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7 family and friends 6 workbook hh

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family and friends 6 workbook hoàn toàn có thể đáp ứng nhu cầu học tập của các em nhỏ để dần tiếp thu và phát triển kỹ năng một cách tích cực trong việc học Tiếng Anh. Sách được tác giả biên soạn vô cùng tỉ mỉ và khoa học với đầy đủ các kiến thức căn bản, phù hợp với độ tuổi về tiếng Anh.Cuốn sách giúp các em hoàn thiện dần dần từ cái cơ bản nhất đến những mẫu câu phức tạp hơn, để từ đó giúp các em cách sử dụng từ ngữ để tạo thành câu đơn giản. Đây là một giải pháp tốt giúp các em bước đầu tiếp cận với tiếng Anh một cách hiệu quả hơn.

Write the n omes , In is the DSC Club leo~r ond he is ' 's brother He welcomes everyone back to the club • Is Ed's sister ' ore her coos'os ond' There i~ Il new penllfl irl the g roup His rlIlme is' and he i1 from CO!'lllda The childrerl snowTom wme photos of the thi rlgs thot t!Mo DSD Club did last year de old ~tumes (I play in his cor, Ihtr was mop ofllw: countly in lhe children's I lm!" co psule to T/I(' chlldJen did a tot of woO: ot 11'1(> Jiver betou~ it was very cleon, A man Jelt oft hiS hOl'~ and th(' children hel~ him Tht mon WO\ (I fNllly good pigrl(l player Jlm IIwltrd tl'l(> chlldrrm la wotch film, • M swer theqlJe$t ions Wnefe did Kol~ ond fd 1)0 on hotldo ,:! l wtWl hod holldol) ill FHlf'I(('! Whot does '\bP' 'n('(Inl Who i~ thl.' I1~W rrlC'mberof the DSC Club) S Wh('r~ Lkw, T'II1> com~ from! WI",I 'I'Oft doe~ Tom pIll"? S Complete Tom', emaiL , I ~(lr - ~,.~-­ J :k HDW , t, , H I", , I~I'It- fomous impou ibLe meet woLLs drow lIbrory , I w(ml ellCh ~fOUP to " (I mllrtli on one of "" , , " know i Wdmn Animull Uf'! V " " J (11 1.1:1'\ the lomorrow, · ·~nt to do' 7- tl" , I , , Mohh the 5~tences to the pictures , Rrod and circle, , hu l.h il drcn to , tiecln up the dub w(HlI ~ It", b paint pKturel , p(l! llllh ~ I ko ll' do{'~n'l orl , , IoI.>.or4 ~he d~n't , l'ke It",,!! 011' ve, YdijfICul1 to draw olhDrn~ b olthe l'l"u ' ll ulll"-,,,,h tl09~ Of mop~ , M., t~m, The four childrer! ore 9airl(j n~ t , , l10ve to pomt unomuh \:>e(ause th "'l or{'n'! b 11 lllO< >l the bus arrive)" lily asked a man , you (pl) they themselves I Reported speech: commands and req,uests ~ I I F ~ He told us to sit down "Don't stand up !" The "Please help me." He a sked me to help him "Please don't move." I They me not to up asked us not to move Write the commands and requests in reported speech "Stop that noisel " the teacher said to the class The teacher totd the dass to stop that noL!.E' "Please close the window," the teacher a sked lay la "Don't fo rget your book, Polly !" said Annie "Plea se turn down the TV," said my mum l • Unit 12 wish 01 jj'fj;f I wish I could sing (she can't sing) She wishes she was taller (she isn't tall) They wish it wasn't raining (it is (aining) Complete the sentences I wish I (not be) afraid of spiders (hove) bike I wish I l I wish you (co n) stay longer (not be) so hot toda y I wish it Question tags Brad is t he winner, isn't he ? Brad isn 't the win ner, is he ? You can speak French, can't you ? You can't speak French, you ? You Live in New York, don't you? You don't live in New York, you ? Write the question togs , These pictures Look great You don't eat meat, l Mia can ~ki, , I' )se boys aren't from our school, , , O,ommo, T,m, ~ These dictionary pages ore for the words in Lessons and x vehicle noun a cor, truck, etc thot dfi~ over difficuLt Land, fOI ell:omple on rocks, sand or te.ph ,~ A accent noun way of pron.)uncing Llat is connected With y< I come fro 11 accept verb If you a(Cept th It u 19r~ It IS OK acceptabLe adj I yau think acceptabLe, !.jou agree achieve verb flO achievement noun nq HJ Clffl 'If' adventure noun lr f'lI:< adventurous odj II :llfflCU t 1I love 1turous • t arrangement noun something that you have pLanned to with someone beam noun line o[ tight art gaUery noun building where 40U go to look ot paintings and other art artefact noun an object that was made by person advise verb , t • h t L ajvlse 01 ~ u OT! rk h e l '" attach verb to send a file or photo logeth 'r with an email board game noun a gam h ploy on flat surface word' etc pri" available adj If )arne hing ~ available it tl ere and be 'd, borrow verb If!.j< mE'thtng from oldU'n awful adj broke noun one Ih or e th.t II I )w ,r pit yb d background noun agreement n01l11 " th ~ Jar! f J " C lk lmething, or )r~ad cokt's, in th n bakery noun a ,hop wh 'H' bre ld lad, an ,Ld balance noun' Iblltty p bank noun nJ ~ bravery noun barge noun breakable ad] breakabLe brick noun amazing om ent tyr t d] bright ad] bug noun la] , " y , b borrow "fl {' Je I:, , t II 10 break verb (pt brakl p b If >omething breaks t -f' {]lId J! alone u1] altogethE'f adv ::le: brave noun A brave mttlg a bting afraid , a mp[ h , believe verb I[ you believe something you think it I~ tru binocuLars noun on object tha !.j0ll hoLd in [rant o[ your e"le to se things for away astronaut noun person that traveLs in space bake verb agree verb believable odj If somethin~ IS believable you think it couLd be true bilingual odj abLe to ;peak wo Languages perfectly B advisabLe ad} basebaU noun a sport where yo hit a ball with a bat then run around diamond shope basic odj not very comfortabLe, with only the necessary thing1 LIlt 10 th!lg that 011 arrange verb If you arrange to something, you make pLans with someone to it artist noun person who paints picture~, makes sculptures, etc ~h 11 appear verb If something appears, you suddenLy see it • bug noun on insect buiLd verb (Pt buiLt pp built) to make ~ )mething by putting a Lot oJ 1get ler buiLder noun persOI, who makes ld ther Juitdings bumpyadj inguponddJwn: bunch noun grOJP c"bJI anos t· p o)Le 0-'0 ac IVitll buy verb lJ )ought pp bought) have )meth,ng by prep cx1 c cartridge noun] co a n r 01 f r rln inQ , '" caught pp I

Ngày đăng: 13/02/2023, 14:29

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