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A7 hsnk thcs lê quý đôn thanh sơn (2018 2019) ct

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PHÒNG GD&ĐT THANH SƠN ĐỀ THI CHỌN HSNK CẤP TRƯỜNG TRƯỜNG THCS LÊ QUÝ ĐÔN NĂM HỌC 2018 - 2019 ĐỀ CHÍNH THỨC Mơn: Tiếng Anh Name: _ SECTION 1: LISTENING Thời gian làm 120 phút I You will hear a man talking about Tanya Perry’s life For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER TANYA PERRY Born in London in 1948 In 1952 family moved to (1) At school with Jack Peters, the famous (2) _ Wrote some (3) _ while still at school During the early 1970s worked as a (4) The film called “City Life” won a prize at a French Film Festival Now has (5) _ plays in print II You will hear a conversation between a boy, William, and a girl, Sophie, in a music shop Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect If it is correct, put a tick () in the box under A for YES If it is not correct, put a tick () in the box under B for NO A (Yes) B (No) Sophie enjoys shopping in Birmingham William feels confident about finding his way around Birmingham Sophie thinks the band 521 has improved William persuades Sophie to buy a different CD from him Sophie is disappointed to have her birthday present early SECTION 2: PHONETICS III Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D (0.6 pt) A island B biogas C bookstore D festive A headache B steak C already D bread A wretched B decided C exchanged D completed IV Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words Identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (0.4 pt) A dangerous B enormous C plentiful D energy A reference B convenient C appointment D expensive SECTION 3: VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR V Choose the best answer to complete each sentence, identify your answer by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C, or D (7.0 pts) She is a singer nor an actress A nor B both C neither D either “I think we should use less paper so that we can save trees in the forests.”-“ ” A Congratulations B Yes, I’d love to C That’s a good idea D It’s nice of you to say so Students live and study in a/an _ school They only go home at weekends A international B small C boarding D overseas Of my two older brothers, my eldest brother is one A the stronger B the strongest C strong D stronger This painting is prettier, but it costs the other one A so much as B as many as Bill: “What a lovely house you have!” C twice as much as D twice as many - John: “ ” A No problem! B I think so C That’s right D Thanks Hope you’ll drop in I’m always nervous when I’m an exam A taking B making C working D writing My mother has been busy all afternoon A cook B cooking C to cook D cooked They never came to class late, and A neither did I B so did I C I did either D neither I did 10 These vegetables don’t taste to us A well B freshly C fresh D deliciously 11 Every one suffers the common cold at sometime or other A from B of C with D about 12 In the evening, all the family members _ in the living room to watch TV A spend B come C gather D stand 13 There is a behind my house A big beautiful flower garden B garden flower big beautiful C beautiful big flower garden D big beautiful garden flower 14 Some people are used to in crowded buses and don't mind it at all A riding B ride C rode D to ride 15 You should not ride so You may have an accident A careless B carelessly C carefully D careful 16 Many people can write poems, but only can become good poets A a few B few C a little D little 17 Washington D.C is capital of United States A., the B the,  C the, the D ,  18 The shirts here are more expensive than those at the bookshop on the corner A very B quite C extremely D much 19 We can learn more about the undersea world Costeau’s invention of the diving vessel A because B because of C thanks to D thanks for 20 Cyclists and motorists have to wear a when they ride a motorbike A hard hat B cap C mask D helmet 21 Does your bike ever _ down on the way to school? A break B take C D turn 22 We to Ha Noi several times, but last summer we _by train A have flown-have gone B has flown-went C have flown-went D flew-went 23 I had to stand in the balcony to catch the whole _ of the parade A view B picture C sight D vision 24 I think you should take up swimming it is suitable for your health condition A so B because C although D but 25 We should play sports or exercise in order to stay in _ A fit B health C look D shape 26 Dong Ho paintings are made on _paper with beautiful colors A traditional – nature B tradition – natural C tradition – nature D traditional - natural 27 In Viet Nam, spring rolls are served at a family gathering or anniversary dinner A most B almost C most of D mostly 28 I think the University of Cambridge is the second the United Kingdom A oldest B elder C old 29 She’s sure that they will find the film A entertaining B entertain D older C entertainment D entertained 30 - “Do you like seeing a film?” - “ ” A No, I don’t like it at all B Sure What film shall we see? C Who is in it? D I’m sorry, I can’t 31. _being frightened by the images, Lan still liked the film so much A In spite B Despite C Although D Nevertheless 32 It's an hour since he _, so he must be at the office now A has left B left C was leaving D is leaving 33 The Imperial Academy was constructed Emperor Ly NhanTong A under B above C by D behind 34 We may know the land very well, but we know _about the oceans A few B little C much D a little 35 My sister never wants to drink coffee, and _ A I either B I do, too C neither I D so VI Circle the letter A,B,C or D before the mistake in each sentence and correct it (1.0 point) The driver of the car was serious injured in the accident A B C D The public library in the city has thousand of good books A B C D In spite of her tired, she went to school with her friends A B C D The most common traffic problem in city around the world is traffic jams A B C D Tom Hanks is one of the most famous and rich actors in Hollywood A B C D SECTION 4: READING VII Choose one suitable word (A/ B/ C or D) to complete the following passage (2.0 points) The world’s population (1) five-billion mark in 1987 and it is increasing (2) about 1.7% a year At this rate of growth, the number of people in the world will double every 41 years This rapid increase has been called the (3) explosion No one knows how many people the Earth can (4) Many scientists believe that the world will soon become (5) , that is, it will have more people than it can support When too many people (6) in a small place, life can become very difficult and (7) In some places, there are so many people that there is not enough food or houses for everyone Many families move to the cities, (8) to find work and homes So more homes need to be (9) The city spreads over more and more farming land As the world’s population (10) , there is less and less land left for agriculture to feed all the people A passed B pass C past D passing A to B by C in D of A pollution B polluted C population D populated A be supported B supports C supporting D support A polluted B overpopulated C populated D overpopulation A to live B living C live D lived A pleasant B pleasing C pleased D unpleasant A hope B hoping C hoped D hopeless A built B building C build D builds 10 A grow B grows C grew D growth VIII Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space Use only ONE word in each space (2.0 points) Our non-renewable energy sources such as coal, oil, and natural gas will (1) _ out in the future That's the (2) _ why we are looking for alternative sources of (3) _ which are cheap, clean and effective These (4) _ of energy will not cause (5) or waste natural resources (6) _ power is one of them It's currently the cheapest source of large-scale renewable energy Most wind energy is produced from turbines that have three 60-meter-long blades The wind spins the blades, which turn a shaft connected to a generator that produces (7) _ Now, mass production and technology advances are (8) _ turbines cheaper In 2000, cumulative wind capacity (9) _the world was 17,000 megawatts Fifteen years later, this number increased sharply to 430,000 megawatts It is predicted that with this pace of growth, (10) _ 2050 one third of the world's electricity needs will be fulfilled by wind power IX Read the passage, then circle A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (10 points) Each country has many good people who take care of others For example, some of students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages or homes for the elderly They read books to the people in these places, or they just visit them and play games with them or listen to their problems Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick or old They paint, clean up, or repair their houses, the shopping For boys who don’t have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers College students and other men take these boys to basketball games or on fishing trips and help them to get to know things those boys usually learn from their fathers Each city has a number of clubs where boys and girls can go and play games Some of these clubs show movies or hold short trip to the mountains, the beaches, museums, or other places of interest Most of these clubs use a lot of students as volunteers because they are young enough to understand the problems of younger boys and girls Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help to bring happiness to others What volunteers usually to help those who are sick or old in their homes? A They the shopping, and repair or clean up their house B They tell them stories and sing dance for them C They cool, sew, and wash their clothes D They take them to basketball games What they help boys whose fathers not live with them? A To learn things about their fathers B To get to know thing about their fathers C To get to know things that boys want from their fathers D To learn things that boys usually learn from their fathers Which activities are NOT available for the students at the clubs? A playing games B learning photography C going to interest places D watching films Why they use many students as volunteers? – Because _ A they can understand the problems of younger boys and girls B they have a lot of free time C they know how to the work D they are good at playing games and learning new things What volunteers believe? A In order to make others happy, they have got to be unhappy B The happiest people in the world are those who make themselves happy C The happiest people in the world are those who are young and healthy D Bringing happiness to others makes them the happiest people in the world SECTION 5: WRITING X Rewrite each of the following sentences in such a way that it means the same as the first one (1.0 point) We will solve the problem of energy shortage by using solar energy → The problem of energy shortage The lesson lasts for forty-five minutes → It is Because of the heavy rain, we couldn’t play the football match yesterday → Because _ Jenny is more hard-working than Jenifer → Jenifer doesn’t Nguyen Quang Hai is an excellent football player → Nguyen Quang Hai XI Complete sentences by using the words or phrases below, adding more words if necessary (1.0 point) Which/ activity/ use/ more/ calories/ walking/ or/ riding/ bicycle/?/ - _ You/ better / eat /too / candies /because /they / not good /your teeth /./ - _ Last year / brother/ work/ engineer / a printing factory /./ - _ many/ precious relic/ display/ Temple of Literature/ Hanoi - _ performance/ she/ give/ last night/ marvellous /./ - _ XII Write a paragraph (120-150 words) about what we should to save energy (2.0 points) (Do not show your name, your school’s name or your village’s name in the paragraph.) _The end _ ... the world is traffic jams A B C D Tom Hanks is one of the most famous and rich actors in Hollywood A B C D SECTION 4: READING VII Choose one suitable word (A/ B/ C or D) to complete the following... 60-meter-long blades The wind spins the blades, which turn a shaft connected to a generator that produces (7) _ Now, mass production and technology advances are (8) _ turbines cheaper In... number increased sharply to 430,000 megawatts It is predicted that with this pace of growth, (10) _ 2050 one third of the world''s electricity needs will be fulfilled by wind power IX Read

Ngày đăng: 25/02/2023, 12:18



