Mapacalcinespecificallyblockshypoxia-inducedcalcium influx
in rat hepatocytes
Dominique Crenesse
, Ghislaine Neuilly
, Jean Gugenheim
, Catherine Ferre
and Michel Hugues
Laboratoire de Physiologie, Faculte
de Me
decine, Nice, France;
CNRS, UMR 5017, Faculte
de Pharmacie, Universite
Bordeaux 2, France;
Laboratoire de chirurgie expe
rimentale, Faculte
de Me
decine, Nice, France
Post ischaemic cell calcium invasion has been described as
one of the main causes of graft failure. Protective effects of
calcium antagonists have been investigated but are not con-
vincing and their mechanisms of action remain unclear. In
this work we tested the protective effect of a new calcium
inhibitor described to block a calcium current insensitive to
all known calcium blockers. Specific mapacalcine receptors
were first characterized on rathepatocytes membranes using
I-labeled mapacalcine.
Ca fluxes were then measured
on cultured hepatocytes submitted (or not) to an hypoxic
period. The action of mapacalcine was investigated on the
ischaemia-induced calcium influx. We demonstrate here
that: (a) there are specific receptors for mapacalcinein rat
hepatocytes; (b) Mapacalcine is able to specifically block
ischaemia–induced calciuminflux with an IC
of 0.3 l
does not significantly interact with the basal calcium flux.
Our work demonstrates that the mapacalcine receptor is
a cellular structure directly involved in the phenomenon of
postischaemic cell invasion by calcium. Specific block of
ischaemia-induced Ca
influx by mapacalcine suggests that
the development of a panel of pharmacological drugs acting
on this receptor could lead to the discovery of therapeutic
agents able to protect cells against one of the events
responsible for organ failure after transplantation or simply
after an ischaemic period. Moreover, identification of the
cellular protein which binds mapacalcine may become an
important step in the research of mechanisms involved in
postischaemic cell invasion by calcium.
Keywords: liver; ischaemia; reperfusion; receptor;
Liver resection is commonly used for trauma and tumors
[1]. On the other hand, liver transplantation is nowadays a
common alternative for terminal stage liver diseases [2].
Ischaemia/reperfusion injuries are a significant cause of liver
dysfunction (and even nonfunction) encountered after liver
surgery [3]. During transplantation or surgical procedures, a
critical step is the reperfusion with warm oxygenated blood
after a cold or warm hypoxic step. The most commonly used
preservation solution is University of Wisconsin solution
(UW) [4,5], which, although having largely contributed to
improve graft success, cannot preserve liver over 24 h.
Usually, livers conserved in UW solution are used within the
12 h following organ harvest [6,7]. Among the multiple
biological events that occur after the ischaemia/reperfusion
step, calcium over-influx has been described as one of the
main causes of cell death. Several studies have approached
cell calcium invasion and calcium antagonists have been
described to improve liver quality [8–11]. However the
concentrations demonstrating a protective effect of calcium
antagonists with respect to ischaemia/reperfusion injuries
are generally out of the range of effect on voltage sensitive
calcium channels [11]. Several mechanisms have been
considered to explain the protective effects of calcium
antagonists. A direct effect on Kupffer cells preventing the
release of cytokines [8]; or a non specific interaction with the
membrane due to the hydrophobic properties of this family
of molecules then perturbing membrane permeability to
calcium [11]. Although no voltage dependent calcium
channels have been described on liver till now, the presence
of an a
subunit deleted from the voltage sensor part has
been reported on rat liver cell line [12]. Mapacalcine is a
small homodimeric protein (M
: 19 041) purified from the
Cliona vastifica marine sponge [13]. This protein has been
demonstrated to block a calcium permeability insensitive to
the known calcium blockers in mouse intestinal smooth
muscle [13]. Specific receptors to mapacalcine have also been
described inrat brain [14]. Interestingly, no drug represen-
tative of the different families of calcium channel blockers
have been found to interact with mapacalcine receptors
[13–15]. The aim of our work was: (i) to detect mapacalcine
receptors in liver; (ii) to check the ability of mapacalcine to
block calciuminfluxinhepatocytes exposed to hypoxia/
reperfusion conditions. Our data clearly demonstrate that
mapacalcine specifically inhibits the calciuminflux provoked
by hypoxia but not the basal influxin normal conditions.
Experimental procedures
Preparation of rat liver membranes
Rats were treated in compliance with French rules on
animal handling. Highly enriched preparation of rat liver
Correspondence to M. Hugues, CNRS/UMR 5017. Universite
Bordeaux 2, Faculte
de Pharmacie. 146 rue Le
o Saignat 33076
Bordeaux Cedex, France.
Fax: + 5 57 57 12 42, Tel.: + 5 57 57 12 72,
Abbreviations: UW, University of Wisconsin solution.
(Received 18 December 2002, revised 28 February 2003,
accepted 7 March 2003)
Eur. J. Biochem. 270, 1952–1957 (2003) Ó FEBS 2003 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2003.03558.x
membranes was performed as previously described by
Neville [16] with small modifications. Briefly, male Wistar
rats (160–300 g) were killed by decapitation. The livers were
removed, minced with scissors and homogenized in an ice-
cold buffer (Tris 1 m
at pH ¼ 7.40) with a Dounce
homogenizer. The homogenate was then stirred at 4 °C
during 30 min in 5 L of ice-cold buffer. The cellular debris
were removed by filtration on 2 layers of cheesecloth, then
on 4 layers of cheesecloth. The homogenate was centri-
fuged at 1500 g for 10 min at 4 °C. The supernatant was
discarded and the pellets homogenized again with the
Dounce homogenizer. The mixture, obtained was then
vigorously mixed with stock sucrose solution at 69%, to
obtain a sucrose concentration of 44%. The mixture was
gently covered with stock sucrose 43.5% for the discon-
tinuous gradient then centrifuged at 90 000 g for 2 h at
(4 °C), in a SW28 Beckman rotor. The float present under
the 43.5%, sucrose layer was collected with a spatula,
homogenized, resuspended in the Tris buffer (1 m
centrifuged at 140 000 g for 30 min at 4 °C. The pellets
obtained were homogenized in the Tris 1 m
Aliquots of membranes were frozen and kept at )80 °C
until use. Proteins were measured by the Bradford’s method
[17] (Bio-Rad proteins assay) using lysozyme as standard.
Binding of mapacalcine on rat liver membranes
Labeled mapacalcine used in binding experiments was
obtained by iodination of the native peptide as described
by Vidalenc et al. [15]. Binding assays were conducted in a
total volume of 1 mL of physiological incubation buffer
(mM): 50 Tris/HCl at pH 7.4, 130 NaCl, 5.6 KCl,
, 11 glucose and 0.2% bovine serum
albumin. Duplicate aliquots of membranes (0.2 mg protÆ
) were incubated for 120 min at 4 °Cor37°Cwith
various concentrations of
I-labeled mapacalcine
(2200 CiÆmmol
). Non specific binding was determined
in parallel experiments conducted in presence of 1 l
native mapacalcine. Specific binding was obtained by
subtracting nonspecific binding from the total binding.
After incubation, 400 lL duplicate aliquots were filtered,
using a cell harvester (Millipore) over glass fiber filters
(Whatman GF/C) presoaked during 60 min in 10 m
Tris/HCl at pH 7.4 at 4 °C. Filters were rapidly washed
twicewith5mLofthesamebufferat4°C. The
radioactivity retained by the filters was then counted in a
Packard gamma counter.
Competition experiments
Liver membranes (0.2 mgÆmL
) were incubated in the
presence 0.01 n
I-labeled mapacalcine and increasing
concentrations of unlabeled mapacalcine either at 4 °Cor
at 37 °C. The amount of labeled mapacalcine remaining
bound to the membranes was estimated by the filtration
technique described above.
Kinetic binding studies
Association kinetics were performed in standard binding
buffer at 4 °Corat37 °C to assess equilibrium state of toxin
binding to membranes. Association was initiated by adding
I-labeled mapacalcine (0.005 n
) to a constant concen-
tration of membranes (0.2 mgÆmL
Bound mapacalcine was measured at different times by
the filtration technique described above. Non specific
binding was determined in parallel experiments in presence
of 1 l
native mapacalcine.
Hepatocytes isolation and culture
Hepatocytes were obtained as previously described by
Seglen [18] and Berry [19]. Briefly, fed Wistar male rats were
anaesthetized with ether inhalation and liver perfused
through the portal vein with 100 mL of Hepes buffer at
pH 7 containing 6000 U of collagenase (Boehringer Mann-
heim, Meylan France), during 20 min. Dissociated hepato-
cytes were then collected in William’s culture medium
(Eurobio, Les Ullis France) supplemented with 5% fetal
bovine serum and insulin (0.1 IUÆmL
). Cell viability was
estimated to be superior to 90% using trypan blue exclusion.
The cell suspension was adjusted to 1 · 10
cultured in 12 well plates (5 · 10
cells per well) under
controlled atmosphere (5%CO
). The culture medium
containing dexamethasone (1 l
), was renewed 4 h later.
After 24 h of culture, hepatocytes were used for the
Hypoxic treatment
Culture plates were maintained at 37 °Cinanhermeticbag
(Bioblock, Illkirsh, France) in which PO
was adjusted to
50 ± 10 mmHg and maintained constant by N
Culture medium used (Leibovitz medium, L15, Eurobio
Les Ullis, France) without NaHCO
exchange with atmosphere and was buffered via the
buffering capacity of the free base aminoacids. The medium
was nitrogen saturated. A sample of each medium was kept
under the same conditions and immediately analyzed on a
blood gas analyzer (Corning 2504, Cergy Pontoise, France)
at the end of each experiment to control. PO
and pH
values. The pH was stable at 7.20 ± 0.02. Four groups
were studied: Group 1 A (control) corresponded to
hepatocytes maintained in L15 at 37 °C during two hours
under ambient air. Group 1B: hepatocytes treated as
described previously excepted that they were maintained
under hypoxic atmosphere. Group 2 A: corresponded to
Group 1 A conditions but with hepatocytes treated with
1 l
mapacalcine. Group 2B: same conditions as Group 1B
but with hepatocytes treated with 1 l
Calcium influx measurement
Calcium influx measurements on the different groups of
hepatocytes were achieved by reducing the volume of
incubation to 400 lL in order to limit the amount of
needed. The
Ca influx was measured as described by
Combette [20] with small modifications to adapt the
technique to hepatocytesin culture (i.e. attached on the
plastic dishes), for Groups 1B and 2B calcium influxes were
measured under atmospheric PO
. Briefly, calcium influxes
were initiated by addition of 100 lL of incubation medium
containing 1 lCi of
Ca in each well. Under these
conditions, the total incubation volumes was 500 lLand
Ó FEBS 2003 Mapacalcineblockshypoxia-inducedcalciuminflux (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1953
the total calcium concentration, 1 m
which was close to
the physiological rate [20]. At different times between 0 and
120 s, the
Ca influx was stopped by removing the
incubation medium and washing the cells twice with an
ice cold washing solution containing: NaCl, 114 m
CaCl2, 5 m
and Tris/HCl 5 m
at pH 7.4. 1 mL of
NaOH 0.1 m
was then added and cells were scrapped off
the well. A total of 50 lL of the mixture was kept for
protein measurement using the Bradford’s method [16]
(Biorad protein assay, Biorad, Ivry/Seine, France.). The rest
of the mixture was mixed with 4 mL of scintillation liquid
(Ultima Gold, Packard Instruments, Rungis France) and
the radioactivity counted on a Tricarb 1600 TR Packard
Counter. The data were normalized as function of the
protein amount contained in each well. Each experimental
value (mean ± SEM) resulted from independent measure-
ments on different hepatocyte preparations. Statistical
comparisons were obtained using variance analysis and
the Student’s t-test.
Binding of mapacalcine to liver membranes
Association of mapacalcine to liver membranes was tested
to assess the time necessary to reach equilibrium at 4 and
37 °C. Mapacalcine binding reached a plateau value after 90
and 120 min incubation at 37 and 4 °C, respectively (not
shown) and remained stable for 4 h (maximal time meas-
ured). All subsequent binding experiments were then
conducted respecting an incubation time of 2 h.
Direct binding of mapacalcine to liver membranes
at 4 and 37 °C
Direct binding experiments were performed at 4 an 37 °C.
Data obtained from saturation experiments were plotted
according to Scathard (Fig. 1A,B) and demonstrated a
linear plot suggesting that mapacalcine was binding to a
single class of noninteracting sites. Binding parameters
obtained were: K
¼ 0.08 ± 0.02 n
and B
¼ 210 ±
12 fmolÆmg protein
at 4 °C(n ¼ 12); and K
¼ 0.07 ±
0.02 n
and B
¼ 232 ± 40 fmolÆmg protein
at 37 °C
(n ¼ 4).
Competition experiments
Figure 1C,D demonstrates curves obtained from competi-
tion experiments between iodinated mapacalcine and
increasing concentrations of native mapacalcine at 4 and
37 °C. As the concentration of labeled mapacalcine was
10-fold lower than the K
value of the iodinated mapacal-
cine, one can assume the IC
obtained equal to the K
The K
obtained at 4 °C was 0.12 ± 0.01 n
(n ¼ 4);
the K
obtained at 37 °C was 0.15 ± 0.02 n
(n ¼ 4).
Effect of mapacalcine on hypoxia-induced
calcium influx
The time course of calcium uptake was followed at different
times ranging from 2 to 120 s (Fig. 2A). In Group 1A
(control) the intracellular
Ca level rapidly reached a
plateau value corresponding to 1.8 ± 0.3 pmolÆlg
after 20 s. The plateau value corresponding to group 2A
(conditions of group 1A but with treatment with mapacal-
cine 1 l
) was not significantly different. When hepatocytes
were subjected to hypoxic stress (group 1B) the plateau
value was found slightly higher than in group 1 A
(P < 0.05). Interestingly, in the group 2B (hypoxia stress
plus mapacalcine 1 l
) the plateau value was found
significantly lower (P < 0.01).
Effect of mapacalcine on initial
Ca influx
At the beginning of calcium uptake measurement, the
calcium flux measured can be considered as linear during
the first 8 s of the time course (Fig. 2B). During this initial
period, one can assume that the signal observed is only
representative for the
Ca influx and can be fitted as a linear
phenomenon. The equation fitting the uptake corresponds
to the equation of a straight line (Fig. 2B). The lines did not
extrapolate to 0 as previously reported [20] and must
probably be due to the presence of residual amounts of
remaining after the washing procedure. However the slope
of the curve is the parameter of interest as it reflects the
influx rate. Interestingly when hepatocytes were submitted
to an hypoxic stress (Group 1B) the rate of the initial
calcium uptake (vs. Group 1A) was increased by a factor of
3.25 (P < 0.01). In group 2B (treatment with mapacalcine
1 l
) the initial
Ca influx rate was decreased by a factor
11 (P < 0.01). The effect of mapacalcine on calcium uptake
was concentration dependent (Fig. 2C). The IC
from the data in Fig. 2C was 0.3 ± 0.1 l
(n ¼ 15).
Among the multiple cellular events occurring after hypoxic
periods in liver surgery, increase in cytosolic calcium
concentration has been described as an early event contri-
buting to hypoxic injury [21–23]. Hypoxia will acidify the
intracellular medium increasing by the way the cytosolic
calcium concentration. Mitochondrial calcium exchange
system will then be affected leading to mitochondria
dysfunctions, depletion of intracellular ATP concentration
and cell death [24–27].
Several studies have reported a protective effect of
calcium channel blockers like dihydropyridines or pheno-
tiazines in hypoxic damage [11,28]. However the mecha-
nisms by which these molecules exert their protection
remain unclear. Diltiazem protective effects occur on
hepatocytes with different IC
according to whether the
cells have been submitted to a re-oxygenation period or not
[11]. Another study reports a protective effect of nitrendi-
pine occurring independently from the absence or presence
of calcium [29]. Usually, protective effects of calcium
channel blockers are characterized by IC
s that do not
match with the IC
s described for their interactions with
voltage sensitive calcium channels suggesting that these
effects may come from other characteristics of these
molecules (like antioxydant properties).
Mapacalcine appears to act on a calcium current
triggered by a non classical calcium permeability [13], we
have then investigated its ability to interact with calcium
1954 D. Crenesse et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) Ó FEBS 2003
influxes provoked by hypoxia/reperfusion conditions on rat
hepatocytes. Receptors for mapacalcine were first charac-
terized on rat liver membranes using the iodinated mapa-
calcine [17]. Binding data obtained at 37° and 4 °C revealed
the presence of specific high affinity receptors for mapacal-
cine on these membranes. Data obtained from calcium flux
experiments with hepatocytesin control conditions revealed
a basal calciuminflux which was not significantly affected
by mapacalcine (1 l
). Conversely, when hepatocytes were
submitted to hypoxia, calciuminflux dramatically increased.
Application of mapacalcine 1 l
under hypoxia completely
inhibited the stimulated calciuminflux which was
maintained at the basal level (and even lower). The dose–
response curve obtained for the inhibition of the hypoxia/
stimulated calciuminflux demonstrated an IC
of 0.3 l
This value is in good agreement with the IC
obtained for
the inhibition of the Ônon
-typeÕ calcium channel on mouse
intestinal smooth muscle (0.1 l
) by electrophysiological
measurements [13]. The shape of the dose–response curve
demonstrates a decrease within 5 orders of magnitude, this
Fig. 1. Scatchard representations of
I-mapacalcine binding to rathepatocytes membranes at 4 °C(A)and37°C (B), and Inhibition curves obtained
from competition experiments between
I-labeled mapacalcine and increasing concentrations of native mapacalcine on rathepatocytes membranes at
4 °C(C)and37°C(D).The slope of the non specific binding in the saturation experiment was 298.41 ± 8.8 fmol · mgr
· n
(n ¼ 12) and
161.75 ± 11.9 fmolÆmgr
(n ¼ 4) at 4 °Cand37°C, respectively. For (C) and (D), under conditions used in these experiments the non
specific binding corresponded to 1.2 ± 0.1% (n ¼ 4) and 8.0 ± 0.6% (n ¼ 4) of the total binding at 4 °Cand37°C, respectively.
Ó FEBS 2003 Mapacalcineblockshypoxia-inducedcalciuminflux (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1955
would suggest a complex mechanism involving several
biological events to lead to the calciuminflux blockade by
mapacalcine. This would also explain the discrepancy
observed between mapacalcine affinity determined by
binding experiments and the IC
determined for calcium
influx blockade. Our data clearly demonstrate that an
application of mapacalcine to hepatocytes dramatically
blocks an hypoxia induced calcium influx. An interesting
property of mapacalcine is that it does not interact whit
basal calcium fluxes when hepatocytes are not submitted to
hypoxia. These observations suggest that mapacalcine
would interacts with a cellular structure which could be
directly involved in the posthypoxic cell calcium invasion.
Furthermore, previous work reported that mapacalcine did
not interact with the known calcium channels types [13]
even used at concentrations in the lmolar range. These
data, taken together, would suggest that acting on mapa-
calcine receptors to protect graft against postischaemic
calcium invasion has little chances to induce secondary
effects resulting on a side interaction with others calcium
channels. However, further experiments will have (i) to
establish a direct link between calciuminflux sensitive to
mapacalcine and the protection of biological functions of
the cell, and (ii) determine the nature of mapacalcine
receptor which could represent an interesting target to
address therapeutic control of postischaemic/reperfusion
cellular damage.
This work was supported by a grant for Institut de Recherche Servier,
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Ó FEBS 2003 Mapacalcineblockshypoxia-inducedcalciuminflux (Eur. J. Biochem. 270) 1957
. the ischaemia-induced calcium in ux. We demonstrate here that: (a) there are specific receptors for mapacalcine in rat hepatocytes; (b) Mapacalcine is able to specifically block ischaemia–induced calcium in ux. Mapacalcine specifically blocks hypoxia-induced calcium in ux in rat hepatocytes Dominique Crenesse 1 , Ghislaine Neuilly 2 , Jean Gugenheim 3 , Catherine Ferre 1 and Michel Hugues 2 1 Laboratoire. binding was determined in parallel experiments conducted in presence of 1 l M native mapacalcine. Specific binding was obtained by subtracting nonspecific binding from the total binding. After incubation,