Microfibril-associatedglycoprotein-1bindingto tropoelastin
Multiple binding sites and the role of divalent cations
Adam W. Clarke and Anthony S. Weiss
School of Molecular and Microbial Biosciences, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
Microfibrils and elastin are major constituents of elastic
fibers, the assembly of which is dictated by multimolecular
interactions. Microfibril-associatedglycoprotein-1 (MAGP-
1) is a microfibrillar component that interacts with the sol-
uble e lastin precursor, tropoelastin. We describe here the
adaptation of a solid-phase binding assay that defines the
effect of divalent cations on the i nteractions between
MAGP-1 and tropoelastin. U sing this assay, a strong cal-
cium-dependent interaction was demonstrated, with a dis-
sociation constant of 2.8 ± 0.3 n
, which fits a single-site
binding model. Manganese a nd magnesium bestowed a
weaker association, and copper did not facilitate the protein
interactions. Three constructs spanning tropoelastin were
used to quantify their relative contributions to calcium-
dependent MAGP-1 binding. B inding to a construct span-
ning a region from t he N-terminus to domain 18 followed
a single-site binding model with a dissociation c onstant of
12.0 ± 2.2 n
, which contrasted with the complex bind ing
behavior observed for fragments s panning domains 17–27
and domain 27 t o the C-terminus. To further elucidate
binding sites around the kallikrein cleavage site of domains
25/26, MAGP-1 was p resented with constructs containing
C-terminal deletions within the region. Construct M1659,
which spans a r egion f rom t he N-terminus of tropoelastin to
domain 26, inclusive, bound MAGP-1 with a dissociation
constant of 9.7 ± 2.0 n
, which d ecreased to 4.9 ± 1.0 n
following the removal of domain 26 (M155n), thus dis-
playing only half the t otal capacity to bind MAGP-1. These
results demonstrate that MAGP-1 is capable of cumulative
binding to distinct regions on tropoelastin, with different
apparent dissociation constants and different amounts of
bound protein.
Keywords: MAGP-1; tropoelastin; dissociation constants;
calcium; elastin.
Elastic c onnective tissue has high resilience and plays an
important role in tissues such as lung, skin, ligament,
blood vessels, and cartilage, in particular because of the
presence of elastic fibers interwoven within a complex
extracellular m atrix. Elastic fibers comprise an amorphous
core of cross-linked elastin and microfibrils that contain
diverse macromolecules, including microfibril-associated
glycoprotein-1 ( MAGP-1) whose b iological role h as yet
to be elucidated [1,2]. As a microfibrillar component,
MAGP-1 is spatially located to specifically interact with
fibrillins and elastin [3]. MAGP-1 was first isolated from
nuchal ligaments under denaturing and reduced conditions
[4], and localized to beaded microfibrils [5]. Since its
discovery, there has been great e ffort to determine the role
played by MAGP-1 in elastic fiber assembly. M AGP-1
directly binds tropoelastin, the soluble precursor of elastin
[6]. Human tropoelastin (Fig. 1 ) c ontains two major types
of domains, namely (a) hydrophobic domains, rich in
nonpolar amino acids, usually found in repeat sequences,
and (b) hydrophilic domains, rich in Ala and Lys, which
are oxidized by lysyl oxidase as a prelude to forming
cross-linked i nsoluble e lastin. T he C-terminus of tropo-
elastin contributes to the binding of MAGP-1 to
tropoelastin [3,6].
The current studies provide an explanation for the
marked decrease in interaction when tropoelastin is cleaved
by plasma or pancreatic kallikrein into two fragments [7]
and simplify its reportedly complex interactions [8].
Furthermore, the current work explains the incomplete
blockage of MAGP-1 binding by an antibody targeted to
the C-terminus of tropoelastin [3].
When calcium is removed from isolated microfibrils,
gross morphological disruption occurs within the micro-
fibrils [9]. Calcium is v ital to the interactions of other
extracellular matrix proteins, such as the fibrillins [8–10]
and the fibulins [11,12]. However, prior to this study, no
work had been carried out into the effect of calcium on
the interaction of tropoelastin with other e xtracellular
matrix proteins. This study aims to identify, for the first
time, the need for specific divalent cations in the
interaction between MAGP-1 and tropoelastin. We
define dissociation constants for MAGP-1 to tropoelastin
in the presence of varying concentrations of divalent
metal ions, demonstrate a preference for calcium, and
discover that MAGP-1 binds to multiple regions on
Correspondence to A. Weiss, Scho ol of Molecular and Microbial
Biosciences G08, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia.
Fax: + 61 29351 3467, Tel.: + 61 29351 3434,
E-mail: a.weiss@mmb.usyd.edu.au
Abbreviations: MAGP-1, microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1.
(Received 5 April 2004, revised 19 M ay 2004,
accepted 7 June 2004)
Eur. J. Biochem. 271, 3085–3090 (2004) Ó FEBS 2004 doi:10.1111/j.1432-1033.2004.04246.x
Materials and methods
Human tropoelastin constructs
Full-length human tropoelastin (SHELD26A), which lacks
the region corresponding to exon 26A [13], SHELN-18,
SHEL17-27, and SHEL27-C were prepared as previously
described [8,14]. SHELN-18 spans the region of the
SHELD26A gene corresponding to exons 2–18. SHEL17-27
spans the region corresponding to exons 17–27, while
SHEL27-C spans the region corresponding to exon 27 to
the C-terminus. The tropoelastin construct, M155n, was
prepared as previously described [15] (Fig. 1). M1659 was
produced as a r esult of an i nsertion of a T in to the e lastin gene
at position 1659. It gives rise to a frameshift mutation,
leading to a truncated form of tropoelastin containing a 21
amino acid non-native peptide sequence at t he C-terminus.
All proteins w ere e xpressed r ecombinantly in Esche richia coli
BL21(DE3). The purity o f each c onstruct was examined
using SDS/PAGE (Fig. 2) and the concentration determined
using the bicinchoninic acid protein ass ay (Pierce).
Production and concentration determination of MAGP-1
MAGP-1 was purified to an extent that was previously
described [8], with BSA added to aid in the stability and
serve as a carrier du ring purification of MAGP-1. The
identity of the resultant MAGP-1 was confirmed u sing
Western blot methods, as described below. It was further
tested in ligand o verlay assays, as previously described, and
showed the same binding behaviour therein [ 8] (Fig. 3). The
concentration of MAGP-1 was determined using previously
described methods for small quantities of protein [16,17].
Western blots were performed using a T7 tag positive
control (Novagen) at a standard concentration of
2.5 lgÆmL
. Six different amounts of the T7 tag positive
control, along with MAGP-1, were loaded onto an SDS
polyacrylamide gel. After separation, a Western blot was
performed as described below. The resultant bands were
measured for intensity using
5.1 Software. A
standard curve was constructed using the T7 tag positive
control and the concentration o f M AGP-1 w as measured.
The process was repeat ed in duplicate a nd an average
concentration of MAGP-1 was determined.
Western blotting
Protein samples were first separated by SDS/PAGE [18].
Transfer to poly(vinylidene difluoride) was performed in
Fig. 2. Tropelastin constructs. SDS/PAGE sh owing t he protein profile
of tropoelastin constructs. The positions of the size marker proteins are
Fig. 3. Ligand overlay blot showing binding of MAGP-1 to tropoelastin.
Lane 1, tropoelastin run on SDS/PAGE. Fo llowing S DS/PAG E,
tropoelastin w as b lotted onto poly(vinylidene d ifluoride) for a ligand
overlay assay with M AGP-1 as the s oluble ligand. Lane 2, MAGP-1-
bound full-length tropoelastin. Size m arkers are i n kDa.
Fig. 1. Domain structure of tropoelastin constructs. The domain
structure of h uman t ropoelastin (SHELD26A) is compared with that
of constructs SHELN-18, SHEL17-27, SHEL27-C, M155n and
M1659. The dotted line r efers to the location of do main 26A which has
been om itted from full-length tropoelastin and S HEL 17-27. Tropo -
elastin i s produced naturally as a p reprot ein with a n N-terminal 26
amino acid s ignal peptide, w hich is then proteolytically removed. The
construct M1659 contains a non-native 21 amino acid C-terminal
extension, which arises through a frameshift mutation a t position 1659
in the elastin gene. The hydrophobic domains and lysyl oxidase
crosslinking reg ions are also highlighted.
3086 A. W. Clarke and A. S. Weiss (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
transfer buffer [12 m
Tris, 96 m
glycine, pH 8 .3, 20%
(v/v) methanol] using a H oefer Transblot apparatus (Hoefer,
Inc., San Francisco, CA, USA). Transfers w ere performed at
70 mA for 16 h at 4 °C. After the transfer, membranes were
blocked in 3% (w/v) n onfat milk powder i n TBST (50 m
Tris, pH 7 .4, 150 m
NaCl, 0.1% Tween-20) for 30 min,
and washed t hree times, for 10 min each wash, in TBST. The
membrane was then incubated with anti-T7 horseradish
peroxidase conjugate (EMD Biosciences, Inc., San Diego,
CA, USA) for 30 min. After washing th ree times, for 10 min
each wash, with TBST, the membrane was developed by
incubation in diaminobenzidine (100 m
Tris/HCl, pH 7.5,
with 4 m
diaminobenzidine, 1.7 m
, and 0.012%
until bands were clearly visible, then terminated by rinsing
the m embrane i n distilled water.
Solid-phase binding assays
Solid-phase binding assays with MAGP-1 were conducted
with recombinant t ropoelastin, MAGP-1, SHELN -18,
SHEL17-27, SHEL27-C, M1659 and M155n. The method
was a dapted from previous studies involving MAGP-1 a nd
tropoelastin [8]. For all assays involving tropoelastin or
tropoelastin derivatives, the tropoelastin, in NaCl/P
taining 2 m
EDTA, was added to wells of a microtitre
plate a t a concentration o f 1 0 lgÆmL
overnight at 4 °C. EDTA was included t o remove all traces
of divalent cations in the system. The wells were washed
twice w ith N aCl/P
+ EDTA, then blocked with 5 % (w/v)
skim milk powder in NaCl/P
+ E DTA at room tempera-
ture for 2 h. After thoroughly rinsing the w ells using NaCl/
+ EDTA, MAGP-1 was added to NaCl/P
0.1% (w/v) s kim milk and various concentrations of CaCl
or CuSO
(Table 1). To e xamine MAGP-1
binding totropoelastin in the absence of CaCl
was ad ded to the wells in the presence of 2 m
containing 0.1% (w/v) skim milk. MAGP-1 was
incubated with t ropoelastin for 3 h at 37 °C. Following this
step, the wells were thoroughly washed using NaCl/P
containing 0.1% (w/v) s kim milk/metal ions buffer. T7
antibody–horseradish peroxidase conjugate w as added a t a
ratio of 1 : 3000 in NaCl/P
containing 0.1% (w/v) skim
milk and metal ions, incubated at room temperature for
1.5 h then washed with NaCl/P
containing 0.1% (w/v) skim
milk and metal ions. C olor was developed using 1 mgÆmL
5-aminosalicylic acid (Sigma-Aldric h) in 20 m
buffer pH 7.0, containing 0.05% (v/v) H
, and measured
at 450 nm. This wavelength was chosen owing to the limited
spectral range of the machine (Bio-Rad M odel 450 Micro-
plate Reader; Bio-Rad). Negative controls for all assays
were performed using 10 lgÆmL
BSA instead of tropo-
elastin o r tropoelastin constructs. The dissociation constant
) was determined using nonlinear regressional analysis
v. 4.01), assuming s ingle-site binding
behavior. The linearity of response was confirmed by
separate assays (Biacore International AB, Sweden). Bold
curves indicate those data f or which nonlinear regression
analysis was performed. All assays were repeated in
MAGP-1 bindingtotropoelastin is dependent
on divalent cations
Solid-phase binding assays were used to determine the effect
of metal ions on the binding of MAGP-1 to tropoelastin.
Strong binding occurred in the presence of 1 m
with a k
of 2.8 ± 0.3 n
. This was followed by weaker
binding in the presence of 1 m
manganese (k
¼ 6.0 ±
0.6 n
magnesium (k
¼ 7.4±1.0n
(Table 1, Fig. 4). All three i ons showed binding in a
Table 1. Summary o f dissociation constants for MAGP-1 binding to
tropoelastin constructs. All values were determined from g raphical data
with an R
value ¼ 0.97. V alues represent the m ean ± SD of quad-
ruplicate experiments. No binding, no interaction was detected
between the construct and MAGP-1 at the given concentration.
Binding occurred, experiments at which an interaction was observed
but whe re no dissociation co nstant c ould be determined (see the text).
Construct Ion present
Tropoelastin Calcium (II) 1 2.8 ± 0.3
Tropoelastin Calcium (II) 0.5 Binding occurred
Tropoelastin Calcium (II) 0.1 No binding
Tropoelastin EDTA 2 No binding
Tropoelastin Manganese (II) 1 6.0 ± 0.6
Tropoelastin Magnesium (II) 1 7.4 ± 1.0
Tropoelastin Copper (II) 1 No binding
SHELN-18 Calcium (II) 1 12.0 ± 2.2
SHEL17-27 Calcium (II) 1 Binding occurred
SHEL27-C Calcium (II) 1 Binding occurred
M1659 Calcium (II) 1 4.9 ± 1.0
M155n Calcium (II) 1 9.7 ± 2.0
Fig. 4. Binding of so luble MAGP-1 totropoelastin in the pr e sence of
divalent cations. Tropoelastin was coated onto t he plastic surface of
multiwell plates at 1 0 lgÆmL
in the presence of 2 m
EDTA, and the
negative control was incubated with 10 lgÆmL
BSA in t he presence
of 2 m
EDTA. Incubation with MAGP-1 (0–35 n
at 37 °C i n the presence of 1 m
(j), 1 m
(r), 1 m
(m)and1 m
(.). Bound MAGP-1 was detected b y an
anti-T7 immunoglobulin. Binding of MAGP-1 to BSA was negligibl e
in the presence of all cations and has b een omitted from the results.
Results are sh own as the me an ± SD o f quadruplicate values.
Ó FEBS 2004 Multiple binding by MAGP-1 totropoelastin (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) 3087
dose-dependent and saturating m anner. In contrast, 1 m
copper inhibited binding between t he two p roteins. Further-
more, binding saturation decreased in the presence of
manganese and magnesium compared with c alcium.
MAGP-1 bindingtotropoelastin depends
on the calcium concentration
Tropoelastin showed strong binding in the presence of
calcium. In contrast, at concentrations of £ 0.5 m
calcium, both t he binding strength and saturation w ere
substantially reduced (Fig. 5). Calcium binding was oblit-
erated at or below concentrations of 0.1 m
was added, no binding was observed (Fig. 5).
MAGP-1 binds to multiple tropoelastin constructs
Three constructs were initially used with the aim of
identifying binding sites on t ropoelastin. SHELN-18 spans
a region from the N-terminus to domain 18, SHEL17-27
spans a region from domain 17 to domain 27, and SHEL27-
C spans a region from domain 27 to the C-terminus (Fig. 1 ).
All t hree co nstructs showed bindingto MAGP-1 at different
levels (Fig. 6); however, only S HELN-18 showed a b inding
profile that could be m odeled to single-site binding behavior
(Fig. 6 ). Using the binding curve, the k
for t he interact ion
of SHELN-18 and MAGP-1 was determined to be
12.0 ± 2.2 n
(Table 1). The binding s aturation o f
SHELN-18 w as significantly lower t han that of full-length
tropoelastin (Fig. 6). Binding of MAGP-1 occured to
constructs SHEL17-27 and SHEL27-C, which can be
observed b y c omparison t o t he b ack ground binding of
BSA. The constructs showed a binding saturation which
was markedly lower than that of tropoelastin (Fig. 6 ),
where no reliable m odel of binding behavior could be
modeled to t hese fragments, p resumably as a re sult of more
complex binding at weaker k
MAGP-1 binding is influenced by part of domain 26
MAGP-1 binding was examined using constructs M1659
(which comprises a region from the N-terminus to part of
domain 26) and M155n (which spans a region from the
N-terminus to domain 25) (Fig. 1). These displayed differ-
ent binding profiles to MAGP-1 (Fig. 7 ). The strongest
interactions o ccurred with M 1659 (k
¼ 4.9 ± 1.0 n
followed by bindingto M155n (k
¼ 9.7 ± 2.0 n
), with a
commensurate loss of approximately 50% of the bound
MAGP-1. This indicates the importance of either part of
domain 26 or an i ntact 25–26 junction. The o verall bi nding
intensities decreased with the increasing loss of the
C-terminus (tropoelastin > M1659 > M155n).
The binding profiles of tropoelastinto extracellular m atrix
proteins are l argely unknown [1]. Although some i nter-
actions between tropoelastin and MAGP-1 have been
documented [3], systematic analysis o f the number of
binding sites, their relative binding efficiencies and the
effects of divalent metal ions have not b een examined. The
current studies demonstrate a dependence o n divalent metal
ions and the involvement of multiple r egions of tropoelastin.
These data argue for a virtual coating of tropoelastin with
MAGP-1 across much of the molecule during elastic fiber
assembly [19].
Fig. 5. Binding of so luble MAGP-1 totropoelastin in the pr esen ce of
different concentrations of calcium. Tropoelastin was c oated on to the
plastic surface of multiwell plates at 1 0 lgÆmL
in the presence o f
EDTA, and the n egative control was incubated with 10 lgÆmL
BSA in the presence of 2 m
EDTA. Incubation with MAGP-1
(0–35 n
)wasperformedat37°C in the presence of 0.5 m
(m), 0.1 m
(.) and no CaCl
(2 m
EDTA) (j). Bound
MAGP-1 was detected by an antibody against T7. Binding of M AGP-
1 t o BSA was negligible in the p resence of all calcium concen tratio ns
and has been omitted from t he results. Results are expressed as the
mean ± SD o f q uadruplicate values. The B SA contr ol was ne gative
and has be en omitted for c larity.
Fig. 6. Binding o f soluble M AGP-1 to t he tropoelastin constructs
SHELN-18, SHEL17-27, and SHEL27-C. Tropoelastin constructs
were coated onto the plastic surface of multiwell plates at 10 lgÆmL
and the negative control was incubated with 10 lgÆmL
BSA. Incu-
bation with MAGP-1 (0–35 n
ence of 1 m
. Bound MAGP-1 was detected by an anti-T7
immunoglobulin . Binding of MAGP -1 to SHELN-18 (r), SHEL17-27
(d), SHEL27-C ( m), an d non specific b inding to BSA (.)wasmon-
itored by the c hange in a bsorbance at 450 nm . Results are s hown a s
the m ean ± SD of quadruplicate v alues. Curve to which nonlinear
regression analys is was p erformed is indicate d in b old.
3088 A. W. Clarke and A. S. Weiss (Eur. J. Biochem. 271) Ó FEBS 2004
The recombinant form of M AGP-1, used in the current
study, is functionally useful because it (a) displays stronger
binding totropoelastin than other forms of MAGP-1, ( b)
displays saturable b inding to defined regions on tropoelas-
tin, and (c) demonstrates an absolute requirement for
divalent cations.
Bovine MAGP-1 is normally extracted under extreme
conditions to remove it from tenacious tissues, after which i t
binds tropoelastin with a k
of 260 n
[20]. The value is
probably h igh a s a result of the harsh conditions (including
reductive saline t reatment) under which native bovine
MAGP-1 is extracted, leading t o a less function al protein.
Recombinant MAGP-1, from a novel mammalian e pisomal
expression system, gave a k
which a pproaches our value o f 2.8 ± 0.3 n
binant form of MAGP-1 is remarkably stable and displays
saturable, reversible binding t o tropoelastin. The s trong k
may arise owing to a number of factors, such as (a) the
increased solubility of t his form of MAGP-1 and (b) careful
control over the concentrations of divalent cations in the
No other comparable study has examined the need for
divalent cations. In this study, four divalent cations were
tested. Calcium enabled the tightest binding between
MAGP-1 and tropoelastin. Oth er divalent cations facilita-
ted d ifferent binding profiles between the two proteins,
Accordingly, calcium p lays a dominant role in defin ing
interactions at the binding sites of these two proteins.
Previous studies indicated that binding occurred between
the two proteins in a c ation-independent manner [3,6].
Without taking any measures t o reduce free cations in
solution, it is probable t hat the use of s kim milk as a
blocking reagent in previous studies may account for the
presence of contaminating c ations that could contribute to
binding. Although cations must have been present in
previous studies, they were present in insufficient a mounts
to produce a strong interaction, thus explaining the
differences in k
values obtained in this work compared
with those of p revious studies. H ere, the u se of a m etal ion
chelator in the blocking reagents eliminated the possibility
that contaminating cations were present i n the system,
and ensured that the interactions observed were a direct
response to those cations present in the buffer. A direct
calcium-dependence was observed between tropoelastin
and MAGP-1, and compares with a requirement for
calcium in the binding of MAGP-1 to fibrillin-1 [8] a nd of
fibrillin-1 totropoelastin [19].
Most studies of binding with MAGP-1 have concentrated
on the C-terminus of tropoelastin as the major bindin g site.
An antibody targeted to the C-terminus only partly
inhibited binding by MAGP-1 [3]. The current studies
explain these data by showing that binding occurs to at least
a single site between domains 2 and 18. In the regions
spanning domain 17 to the C-terminus, m ultiple binding
occurs in a complex manner that is not easily defined.
It was disc overed t hat t ropoelastin digested w ith kallik-
rein was unable to bind to MAGP-1 [8]. The kallikrein
digest site occurs at the junction of domains 25 and 26.
MAGP-1 to tropoelastin. We i nvestigated this region using
mutated derivatives of tropoelastin. M1659 contains the
major p art of domain 26, whereas M155n ends at domain
25 prior to domain 26. The results confirm that this part
of domain 26 is important. M1659 showed a strong bind-
ing affinity, whereas M155n exhibited a weaker binding
efficiency. Although M1659 contains a non-native
C-terminal region, the effect of which is unknown, these
two fragments otherwise differ b y the p resence/absence of
domain 26. As shown by these s tudies, t he region probably
contains a binding site for MAGP-1. One of these bin ding
sites is located at the junction of domains 25 and 26, while
another is in the first 36 residues of domain 26. Our data
present a complex binding stoichiometry f or M AGP-1 that
involves multiple binding sites and differing affinities
dominated by these two regions. Binding was confirmed
by Biacore to be reversible (data not shown). The presence
of multiple binding sites reveals that tropoelastin can
present alternative binding regions to MAGP-1 during
elastogenesis and presumably in the elastic fiber, and b inds
multiple copies of MAGP-1 based on th e stoichiometry o f
available sites.
The re search w as supported by g rants to A.S.W. f rom the Australian
Research Council. A .W.C. is a recipient of an A ustralian P ostgraduate
Research Award.
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. in quadruplicate. Results MAGP-1 binding to tropoelastin is dependent on divalent cations Solid-phase binding assays were used to determine the effect of metal ions on the binding of MAGP-1 to tropoelastin. Strong binding. present Concentration (m M ) k D (n M ) Tropoelastin Calcium (II) 1 2.8 ± 0.3 Tropoelastin Calcium (II) 0.5 Binding occurred Tropoelastin Calcium (II) 0.1 No binding Tropoelastin EDTA 2 No binding Tropoelastin Manganese. Microfibril-associated glycoprotein-1 binding to tropoelastin Multiple binding sites and the role of divalent cations Adam W. Clarke