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Unit 5 lớp 12 Tiếng Anh

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THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS The need to be challenged. The need to be valued. A desire (1)…..… financial independendence. These are all powerful motivating factors for young people, an increasing number of (2)……… are setting up their own business and (3)……..… a success of it. But (4)…….… drives young entrepreneurs ? The industrial society has researched the views of 10,000 young people, aged 12 to 25, on attitudes on (5)…….... from work to the family. Its study published under the Societys 2020 vision campaign, found a number of factors. The first is the legacy of the bouyant 1980s where people (6).............. encouraged to take risks. The youngest people in our survey will have only caught the tail end of Thatcher’s Britain but will have grown up watching (7)………… elders strike out on their (8)………… A second factor is the change in the nature of work the decline (9)…….... longterm employment prospects and the rise in contract and freelance work. No more jobs for life. Many people have realised that the few real advantages of employment occupational pensions, sick pay, company cars are (10)……….... eroded. They have seen people around them struggle to adjust (11)……..… their lives in line with their changing work circumstances. And they have felt the pain it causes.

UNIT 5: YOUTH PHONOLOGY I Read the following passage and classify all three- syllabled words in each sentence according to their stress pattern Team activities designed by youth volunteers involve promoting personal social, and intellectual growth of participants Teams can conduct a wide variety of services to uncover youth interest and apply them in creative ways A pre-survey to determine existing assets will be administered and reviewed at subsequent time to determine growth Leadership and teamwork intensive training will provide the basis to enable youth to work individually or as a team to develop and implement projects 0oo o0o oo0 II Cirele the word with the main stress pattern placed differently from that employ of the others A numerous B original C completion D addition A charity B dynamics C favourite D responsible A community B organization C activities D involvement A impression B establish C enormous D typical A centralized B.unemployed C business D mechanized VOCABULARY I Fill the gaps in the report with a suitable word THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SUCCESS The need to be challenged The need to be valued A desire (1)… … financial independendence These are all powerful motivating factors for young people, an increasing number of (2)……… are setting up their own business and (3)…… … a success of it But (4)…….… drives young entrepreneurs ? The industrial society has researched the views of 10,000 young people, aged 12 to 25, on attitudes on (5)…… from work to the family Its study published under the Society's 2020 vision campaign, found a number of factors The first is the legacy of the bouyant 1980s where people (6) encouraged to take risks The youngest people in our survey will have only caught the tail end of Thatcher’s Britain but will have grown up watching (7)………… elders strike out on their (8) ………… A second factor is the change in the nature of work - the decline (9) …… long-term employment prospects and the rise in contract and freelance work No more jobs for life Many people have realised that the few real advantages of employment - occupational pensions, sick pay, company cars - are (10)……… eroded They have seen people around them struggle to adjust (11) …… … their lives in line with their changing work circumstances And they have felt the pain it causes Il Complete the text below with the suitable compound adjectives: Adj - N The two initial letters are given as suggestion WORK EXPERIENCE PROGRAMME Ten students took part in this year's work experience programme We are all employed in the main branch of a (1) fi………-ra…… supermarket and had the opportunity to experience different types of (2) bl…… co…… jobs: during our four weeks there we spent a week each as (3) fu .-ti…… checkout cashier, shelf stacker, office junior and kitchen hand We all found the programme useful since it has served the (4) lo… -te…… purpose of providing the young a genuine look about what life is like behind the scenes in such a large supermarket We all felt that we had gained much more respect for people who the traditionally thought (5) “lo…….-le .” tasks required in such arn organisation and feel confident that we will never get impatient with a slow checkout cashier This is not a (6) hi… -pr…… Job but it requires (7) se…… -dis…… quality We believe that this experience has (8) fa… .-re…… effect in that it served to highlight the importance of being able to deal effectively with the general public and people of ages and backgrounds We feel much more prepared for life in the real world However, at times we felt we were being exploited as (9) se…….-cl…… labour by the supermarket We work at least as hard as the regular staff but only received about a quarter of their wages Nor we were allowed any of their discounts on purchasing (10) hi…….-ti…… products We would recommend empany ould like this program but should be expanded to include a wider variety of job opportunities in a range of different organisations III Put these words under the correct heading according to the prefix ande suffix they take Some words can go under more than one heading -PREFIXappear resistible timely Dis- iron believable regular expected Il- lead continue conclusive Im- logical sensitive In- prison mature material smoker Ir- Non- accessible polite literate trust Mis- Un- -SUFFIXPhotocopy employ deceit -able count dramatise ‘ judge frequent time argue care point respect tend -ation -ency -ful emerge calm rely -ly emancipate speech -less rude recommend -ment GRAMMAR I Complete each sentence with one suitable preposition Tim was exempted rom military service because of his bad heart The Prime Minister refused to elaborate what he had said earlier That creep! He is always trying to ingratiate himself with the boss I'm afraid that the parking regualtions apply everyone, sir I would like to protest…….your treatment of the staff The company is committed… raising salaries and improving conditions We really marvelled…… Helen’s conjuring tricks The lights are designed to deter burglars… approaching the house II Circle the most suitable word underlined A dash (-) means no article Brenda is the/- ideal for a/the job She has a/- wealth of the/- experience -ness The/- safety at the/- work is the/a major concern for us The/- poorest people in the/- country live in this city Diana has a/- degree in the/- engineering from the/- University of London At the/- present moment, the/- man seems to have the/an uncertain future Jim became a/- furniture salesman after leaving the/- school The/- problem for the/- today's students is how to survive financially This country is officially called The/- United Kingdom of The/- Great Britain and The/- Northern Ireland lI Rewrite the sentence so that it contains the word in capital 1.One of our philosophers is supposed to have said this ATTRIBUTED …………………………………………………………………… You haven't explained exactly how the money disappeared ACCOUNTED …………………………………………………………………… He didn't mention our previous conversation at all REFERENCE …………………………………………………………………… The police pointed out the speed limit sign to us DREW …………………………………………………………………… They are faced with the choice of two alternatives HORNS …………………………………………………………………… Building societies will have to guard against their rivals LAURELS …………………………………………………………………… The tourists were most impresed with the castle IMPACT …………………………………………………………………… The staff have always esteemed the headmaster very highly …………………………………………………………………… Getting upset over Micheal's departure is pointless TEARS ESTEEM …………………………………………………………………… 10 When he has to face a crisis, Tom panicks FACED IV Complete the following graph description with a suitable preposition The graph shows the increase (1)…… population (2) three countries Argentina, Australia and Pakistan between 1960 and 2008 In 1960, Australia had the lowest population (3)…… the three countries, (4)……… Around 10 million This compared (5)…… about 20 million in Argentina and approximately 50 million in Pakistan By 1980, Argentina's population had risen to just (6)…… 15 million Although this appears (7)…… the graph to be a gentle increase, it is in fact an increase (8)……… approximately 50% Argentina's population also rose by nearly 50% between 1960 and 1980, (9)……… 20 million to just under 30 million However, the greatest real increase was in Pakistan, where the population in 1980 had increased (10)……… approximately 35 million to 85 million The years 1980 to 2000 saw the population of Argentina and Australia increase (11)…… approximately the same amount that they had increased by (12)……… the twenty years before In 2000, Australia's population (13)……… roughly 20 million - was double what it had been in 1960 Although Pakistan's increase (14)……… population between 1960 and 1980 was large, its increae in the following twenty years was even sharper, rising (15)……… about 85 million in 1980 to more than 145 million in 2000

Ngày đăng: 07/03/2023, 23:15
