NGON NGI, so9 2022 PHTIONG THI'C BIEU THI MTIC DO TRoNG DrEN NGON DU LICH ri'r.m rgANn noa (TrGn website ti6ng ViQt cta mlt s6 c6ng ti au [cn O Vi6iNam) NGO I TIII THU HU'dNGI Abstrrct: This study analyses 0re graduation means in Vietnamese tourism discourses in Kh6nh Hod based on the Appraisal framework The data of this study includes 100 documents collected Aom websiles ofsome u-avel companies in Viet Nam from 2015-2021 The research's rcsults show that, the t'avel companies used the force more than the focus; used quantitative means more than intensification means and used sharpening means more than softening means This shows success in the str-alegjl of promoting tourism images companies in Viet Nam ttre in KhaLnh Hoa province on Vietnamese websit€s of some bavel Key wotdsr graduation, rouism discourse, Appraisolframeworl travel componv, yiernqmese website l MOdAu Phuong thtc bi6u thi mric tlQ ld m6t ba nQi dung li thuy6t &furh giri vigc th6 hi6n ngliia tuong tic (interactive meaning) hay thudng duqc ggi ld ngliia li6n nh6n giaa nguoi viiit (cht thii di6n ngOn) dtli voi nguoi