Grammar Friends giới thiệu hình thức, cách sử dụng và ý nghĩa theo cách mà ngay cả những người mới bắt đầu học cũng có thể hiểu và ghi nhớ. Bộ sách được viết để hỗ trợ giáo trình Family and Friends nhưng là phần bổ sung lý tưởng cho bất kỳ khóa học tiếng Anh tổng quát tiểu học nào. Có rất nhiều hoạt động được kiểm soát để giúp trẻ cải thiện ngữ pháp viết và các hoạt động tương tác thú vị trên Trang web Grammar Friends Student để thực sự khuyến khích trẻ tự học.
F[onnigon Elleen Fg ft|em*r OXTORD TINIVERSITY PRBSS OX-FORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford oxz 6op Oxford University Pressis a department ofthe University ofOxford It furthe$ the University's objective ofexcellence in research,scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in Oxford NewYork Auckland Cape Town Dar es Salaam Hong Kong Karachi Kuala Lumpur Madrid Melbourne Mexico City Nairobi NewDelhi Shanghai Taipei Toronto With offices in Argentina Austria Brazil Chile CzechRepublic France Greece Guatemala Hungary ltaly Japan Poland Portugal Singapore South Korea Switzerland Thailand Thrkey Llkraine Vietnam oxFoRD and oxrono ENGr,rsHare registered trade marks of Oxford University Pressin the UK and in certain other countries @Oxford University Press 2o1o The moral rights ofthe author have been asserted Database right Oxford University Press(maker) First published zoro zOU 2Oa3 20L2 zot't zOtO 1098 No unauthorized photocopying All rights reserved No part ofthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing ofOxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agteed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the ELTRights Deparment, Oxford University Press,at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or cover and you must impose this same condition on any acquirer Any websites referred to in this publication are in the public domain and their addressesare provided by Odord University Pressfor information only Oxford University Pressdisclains any responsibility for the content rsBN: 928 o 19 478oo56 (Student'sBook) rsBN: 928o 19478or79 (Pack) Printed in China ACK N OWLEDGEMENTS lllustratim by: Stephen Elford md Andrew Hemessey c@r imge: Stephen Elford Ths tublidffi wouu ahol*2 tDthan*thcfilNfngfor tfuirkindpmlsintorefrodwe phatigrapls and othtr cowightffirerial: Almy pp.12 (Ozimges/gaUery), 15 Uchem Wijnmds/?icture Contact/paraglidiag, Steppenwolf/yacht,Jane Shauck Photogxaphy/Olly), 22 (BarryLewis/ choir), 35 (girl ballmnisvjetrGrenb€rg), 40(H Mark Weidman Photogaphy/mixing chcolate, DarirJenkiru/chtrolate moulds), 44 (Hm4uenther Oed/Vuio images/ 54 (Collen Miniuk-Sperry/compass on map], cu factory, Colin Underhi[/hsporter), 60 (Skyscm Photolibrary/Stonehenge aerial), 68 (vm hilveNuldcmGs), 78 (Anthony Kaynigbvplue taking off, Tatim Gribmova/Ntr York from air), 82 (Chtrles Willim Lupicaltheme park): Getty lmages pp.12 (Christoph Wilhehlfui/aftist), 15 (Cuie), 88 (Smi STkis/Photogapher's Choice/surfing, Picturegildenfhe Image Bmk/boy); Otrord UniveEity Presspp.12 (girl), 16 (climbing, Tony), 22 (boy playing guitar), 35 (hot air ball@m), 40 (conveyorb€lt, child), 54, (compass,orientees) 60 (stoneh€ngemain), 66 (postcsd sceDe),78 {girl and air hostess),88 (beach); Photolibrary p.82 (Chad Ehle$[,lordic Photos/rcller cmterl, Confenfs StarterAfierthe holidagsThepresent simpleondcontinuous Thepostsimpteondcontinuous Postforms I Fir stp r ize ! Begoingto ondwi[[ Thepresent continuous withfuturemeoning Wil.Lwe hoveong homework? FirstconditionoI Second conditionoI L4 A cetebrotion just,getondbefore Thepresentperfectwith since, for,olreodg, ThepostsimpleondpresentperJect 20 ReviewI 26 M okin go m od el Thepresentperfectcontinuous 30 M o kin gthin g s (t): present Thepossive simpleondpostsimple (2):present Thepossive continuous 36 (3):future Thepossive (4):presentperfect Thepossive 42 G o o di de o s Review2 48 Discoverg pronouns Relotive ondwhere 52 A specioIploce Thepostperfect(1):offirmotive Thepostperfect(2):negotiveondquestions 58 ThirdconditionoI ModoIverbs 64 ActiveLiving Review3 10 Trovel 1l lournegto spoce G o in gp toce s 70 (1):stotements Reported speech pronouns Reflexive 74 Reported speech(2):questions (3):commonds Reported speech ondrequests 80 Wish togs Question 86 Review4 Grommorreference 92 Irregu[or verbs 96 The presentsimpleand continuous; the past simpleand continuous Past forms After fhe holidnys €re{ { G o -1-r what didyoudo in thesummerholidays? uy familyalwaysgoesto thebeachon wewent snorkelling holiday.Thissummer, Wow!that sounds amazinglt'm goingto thebeachattheweekend You'llhavea greattime atthe besch.Oneday,I was swimming whent saw a turtle!lt was beautiful! p*fhe present simpleondpresent t continuous We usethe presentsimpteto tolk obouthobits ondthingsthot oreolwogstrue.We usethe present continuous to totk oboutwhot we ore doingnow Bobbgalwaysplagsin the schoolfootballteam Iulia's listeningto hernewMP3player Thepostsimpleondpostcontinuous We usethe postsimpleto tolk oboutcompleted octionsin the post.We usethe postcontinuous to totk obouton octionthot went onfor sometime Weoften usethe postcontinuous to describe whensomething thingsthot werehoppening elsehoppened Postcontinuous Postsimple Ryonwosswimming whenhe sowa turtle 3, Circlethe correctonswers 't Coro'sin the kitchen sf,l.ti.-U"iiiy bokeso cokeforMum'sbirthdog nothingto seehereof the moment Whotdo goutoke/ oreUoutokingo photoof?There's Vi s i t o russ u o [[g co me/ o reu su o tl gcom ingto seethe doLphins plogs/ ls ptogingtennisonTuesdogs HelenoLwogs It doesn'tsnow/isn't snowingof the moment I'm not coming/ don'tcomerightnow,but I'[[ seegouLoter MgfomiLgrecactes rubbishevergweek /'s recAcling orestoging/ stoywith usof the moment Ourcousins Peggyleoves/'s leovingschootrightnow Storter Complete the conversotions Usethe presentsimpleor presentcontinuous ondthe verbsin the box hove Josk troin notknow notfeel wanf' meet r mum to b u go p re se n tfomg Y e s He t tr lamie thisevening I o mi e ?I t o b e o n o t h L e t eo f t h e m o m e n t 90u o s t o m o c ho c h e ? Writesentences ondquestions Usethe presentsimpleor presentcontinuous M u m / olwo g s/ shop/ ot the morket I / oct/i n the p Log/ ot the moment lud go n dT i n o/ d o/o j i g so w/ o t th e mo ment T h o l o g e /r n evefr sco re / o n gg o o [s S id n e /g d o h i sh o me w o rk / ri g h tn o w Whg/ Kim/tough / now? Thebogs/ plogfootbo[L/ rightnow Whot/ tooLs/ we /ofien / needT Storter Writesentences Usethe postsimpleondthe postcontinuous Firstoction s".onJo.iion we / sit down i when/ the pLog/ stort z | / c h o o s e /o b ro ce te tfo rMu m when/ Mum / comeinto/the shop Louise / toLk/ to Am_g when/ the bus/ orrive When/ Horriet/ Lookfor/ someptosters she/find / herwotch I l ' Theteom/ troin when/Ted/ hove/ on occident il.; somestones / JrrLL theruins t *" twotk/ oround l i Theoctor/ perform / onstoge when/ thedirector / stort/ to Lough W h e n/ r / c o rrg /so meb o ttl e s the corrierbog/breok when / theg/ shop it / stort/ to roin I W e w e r e s ittrn cd o '.r '.r1 e ":i\ e plou stor ted - Complete the conversotion Usethe presentsimpte,the presentcontinuous, the postsimpleor the postcontinuousof the verbsin brockets Lewis Bil,tg HeL[o, It'sgoodto seegoubockof school I t heord (heor) oboutgouroccident lewis Yes,it mountoin w h e nI (cl.imb) up o a Bil.t g O h l T o mmg so i dg o u ' (fol.l.)over o rock (hove)the occident whengou1 (woLk) u po h i L L LewisWet[,it woso vergbig hil.l.! I1 t (get)betternow.I [.g - proctice Bil,l,gSeegouinJootbol.L soon,then! Storter just ofterthe occident, (notcon)wotkot ol.L but mg (do)exercises evergdog I Requlorverbs t- ThepostsimpLeformof regutorverbsisthe some osfor the postporticipLe Weodd -d or -edto the boseform.Wheno verbendsin consonont + -9,we chonge-g to -ithen odd-ed.Wheno verbcontoinsoneshortvowelond endsin o consonont, we doublethe consonont tl- t Irregu[or verbs Thepostsimpleformof irregulorverbsisofien difJerentfrom Wehoveto the postporticipLe remember LookottheListof irregulorforms irregutorverbs on poge96 Comptete the toble of regulorond irregulorverbs Boseform Postsimple Postporticiple moke I m ode see sow fLs mode peeI send peeted sent put show showed enter entered 10 L -: - Complete the conversotion Usethe postsimpleor the postporticipleof the verbsin the box spend finishH work be wont see go t Suz g H o v eg o u -d p n e o n g th i n gi n te resting r ecentlg? Hele n Y e s , I ' v2e q u i teb u sgOn S otur dog, I3 She'd1 Suzg I've6 Helen BethondI1 - theJiLmbefore,but she' to the cinemowith Beth to seeit ogoin.Howoboutgou? the lostfew dogsdoingthot projectfor schoolnextweek 8togetheron ours,soit's now Suz g L u c k g o u ! Storter $ns€ ps-*m*F Be going to and will The presentcontinuouswith futuremeaning ART COMPETITION PRIZE FIRST RYAN 0v cRsst Goodwork,Ryan!They'regoingto putyourpaintingin theart gallery Yourmumanddad will besoproud!=i-:::.r:r:::i': :j - -:' h wiu, i\I e" goingto T Weusebegoingto + boseformto tolk obout plonsonddecisions we modeeorlier We'regoingto seea play thisevening ! We usewitl or won't pLusboseformto totk oboutinstontdecisions or offers Weotsousebegoingto + boseformto moke o prediction bosedon o situotionthot is h o p p e n i nngo w Look!Leo'sgoingto win the race! It's roining.I'Il takean umbrello Weolsousewi[[ or won't + boseformto moke predictions I'll be thirteennext year I won't befamous whenI grow up Co m p t e t et h e s e n te n ce s U se'|'[o r w o n' t It beo lovetgdogtomorrow I t o L dSu z gt o g e tso meb i scu i ts, b u tI'm sur eshe Jor get wotchit onthe Inter net T h em o t c hi sn 'to nT V We I n 0t,h e re b eo n gco rsonthe r oods M u m ' sg o to h e o d o ch e I - - mokehero cupof teo - sheoLwogs does findo goodpresent s n g i n gIt p roboblg T h ep h o n e 'ri beJorm e Em i Lg I J i t k e e p sr o i n i n gw, e Unit1 hovefootbolLproctice Loter I look of the chort.Writepredictionstfoittr wiLl.or won't.Useongin the negotivesentences troffic in the streets x trofficin the skg / corS x electronic tibrories ,/ flgingcors poperbook ,/ x electronic bookshops ,/ PoPermoneg pot[ution x x Complete the sentences Usewill, '[] or won'tondo wordfromthe box 'n#h*n*-ru We '[[ wrlte Fiono Tom'svergshg.He It'ssunng.I Detectives Rob I'm eteven thisgeor.I Dod'sosleep.I o lettertothenevwpoperobouttheschool.p[og to useherdod'scomputer mg birthdogsq)n.I'm vergexcited in the on umbre[o with metowork the monsoon somecokeforgou hisroomthismorning He'[[doit thisofiernoon twelvethis geor with hirnloter footboLL Compl.ete the reportedcommondsond requests Useoskedor to[d 'Pteose onswerthe phone,Emitg.' I - - q sk e d E mi l g to o n sw eth r e p h o n e 'Don'trun inside.' Mu m u sn o tto ru ni n side 'Don'tforgetgourkegs.' M r sC h o p m o n MrsHunter= - Cortoto tokethe doghome 'Pteosedon't mokeong breokfost.' I - hernotto mokeong breokfost 'Congouoskgourteocheroboutthe schooltrip?' h e rh u sbond not to forgethiskegs M um Henr gto os s teocheroboutthe schooItrip 'Pleose congoulendme gourMP3pLoger?' Fre d- 'Tokethe dog home,Corlo.' - F ro n ktol e n dh i mhis MP3pl.oger 'Congoutetl Ericmg newoddress, p[eose?' George meto tel.l.Erichis newoddress look of the pictures.Completethe sentences Usedirectspeechond reportedspeechcommonds ondthe verbsfrom the box bW Comebock Look Don'tuse wosh Don'ttoke Don't go neartheroad M u mtold Rob rrct to go neqr the roqd tr LucAtold hersister atthe spottscar! Erict o l d Si d n e g t o L dF in Dinner'snearlyready.Jack, yourhands Jock's mumtotd him Thecomics haven'tarrived later Themontold Henrg UnitL1 Comptetethe toble Listener Directspeech Speoker WiLLgoutoke usto the cof6? Mol.L!ond M um Hotl.g C o ng o ub r i n gi n th e p l e o se ? s h o p p i n g, Henry's mu m Congoushowmethe photos Theo goutook? Tongo Pleose don'tto[k obout o[[ evening footboLL Ioson Congouhelpme lookformg Grondpo g[osses? Iomie Congouturn upthe TV? ol.Lg Doro Dod Reportedspeech Mottyand HottgoskedMum to toke themto the coJ6 Henr g Congou pteosegetthe books MrsFisher Ethon from the cupboord? Mrs Congouget me o glossof Gro ndmo AImond woter,pleose? Completethe toble Directspeech Finishyour homeworkquicktg L u c g Listener Reportedspeech me LucatoLdmetofinishmg homeworkquickLg I oskedCoroto choosethe winner Theteocheroskedthe clossto [istencorefuLLg WeoskedLewisto the shopping Mum told me not toforget to bug the opp[es told usto eotthe Grondmo sondwiches for our Iunch Mum oskedMol.l.g to onswerthe phone Mum ond Dodtol.dthe children to switchoffthe TV s Speoker Unit 11 I Comptete with reportedspeech the sentences Ne d M r N oshw , h o tco ng o use e ? Mr Nosh I conseethe Eorthond Lotsof stors W h o td o g o uL i keb e sto b o u tb eingin spoce? Ne d Mr Nosh I tovethe peoceondquiet,but notthefood Ned Howold weregouwhengoudecided to become on ostronout? closs M r N o s h I w o s1 2g e o rso l d o n dI w o si n o phgsics Ned I wontto beon ostronout too! M r N o s h W o r kh o rdi n sch o ool n dg o umightbeon ostr onout onedog! Ne d W h e nw i L Lg o uo rri veb o cko n Eor th? M r N o s h I ' mf l g i n gb o ckto E o rthn e xtWednesdog N e d o ske d M r \.,is' ' - M r No sh Ned M r No sh N ed Mr No sh N ed Mr No sh N ed trii 'i { : c Mr No sh Unit11 soingplsnes E Wish Questiontags Beth Wecanflyt Martin t wish we couldcomehereeveryday! Maddy lwish t couldfly Rysn Youcanl - G@ thot wewoutdLiketo bedifferent XFW"usewish+ postsimpleto totkoboutsituotions Wish I Foct Wedon't live by the sea I wish we lived by the sea It rainsall the time in thiscountry Mum wishesit didn't rain all the time in thiscountry Weconolsousewish+ could+ boseJorm Foct Wish I can'tplay the guitar I wishI couldplag the guitar Usethe post simpleond the verbsin brockets Completethe sentences I G e m m ow i sh e sh e rfo mi L g A Lotof peoplewishLife I w i s hw e I w i s ho u rc o u si n s I wishpeople Bi[Lw g i s h e sh e I w i s ht h i sj e w e l l e rg Wewishourteom 86 Unit12 h o -c i ( hove) oboot (be)Less busg (kn o wh) o wto pLogthisgom e (Live) closer (notthrow)titterevergwhere (co n)pointlikePoppg ( notbe)soexpensive (notLose) everumotch ,J'J'J I To.Theo From Billg i Subject:Mg holidog Hi Theo Whoto greotholidog!lt wos o fontosticcompsite,wosn't it? And rtwos so neorthe beoch I don t thrnkI ve everswumso much We spento lot of time swimmingin the seo,didn't we? We olso sow Lotsof excitingp[ocesond took iotsof photos Soms got someomozing photos He soid he d sendrne some He ooesr t love gouremoiL it to hrm if gou v,,ont oddress,does he? I'LLgive I hoveto go now os I hoveto studufor o testot'so shomeholidogsdon t lostforeverisn't it? Writeto me soon! Bittg togsoreshortquestions thot we useof the endof o stotement We usequestion Question t o g st o s o g' I st ho t ri g h t?o' r'D og o uo g ree?' It's cold,isn't it? with question Weform sentences togslikethis: offirmotivestotement+ negotive tog negotive stotement+ offirmotive tog Youcan swim,can't gou? Youcan'tswim,cangou? Weolwogsuseo pronounin the question tog, not o nomeor o noun.Withthe verbsbe, con,ondwi[[ we repeotthe verb She'sverytall, isn'tshe? Youcan'tswim,canyou? Mum will go shoppingtoday,won't she? With mostotherverbs,we usedo,don't,did,didn'tin the question tog Youlive nearhere,don't you? D o th e g o sk'Is th ot r ight?'( R)or ' Do gou ogr ee'( A) ?W r ite R or A Re o dt h e q u e sti o n s You'rF e r e n cho,re n 'tg o u ? I t ' sw o r mt o g i, sn 'ti t? T h i sf o o di s n 'tve rgsp i cAi s, i t? Y o u ro u n th o b o b gL o stg e o r,d i d n 'tshe? O s c ocr o n ' ts w i m,co nh e ? L L tchi sn 'tve rgi n te re sting, T h i s f o o t b o mo is it? T h eb u s e d s on 'tsto ph e red, oth e g ? T h e f i l mw o smo d ei n H u n g o rgw, o sn' tit? 88 Unit12 Circlethe correctonswers I It'sverghottoaog,@/ ir itl Youdid gourhomework, didn'tgou/did gou? Iomie's/isn't o vergcleverbog,isn'the? Yourdodworksverghord,doeshe/ doesn'the? lt's Iudg'sfirst dog of schooltodog,isn'tit / wosit? Grondmoond Grondpoolwogsgivegou presents, oren'ttheg/don't theg? We hod/didn't hoveo goodhoLidog, did we? Thefootbo[[motchwos/wosn't vergexciting, wosn'tit? MoLl.g conpoint beoutifuLpictures,con'tf couldshe? 10 Wew o n ' t/ ' [ h oveti meto g o sh o p p i n gwi[[ , we? Motch 1-8 with o-h J - Thereoren'tmongpeoplehere, Thot'so newprinter, a didn'tyou? b didn'ttheg? H e i db i o u g h ot n e wp o i ro f tro i n e rs c did gou? Iomiedoesn'tlivein Coiro, d oren'ttheg? Youdidn'tbringo coot, e isn'tit? PoU.g ondSidnegoretovelg, f Evergone orrivedon time, g doeshe? _ YouhodJunof the portg, orethere? h didn,tshe? Completethe sentences.Usethe words from the box to moke questiontogs did fiertf I didn't doesn't om wosn't wosn't y O u ' rn e e wh e r e,_ Ore n 't - g Ou ? Theroodwosvergsmooth, it? RoblikesIndionfood, he? Kotiedidn'tco[[, she? Tobgwosgiveno newcomputer, he? G ro n d m o n dGro n d p d o o n 'tg o o n h o l i dog ever ggeor , Youbookedthe cinemotickets, I'm not [ote, theg? gou? I? Unit12 t9 Usequestiontogs Completethe conversotion Iomie Wedon't hoveong plonsfortodog,l we Mox gotothe pork? ? Shol.l.we Yes,[et'sdothot.OurfriendswiU.wontto come,1 Iomie Yes.Chortieond Fredoreof homewith their mum ond dod,1 Mox's exomistomorrow,l studging ? He'sprobobl.g Iomie Freddoesn'tLikestogingof homeonsunngdogs,5?5oLetloskhim ?It'so nicedogtodog, hereof the moment,l YourcousinMondg's Yes, we'[[oskFred Iomie Yes,she! hereuntil nextweek.We'[[oskhertoo.It'L[beo greotdog,1 Mox Usequestiontogs Writesentences ftl be/sunng ltodog You/ not see/ o shootingstor/ Lostnight An d g / n o t be /ve rg to [[ We/conI pickltheseflowers Bil.l.g / Lose/ his new comero/ gesterdog A^g I notcotl/ eorlier Theg/ not be/ Lotefor school/ gesterdog Helen/ Likeeoting/ fish I / con/ useI the computer/ ofter gou ptoger/notwork 10 TheCD * Complete the sentences Usequestiontogs No,our hotelwasn'tvery comfortable Thiscameraisyours, Yes,it's mine No,you didn't talk in yoursleep! Yes,they start nextweek Review4 I U n i t s1 - Lookof the pictures.Write reportedstotements I'm goingto become a doctor t reallylikewatchingcartoons rheyhaven'tchosen Billyfor theteam Y=J Z I'm siftingin theparkwithTommy we aren'tgoingoutside if it rains Et h o no n dl o s p e r Mo x tr E Mumand Dadwenttothe theatrefor Mum'sbirthday Chor tie Usereflexivepronouns Completethe sentences I modethis mode[ol.Lbg m!sq$- M u m s o g sw e c o ng oto th e p o rkb g Henrg,whengoufett,did gouhurt - - - ? - - off oLLthe time It switches I thinkthe printeris broken BobondC[orechosethis present this meoI Poppucooked look of the toble.Write reportedquestions.Useoskedond o questionword Directspeech Speoker Listener W h e r e 'tsh e s h o p p i n g ? Mum Edword Whoconmokethe bestcoke? Kotie Lindo WheredoesOscor[ive? Dod George Whgdo birdssing? Ioson Kotie I Whendoesthe postmonusuollgorrive? Corlo Grondpo Whottime is it? M um Iomie W h i c hb o o k d i dg o ure o d ? M um lulio t I , llllre UouLote? the shopp-!.nqwqs, Mum qskedEdwardrrv[ele Review4 18 Usewishond o verbfrom the box Completethe sentences Iil-cmsvrm- theg/ not live we / not hoveto she/ speok I / hove it / notroin there/ be she/ go I lovetheseo.I - wsh I coutdsWlnU- better to the zoomoreofien Clo r el i k e so n i mo l s.S h e somuchin thiscountrg lt's beenroiningsincelost week!We soforowog We We'reLooking forwordto seeingour cousins I moremonegto bug musicwith I go to schoottomorrow We We lovefootbol.l I She Corriereoltg[ikeslonguoges ofootbol.l.pitchin ourtown French fl.uentl.g Write sentences with questiontogs gou/ b e / Eg g p ti o n Yo u r e Eq , "p ti - - F- thot /be / o vergbigsmoothie Iomie/ not Like/ rockcl.imbing it / b e / h o t / g e ste rd o g we / not hove/ muchLuggoge G e m m oo n dEr i c/ co nsp e o k/Ge rmo n people/ not write / letters/ vergoften gou/ not oct / in the ploV/ lost geor Review4 Grsmmorreference ) I r r e g u L avre rb s Bos ef o r n i be become b re o k brin g b u i[ d b u rn burg b uu cotch c hoo s e c ome cost c ut dreo m drin k drive eot feed feeL find fts get give 90 9row hove heor h ide h it hoLd h u rt keep know Leorn Leove Lie L ight Lose moke Pcst simpLe wos/were become broke b r o u gh t buil.t burnt buried b o u gh t cought c h o se come cost cut did dreomt dronk drove ote Jed fel.t found fl.ew got 9ove went 9rew hod heord hid hit heLd hurt kept knew [eornt teft tou t it Iost mode Grommorreference F o stp a rti c ipLe been become broken brought buil.t b u rn t b u ri e d bought co u g h t chosen come cost cut done dreomt d ru n k driven eoten fed feLt found flown got given been grown hod heord hidden hit he[d h u rt kept known leornt Left [o i n Lit [ost mo d e (;rnnl p R rr