Tap chi Gieo duc (2022),22(211,3945 ISSN:2354-0753 HANH.DSNG KH4M PHA NGHE NGHIEP CUA NU'SINH TRUNG HQC Do cESR TAr irlnlr pso rnONc: NcmtN cull DUA rntN rulxc urr Ng6 Thanh Thiiy ViQn Khoa hgc Gi6o duc Vigt Nam Emai I : thuyngothonh@vn ies.edu.yn Article history ABSTRACT Rereived: The rapid development ofscienc€ and technology has led to rapid changes in tre vocational world, offering more job opportunities and careen for wornen 2617 12022 Acceptd:2019f202? Published: 05/l12022 Keywords Career exploration, career orientation, female students, high school Based on the CES-R scale with well-examined values and reliability in Vietranr, career exploration of Vietnamese female high school students is reflected in four aspects: personal exploration, intemal system exploration, environmentrl exploration, and individual preparedness Gender differcnces in statistical tests show that female students are more preparEd and ready for specific career actions than male ones In addition, he study also points out the disoepancies in career exploration regarding leaming outcomes, class groups, and regions This result can serve as a theoretical and practical basis for firther research and development of vocational education strategies apFopriate to the local context l M& dAu M4c di GD-DT vd ph6t triin ngu6n nhdn luc cria Vigt Nam di ttat tluqc mQt s6 thinh tyu ban tliu, sonq van nhi6u h4n ch6 Thpc G cho.th6y, Vigt Nam c6 mric tnng truong thu nhdD tuong d6i klxi nhung ngu6n lao J6ng ihc lr^::^giL d"l.g phai.dlii m4r voi nhi,iu th.ich thric (Nguyen quoc Vigt ra-uguy€n Minh itrio 20t2: Vo xu.an 9i? Ti€n,20,10: Mac^VIn Ti€n,2016) MOt fong nhtng bi€u hi€n li tinh trang thiiiu binh