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Skkn using mind map to better grade 11 students presentation skills in speaking lessons

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I INTRODUCTION: .1 The reason to choose the theme The purpose of choosing the theme Object of the research Methods of the research .2 II.CONTENTS: …2 Theoretical bases: .2 Practical bases: .….2 a Toward teachers: .…2 b Toward students: .…3 Solution: … … * Preparation: … a Toward students: .…… b Toward teacher: .… * How to draw a mind map…………………………………………… …….4 * Samples of mind map………………………………………………….… *Procedure: … ….….7 a Some activities applying mind map…………………………… …….… b Using mind map to teaching and learning in some speaking lessons…… Effects of application: … 15 III CONCLUSION: …15 skkn I INTRODUCTION The reason to choose the theme English is an extremely important tool in modern social life Moreover, it is also a tool to facilitate integration with the international and regional community It helps us to access international information about science and technology, cultural, medical, industrial and agricultural education which is changing every hour It also helps us to access advanced cultures as well as important international events Therefore, studying English as a foreign language is an indispensable basic culture in the educational program Currently studying English asks students to develop all skills of listening - speaking reading - writing It is the fact that speaking, as well as presenting skill, is an important language skill, however, the teaching and learning English speaking are far from satisfactory, so some suggestions for teacher and students to improve presenting skill by using mind map are given It is shown that students have made higher gains in presentation The result was recognized by post-task questionnaires done by both students and teachers The improvements are also seen in the class observation collections which were recorded and then tape-scripted Mind- mapping has been considered an effective tool for both students and teachers in learning and teaching presenting skill From the fact that, I have researched and applied the theme “Using Mind map to better grade 11 student’s presentation skills in speaking lessons” with the purpose of improving the presentation skill in English speaking class for grade 11 students in high school This is the main reason that I choose this theme The purpose of choosing the theme The importance of English in communication is increasingly emphasized while in speaking lessons, the students are afraid of speaking, they find difficult to express their ideas, discuss and exchange their thoughts with their friends Especially when being asked to make a speech or a presentation, they often feel confusing as they don’t know how to organize and present their ideas although the ability to present is clearly valuable at every stage of students’ lives Meanwhile presentation tasks, in which students are required to present their ideas is an important part in an English speaking class at high school That is the reason why tasks aiming to develop presenting skill for students are designed in all 16 speaking lessons textbook in Tieng Anh 11 Presenting tasks often introduced in the post-speaking stages where free or less control tasks are offered Actually, speaking lessons cause many difficulties to both teachers and learners, presenting skill is even much more difficult to achieve due to a shortages of teaching and learning tools skkn Mind map which was invented by Tony Buzan is now widely applied in many fields, including teaching and learning language It may help students to take note, learn vocabulary, review the lessons, and logically organize ideas….Being aware of the advantages of this tool for students to prepare a presentation, or a speed, I choose the theme with the hope to supply a useful tool to teachers and students Object of the research - Students from class 11 H, 11C school year: 2019 - 2020 Methods of the research - Get experience from colleagues through their teaching - Search information to the website, articles or reference books - Using methods of observing, evaluating, comparing and synthesizing the situation and learning results of students after the periods using mind maps II CONTENTS Theoretical bases Mind mapping is a way of linking key concepts using images, lines and links A central concept is linked via lines to other concepts which in turn are linked with other associated ideas It is similar as a technique to concept mapping and spider diagrams, the difference being that true mind mapping involves constructing a hierarchy of ideas instead of pure random association Mind mapping uses the concept of "radiant thinking" – that is, thoughts radiate out from a single idea, often expressed as an image Branches flow backwards and forwards from and to the central idea According to Tony Buzan, a “Mind Map” is an associative network of images and words which “harnesses the full range of cortical skills: word, image, number, logic, rhythm, colour and spatial awareness in a single, uniquely powerful technique”.(Buzan & Buzan 1996, p.81) Present, as generally defined in Advanced Learner’s Dictionary by Jonathan Crowther (1995, p.912), is to show and to explain the content of a topic to an audience or to audiences to make a presentation, students need not only grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation but also the knowledge about the topics and the way to organize ideas, the way to make it coherent, logic… Thus in learning and teaching process learners and teachers should involve in appropriate activities and apply tool for the presentation task Mind map, a tool including brainstorming, summarizing, or to sort out a complicated idea, can be useful to teaching and learning presenting skill (Source: tulieu.violet.vn) Practical bases a Toward teacher: According to the traditional method, in speaking tasks, the teacher asks students to practice a dialogue in pairs or gives students a topic to discuss in groups by completing information in handouts But there is a fact that students only focus skkn on writing to complete information as suggestion, which is really timeconsuming and not practise speaking at all Since students not practice speaking, the teacher's lesson does not reach the aims of developing speaking skills as well as presentation skills for students b Toward students: Many students find speaking in front of an audience difficult, often because they not have access to pattern of literate talk Trapped in spontaneous spoken language pattern, their vocabulary is limited and speech is fragmented, incoherent and lacking in organization These problems make students feel bored with speaking lesson in class Solution Like other diagramming tools, mind map can be used to generate, visualize, structure and classify ideas, and as an aid to studying and organizing information, solving problems, making decisions and writing.Moreover, Mind map focuses on images, colors, using a net of associating It has some good points that makes the speaking lesson interesting and effective: - Being logic and clear - Being intuitive, easy to look, understand and remember - Being able to have both an overview and detail - Attracting students’ attentions - Stimulate students’ creation - Helping user systematizing and reviewing knowledge - Helping presenters organize ideas To use mind map in teaching and learning, students, first of all, need to get to know mind map, its roles, and necessary in their learning and then students themselves know how to design a mind map and use it effectively * Preparation: a Toward students: - Students are expected to prepare necessary equipment for drawing mind map (A4, A3 or take use the back of pictures, photos, Tet calendar; pencil, color pen, ruler guys, ) They also can draw ideas at home before class b Toward teacher: - Prepare lesson content so that it is the most logical - Requires students to prepare the necessary equipment for class with mind map (A4, A3 or take use the back of pictures, photos, Tet calendar; pencils, crayons, rulers, ) - Prepare some sample mind maps on software and show them to students skkn * How to draw a mind map Buzan (1996) suggests the following guidelines for creating mind maps: Start in the center with an image of the topic, using at least colors Use images, symbols, codes, and dimensions throughout your mind map Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters Each word/image is best alone and sitting on its own line The lines should be connected, starting from the central image The central lines are thicker, organic and thinner as they radiate out from the centre Make the lines the same length as the word/image they support Use multiple colors throughout the mind map, for visual stimulation and also to encode or group Develop your own personal style of mind mapping * Samples of mind map: Sample 1: skkn Sample 2: Sample 3: Sample 4: skkn Sample 5: (Source: tulieu.violet.vn) * Procedures: skkn a Some activities in applying Mind map I have applied mind map in teaching speaking for 11th graders in my school as follow: Activity 1: Student establishes a mind map in groups or individuals with suggestions of teacher Activity 2: Students or representatives of groups report or present with the mind map that they have set up Activity 3: Students discuss, modify and edit to complete the information in the mind map Teacher will be a mentor, a referee to help students complete it, thereby leading to lesson knowledge Activity 4: Teacher gives consolidation the knowledge in a mind map that teacher prepared or that the whole class participated in completing it, ask students to present and explain that knowledge In presentation, mind map help students to organize their thinking into right and clear categories in order to express their idea logically Mind map also helps presenters to have both holistic and detailed look on their topic As it communicated a great deal of information very quickly and very visually, Mind map not only always supplies the information to the speakers in a logical order and help presenters show all the ideas they have intended but also helps them to feel more self-confident as they are presenting without or less anxiety and the fear of forgetting information and the order of the opinions to present b Using mind map to teaching and learning in some speaking lessons Mind map can be applied effectively in teaching and learning Students learn more actively and creatively with mind map.I have designed some mind maps for some speaking lessons that I find most relevant I have designed them based on the content of English 11 textbooks by using iMindmap, Edraw Max, Mindmaster software or drawing by hand Here are some typical examples of using mind map in speaking lessons that I have successfully applied in my high school Unit 1: FRIENDSHIP B SPEAKING Content: Describing physical characteristics and personalities of a person Time: mins Activities: Pre-speaking or Consolidation Aim: The Mind map helps students to grasp some vocabularies related to the topic and know how to describe a person they see in the picture or anyone that they have met or known Mind map skkn Mind map skkn Unit 3: A PARTY B SPEAKING Content: Talk about party and how to plan a party Time: mins Activities: Pre-speaking or post-speaking Aim: This Mind map provides an overview of a party The teachers helps students make a list of information to talk about the party that they have been to or the plan for the party Mind map Mind map skkn Unit 4: VOLUNTEER WORK B SPEAKING Content: Volunteer work Time: mins Activities: Pre-speaking or While - speaking Aim: This Mind map helps students to grasp specific actions of each kind of volunteer work suggested in textbooks, so students can practice the dialogue (task 2.p50) easily and report task effectively Mind map Unit 7: WORK POPULATION B SPEAKING Content: Overpopulation’s problems and solutions Time: mins Activities: Pre-speaking or post-speaking Aim: This Mind map provides students with the necessary vocabularies or phrases related to the topic to understand the content of the the lesson, so they can present the task 4(p83) fluently 10 skkn Mind map Unit 15 : SPACE CONQUEST B SPEAKING Content: Important events in space exploration Time: mins Activities: Pre-speaking or While - speaking Aim: This Mind map provides brief information and true imagines of some famous persons t exploring space This makes students interested in the space field and makes it easy to grasp and remember historical events Mind map 11 skkn Below are some using mind map activities performed by students in the class - Nga Son high school Students work in groups Students present their ideas 12 skkn Some students’ products: Mind map describing person’s physical characteristics Unit 1-Friendship (grade 11) - by students class 11H Mind map presents festivals Unit - Celebrations (grade 11) by students class 11C 13 skkn Mind map states the negative impacts made by people on the environment and suggested measures to protect it Unit 10: Nature in danger (grade 11) by students class 11C Mind map about The Great Pyramid of Giza- Unit 16- The wonders of the world (Grade 11) by student class 11H 14 skkn Effects of application: The results reveal that the application of mind map presenting lessons can bring about desirable benefits to both teachers and students One of the most important finding is that with mind map students are motivated and feel easier to carry out presenting task in speaking classes The result from class observation show that in speaking lessons in which mind map is applied, students feel reluctant to present in front of class Many students now volunteer to present By applying mind map to teaching for students in Nga Son high school, I have got some achievements as follows: - During activities, students are more willing to participate in group works - Students are excited in speaking lessons - Students are more confident on their presentation - It takes short time to prepare so students have more time to practices speaking as well as presenting - Students develop extra skills: draw a mind map, logical thinking The result in detail: The result of two tests made before (the st ) and after (the 2nd ) the application from class: 11H and 11C I have taught Below Average Good Excellent Tests Total average students (%) students (%) students (%) students (%) 11H: 40 12 68 20 1st 11C: 40 20 60 20 11H: 40 45 40 2nd 11C: 40 25 40 30 III CONCLUSION In conclusion, it can be asserted that mind map is an useful tool teaching and learning presenting skill Thank to using mind - mapping that many teachers prefer teaching speaking as well as presenting, students are not seemingly reluctant to present These are the small experiences that I have picked up in the classroom teaching English 11 in my school, of course I can not avoid certain shortcomings I hope I can build up ideas and learn more experiences of colleagues to complete my theme I would like to thank The confirmation of the principle Thanh Hoa, July 5th, 2020 I promise not to have copied Signature Le Thi Bon 15 skkn REFERENCES The English text book- grade 10,11,12- Education and training publisher Teaching method by mind map book Buzan & Buzan.(1996) The mind map book Brown, G & Yele, G.(1983) Teaching the spoken language Tran Dinh Chau(2012) Đổi mới phương pháp dạy học và sáng tạo với bản đồ tư duy, Ha noi: Nxb Giáo dục Tran Anh Phuong (2014).Using mind map to improve 10th graders’ presentation skill in speaking class.Unpublished MA thesis Vinh university Website: Google.com.vn Soft ware: Imindmap, Edraw max, Mindmaster 16 skkn SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM NGÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN, TỈNH VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Lê Thị Bốn Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên trường THPT Nga Sơn TT 1 Tên đề tài SKKN Cấp đánh giá xếp loại (Ngành GD cấp huyện/tỉnh; Tỉnh ) Strategies for writing a paragraph under time pressure on national secondary education examination Cấp Tỉnh Kết đánh giá xếp loại (A, B, C) C Năm học đánh giá xếp loại 2015-2016 17 skkn ... forgetting information and the order of the opinions to present b Using mind map to teaching and learning in some speaking lessons Mind map can be applied effectively in teaching and learning Students. .. Procedures: skkn a Some activities in applying Mind map I have applied mind map in teaching speaking for 11th graders in my school as follow: Activity 1: Student establishes a mind map in groups or individuals... or known Mind map skkn Mind map skkn Unit 3: A PARTY B SPEAKING Content: Talk about party and how to plan a party Time: mins Activities: Pre -speaking or post -speaking Aim: This Mind map provides

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