151 otg guA cHuONc DoNG ctr.r rnuy euAN niNu rnudN rnrnu TrJDrIc rHor NcuynN NGUYEN c6Ne vrEr tdt: Ch]utng ld mot loai hinh hi€n vat mang ndt tldc trung ri6ng xu6t hien tu i5t sdm, tlugc su tin ngu6ng t6n gi6o, vdn h6a rruyrin thting d nhidu qu6c gia din t6c kh6c B€n c4nh chtng cdn c6 chric n6ng dirng rlii b6o gid, di6m canh, cdp b6o, truy6n tin hi6u lirh qrc quin sg, an nintr, xd h6i Bdi vi6r gini thi6u vA m6t qu.i chudng tl6ng cria Thuy qu6n Binh Thuin thdi Nguy6n, tl6y ld mdt hi0n vAt c6 niidu dic diiim ri6ng, d{c biQt v€ j nghia lich st c6ng cuQc git gin bi6n drio d nu6c ta Tt khba: chudng ddng, Thty qudn Bintr Thudn, lich sri, thdi NguyEn Abstract: Bell is a popular yet special instrument which dates back exceedingly early, usually used in religious and cultural activities by many communities and countries It also has its practical functions such as telling the time, waming, communication, signal etc., that possibility used in society security, milrtary, daily activities etc The article introduces a bronze bell that belonged to the nary ol Binh Thuan province in the Nguyen dynasty This is a unique relic that has special meaning in the history ol T6m dr,rng o cqng ddng xd hoi chO y6u khOng gian maritime protection of our country Kelwords: Bronze bell, Binh Thuan nary, history, Nguyen dynasty l Din nhip C6ng ty TNHH xa h6i Anh Duong hian ilang quzin l! hi0n vdt chu6ng ddng Thty qudn Binh Thuin co ni6n hi6u triiu Tu Duc thdi Nguy6n Theo tdi liQu luu trir tai kho brio quin clra c6ng ty thi chu6ng ndy c6 ngu6n gdc xudt xu tu huydn ddo Lj, S