TUBERCULOSIS Selected Internet Resources Compiled and Edited by: Noel González Gotera ( Armando Acosta Domínguez ( María Elena Sarmiento García-San Miguel ( Vicepresidency of Research Finlay Institute, La Habana, Cuba Havana City, December, 2005 La presente obra es una compilación y selección, abarcadora pero no exhaustiva, de sitios web sobre tuberculosis, ordenados alfabéticamente y provistos de sus vínculos (links) a los respectivos sitios en Internet. Esperamos que la misma resulte útil a los interesados en informaciones relacionadas con esta temática. Sobre la presente edición: Finlay Ediciones, 2005 ISBN: 959-7076-12-8 Finlay Ediciones Ave. 212 No. 3112 e/ 31 y 37, La Coronela, La Lisa, Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba 1 Five thousand people die from tuberculosis every day, although the disease is both preventable and curable. Clearly, we must work harder if we are to achieve, by 2015, the Millennium Development Goal of halting and beginning to reverse the spread of TB as one of the world’s major diseases. Thanks to a massive scale-up of the DOTS strategy for TB control recommended by the World Health Organization, with 17 million persons treat - ed in nine years, our prospects for reaching the goal have improved greatly. WHO reports that eight in 10 patients are successfully treated under DOTS programmes, and that 45 per cent of infectious patients were treated in 2003 up from 28 per cent in 2000. But huge obstacles remain, particu - larly in Africa in the form of weak health systems, a depleted health workforce, and an HIV/AIDS epidemic that is driving TB. As Nelson Mandela said, “We cannot win the battle against AIDS if we do not also fight TB. TB is too often a death sen - tence for people with AIDS.” I urge African leaders to make the fight against both diseases a priority. The Stop TB Partnership, with its 350 partner governments and organizations, is making a difference by forging consensus on strategies, coordinated responses, mechanisms for quality drug supply, and action for new diagnostics, drugs and vac - cines. Governments, bilateral agencies, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Ma - laria, and the World Bank are providing more resources. Still, to achieve worldwide impact, more is needed. And we must provide greater support for the increasingly wide range of caregivers who help find people ill with TB and assist them with treat - ment. These providers include not just public health doctors and nurses, but also community leaders, former patients, women’s groups, and many others. Such broad mobilization is our strongest weapon in the fight against the dis - ease. On this world TB Day, let us rededicate ourselves to that mission. Kofi A. Annan THE UN SECRETARY-GENERAL KOFI A. ANNAN Message on World TB Day, 24 March 2005. 2 INTRODUCTION According to a relatively recent study conducted by TeleGeography, global Internet traffic was set to increased by 67% during 2003 (Primetrica Inc., August 2003) and had been identified over 43 millions current registered domains (Cyveillance, May 2, 2003). Internet activity is alive and thriving outside of the World Wide Web´s 6 billion pages or more, to include over 65 000 news groups (Cyveillance, May 12, 2003). The analysis of domain found a total of 19, 4 million live and 4, 3 million parked. Approximately 2, 5 million of the live domains contain more than 50 pages of con - tent (Cyveillance, Breakdown of Registered Domains, March 2003). According to statistics valids to July 10, 2000, the number of unique pages on Internet was 2,1 billions and the amount of unique pages added per day reached the amazing figure of 7,3 million (Cyveillance, Sizing the Internet, July, 2000). Besides “vast expanses of the Web are completely invisible (deep web and invis - ible web) to general-purpose search engines such as Altavista, HotBot, Yahoo, and Google. Even worse, this “Invisible Web” ïs in all likelihood growing significantly faster than the visible Web that you´re familiar with. It´s not that the search engines and Web directories are stupid oven badly engineered. Rather, they simply can´t see millions of high-quality resources that are available exclusively on the Invisible Web” (The Invisible Web, Chris Sherman and Gary Price, ISBN 091096551X, 2001). An study reveals that the Internet searchers interested on the health topics find what they want in a 48% (mostly) and 28% (always), according to Pew Internet Project, September 2002 Survey. Health searches and e-mail have become more commonplace, but there is room for improvement in searches and overall Internet access. Half of American adults have searched online for health information. Fully 80% of adult Internet users, or about 93 millions Americans, have searched for at least one of 16 major health top - ics on line (63% for specific diseases or medical problems). This makes the act of looking for health or medical information one of the most popular activities online, 3 after e-mail (93%) and researching a product or service before buying (83%). (Inter- net Health and Resources, Pew Internet & American Life Project, Susannah Fox and Deborah Fallows, 16 July, 2003). There are so many ways to access health information on the web and such a broad selection of content that the search process can seem overwhelming. How - ever, searching for health information is easy if you know where to start. The follow - ing selected tuberculosis Web sites and links list (comprehensive but not exhaustive) offer some suggestions. We hope that you may find it useful when looking specifi - cally for tuberculosis information on Internet. THE AUTHORS La Habana, Cuba, May 2005. 4 TUBERCULOSIS SELECTED WEB SITES AND LINKS (in alphabetical order) 1. ABC de la Tuberculosis - UITB - Unidad de investigación en Informacion sobre tuber- culosis, tratamientos, prevencion, vacunas, lineas y proyectos de investigacion, documentos, casos clinicos, novedades, congresos, 2. About Tuberculosis… Public information on the biology of tuberculosis from the Cana- dian Lung Association… 3. Action TB… 4. Aeras Global TB Vaccine Foundation… 5. Airborne Disease Weekly 6. A laymans guide to tuberculosis, atypical tuberculosis and Offers A to Z of Tubercu- losis and includes general, mental health and medication side effects issues. Includes support and message board chat room. 7., The Medical Literature Guide… 8. American Lung Association… The American Lung Association® (ALA) was founded in 1904 to combat tuberculosis. Today this organization fights all forms of lung with special emphasis on asthma, tobacco control and environmental health. The ALA has worked to increase federal funding for tuberculosis research and control… eases/lungtb.html 9. American Lung Association Tuberculosis Information (on PBS)… 10. American Thoracic Society… The American Thoracic Society [ATS] is an independently incorporated, international, educational and scientific society which focuses on respiratory and critical care medicine. ATS was once called the American Sanatorium Association. It main- tains a focus on medical aspects of tuberculosis, whereas the parent organization, American Lung Association, concentrates on public health issues. Information links on tuberculosis at this site can identified after using the “search” button… 11. Ask NOAH About: Tuberculosis Preguntale a NOAH Sobre la Tuberculosis Informa- tion in English and in Spanish presented by the New York Online Access to Health (NOAH) project. 5 12. Atlanta Tuberculosis Prevention Coalition… Our Mission Collaborating Agencies Proj- ects Screening Education Computerized TB registry Personnel Publications Training Funding Other TB related Sites TB & Medicaid General TB information Georgia TB reference guide 13. ATS Journals Online Official Journals of the American Thoracic Society, Stanford University Libraries’ HighWire Press® assists in the publication of ATS Journals Online www.ats- 14. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation … Grant-making foundation supports initiatives in education, world health and population, and community giving in the Pacific Northwest… 15. Books on Tuberculosis at… Find “Genetics and tuberculosis” (Novartis Foundation Symposium) and more at Read reviews, buy new and used titles 16. Brown University TB-HIV Research Laboratory… Lab/ 17. BUBL LINK: Tuberculosis… BUBL LINK Catalogue of Internet Resources. Tuberculosis. Titles. Descriptions. American Lung Association: Diseases A to Z cancer, tuberculosis, em- physema Internet resources relevant to the respiratory system. Author: OMNI, Nottingham University. Subjects: asthma, lung cancer, lungs, pneumonia, tuberculosis tuberculosis.htm 18. California Tuberculosis Controllers Association… 19. Canada’s Role in Fighthing Tuberculosis - About Tuberculosis… Public information on the biology of tuberculosis from the Canadian Lung Association. What is tuberculosis and how is it spread? This resource explains the biology of tuberculosis and the way in which we deal with it… 20. Case Western Reserve University Tuberculosis Research Unit and HIVNET Projects … 21. CBC News - Tuberculosis: Anatomy of A Killer… Includes facts, videos, reports, and links on Tuberculosis. Ever heard of White Plague? What about Pott’s disease? Lupus Vulgaris? King’s evil? No? Okay then, surely you’ve heard of Consumption. All of these diseases are actually the same disease, better known today as Tuberculosis or TB for short… http://cbc. ca/news/indepth/background/tb.html CBC News - Includes facts, videos, reports, and links on Tuberculosis… 22. CDC Division of Tuberculosis Elimination… News, reports, guidelines, and educational materials for health professionals… 23. CDC National Prevention Information Network (NPIN) –TB Resources … 24. Center for Pulmonary and Infectious Disease Control – University of Texas Health Cen- ter at Tyler 25. Charles P. Felton National Tuberculosis… The goal is to meet the challenge of TB in Har- lem by providing innovative prevention, treatment, and training programs to members com- munity and healthcare providers serving the community… 6 26. Clinician’s Handbook of Preventive Services (TB Section)… 27. Community Awareness Program for Tuberculosis Education from the Wetmore TB Foundation… 28. Community Health and Anti -Tuberculosis… Charity organisation supporting preven- tion, treatment and research into respiratory disease both internationally and in Australia… 29. Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis: What the Clinician Should Know This is the 4th edi- tion (2000) of this textbook from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control’s Division of Tuberculosis Elimination. A note on the site states that “The Internet (HTML) version of the Core Curriculum on Tuberculosis is updated periodically. Therefore, the Internet version may differ from the print version.” 30. Cure-TB (US-Mexico Referral Program) (Exit DHFS) 31. Danida Assisted Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme… Provides informa- tion about the organization, initiatives, publications, a resource directory as well as the details about the disease itself. Our goal is o bring down the incidence of TB in India to levels where it will no longer be a public health problem… 32. DANTB - Danida Assisted Revised National Tuberculosis Control Information about the organization, initiatives, publications, a resource directory as well as the details about the disease itself. 33. DEVELOPMENT OF VACCINES FOR BOVINE TUBERCULOSIS: REPORT OF THE ISG File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat a large number of local sites to have a significant impact on TB in opportunities to identify tuberculosis vaccines that are more effective than www.defra. 34. Division of Tuberculosis Elimination - Institute of Medicine (IOM regimens would have the greatest impact on the TB problem in the near term. for Tuberculosis Vaccine De- velopment.39 The strategy should specify goal3.htm 35. 36. Draft Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Health-Care Settings, 2005 available for public comment. 37. Duke Funding Alert: October 10, 2003 e-mail address or telephone number); and 3) one common Web site for all Federal applications for Tuberculosis Vaccine Testing Re- search Materials.…http:// ttp:// getRec?id=20031006a8 38. EQUI-TB Knowledge Programme… Details the international research program into pro-poor strategies in tackling Tuberculosis… 39. eMedicine Health - Tuberculosis Consumer health resource center providing informa- tion on the causes, symptoms, and treatment of TB. cles/17621-1.asp 7 40. Emerging Infectious Diseases 41. Escuela Centro de Tuberculosis de New Jersey Nacional Médico … 42. Eugene Bell Foundation… Since 1997, Eugene Bell has concentrated on delivering tuberculosis assistance in the form of medication, equipment, and supplies to all of North Korea’s thirteen TB hospitals and sixty-three TB care centers… english/index.htm 43. EuroTB… 44. External Tuberculosis Resources… External Tuberculosis Resources. This is a list of other web sites that have information about tuberculosis. The resources have been categorized by the 45. FAQ about BCG … Frequently asked questions about the BCG immunisation - a review article. 46. FindArticles search for “”BCG vaccine””… search?tb=art&qt 47. Florida Department of Health (select “Tuberculosis” in the “Subject Choices” box)… 48. Francis J. Curry National Tuberculosis Center… 49. FREE Internet Encyclopedia - MacroReference … MacroReference. Free Internet Ency- clopedia. Copyright © 2004 by Clifton Davis. Reproduction in whole or part of this arrange- ment of links only with permission. American Lung Association: TB FAQ. People’s Plague: Tuberculosis in America (PBS special)(c 50. GFATM (PAHO/AMRO) resource page for Latin America and the Caribbean … 51. Glaxo Wellcome and Healthcare - Global yssey/tuberc/tuberc3.html 52. Global Alliance for TB Drug Development… Seeks to develop and ensure equitable ac- cess to new tuberculosis drugs. Features organization information, disease information, new drug development, and news… 53. Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria (GFATM)… 54. Hardin MD : Tuberculosis … From the University of Iowa, the *best* lists of Internet sources in tuberculosis.\md/tuberculosis.html 55. Health and Development Initiative… 56. healthfinder® - your free guide to reliable health information… AIDS alt med cancer diabetes food safety Medicare tobacco more . . . the latest government health news health media online special events calendars prevention and self-care choosing quality care online health information fraud and 57. Health Communication Partnership Tuberculosis … Related Internet Sites. CDC Divi- sion of Tuberculosis Elimination Education and Training Resources Web Site. Tuberculosis 8 International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease ics/tuberculosis.php 58. How to obtain Surveillance of Drug Resistance in Tuberculosis Software from the Inter- net … How to obtain Surveillance of Drug Resistance in. Tuberculosis (SDRTB3) Software from the Internet. Download and install the software. Before downloading the software, please read all three steps in the instructions. 59. Huff & Puff Victoria - Lung Disease Links Australian respiratory support group with international links to lung disease, medical sites, hospitals and respiratory support groups. 60. Imperial College School of Medicine at St.Mary’s Medical Microbiology… 61. Infectious Disease Society of America… IDSA is a medical society representing more than 5,500 physicians and scientists devoted to patient care, education, research, and com- munity health planning in the area of infectious diseases. IDSA members care for many of the patients with tuberculosis (TB) in the United States. This site summarizes ISDA activities related to tuberculosis… 62. Initiative for Vaccine Research File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat Advisory Committee on new tuberculosis vaccines (TBVAC) information and knowledge management for vaccine R&D: websites, 63. Institute for Tuberculosis Research - Dedicated to the discovery and development of new effective, low-cost, therapeutics for the treatment of tuberculosis. Includes description of research projects, facilities, and methods, and welcomes donations to sponsor drug dis- covery. 64. International Union Against TB and Lung Disease… 65. IUATLD Secretariat’s Tuberculosis Division … 66. Japan Anti-TB Association … Services include information about the disease itself, referrals to doctors and hospitals, plus its treatment and medical expenses. 67. Johns Hopkins Center For Tuberculosis Research… Features research, epidemiology, treatment, drug information, forum, news, articles, and resources… http://www.hopkins- 68. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - Fulltext Journal of Oc- cupational & Environmental Medicine 69. Journal of Thoracic Imaging - Fulltext: Volume 18(1) January 2003 Www.thoracici- jti/ 70. KNCV (The Royal Netherlands TB Association)… KNCV Tuberculosefonds … Informatie over tuberculose. Wat het is, wat de symptomen zijn, hoe tuberculose wordt behandeld en begeleid, of het te genezen is, of het besmettelijk is. 71. Korean National Tuberculosis Association (KNTA)… Works with the government in treatment, health worker training and public education on TB, and conducts various technical and educational projects. [...]... Materials Tuberculosis. net strives to provide information about tuberculosis to the public and health-care community http:/ /tuberculosis. net/ 195 Tuberculosis. Net Forum Resources for tuberculosis education, including a TB forum, images, FAQs http:/ /tuberculosis. net 196 Tuberculosis, New York Online Access to Health (NOAH) 197 Tuberculosis News - - Latest news stories on the disease 198 Tuberculosis, ... 208 Tuberculosis (TB) 209 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis and Public Health for Health Care Professionals Reviews on issues in tuberculosis, applied epidemiology, and courses An afliation of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 210 Tuberculosis, The Luxembourg Health Server SANTEL 211 Tuberculosis - - News on tuberculosis [RSS] 212 Tuberculosis - Tuberculosis. .. Research Unit, Case Western Reserve University 204 Tuberculosis Resources Columbia University`s website with information about tuberculosis, TB testing and treatment Spanish and English resources/ tbcpp 205 Tuberculosis Resources - Information about tuberculosis Up-to-date information about tuberculosis written by the Bureau of Tuberculosis Control of the New York City Department... Organization) declared tuberculosis a global emergency Tuberculosis (TB) is responsible for the deaths of more youths and adults /tuberculosis/ 190 Tuberculosis Information and Site Hosting - Web Hosting - Internet Store and Ecommerce Solution Provider - High Speed Internet Popular Searches: Tuberculosis Information htm 191 Tuberculosis- Informaciún Bỏsica... 192 Tuberculosis Information Management System (TIMS) 193 Tuberculosis - Information / Diagnosis / Treatment / Prevention The Complete Guide to Health Care Resources on the Internet Search millions of published articles for news on Tuberculosis The HighBeam_ Research newspaper and magazine archive /mycobacterial /tuberculosis. html 194 Tuberculosis. net - THE Source for Tuberculosis. .. 148 TB Research at Case Western Reserve University 149 TB Resources on the Internet Text-Only Site State Directory Agencies A-Z About Advanced Help Tuberculosis Control About Us Contact Us Tuberculosis Control Fact Sheets Guidelines 150 TB Weekly, a tuberculosis news weekly 151 - A graphics only site of x-rays and... 187 Tuberculosis 188 Tuberculosis in Children - Keep Kids Healthy Tuberculosis information and answers to common questions about TB in children, including the difference between tuberculosis infection and disease, infectionsguide /tuberculosis. html 15 189 Tuberculosis - Index- Pulmonology In 1993, WHO (the... Tuberculosis & Respiratory Diseasesases About the institute, its objectives, functions, and activities 82 LSUMC Wetmore Foundation Tuberculosis Education 82 MedHist: The gateway to Internet resources for the History of Medicine The gateway to Internet resources for the History of Medicine Top>Diseases >Tuberculosis Tuberculosis Association for the Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. .. Airborne Disease Weekly - A weekly publication with searchable ar- chives 14 171 Tuberculosis and HIV, HIVemir (HIV: An Electronic Media Information Review) 172 Tuberculosis and HIV, Project Inform Hotline 173 Tuberculosis and Related Infections Unit 174 Tuberculosis and Related Infectious Disease - Watson W Wise Tuberculosis Sites (Univ of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey); Tuberculosis & HIV (The... 218 Tuberculosis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia culosis 219 Tuberculosis workplace standards related to TB from the U.S Occupational Safety and Health 220 www .tuberculosis. ru/ 221 Understand and Fight Tuberculosis - Information for health care professionals From the Tuberculosis Division of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung . Hosting - Web Hosting - Internet Store and Ecommerce Solution Provider - High Speed Internet. Popular Searches: Tuberculosis Informa- tion 191. Tuberculosis- Información. resources/ tbcpp 205. Tuberculosis Resources - Information about tuberculosis Up-to-date information about tuberculosis written by the Bureau of Tuberculosis Control of the New York City Depart- ment of. Materials… Tuberculosis. net strives to provide information about tuberculosis to the public and health-care community… http:/ /tuberculosis. net/ 195. Tuberculosis. Net Forum… Resources for tuberculosis