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TEST Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently: A adventure B future C mature D figure A young B plough C couple D cousin Indicate the word having the stress pattern different from that of the rest A biologist B eliminate C archaeology D stability A misunderstand B misbehaviour C responsibility D characteristic Choose the best answer to complete each sentence below: 5: When reaching the top of the hill, A below us extended the sea B it was the sea that extended below us C the sea came into view D we suddenly caught sight of the sea 6: To solve this problem, it is advisable A that a drastic measure be adopted B that a drastic measure is adopted C a drastic measure to be adopted D that to adopt a drastic measure 7: The instructions from air traffic control were not fully explicit, and A therefore the pilot made it crash B as a result, the pilot made an error and crashed C so that the pilot made an error and crashed D resulting from the pilot crashing the plane 8: , Sir Isaac Newton described the laws of gravitation A A seventeenth-century scientist B When was a seventeenth-century scientist C Was a seventeenth-century scientist D Who was a seventeenth-century scientist Frankly, I'd rather you _ anything about it for the time being A don't B hadn't done C didn't D haven't done 10 The book would have been perfect the ending A had it not been for B it had not been for C it hadn't been for D hadn't it been for 11 I'm my brother is A nowhere like so ambitious B nothing near as ambitious as C nothing as ambitious than D nowhere near as ambitious as 12 _ I'd like to help you out, I'm afraid I just haven't got any spare money at the moment A Even B However C Much as D Try as 13 Hardly of the paintings at the gallery were for sale A none B few C some D any 14 Jane's very modest, always her success A playing down B turning around C keeping down D pushing back 15 I feel to inform the committee that a number of members are very unhappy with the decision A my duty B it my duty C this my duty D that my duty 16 All things _, he is the best president we are likely to get A considered B thought C taken D added 17 Suppose he _you stealing, what would you do? A has caught B catches C had caught D caught 18 The school Principal suggested that he awarded a scholarship A was B would be C be D must be 19 The portrait by an Italian A is known to have been painted B known to have been painted C is knowing to be painted D is known to be painted 20 If you want the day off, you’ll have to find someone you A stand up B stand in for C stand for D set off 21 I ran _ some old records while I was tidying the attic A into B out C across D after 22 You should never spend all the money you earn, but always _a rainy day A put an end to B put sth by for C put the blame on D put off 23 , I decided to go in, which turned out to be a mistake A Noticed the door was open B Open the door C The open door was noticed D Noticing the door was open 24 Advertisers often claim their campaigns at young people as they have considerable spending A power B force C energy D ability 25 The proposed of Micro Industries and SJ Electronics would make the new company the largest electronics firm in Britain A combination B fusion C mixture D Merger Indicate the CLOSEST meaning to the underlined part 26 In the field of artificial intelligence, scientists study methods for developing computer programs that display aspects of intelligent behavior A exhibit B classify C depend on D conform to 27 She lost her temper with a customer and shouted at him A had a temperature B kept her temper C became very angry D felt worried Indicate the OPPOSITE meaning to the underlined part 28 Doctors have been criticized for their indiscriminate use of antibiotics A disciplined B selective C wholesale D unconscious 29 Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century A instituted B eradicated C eliminated D Required Indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each question 30 I feel completely exhausted when I've listened to Marion for half-an-hour A It is completely exhausting after half-an-hour I listening to Marion B Half-an-hour listening to Marion leaves me feeling completely exhausted C Feeling completely exhausted, I spent half-an-hour listening to Marion D When I've listened to Marion for half-an-hour, she feels exhausting completely 31 Despite his early retirement, he found no peace in life A Although he retired early, but he found no peace in life B His early retirement has brought him peace in life C He found no peace in life because he retired early D Early as he retired, he found no peace in life 32 This question is even harder than the last one A The last question is not difficult B This question is the most difficult one C The last question is difficult but this one is more difficult D This question is hard but the last one is not Indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences 33: I did not arrive in time I was not able to see her off A She had left because I was not on time B I did not go there, so I could not see her off C I was not early enough to see her off D I arrived very late to say goodbye to her 34: My grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953 It was completely destroyed by the forest fire A My grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953; however, completely destroying the forest fire B My grandparents’ lake house, which was built in 1953, was completely destroyed by the forest fire C My grandparents’ lake house was built in 1953, so it was completely destroyed by the forest fire D The forest fire destroyed my grandparents’ lake house in 1953 Show the underlined part that needs correction 35 In just three months H.G Wells wrote the famous classic The Time A B Machine for what he won a Newberry Caldecot award C D 36 Food prices have raised so rapidly in the past few months that some A B C families have been forced to alter their eating habits D 37 So far this term, the students in the writing class have learned how to write A B C thesis statements, organize their material, and summarizing their conclutions D Read the passage and indicate the correct word for each of the blanks Is there life on Mars? Many people have wondered about this question Some writers of science fiction think of people from Mars (38) little green creatures Others imagine "Martians: as monsters with many eyes In studying this planet, astronomers have found that life may be possible on Mars The first indication of this is that Mars has seasons, just like Earth In other words, Earth's seasons, such as spring or summer, occur on Mars too Because these seasons exist, it may be possible for (39) _ and other higher life forms to be found on Mars Astronomers also think that perhaps a small amount of water vapor could be found on Mars In 1887, an Italian astronomer, Giovanni Schiaparell, discovered marking on Mars' surface These markings looked like canals This finding (40) _ astronomers to believe that since water exists on Mars, life forms could exist as well However, there are others who feel that life on Mars is not possible This is because there is little or no (41) _ of oxygen on the planet In 1965, the Martiner IV capsule managed to take photographs of the planet It discovered that the only forms of life found are vegetation like fungi and mosses (42) _ , people remain fascinated by the idea that there could one day be life on Mars 38 A like B to be C as being D as 39 A veterinary B vegetation C vegetables D vegetarians 40 A took B led C brought D got 41 A mark B speck C trace D bit 42 A Consequently B Nevertheless C Accordingly D Thus Read the passage and indicate the correct word for each of the questions In a study of aspirin's effect on blood clotting in which abstinence from chocolate was required, a large proportion of participants broke the rules Their "offence" led to what is believed to be the first biochemical evidence that a few squares of chocolate a day can almost halve the risk of heart attack death by decreasing the tendency of tiny particles (or platelets) to clot in narrow blood vessels "What these chocolate offenders taught us is that the chemical in cocoa beans has a biochemical effect similar to aspirin in reducing platelet clumping, which can be fatal if a clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack," said Diane Becker from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA, who led the study Becker cautions that this discovery should not become an excuse to indulge in large amounts of chocolate frequently, since chocolate also contains high amounts of sugar, butter and cream However just a few squares of dark chocolate the purest form may be just what the doctor ordered For almost 20 years researchers have known that chemicals, called flavonoids, most common in dark chocolate, help blood flow and lower blood pressure This new finding, presented at the American Heart Association's annual scientific sessions in Chicago this week, identifies the effect of everyday doses of chocolate found in regular foods such as hot chocolate or chocolate bars This differs from previous studies which have examined the effects of eating unrealistic doses of flavonoids, equivalent to several pounds of chocolate a day "Eating a little bit of chocolate or having a drink of hot cocoa as part of a regular diet is probably good for personal health, so long as people don't eat too much of it, and too much of the kind with lots of butter and sugar," said Becker In the study, 139 chocolate offenders were disqualified from a larger experiment which aimed to examine the effects of aspirin on blood clotting Before the study began, all participants were instructed to follow a strict exercise and diet regimen and to refrain from smoking or using foods and drinks known to affect blood-clotting activity, like caffeinated drinks, wine, grapefruit juice and, of course, chocolate Platelet samples from both groups (offenders and non-offenders) were run through a mechanical blood vessel system designed to time how long it takes for platelets to clump together Chocolate lovers' samples were found to clot more slowly, on average taking 130 seconds to block the system Platelets from those who stayed away from chocolate clotted faster, taking an average of 123 seconds 43: According to the findings, what helps lower blood pressure? A The most important ingredient in chocolate B The most common chemicals in dark chocolate C The chemical reaction in dark chocolate D The tiny particles in white chocolate 44: The word "offenders" in paragraph refers to the A people who violate laws B trouble makers C people who produce chocolate D people who ate chocolate 45: The kind of chocolate that can help the heart is identified as chocolate A mixed B dark C white D hot 46: How does chocolate help the heart and the vascular system? A It widens the blood vessels B It helps the heart pumps better C It helps blood flow more easily D It prevents harmful bacteria 47: The word "abstinence" can be interpreted as A eating some chocolate B not eating chocolate C not smoking D doing exercise 48: An experiment has found out that the forming of blood clots is in chocolate lovers A stopped B moderate C faster D slower 49: The word "indulge" in this case is closest in meaning to " " A become much interested in B give up oneself totally C abandon oneself D get heavily involved in 50: The article has probably taken from A ads of medicine B a science journal C a doctor's prescription D a book of instructions In a study of aspirin's effect on blood clotting in which abstinence from chocolate was required, a large proportion of participants broke the rules ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Their "offence" led to what is believed to be the first biochemical evidence that a few squares of chocolate a day can almost halve the risk of heart attack death by decreasing the tendency of tiny particles (or platelets) to clot in narrow blood vessels ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… "What these chocolate offenders taught us is that the chemical in cocoa beans has a biochemical effect similar to aspirin in reducing platelet clumping, which can be fatal if a clot forms and blocks a blood vessel, causing a heart attack," said Diane Becker from Johns Hopkins University in Maryland, USA, who led the study ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… Becker cautions that this discovery should not become an excuse to indulge in large amounts of chocolate frequently, since chocolate also contains high amounts of sugar, butter and cream However just a few squares of dark chocolate the purest form may be just what the doctor ordered ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… For almost 20 years researchers have known that chemicals, called flavonoids, most common in dark chocolate, help blood flow and lower blood pressure ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………… ... peace in life 32 This question is even harder than the last one A The last question is not difficult B This question is the most difficult one C The last question is difficult but this one is more... wondered about this question Some writers of science fiction think of people from Mars (38) little green creatures Others imagine "Martians: as monsters with many eyes In studying this planet,... number of members are very unhappy with the decision A my duty B it my duty C this my duty D that my duty 16 All things _, he is the best president we are likely to get A considered B thought

Ngày đăng: 17/10/2021, 12:18

