Báo cáo khoa học: Hepatocyte-specific interplay of transcription factors at the far-upstream enhancer of the carbamoylphosphate synthetase gene upon glucocorticoid induction doc
Hepatocyte-specificinterplayoftranscriptionfactors at
the far-upstreamenhancerofthe carbamoylphosphate
synthetase geneuponglucocorticoid induction
Maarten Hoogenkamp
, Ingrid C. Gaemers
, Onard J. L. M. Schoneveld
, Atze T. Das
Thierry Grange
and Wouter H. Lamers
1 AMC Liver Center, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2 Institut Jacques Monod du CNRS, Universites Paris 6-7, Paris, France
Many ofthe metabolic functions ofthe liver are divi-
ded in a complementary fashion among the periportal
and pericentral hepatocytes. The expression of enzymes
involved in amino acid degradation and gluconeogene-
sis is largely confined to the periportal hepatocytes and
regulated by intracellular cAMP levels, in combination
carbamoylphosphate synthetase-I; FoxA;
glucocorticoid receptor; in vivo footprinting;
W. H. Lamers, AMC Liver Center, Academic
Medical Center, University of Amsterdam,
Meibergdreef 69-71, 1105 BK, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Fax: +31 205669190
Tel: +31 205665405
E-mail: w.h.lamers@amc.uva.nl
(Received 26 July 2006, revised 12 October
2006, accepted 27 October 2006)
Carbamoylphosphate synthetase-I is the flux-determining enzyme of the
ornithine cycle, and neutralizes toxic ammonia by converting it to urea. An
80 bp glucocorticoid response unit located 6.3 kb upstream ofthe trans-
cription start site mediates hormone responsiveness and liver-specific
expression ofcarbamoylphosphate synthetase-I. The glucocorticoid
response unit consists of response elements for theglucocorticoid receptor,
forkhead box A, CCAAT ⁄ enhancer-binding protein, and an unidentified
protein. With only four transcription factor response elements, the car-
bamoylphosphate synthetase-I glucocorticoid response unit is a relatively
simple unit. The relationship between carbamoylphosphate synthetase-I
expression and in vivo occupancy ofthe response elements was examined
by comparing a carbamoylphosphate synthetase-I-expressing hepatoma cell
line with a carbamoylphosphate synthetase-I-negative fibroblast cell line.
DNaseI hypersensitivity assays revealed an open chromatin configuration
of thecarbamoylphosphate synthetase-I enhancer in hepatoma cells only.
In vivo footprinting assays showed that the accessory transcription factors
of theglucocorticoid response unit bound to their response elements in car-
bamoylphosphate synthetase-I-positive cells, irrespective of whether car-
bamoylphosphate synthetase-I expression was induced with hormones. In
contrast, the binding ofglucocorticoid receptor to the carbamoylphosphate
synthetase-I glucocorticoid response unit was dependent on treatment of
the cells with glucocorticoids. Only forkhead box A was exclusively present
in hepatoma cells, and therefore appears to be an important determinant
of the observed tissue specificity ofcarbamoylphosphate synthetase-I
expression. As theglucocorticoid receptor is the only DNA-binding protein
specifically recruited to theglucocorticoid response unit upon stimulation
by glucocorticoids, it is likely to be directly responsible for the transcrip-
tional activation mediated by theglucocorticoid response unit.
C ⁄ EBP, CCAAT ⁄ enhancer-binding protein; CPS, carbamoylphosphate synthetase-I; CRU, cAMP response unit; FoxA, forkhead box A;
GR, glucocorticoid receptor; GRE, glucocorticoid receptor response element; GRU, glucocorticoid response unit; LM, ligation-mediated;
PEPCK, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase; PFK-2, 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase; PKA, cAMP-dependent protein kinase; TAT, tyrosine
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 37
with glucocorticoids. One of these enzymes is car-
bamoylphosphate synthetase-I (CPS; EC,
which mediates the rate-determining step ofthe orni-
thine cycle that converts ammonia into urea [1].
Hepatocyte-specific expression of CPS is regulated
by a distal enhancer, located 6.3 kb upstream of the
transcription start site, in combination with the pro-
moter region [2]. The distal enhancer is composed of
two functional units, i.e. an upstream cAMP-response
unit (CRU), covering 150–200 bp, and 100 bp further
downstream, a glucocorticoid response unit (GRU) of
approximately 80 bp. Transient transfection experi-
ments have shown that the functions of these two units
are well separated. The CPS CRU is the sole mediator
of cAMP-dependent transcriptional activity (O. J. L. M.
Schoneveld, M. Hoogenkamp, J. M. P. Stallen, I. C.
Gaemers & W. H. Lamers, unpublished results). On
the other hand, constructs containing the CPS GRU
and the elements atthe promoter show approximately
70% ofthe maximal inductionof reporter gene activity
after addition of dexamethasone alone. The combina-
tion of dexamethasone and cAMP induces the con-
struct maximally, whereas such a construct is not
sensitive to cAMP alone [3].
The GRU consists of a response element for the
ubiquitously expressed glucocorticoid receptor (GR)
and three accessory factors. These accessory factors
are the liver-enriched transcriptionfactors forkhead
box A (FoxA) and CCAAT ⁄ enhancer-binding protein
(C ⁄ EBP), whereas the third factor is an unidentified
75 kDa protein denoted P3 [3,4]. The importance of
each individual factor has been investigated extensively
in transient transfection experiments [2,4]. Mutation
analyses have shown that the presence of each of the
four elements is essential for the glucocorticoid
Although there does not seem to be a general rule
for how a GRU is organized, the CPS GRU and the
GRUs of gluconeogenic genes that are expressed in
hepatocytes all contain binding sites for FoxA and
C ⁄ EBP [5]. Mutation analyses ofthe CPS GRU have
shown that each ofthe four elements is essential for
the glucocorticoid response and that changes in spa-
cing, order or orientation ofthe elements all cause a
strong reduction in gene inducibility [2,4]. Neverthe-
less, it is unknown what rules determine their activity.
In particular, it is unknown to what extent DNA
accessibility to transcriptionfactors and the sequence
in which thetranscriptionfactors bind play a role.
Furthermore, it remains unclear whether accessory fac-
tors have to bind first to the GRU, thereby allowing
stable binding of GR, or whether it is binding of GR
that allows access for the accessory factors [6,7].
With only four transcription factor response ele-
ments located within close proximity of each other, the
CPS GRU is a relatively simple unit. Therefore, this
GRU is an ideal target with which to establish which
factors are constitutively bound and which function as
the trigger to initiate liver-specific gene expression. In
order to investigate the in vivo occupancy ofthe GRU
response elements, we compared CPS-positive FTO-2B
hepatoma cells with CPS-negative Rat-1 fibroblasts.
We show that the CPS enhancer is in an open confi-
guration in FTO-2B cells, whereas the chromatin is
not accessible in Rat-1 cells. We further show by
in vivo footprinting assays that the accessory factors
bind constitutively to their response elements in the
CPS-expressing hepatoma cells, but not in CPS-negat-
ive fibroblasts. Similarly, GR solely binds to its
response element in CPS-expressing cells, but does so
only after activation by its ligand.
Because the expression of CPS in FTO-2B hepatoma
cells has previously been shown to be responsive to the
hormonal stimuli relevant in vivo [2], these cells were
used as a paradigm for CPS-expressing cells, whereas
Rat-1 fibroblasts served as CPS-negative control cells
(Fig. 1A) [8]. Western blot analysis showed that the
GR is expressed at a comparable level in both cell lines
(Fig. 1A). C⁄ EBPa DNA-binding activity was only
present in nuclear extract from FTO-2B cells, whereas
C ⁄ EBPb DNA-binding activity was present in nuclear
extracts of both cell lines (Fig. 1B). FoxA1 and FoxA2
DNA-binding activities were found only in FTO-2B
nuclear extracts, whereas FoxA3 DNA-binding activity
could not be detected in either cell line. The P3 protein
is ubiquitously expressed [3].
Local chromatin accessibility atthe CPS enhancer
was determined by DNaseI hypersensitivity analysis.
Figure 2A shows the position of both SstI restriction
sites that were used for digestion, as well as the posi-
tion ofthe probe, directly upstream ofthe ) 5.3 kb
SstI site. Untreated samples showed the expected
7.6 kb SstI fragment and an additional, much longer,
band, presumably resulting from incomplete SstI diges-
tion (Fig. 2B, lanes 1, 5, 9 and 13). Both in untreated
and in dexamethasone ⁄ cAMP-treated FTO-2B cells,
fragments of 0.7–1.2 kb could be identified at inter-
mediate DNaseI concentrations (Fig. 2B, lanes 7 and
15). Thus, chromatin appears to be accessible at the
CPS GRU irrespective of hormonal activation. In con-
trast, Rat-1 fibroblasts did not exhibit such a hypersen-
sitive area, regardless of hormone treatment. The lack
of accessibility ofthe GRU enhancer in Rat-1 cells
Transcription factorsatthe CPS GRU M. Hoogenkamp et al.
38 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
therefore corresponds with the lack of CPS expression
in these cells, as shown in Fig. 1A.
We analyzed the binding oftranscription factors
to the CPS GRU in Rat-1 fibroblasts and FTO-2B
hepatoma cells that were or were not treated with dex-
amethasone ⁄ cAMP. Alterations in the accessibility of
DNA sequences were visualized by ligation-mediated
PCR (LM-PCR). Previously, we subjected the CPS
enhancer to in vitro footprinting using an end-labeled
DNA fragment. Thetranscriptionfactors producing
the footprints in these assays were identified by com-
parison with footprints produced by purified proteins
[3]. To compare and validate the in vivo footprinting,
we also analyzed in vitro DNaseI-treated DNA by
LM-PCR. Linearized plasmid containing the CPS
enhancer was incubated with either BSA or rat liver
nuclear extract prior to DNaseI treatment. Analysis of
the in vitro footprinted samples for both strands of the
GRU region revealed three clear footprints (Fig. 3,
compare lane 1 with lane 2, and lane 7 with lane 8), in
agreement with our earlier observations [3]. Very simi-
lar results were observed when the in vivo footprinted
FTO-2B samples were compared with the Rat-1 sam-
ples (Fig. 3). The footprint due to C ⁄ EBP binding was
observed only in the FTO-2B samples at positions
322–343. FoxA binding was apparent in the FTO-2B
samples at positions 343–357, and highlighted by a
characteristic DNaseI hypersensitivity at position 350
on the upper strand and position 347 on the lower
strand [7]. Both the in vitro and in vivo experiments
showed that this FoxA-specific hypersensitivity was
consistently more prominent on the upper strand than
tsS I
tsS I
- sSt- tsS
10 11
13 14
Fig. 2. DNaseI hypersensitivity ofthe CPS upstream region. (A)
Schematic representation ofthe upstream region ofthe CPS gene.
A 130 bp
P-labeled probe, located upstream ofthe SstI site at
) 5.3 kb, was used for hybridization. (B) Southern blot of in vivo
DNaseI-digested DNA from Rat-1 fibroblasts and FTO-2B hepatoma
cells. Cells were left untreated or were treated with dexametha-
sone and cAMP. Under each condition, cells were subjected to
increasing amounts of DNaseI. The position ofthe intact SstI–SstI
fragment and the GRU are indicated.
160 kDa
95 kDa
C/EBP probe FoxA probe
PBE/C β 1AxoFenon2AxoF3AxoFenon
Fig. 1. Expression of CPS and its regulating transcriptionfactors in Rat-1 and FTO-2B cells. (A) CPS and GR were detected by western blot-
ting. For CPS, 32 lg of total protein from Rat-1 or FTO-2B cells was loaded per lane, whereas for GR, 50 lg of total protein was loaded per
lane. Amido black staining ofthe membrane served as loading control. (B) The presence of C ⁄ EBP and FoxA family members was visualized
by antibody-mediated supershifts in electrophoretic mobility shift assays. In each panel, the first lane corresponds to free probe, whereas
the other lanes correspond to probe incubated with Rat-1 or FTO-2B nuclear extracts. Where indicated, antibody directed against specific
members ofthe C ⁄ EBP and FoxA families oftranscriptionfactors was added. The region ofthe gel showing the supershifted complex with
FoxA1 antibody is additionally shown after a longer exposure. ‘SS’ indicates observed supershifts.
M. Hoogenkamp et al. Transcriptionfactorsatthe CPS GRU
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 39
on the lower strand. Binding of P3 to positions 360–
377 was best detected on the upper strand as protec-
tion around position 363 and hypersensitivity at posi-
tion 381. Although the in vitro and in vivo footprints
are highly similar to each other, the band patterns are
not identical. This difference can be attributed to the
differences in DNaseI accessibility of naked DNA
(in vitro) and DNA in a chromatin context (in vivo) [9].
Interestingly, treatment ofthe cells with dexametha-
sone ⁄ cAMP prior to DNaseI treatment did not result
in any changes in the pattern of bands for either of the
two cell types, showing that binding of C ⁄ EBP and
FoxA to the CPS GRU in FTO-2B cells is independ-
ent of these hormonal stimuli.
FTO-2B hepatoma cells exhibit a constitutive
cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) activity [10].
In the FTO-2B-derived hepatoma cell line WT-8, PKA
activity is again fully dependent on cAMP [10]. DNa-
seI footprinting ofthe CPS upstream enhancer gener-
ated a near-identical banding pattern in untreated
FTO-2B and WT-8 cells, including the prominent
FoxA-specific hypersensitive band (Fig. 4, arrow). As
already shown for FTO-2B (Fig. 3), treatment of both
cell lines with dexamethasone ⁄ cAMP did not alter the
banding pattern. This confirms that the binding of the
accessory factors to the CPS CRU does not result
from PKA activity, but is associated with the hepatic
As expected [11], DNaseI footprinting was not suit-
able for revealing the interaction between the GR and
its response element (GRE), but dimethylsulfate foot-
printing was (Fig. 5). Comparison ofthe FTO-2B
samples with the Rat-1 samples revealed that C⁄ EBP
binding to the GRU increased and decreased sensitiv-
ity to dimethylsulfate on the upper strand at positions
333 and 326, respectively, whereas changes in reactivity
at positions 331, 336 and 340 were seen on the lower
strand. FoxA binding resulted in protection ofthe gua-
nines at positions 347 and 351 on the upper strand,
and protection at position 352 on the lower strand.
These footprints in the FTO-2B samples were not
influenced by treatment with dexamethasone ⁄ cAMP, in
accordance with the DNaseI-footprinting experiments.
At the position ofthe GRE, differences between non-
treated and hormone-treated Rat-1 fibroblasts were
not observed on either DNA strand. Moreover, there
was no difference between the Rat-1 samples and the
untreated FTO-2B hepatoma cells. After the addition
of hormones to FTO-2B cells, however, the reactivity
of several guanines towards dimethylsulfate was
altered. These guanines map within the GRE region
that was footprinted by the GR in vitro [3]. On the
Fig. 3. DNaseI footprinting ofthe CPS upstream enhancer in FTO-2B and Rat-1 cells. In vitro footprints were obtained by incubating a linea-
rized plasmid containing the CPS GRU with 45 lg of BSA or rat liver nuclear extract, after which DNaseI was added. The resulting DNA frag-
ments were used as template for LM-PCR. For in vivo footprints, dexamethasone ⁄ cAMP-treated (+) and untreated (–) Rat-1 fibroblasts and
FTO-2B hepatoma cells were permeabilized and incubated with DNaseI. After isolation ofthe DNA, the samples were subjected to LM-PCR.
An arrow indicates the FTO-2B-specific hypersensitive site in the FoxA-binding site. Schematic representations ofthe GRU with its binding
sites are included for clarity.
Transcription factorsatthe CPS GRU M. Hoogenkamp et al.
40 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
upper strand, the bands representing the guanines at
positions 383 and 385 were increased 1.6-fold (± 0.13;
N ¼ 4) and 1.7-fold (± 0.18; N ¼ 4), respectively,
whereas the band at position 392 was reduced 1.5-fold
(± 0.05; N ¼ 4). On the lower strand, GR binding
resulted in protection over the region covering posi-
tions 386–400. The observed bands corresponding to
the guanines at positions 386, 395 and 400 were
decreased 1.4-fold (± 0.15; N ¼ 3), 1.5-fold (± 0.13;
N ¼ 3), and 1.4-fold (± 0.08; N ¼ 3), respectively.
Elevated levels of cAMP alone did not lead to altera-
tions atthe GRE, whereas dexamethasone alone did
(Fig. 5C). Five out of six of these changes of reactivity
of guanines map within the consensus GR-binding
sites within the GRE (Fig. 5D). All the guanines that
are known to be affected upon GR binding to a
similar GRE [11] showed altered reactivity. Altogether,
these findings indicate that these glucocorticoid-
induced footprints were due to GR binding.
Transcriptional regulation results from the cooper-
ative binding oftranscriptionfactors [12]. One of the
key determinants ofthe activation of genes that are
under the control of hormone response units is the
order and time at which thetranscriptionfactors bind
to their response elements. With only four response
elements for transcriptionfactors located within a
stretch of 80 bp, the CPS GRU is ideal for determin-
ing which transcription factor-binding events are pre-
requisites and which form the final trigger for GRU
DNaseI hypersensitivity analysis showed that the
DNA region encompassing the CPS enhancer is in an
open chromatin configuration in CPS-expressing hepa-
toma cells (Fig. 2). An open chromatin configuration
of GRU-containing distal enhancer regions appears to
be the rule in well-differentiated hepatoma cells [13–
15], including the distal tyrosine aminotransferase
(TAT) GRU at ) 5.5 kb, but this does not apply to
the more proximal TAT GRU at ) 2.5 kb, which needs
prior exposure to glucocorticoids to acquire an open
conformation [6,9,15]. In contrast to its accessibility in
hepatoma cells, the CPS GRU is not in an open confi-
guration in the Rat-1 cell line, which does not express
CPS. These findings are in line with the concept that
accessibility of an enhancer region to DNaseI corre-
lates with expression from that enhancer [16].
The absence of CPS expression in Rat-1 fibroblasts
correlates with the absence of FoxA DNA-binding
activities (Fig. 1) and a nonaccessible CPS GRU
(Fig. 2). FoxA is one ofthe relatively few transcription
factors that can function, in the absence of ATP-
dependent complexes, to open up compacted chroma-
tin, thereby allowing access for other transcription
factors [17]. It is therefore tempting to speculate that
these features underlie the absence of binding of tran-
scription factors (Fig. 3) and the lack of CPS expres-
sion in Rat-1 cells. In vivo footprinting of FTO-2B
hepatoma cells, on the other hand, showed constitutive
binding of FoxA and C ⁄ EBP to the CPS GRU
(Fig. 3), whereas binding of GR was conditional, i.e.
dependent on treatment ofthe cells with dexametha-
sone ⁄ cAMP (Fig. 5). Treatment of Rat-1 fibroblasts
with dexamethasone ⁄ cAMP did not result in binding
of GR, even though GR is abundantly present in these
cells (Fig. 1). In line with experiments showing that
GR binding to the ) 2.5 kb TAT GRU can only be
detected by genomic footprinting when the accessory
factors are bound to this GRU [11], these data indicate
that prior binding of accessory transcription factors
is necessary to stabilize the interaction between GR
and the CPS GRU. In vitro experiments with the
phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) GRU
showed that binding of COUP-TF and especially
FoxA increased the affinity ofthe low-affinity PEPCK
GRE for GR and decreased its dissociation rate [18].
Fig. 4. DNaseI footprinting ofthe CPS upstream enhancer in FTO-
2B and WT-8 hepatoma cells. For in vivo footprints, FTO-2B and
WT-8 hepatoma cells, either untreated (–) or treated with dexa-
methasone ⁄ cAMP (+), were permeabilized and incubated with
DNaseI. After isolation ofthe DNA, the samples were subjected to
LM-PCR. An arrow indicates the hypersensitive site in the FoxA-
binding site. Schematic representations ofthe GRU with its binding
sites are included for clarity.
M. Hoogenkamp et al. Transcriptionfactorsatthe CPS GRU
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 41
For both the PEPCK and the CPS GRUs, the distance
between the binding sites for GR and FoxA is of crit-
ical importance for GRU activity, which probably
reflects a direct interaction between the two factors
Although it remains to be established to what extent
these findings in cell lines can be extrapolated to pri-
mary hepatocytes, the absence of FoxA from fibroblasts
is in agreement with the concept that FoxA binding is
an early event in the opening ofthe chromatin of he-
patocytes [17]. FoxA binds in a glucocorticoid-inde-
pendent manner on the CPS GRU (Figs 3 and 5), the
PEPCK GRU [20] and the distal TAT GRU at ) 5.5 kb
[9,15]. Although FoxA binds to the proximal TAT
GRU at ) 2.5 kb in unstimulated FTO-2B cells, its
binding is significantly enhanced by prior exposure to
glucocorticoids and chromatin remodeling [11], whereas
in H4IIE hepatoma cells, its binding to this GRU is
strictly dependent upon GR activation [7]. The subse-
quent binding ofthe accessory transcription factors, in
turn, stabilizes GR binding (see previous paragraph)
[11]. The difference in FoxA binding between the FTO-
2B and H4IIE cell lines could be due to the constitutive
PKA activity that is present in the FTO-2B cell line.
FoxA binding atthe ) 2.5 kb TAT GRU in WT-8 cells
is, indeed, very low in the absence of glucocorticoids
and can be induced by glucocorticoids and PKA activa-
tion in an additive manner [11]. However, FoxA bind-
ing to the TAT GRU at ) 5.5 kb and the CPS GRU
was constitutive in both FTO-2B and WT-8 cells, ren-
dering the CPS GRU similar to the distal TAT GRU.
Another study in FTO-2B cells, conducted on the con-
stitutively open GRU ofthe 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase
(PFK-2) gene, showed that FoxA binding was largely
glucocorticoid-dependent, despite the constitutive PKA
activity and the glucocorticoid-independent chromatin
remodeling [13]. Taken together, these studies show that
although these GRUs are all involved in mediating he-
patocyte-specific expression and contain binding sites
for GR in combination with response elements for the
liver-enriched factors FoxA and C ⁄ EBP, they differ in
their recruitment of these common transcription fac-
tors. Although it is still unclear what determines these
differences in the assembly ofthetranscription factor
complex, transient transfection studies suggest that the
precise arrangement ofthe various binding sites within
+dex & forsk.
dnarts rewol
dnarts reppu
5 G Tt
TT ’
3 G AA
AaacT G ’5-
Fig. 5. Dimethylsulfate footprinting ofthe CPS upstream enhancer in Rat-1 and FTO-2B cells. Dexamethasone ⁄ cAMP-treated (+) and
untreated (–) Rat-1 fibroblasts and FTO-2B hepatoma cells were incubated with 0.1% dimethylsulfate. After DNA isolation, the samples were
subjected to LM-PCR. (A, B) Upper and lower strands, respectively. Closed diamonds and circles indicate guanines showing, respectively,
increased and decreased sensitivity towards dimethylsulfate in hormone-treated FTO-2B cells, whereas open diamonds and circles indicate
hormone-independent decreased and increased sensitivity to dimethylsulfate in FTO-2B compared to Rat-1 cells. (C) Upper strand analysis,
showing that dexamethasone treatment alone is sufficient to promote GR binding in FTO2B cells. (D) Sequence ofthe CPS GRE showing
the guanine residues that showed altered reactivity to dimethylsulfate following hormonal treatment of FTO2-B cells. The consensus palin-
dromic GR-binding site is indicated in capital letters. The guanines in bold letters are those that showed altered reactivity towards dimethyl-
sulfate upon GR binding in vitro to a similar GRE [11].
Transcription factorsatthe CPS GRU M. Hoogenkamp et al.
42 FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS
the GRUs and the relative affinities for their cognate
factors play a role, presumably in combination with the
chromatin structure established atthe GRUs prior to
glucocorticoid activation [4,19].
Even though the assembly ofthetranscription fac-
tor complex atthe CPS GRU seems to be similar to
that ofthe distal TAT GRU at ) 5.5 kb, there
appears to be an important difference. The CPS
GRU is sufficient to enhance the activity ofthe basal
promoter [4], whereas the distal TAT GRU has to
cooperate with the proximal TAT GRU at ) 2.5 kb
[15]. This difference may be more apparent than real,
however, because we recently showed that the CPS
GRU needs to interact with a GRE directly upstream
of the core CPS promoter to transactivate this pro-
moter [5,21].
For both the proximal TAT GRU and the PFK-2
GRU, it is not clear which transcription factor is
directly responsible for transcriptional activation, as
GR allows recruitment of FoxA and C ⁄ EBP, which
could be thefactors interacting with the transcription
machinery. Therefore, GR could play only an indirect
role by allowing the recruitment of these factors. The
distal TAT GRU, where GR is the only DNA-bind-
ing protein interacting specifically in the presence of
glucocorticoids, does not provide a clear answer to
this question, as this GRU does not activate tran-
scription on its own. Our present analysis of tran-
scription factor recruitment atthe CPS GRU
therefore provides the first clear evidence that the
transcription activation domains of GR play a key
role in transcriptional activation mediated by a GRU,
as we show that it is the only DNA-binding protein
of the triad GR, FoxA and C ⁄ EBP that is specifically
recruited uponglucocorticoid stimulation. The acces-
sory factors FoxA and C ⁄ EBP presumably allow sta-
bilization of GR binding to the GRU, and thereby
stabilization ofthe interaction ofthe coregulators
interacting with the nucleoprotein complex formed at
the GRU. This raises the possibility that the acces-
sory factors play a similar role in GRUs where they
are recruited in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner,
and that the differences that are seen in the modali-
ties of recruitment do not reflect fundamental differ-
ences in their contribution to the function of the
Experimental procedures
Cell culture
Rat-1 fibroblasts [22], FTO-2B hepatoma cells [23], and
WT-8, an FTO-2B-derived cell line overexpressing the R1a
subunit of PKA [10], were grown at 37 °Cin
DMEM ⁄ F12 ⁄ 5% CO
⁄ 10% fetal bovine serum.
Nuclear extracts
Nuclear extracts from rat livers were prepared as previ-
ously described [24]. To prepare nuclear extracts from cell
lines, cells were detached with trypsin, washed in NaCl ⁄ P
containing 0.25 mm phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride, and
lysed by resuspension in 1.5 mL of 10 mm Hepes (pH 7.6),
10 mm KCl, 1.5 mm MgCl
and 0.5 mm dithiothreitol per
2 · 10
cells. After 8 min on ice, nuclei were pelleted by
centrifugation in an Eppendorf 5417C centrifuge at
20 800 g for 30 s at 4 °C. The pellets were resuspended in
100 lLof20mm Hepes (pH 7.6), 20% glycerol, 420 mm
NaCl, 1.5 mm MgCl
, 0.2 mm EDTA and 0.5 mm dithio-
threitol, and incubated on ice for 20 min. Nuclear debris
was spun down at 20 800 g for 2 min at 4 °C (Eppendorf
5417C centrifuge).
Western blotting
Whole cell extracts were prepared by lysis of cells in 20 mm
Tris (pH 7.5), 150 mm NaCl, 1% NP40, 0.5 mm dithiothrei-
tol and 0.2 mm phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride. Insoluble
debris was spun down in an Eppendorf centrifuge at
20 800 g for 20 s at 4 °C (Eppendorf 5417C centrifuge).
Western blotting was performed as previously described [25].
Electrophoretic mobility shift assays
Electrophoretic mobibility shift assays were performed as
previously described [4], except that the binding reaction
contained 20 mm Hepes (pH 7.6), 500 mm KCl, 12% gly-
cerol (v ⁄ v), 1 mm EDTA, 1 mm dithiothreitol, 1 mm sper-
midine, 0.5 lg of double-stranded poly(dIdC)Ælg
extract, and 0.3 lgÆlL
BSA. Double-stranded probes were
designed on the basis ofthe rat CPS GRU sequence
(Table 1).
Rabbit polyclonal antibodies against C ⁄ EBPa (sc-61),
C ⁄ EBPb (sc-746) and GR (sc-1003), and goat polyclonal
antibodies against FoxA1 (sc-6553), FoxA2 (sc-6554) and
FoxA3 (sc-5360), were obtained from Santa Cruz Biotech-
nology (Santa Cruz, CA, USA). Rabbit polyclonal anti-
body against CPS has been previously described [26].
DNaseI treatment
Cells were grown to 70% confluence and supplemented,
where indicated, with 100 nm dexamethasone, 1 mm dibuty-
ryl-cAMP and 0.1 mm 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine (IBMX)
M. Hoogenkamp et al. Transcriptionfactorsatthe CPS GRU
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2 h before the start ofthe experiment. DNaseI treatment
was performed exactly as previously described [27].
Dimethylsulfate treatment
Cells were grown to 70% confluence and exposed, where
indicated, to 100 nm dexamethasone, 1 mm dibutyryl-
cAMP and 0.1 mm IBMX for 2 h before the start of the
experiment. All solutions used for hormone-treated cells
contained 100 nm dexamethasone. After exposure for
4 min at room temperature to 0.1% dimethylsulfate in
NaCl ⁄ P
, cells were washed three times with NaCl ⁄ P
lysed in 2.5 mL of 50 mm Tris (pH 8.0), 20 mm EDTA,
1% SDS and 100 lgÆmL
proteinase K per 80 cm
digested overnight at 55 °C, and further processed as des-
cribed [28].
In vitro footprinting
In vitro footprinting was performed as previously described
[29]. As matrix, linearized plasmid DNA containing the
CPS enhancer region was used. Protein binding was per-
formed using 45 lg of rat liver nuclear extract or BSA.
DNaseI hypersensitivity analysis
Thirty micrograms of DNaseI-treated DNA was cut with
SstI, separated on a 1% agarose gel, blotted [25], and
hybridized to a 130 bp [a-
P]ATP-labeled PCR probe.
The starting material consisted of 1 lg of genomic DNA
for in vivo footprints or 2 ng of plasmid DNA for in vitro
footprints. LM-PCR was performed as described [30],
except that the linker–ligation mix contained 5% poly-
ethyleneglycol-6000. The primers used are described in
Table 1.
The research presented in this article was financially
supported by ZonMW grant 902-23-250 and by grants
to TG ofthe Association pour la Recherche sur le
Cancer and the Ligue contre le Cancer.
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M. Hoogenkamp et al. Transcriptionfactorsatthe CPS GRU
FEBS Journal 274 (2007) 37–45 ª 2006 The Authors Journal compilation ª 2006 FEBS 45
. Hepatocyte-specific interplay of transcription factors at
the far-upstream enhancer of the carbamoylphosphate
synthetase gene upon glucocorticoid induction
Maarten. the cooper-
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