E Tap chi Gido duc (2022),22(21),14 ISSN: 2354-0753 TiCH HOP CAC NQI DUNG PHAT TRIEN BEN vONG TRoNG cHr/oNG rniNs oAo rao crao lr0N: NcnrtN ctU rat sa cosooAo rAo clrio vltN cOAvrET NAM Nguy6n Phuang Thrio Article history Received: 0l/82022 Accepted:27 /9D022 Published: 05/l 12022 Ke),words Truong Dai hgc Su pham Hri NQi E mo i I : n gtye np hu o n g thao@hrue e du.v n ABSTRACT This surdy analyzes how sustainable development (SD) topics arc integrated in tlre teacher education curricula of three teacher education institutions (TEIs) namely: Hanoi National University of Education, University of Education (Vietnarn National University Hanoi), and School of Education (Can Tho University) The author employs a mixed approach combining Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), teacher education, integration, teacher education curriculurq sustainable development qualitative and quantitative analysis with the support of MAXQDA software to anallze 12142 syllabi of the tkee TEls The findings reveal that SD topics were integrated in the curricula io some extentl however, the integration level was moderare: 28.6% at Hanoi National University of Education, 29 -7o/o at University of Education ryietnam National Univenity Hanoi), and 14.5% at School ofEducation (Can Tho University) SD topics were mostly integrated horizontally These frndings provide the implications for TEls to deploy a holistic strategy in integrating various dimensions of Education for Sustainable Development @SD) in n'aining curricula to equip pre-service teachers with a better and systematic undentanding of ESD as well as the role of education in fulfilling SD objectives towards the ultimate goals ofa better world l M&itAu Th6ch thtc l6n nl6t mn qn ftii gi6i dang diii m{t hign li li6u nhEng gi chtng ta tlang ldm c6 b6n vtng khdng vi chring ta c6 th6 thay ddi nhu rh6 nio tl6 dat tluoc mQt cu6c s5ng #n vtug hc,n D6-tlat 6ugc mpc ti6u ddi hdi m6i.ca nhnn phii co ki6n thrtc, ki n6ng, gi6 tri vd th6i pht hqp dd d6i mat ,oi u6n dd li6n quan ri6n bcn vtng (PTBU trd thnnh nhiing tlai st cua thay d6i - nguoi tao rhay diii"a" (UNESCO, 2017) Trong bdi ciinh niy, vai trd cria gi6o {rc Ii h6t suc quan trgng vi6c dat duo c mqc ti6u PTBV Gi6o dr,rc (GD) dd duo c cdng nh6n vta ld mpc ti6u vta ld phuong ti6n tlii ttat duoc t6t cA cic mgc tieu cua PTBV: "Mgt su thay d6i co bin vd toan di6n li tli6u cin thitit c6ch chung ta nghi vd vai tro cta gi6o duc dfii v6i su pnfi triii,n to;m cdu, boi vi girlo dpc c6 Llc