and fifty kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, where there were only a few hours of sunlight every day and the temperature was minus thirty degree Celsius But it was a marvelous trip! What made it really exciting for me was the dogs I went on a ride across the snow on a sled pulled by four dogs, or huskies as they’re called They’re amazing animals and I loved getting them to obey immediately But what I found myself shouting more than anything was the word “stop”-just to make sure they knew who was in control! And what was extraordinary about my huskies was that they obey these commands in more than one language Obviously, they understand Finnish, but my guide told me they’ll respond to German too If I’d been there longer I’d have taught them some French-just for the fun of it! Anyway, my guide and I set off on two dogs sleds into the frozen Finnish countryside To begin with, I was two preoccupied with controlling the dogs to admire the wonderful scenery Those huskies certainly love to run! Their tongues hang out, their nose strain forward and their tails stream behind them I didn’t take my eyes off the lead dog It had white ears, and if I looked at them, it helped me concentrate on where we were going My lead dog was an exceptionally intelligent animal, though they always have to be smart Apparently, they are also usually female There are male dogs in the team, too, but they don’t take the lead position As I said, my sled had four dogs, but you need eight or ten to pull a sled going with a full load of two hundred kilos Each individual dog is capable of hauling thirty kilos, and they seem to it almost effortlessly At first, we were dashing along in the open countryside, but after about an hour we turned into the forest We disturbed a few birds, and snow would come falling down out of the trees But branches were the things I really had to look out for I certainly didn’t want to get one in my face Eventually, we got to a cabin where we were going to have lunch My guide started a fire and set about preparing a meal of reindeer meat, washed down with juice made from berries that grow in the forest He sent me off with a bucket to fetch some water This involved making a hole in the ice in a nearby lake I must say, I was quite nervous that the ice was going to break underneath my weight That dog ride was the best part of my trip, but there are other exciting ways to get around on the ice and snow Another way I tried was riding a skidoo It’s a great favourite with those of us who love racing about without much purpose, and some people compare a skidoo to a motorbike; but to my mind it feels much more like travelling on a speed boat It’s certainly faster than being pulled by dogs But, for me its big advantages is that it’s very noisy The sound of the engine destroys the peace of the countryside But, thanks to my skidoo, I was able to travel deep into the wilderness to spend the night in a cabin by a frozen lake I’ll never forget the incredibly beautiful night sky I saw there The advantage of skidooriding is that you never have icy hands, however low the temperature falls This is thanks to the vehicle’s heated handlebars I wish there was something similar for your feet Interviewer: It sounds like an interesting trip Would you go back to Finland? Jeremy: Oh, definitely Page of Page of ... truly child-friendly, and, with this in mind, we operate a no-noise rule in the evenings Children’s evening activities usually finish at 9.30, or occasionally 10, and from 10. 30 holiday-makers are... have to go on my own - but we can go to the Spanish dance and guitar concert together, can’t we? GEORGE: Yes - I’m sure Tom and Kieran would enjoy that too Good heavens - ? ?10. 50 a ticket! I can... movement carry invention 10 useful Part Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the questions Write your answers in the corresponding numbered boxes (10 points) – (1pt for

Ngày đăng: 20/10/2022, 19:25