ISSN: 2354-0753 Tap chi Gi6o duc (2022),22i,21J,32'38 VJE cAc yEU To ANH HU'oNG otN NAr',lc LUc HoP rAc ctAt QUYTT vAx on ci;l ntcsrNnrNGHItN ctlu r4r MQT so ritlollc TRUNG HQC co so TREN DIA SAN THANH PHO HA NQI Trin Thi Qulnh Trang Truong Dei hqc Gi6o duc - Dai hqc Qu& gia HA NQi Email : quynhtrang 3@gmai l com Article history ABSTRACT Received: 1718D022 Acreptet: 27 1912022 Published: 05/l12022 Kefvords Competence, problemsolving, cooperative problem-solving, secondary school students While numerous intemational suldies focus on faciors afiecting collaborative problem-solving competenc€, none ever specifically discuss factors affecting ihe cooperative problern solving conpetency of secondary schml students' This research analyzes and forecasts the impact t€nds of zubjective and objective facton that affect the collaborative problem solving competency of ,"i*d"ry, school students The research results on 745 secondary school students ihow that some subjective and objective factors have an impact on the collaborative problem-solving conrpetence of secondary school students with statistical significance with diflerent levels of prediction This result would become dre basis for proposing measures of pedagogical psycholory influences in order to impmve the collaborative problem-solving corpetence for secondary school snrdents l."'iiiii*r.-, MditAu ph6t tri6n, nguoi cirng d6i m4t vOi nhiiu v6n di, dqc bi0t nhirng v6n dA mang tinh cOng "Collaborative problem solving" duo c Slevens aOns aOi hOicac c6 iran phai hqp ,io ;oi giai quy6t duqc Thuiat ngt ["*pio" t fS9+l d€ cip nghi6n uu ui yeu ciu ki& thuc ki nang vd th:li dQ lim vigc cua nh6m va su d'ng Nang tu c nqp uic "a mtc tl6 hinh drtc tham ela thich hqp li6n qua; tl6n viQc xic