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11. Entomologists, (A)scientists who (B)study insects, are often concerned with the fungus, (C)poisonous, or virus(D) carried by a, particular insect. 12. The statement (A)will be spoken just one time; therefore, you must listen (B)quite carefully in order to (C)understand (D)what the speaker has said. 13. In pools, goldfish are not(A) just ornamental: (B)since they(C) feed on mosquito larva they are also (D)benefit. 14. The brothers Grimm (A)intended their fairy tales(B) to be studied by scholars of German literature and not(C) to enjoy (D)as simple stories by children.

TEST I Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three A undermine B determine C magazine D destine A blow B although C browse D dough A steak B steady C sweat D ready A hollow B heat C hero D heir II Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question A destitute B nocturnal C substantial D phenomenon A deference B deferment C furniture D dedicate A hygiene B hyperbole C democracy D defoliant A delinquent B delirium C deliberate D delicacy III Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct In(A) its pure state aluminum is a weak metal, but (B)when combined with elements such as copper or magnesium, it (C)is formed alloys of great (D)strength 10 (A)To assure the safety of those workers (B)who must handle radioactive material, the employer should not(C) leave them (D)enter contaminated areas without protective clothing 11 Entomologists, (A)scientists who (B)study insects, are often concerned with the fungus, (C)poisonous, or virus(D) carried by a, particular insect 12 The statement (A)will be spoken just one time; therefore, you must listen (B)quite carefully in order to (C)understand (D)what the speaker has said 13 In pools, goldfish are not(A) just ornamental: (B)since they(C) feed on mosquito larva they are also (D)benefit 14 The brothers Grimm (A)intended their fairy tales(B) to be studied by scholars of German literature and not(C) to enjoy (D)as simple stories by children 15 (A)The Department of Foreign Languages (B)are not located (C)in the new building (D)opposite the old one 16 (A)Most bats roost in crevices, caves, or(B) building by day and are (C)active at night(D) or twilight 17 Students in the United States (A)often support (B)themselves (C)by babysitting, working in restaurants, or (A)they drive taxicabs 18 Never before(A) has (B)so many people(C) in the United States been (D)interested in soccer IV From the four words or phrases (A, B, C, or D), choose the one that best completes the sentence 19 First we see their faces from far away, and then we see a …………… A side by side B close up C replay D foreground 20 I thought it was going to be a brilliant show because of the reviews, but it was only … A normal B common C usual D average 21 A donkey ………… loudly all through the night A cackled B brayed C neighed D roared 22 All the members of the ………… had a party after the play was over A scene B circle C cast D drama 23 In Paris, many parks use their surrounding walls or railings to ……… paintings or photographs during exhibitions A handle B display C apply D locate 24 Many insects, such as wasps and ants, use their ……… to touch objects A aerials B ears C antennae D horns 25 Please note that the next programme is ………… for children A unsuitable B unusual C unmistakable D unreasonable 26 If you are going to give a talk, it is important when you get to the end to have a strong ………………… A outcome B final C completion D conclusion 27 Why not buy the dress on ……… then you can take it back if it doesn't fit your mother A agreement B approval C affirmation D affection 28 John: I'm going for a run Do you want to come? Alice: You must be ……… ! It's snowing outside A mad B hungry C busy D All are correct 29 He looked at the stars ……… a telescope A from B in C through D by 30 Excuse me, I wonder if you could help me? Do you ……… Business English courses at your school? A arrange B give C study D run 31 The police tried in vain to persuade the journalist to ………… the source of her information A divulge B release C expose D admit 32 The dog …………… its tail furiously when it saw the children A shook B rubbed C moved D wagged 33 She reached the lifeboat She was exhausted and she ………… to its side, waiting for someone to pull her in A clung B grasped C clutched D gripped 34 He seems …………… of any humour whatsoever A lacking B devoid C light D low 35 The use of unleaded petrol has ……………… in recent years A grown up B enlarged C increased D extended 36 The octopus ……………… itself from larger fish by surrounding itself in a cloud of black ink A secures B harbours C shelters B protects 37 The wolf ran …………… the forest and reached her grandmother's cottage before her A across B through C along D over 38 Swallows cannot take off from the ground and like most birds, they use wind currents to …… through the air A glide B flap C beat D skid 39 A large ………………… of the tree broke off in the storm A trunk B bark C twig D branch 40 "What …………… put salt in my coffee?" he exclaimed A stupid B foolish C fool D stupidity 41 A full scholarship to Harvard and you're worried about leaving your job? Get real! You'd be a fool to ……… up a chance like that A pass B brush C turn D cast 42 This ……………… of dog is very useful for hunting A stock B clan C breed D tribe 43 As you will see from my CV, I have …………… experience in this area A masses of B great C loads of D a considerable amount of 44 There was field after field of golden ………… waving in the wind A bushes B corn C grass D herbs 45 She's so …………… , I can't remember the last time she did a day's work! A hardworking B conscientious C diligent D idle 46 The police ………… their attention to the events that led up to the accident A completed B confirmed C confined D contained 47 Complete the following sentence with the most appropriate verb: "I'm going to ………… a cake for his birthday A bake B roast C cook D fry 48 Our villa in Greece is on the top of a hill overlooking some olive …………… A fields B groves C orchards D meadows 49 The garden was surrounded by ………………… wire A spiked B pricked C barbed D scratched 50 If I ………………… you again in my orchard, looking for pears, you'll be sorry! A make eyes at B catch sight of C see through D take a view of 51 The sack with the vegetables was far too heavy for me to carry, so I …… it cross the floor A threw B drew C trailed D dragged 52 The police promised him ………… from prosecution if he co-operated with them fully A immunity B protection C safety D absolution 53 After their catastrophic defeat the …… of the army made their way back to their mountain strongholds A survivors B remnants C wounded D deserters 54 This court deals only with …………… crime A petty B trivial C small D insignificant 55 In this quiz you have the chance to …… your wits against the most intelligent people in England A set B sharpen C try D pit 56 I can't believe it! My wife is ………… an affair with our neighbour I caught them kissing last night A doing B making C having D taking 57 The ceiling-high bookcase swayed for a few seconds, then crashed to the floor with a ………………… noise A deafening B raucous C boisterous D vociferous IV Read the text below and decide which answer (A, S, C, or D) best fits each space DO IT YOURSELF What you when something (58) ……… down? Are you the kind of person who knows how things (59) ……… ? Or you prefer to have them (60) ……… by an expert? Personally, when I use a (61) ………… I always hit my finger, and I can never (62) …………… anything with my screwdriver because I can never find it Despite having all the wrong (63) ………… , and despite being a useless (64) ……… , I recently decided to take my bike to pieces and (65) ……… it I had (66) ……… out of money as usual, and as I use my bike (67) ……… getting to college, had no choice It was making a terrible noise, and the front tyre was (68) ……… I had a few (69) …… but I didn't have any (70) …… parts I managed to (7l) ……… the wheel and take it off, but then I lost my (72) ………… , and couldn't put the wheel back on properly At least am taking more exercise, as I now have to walk to college 58 A falls B repairs C runs D breaks 59 A B work C fix D make 60 A sometimes B out C repaired D operated 61 A hammer B scissors C drill D spade 62 A drive B cut C unscrew D unwind 63 A contents B equipment C instruments D gadgets 64 A technician B engineer C mechanic D machine 65 A fix B make C build D construct 66 A spent B paid C fallen D run 67 A and B for C by D because 68 A flat B empty C over D bad 69 A chances B advice C information D tools 70 A renew B emergency C spare D repair 71 A remove B undo C fill D smooth 72 A saw B plug C spanner D file VI Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that you think fits best WHY SO MANY CHILDREN? The rapid population growth in less-developed countries is a result of high birth rates Women in these countries have many children on average Why they have such large families, when feeding and caring for them can be a problem? The answer may often be that they have no choice Many factors make it difficult for women to limit the size of their families Economics undoubtedly plays an important role In poor countries a large family is necessary for economic survival More children mean more hands for work They also mean someone to take care of the parents in old age In industrialized countries, on the other hand, children not increase family income Instead, they are an expense Furthermore, people in these countries usually not depend on their children in their old age However, economics cannot entirely explain birth rates Saudi Arabia, for example, has one of the highest per-capita incomes in the world, but it also has a very high birth rate (7.0) Mexico and Indonesia also not follow the general rule Though they are poor countries, they have reduced their population growth by 53 percent and 25 percent in recent years Clearly, other factors are involved These factors may relate to the economic situation, but not necessarily Population experts now believe that the most important of these factors is the condition of women A high birth rate almost always goes together with lack of education and low status for women This would explain the high birth rate of Saudi Arabia Traditional Arab culture gives women little education or independence and few possibilities outside the home It also explains the decline in birth rates in Mexico, Thailand, and Indonesia Their governments took measures to improve education for women and opportunities for them outside the home Another key factor in the birth rate is the availability of birth control Women may want to limit their families, but have no way to so In Ireland, for example, birth control is illegal Not surprisingly, Ireland has the highest birth rate in Europe Where governments have made birth control easily available, on the other hand, birth rates have gone down This is the case in Singapore, Sri Lanka, and India, as well as in Indonesia, Thailand, and Mexico In these countries women have also been provided with health care and help in planning their families.' Yet another factor to influence birth rate is infant mortality (Infant mortality is the percentage of babies who die in their first year.) In industrialized countries infant mortality is around 1.5 percent In less developed countries, however, it can be 20 percent or more Fearing the loss of some children, women are encouraged to have more Thus, an effective program to reduce population growth must work in many areas But above all it must be aimed at women and their needs Only then does it have any chance of success 73 This passage is about A women in less-developed countries C population growth 74 In poor countries, A the birth rate is usuaIly low C the per-capita income is usually high 75 In industrialized countries, children A are an expense for the family C not usually depend on their parents 76 According to this passage, Saudi Arabia is a A rich country with a low birth rate B bow economics can influence the birth rate D the main factors that influence birth rate B the birth rate is usually high D children are an expense for the family B help to care for their parents in old age D are necessary for economic survival B poor country with a high birth rate C poor country with a low birth rate D rich country with a high birth rate 77 We can infer from this passage that women generally prefer to A work at home C have smaller families B have no children D have large families 78 One reason for the high birth rate in Ireland is that A birth control is not easily available B birth control is easily available C many women work outside the home D infant mortality is high 79 A high infant mortality usually goes together with A easily available birth control B traditional cultures C education for women D a high birth rate 80 Governments are successful in slowing down population growth when A infant mortality is eliminated B they focus on the needs of women C parents are provided with old age pensions D they help women to take care of their families TEST I Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question A deflate B private C inmate D debate A foe B toe C canoe D blow A reign B foreign C feign D rein A trout B scout C doubt D route II Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three Words in each question A edifice B avarice C apprentice D sacrifice A avalanche B legendary C abdomen D legitimate A lullaby B auxiliary C intimacy D privacy A irrational B irrelevant C irrigate D irreparable III Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct I haven't decided (A)yet about (B)either (C)to buy a new car or a second-hand (D)one 10 (A)Afterwards I'd read the manual, I(B) found I(C) could use the computer(D) easily 11 When you(A) passed (B)the town hall clock, did you (C)notice what time(D) was it? 12 (A)Prevented the soil from erosion, the trees planted by the farmer many years (B)before were(C) what stopped the flood (D)from reaching his house 13 (A)Somehow without (B)my (C)noticing my wallet (D)had been disappeared 14 The oxygen content of Mars is not (A)sufficient enough (B)to support life(C) as we know(D) it 15 The medical problems of parents and (A)their children tend (B)to be very (C)similar to (D)because of the hereditary nature of many diseases 16 A computer (A)networks usually includes either (B)selected employees of a particular business or people who (C)do not work together (D)but have similar interests 17 Nobody bothered(A) with telling me that the school(B) had decided to have (C)a special (D)holiday on Friday 18 Nobody was (A)watching, (B)so the little boy took the (C)packet of sweets from the shelf and (D)putting it in his pocket IV From the four words or phrases (A, B, C, or D), choose the one that best completes the sentence 19 We're free most of the weekend, but we've got a few bits and ……… to on Sunday morning A things B stuff C pieces D ends 20 By the time they …… at the concert, the tickets were sold out A got through B turned up C filled in D applied to 21 I enjoy taking a ……… bath as soon as I get home from work A restful B soothing C gentle D mild 22 The fastest runner took the ………… just five metres before the finishing line A lead B head C advance D place 23 My passport is ……………… so I can't use it any longer A ancient B outdated C dated D out of date 24 I hate the beginning of each year when all the …… start coming in and I have to find the money to pay them all A accounts B estimates C bills D receipts 25 I think we should have …… glass put in the bathroom window because people on the other side of the street can see right in A cracked B thick C patterned D frosted 26 The drunken couple did nothing to keep, the flat clean and tidy and lived in the utmost …… A contamination B decay C squalor D pollution 27 Before beginning to use the paint, you should ……… it in the tin A roll B stir C turn D twist 28 What kind of ………… is your dog? A mark B race C breed D family 29 ……… you have any further questions, please contact us at the address above A Should B Will C Could D Would 30 My favourite Greek …………… is stuffed tomatoes A course B cuisine C plate D dish 31 Why are you ………………? Is anyone sleeping? A whispering B mumbling C chatting D swearing 32 I'll never understand this, …………… hard I try! A whichever B however C whenever D whatever 33 Some wild animals will become ……… if they get used to people A peaceful B organised C tame D petty 34 The children enjoyed rolling down the grassy ………… A mountain B slope C stone D cliff 35 As a cab driver, I …………………… , though I'd love a bigger pay check A get by B take on C get on D carry through 36 There's a ……… of blackbirds at the bottom of the garden A house B home C cage D nest 37 It was so exciting! I was on the ……… of my seat! A side B edge C end D front 38 What a(n) ………… thing to say! What gave you that idea? A unique B scarce C unreal D peculiar 39 Since our train leaves at 10.30, it is …… that everyone is at the station no later than 10 15 A imperative B urgent C desired D inescapable 40 The strong smell of garlic seemed to …………… the whole flat A pierce B penetrate C pervade D inhabit 41 Many people are interested in watching ………… A wilderness B wilds C wildlife D wildly 42 He just sat there ……… at me and I felt very uncomfortable A glancing B staring C watching D seeing 43 I always ……………… up all the new words in the dictionary A look B search C seek D find 44 I've got to work late tonight ………… something has A come out B come up C turned out D turned off 45 Insects and bugs ………… A make my skin run B make my skin walk C make my skin crawl D make my skin march 46 You have to sleep under a net to avoid being bitten by ……… A lobsters B geese C cockroaches D mosquitoes 47 Mrs Robinson ………… great pride in her cooking A gets B finds C has D takes 48 Frank has been the ……… of the local history museum for over 10 years now A escort B curator C dean D conductor 49 I think you'd be ……… to leave now It looks like there's going to be trouble A realistic B intelligent C shrewd D wise 50 More than thirty people ……… evidence to the court during the four-week trial A produced B explained C gave D spoke 51 Visitors are kindly requested to … from taking photographs inside the museum A refrain B endeavor C elapse D grant 52 They bought an old house, …………… , and then sold it A redid it B did it in C overdid it D did it up 53 Sunglasses protect you from the …………… of the sun A glare B gloom C ray D blaze 54 Harry was offered a scholarship to study in Spain and he … the opportunity with both hands A grasped B grabbed C held D passed 55 (pi) = 3.142, but how you say it? A point 142 B full stop 142 C dot 142 D thousand 142 56 Phillips was so angry, she went … without saying a word I haven't seen her since A on B to C off D at 57 It was ……… that I got the job I just happened to be in the right place at the right time A luck B nuke C fortune D chance V Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space SAVING EUROPE'S WOODLANDS Hidden in almost every European country there are ancient and untouched forests These forests are often rich in wildlife and are (58) …… to many endangered species One example is a small patch of Scottish forest which (59) ……… a variety of coniferous trees (60)……… for a wide range of birds and insects Although many of the ancient (61) ……… of Europe worshipped trees, there is (62) …… respect for them today The World Wildlife Fund has decided to (63) ……….attention to the importance of Europe's ancient woodlands They are asking for the remaining forests to be protected by controlling the trade in wood (64) …… governments are being asked to regenerate forests where (65) ……… and manage them in a more nature-friendly way At present almost a third of western Europe is (66) …… by trees Unfortunately, many of these were only (67) …… recently This means they can't support such a(n) (68) ……… variety of plant and animal life If we destroy the ancient forests we will cause many species to (69) …… extinct The decline of ancient forests began thousands of years ago Yet with the growing awareness of the (70) ……… of ancient woodlands, it is hoped those remaining will be (71) ……… By the year 2000 the W.W.F hopes to have (72) …… many forest reserves across Europe It isn't too late to something for our ancient trees 58 A house B place C home D shelter 59 A holds B includes C embraces D contains 60 A capable B suitable C able D plenty 61 A humans B beings C peoples D persons 62 A little B tiny C small D few 63 A move B bring C carry D draw 64 A As well as B In addition C Too D Plus 65 A vital B important C urgent D necessary 66 A loaded B packed C covered D full 67 A planted B put C plotted D placed 68 A deep B extreme C excessive D wide 69 A come B become C end D get 70 A gravity B advantage C value D seriousness 71 A saved B endured C survived D released 72 A done up B made out C brought on D set up VI Read the passage and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer - A, B, C, or D - that you think fits best CUTTING DOWN THE FORESTS There is nothing new about people cutting down trees In ancient times, Greece, Italy, and Great Britain were covered with forests Over the centuries those forests were gradually cut back, until now almost nothing is left Today, however, trees are being cut down far more rapidly Each year, about 42 million acres of forest are cut down That is more' than equal to the area of the whole of Great Britain While there are important reasons for cutting down trees, there are also dangerous consequences for life on earth A major cause of the present destruction is the worldwide demand for wood In industrialized countries, people are using more and more wood for paper, furniture, and houses There is not enough wood in these countries to satisfy the demand Wood companies, therefore, have begun taking wood from the forests of Asia, Africa, South America, and even Siberia Wood is also in great demand as firewood in developing countries In many areas, people depend on wood to cook their food As the population grows, the need for wood grows, too But when too many trees are cut at once, forests are destroyed A future source of wood is destroyed as well When some trees in a forest are left standing, the forest can grow back But only if it is not cut again for at least 100 years In reality, it usually has no chance to grow back Small farmers who are desperate for land move in They cut down the rest of the trees and burn them In this way, many millions of acres of forest are destroyed every year Unfortunately, the forest soil is not good for growing food Thus, these poor farmers remain as poor and desperate as before They have also lost the resources of the forest However, the desperate and poor people are not the only ones to cut and burn forests In Brazil and Central America, large land owners wane to raise lots of cattle for export They put too many cattle on too little land When that land has been ruined, they burn parts of the forests Then they move the cattle into the forest land This way both land and forest are destroyed The destruction of forests affects first the people who used to live there However, it also has other effects far away For example, on the mountainsides, trees help to absorb heavy rains When the trees are cut down, the rain pours all at once into the rivers and there are terrible floods downstream This has happened to the Ganges, the Mekong, and other major rivers in Asia But finally, the loss of forests may have an effect on the climate of our planet Together with increasing pollution, it could cause temperatures to rise and the climate to change around the world No one knows exactly what effects this would have on our lives For many people, however, the effects would probably be destructive 73 This passage is about A the tropical forests B the destruction of forests C how land owners cut down trees in Brazil D why people are cutting down so many trees 74 Greece, Italy, and Great Britain A used to be covered by forests B never had any forests C have growing populations D are all covered by forests 75 These days, forests are being cut down in A Greece, Italy and Great Britain B Australia, New Zealand, and Tanzania C Asia, Africa, and South America D the industrialized countries 76 The demand for wood in industrialized countries A is helping to save the forests B is easily satisfied by the United States C has declined in recent years D is one cause of the forests' destruction 77 We can infer from this passage that poor people generally A not like living in the forests B not benefit from cutting down the forests C make a lot of money from the forests D want the forest to grow back again 78 Large land owners in Brazil and Central America A Use the forests for hunting B worry about the effects of cutting down the forests C destroy forests to raise beefcattle D Use a lot of wood to build their houses 79 When trees are cut down on mountainsides, A there are floods downriver B the wood is Usually of poor quality C they grow back quickly D cattle come in to eat the grass 80 The cutting down of forests A could improve the climate B could affect the climate C could cause heavy rains D has no effect on people in cities

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2023, 23:15
